Lane filtering/splitting coming to an intersection near you in 201..........
Yep all I can see is what you've all said, $$$$ from motorcyclist who are splitting outside of the area permitted.
Who'd ever think we could catch up with the Mexicans, who lane split and can safely park their bikes on the foot path in a sensible manner.
There's a good message in there, but it's not one which needs to be heard by this demographic. I've lived in each eastern seaboard capital, and the single most valid reason for not having lane filtering in Sydney (just sydney, and not the rest of nsw mind you) is because the drivers of cars do not have: a) any road manners whatsoever, b) nothing resembling 'driving' skills, c) an aggressive attitude towards ANYTHING that can move faster than their gridlocked 4 wheeled house.
Now, before the flames come, just think about it. The mexicans and canadians can do this without issue. mexicans even have the added benefit of footpath parking.
The one factor that is different in all of this is a third mode of transport, which literally forces mexican drivers to PAY ATTENTION in the cbd. Theyre called TRAMS. and they give way to noone. As a result mexican drivers have learned patience, and instead of driving to the city, use this miracle of transportation to get themselves throughout the whole of the city effortlessly.
Yes, too many 'other' factors involved. As a sydney rider, I do not value lane filtering, as the gaps left by the ignorant motorist as 9 times out of 10 insufficient to allow a motorcycle, bicycle or pedestrian to get past.
What I am in favour of, is a motorcycle lane, along the distributor, the cahill, the m2, m4, m5 and pac highway in nth sydney. the CBD is a difficult argument. Yes, the bus lanes, on the streets that have them, but allowing filtering on all the cross-streets too.
But the problem will (and always will) be the ignorant motorists, the politicians and those who enforce the laws put in place to raise revenue.
Of course we should have it. I do not agree that it can ever be made 'safe' however. There is inherent risk which is higher than average, by simply choosing to ride a motorcycle in the sydney CBD, let alone lane split. No matter how cautious a rider or how skilled, those f**ktards in cages will always ruin your day - and sometimes your life.
Acknowledging the risk is based on 4+ wheeled vehicles not obeying simple laws (like staying in your make the beast with two backsing lane, and using indicators!) and reducing issues of congestion (like using trams in the CBD) would alleviate some risk, and strengthening laws for motorcyclists (and actually giving a shit about riders welfare rather than those super-important cage drivers) to favour them in 'right of way' situations would go a lot further to motorists 'learning' to behave in a cooperative manner on our roads.