Dell computers..... cheap

Started by Grampa, July 02, 2008, 12:47:24 PM

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the company I work for has quite a few Dell computers gathering dust on the shelves at corp (thanks to a slowdown in the industry.

Most of them are Dell Dimension 3000's with 17" flat screen moniters.
intell pentium 4 windows xp (thats what all the stickers say)

The owner said he would let them go for $100.00 each.

If anybody is interested, I can get pics, and even deliver to Santa Monica (an excuse to go to an IBN ;) )

there is also a shitload of office furniture ( desks and chairs), so if there is anything you may need, let me know and I'll dig up info and pics for ya.
Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar kicked me out of the band..... they said I didnt fit the image they were trying to project. 

So I went solo.  -Me

Some people call 911..... some people are 911
-Marcus Luttrell


- - - - - Valley Desmo Service - - - - -
Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


Those are LCD flat screens, not CRT monitors, right?
- - - - - Valley Desmo Service - - - - -
Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


same as these, just not all dusty  ;D
Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar kicked me out of the band..... they said I didnt fit the image they were trying to project. 

So I went solo.  -Me

Some people call 911..... some people are 911
-Marcus Luttrell


Quote from: Speeddog on July 02, 2008, 01:04:39 PM
I'll take 3.

OK, great, still in for 3.

Possibly 1 or 2 more.... but those are pending feedback from my peeps.
- - - - - Valley Desmo Service - - - - -
Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


Quote from: Speeddog on July 02, 2008, 01:28:36 PM
OK, great, still in for 3.

Possibly 1 or 2 more.... but those are pending feedback from my peeps.

coolness... I 'll confirm with the big cheese (he is a bit flakey), and I'll work on bring'n um over the hill next week.
Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar kicked me out of the band..... they said I didnt fit the image they were trying to project. 

So I went solo.  -Me

Some people call 911..... some people are 911
-Marcus Luttrell


I'll take one of those please.

- Gil
whats moepery? moepery is when you expose yourself to a blind person.


sign me up for UNO por favor!

Do you deliver to the Bay Area  ;D

But seriously, I'll take one [thumbsup]


As stated previously.... my boss is a f'tard.

Yesterday morning, he ask's if I can help him sell off all the stuff he's piled up, since things have slowed down. He asked me how much he though he could get for the computers, I said, "I havent a clue". He then says something about selling the flat screens for 25 bucks, and that he thought he could get 25 for the towers too.


25  + 25 + lets say 25 for a keyboard too, even if they are a dime a dozen. That = $75.00 bucks each.


Knowing my boss is a retard, I figured, I'd post them for 100 bucks, giving him 25 more than what he asked, and he'd be happy as shit. I called him before I left work yesterday, and told him I had buyers for 3 of them, at 100 bucks each (before you other guys asked), and the make the beast with two backs face then thinks, gee, if yer sell'n them that fast, they must be worth more, and tells me he's going to have to ponder selling them at that price.

He did the same thing to me when he asked me to help sell his vinyl plotter. Ducman851 offered to give him 500 bucks, he said thats not enough, then a few months later, he pretty much gave it away to a guy, just to get it out of the shop.

I'm not say'n any of this, to get you guys to pay a higher price...... cuz, if he wont sell them at that price.... make the beast with two backs him. They can rot on the shelves at corp.

I'm scheduled to see him this morning (another long retarded story), so maybe I'll have some answers and some computers for ya'll, later today.

and Kaveh..... I'll deliver up north for ya. As soon as the 1098 gets new skins, I need to head up to Modesto to get her serviced and have a sprocket recall taken care of.
Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar kicked me out of the band..... they said I didnt fit the image they were trying to project. 

So I went solo.  -Me

Some people call 911..... some people are 911
-Marcus Luttrell


do you still have these? my sister is broke and her computer died. She'd be forever grateful for one.
'07 Daytona 675, '04 GSXR 750, '08 YZ250F


I think BP's boss dorked out on the deal.
- - - - - Valley Desmo Service - - - - -
Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~