Boots law in Vic from July 1

Started by Sundog, June 23, 2013, 09:52:14 PM

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Browsing the web I came across this little piece of news that while probably won't impact many people on this forum, is a sign of things to come. Mandatory wearing of boots when riding bike or scooter or a $176 fine. No clarification on what constitutes a "boot" per se but at least it'll target the thong and t-shirt crowd.

To people like us it's common sense but if you think about the way MC road laws are going then it's only a jump to the left and then bike jackets are the next mandatory item and then flouro vests come close behind :P. Call me paranoid, call me delusional but all my [leo] contacts say it's only a matter of time, i.e. the next 2-3 years.

The day they make us wear flouro vests is the same day I sell my bike. [thumbsdown]
M1100 2010 in Ducati Titanium Grey
Custom Wizard Sleeve pipes & PC5 with O2 opt
14T Front
DP Anodized Pressure Plate DP Tail Chop
DP LED Indicators               Rizoma Rearset & Mirrors
Oggie Sliders                     Rizoma Bars & Levers


I have a personal view that if you want to get on a bike, then bloody well cover up with the best gear that you can access / afford!

I saw an ad once in a mag and it said something like "If it's too hot to wear gear, then it's too hot to ride" (Qld publication in summer). Now, that was a little cheesy, but they had a point & it somehow stuck with me.

The only thing that get's me going with this one is that I'm not that comfortable being told what to do. My Wife has been trying for years & I'm still learning..........
'08 S4rs;
Termis, DP C/F Short Tail, DP C/F Rear Hugger, Custom hand-made seat, Matris Steering damper, Pazzo Shorty Levers, Rizoma Dynamic mirrors, EVR Ventilated Pressure Plate, EVR Open Clutch Cover, SpeedyMoto Stainless Springs Kit, EVR Clutch Slave Cylinder, EVR Front Sprocket Cover, Evotech Performance Radiator & Oil Cooler Guards, Rizoma CT027R, CT017R & CT015R red fluid reservoirs, Powder Coated Rear Passenger Pegs, Oberon Racing Pegs, C/F Fairing stays, Oggy Knobs, ZG tinted Screen


i agree wholeheartedly with wearing gear, i learned the hard way and would never venture out without it.

fluoro vests on the other hand i disagree with, as it harks back to the headlights on debate and the onus being on riders to be seen rather than car drivers opening their make the beast with two backsing eyes!

fluoro clashes with my bikes colours too
HERE AND NOW                      12 DIAVEL AMG
                                              93 888 RS
                                              09 1098R BAYLISS
                                              07 Husqvarna TE 450

GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN        03 S4R       95 900SL
                                              01 S4         93 900M
                                              96 748SP


I'm with you Looney!!  [thumbsup]

The "Being seen to be doing something" Lobby just dont get it(Or maybe they do? Thats why they keep dreaming up this shit)  ???

That you can have headlights on (Which didnt do squat! And in some circumstances proved dangerous! And was brought in using dubious logic and faulty and selective data) Flashing/revolving light on the helmet! Fleuro vests, a loudhailer warning of the approaching rider, blah, blah, blah!  [bang]

But unless you make the car driver aware that they will be banged shitless if they dont treat the rider as a valid road user and worth consideration, all the "Safety Measures" foisted upon the motorcyclist will be useless!! [roll]

But with the "Motorcycle" clothing the major problem with it is that to make it mandatory there has to be a "Standard"!! Which all the Brands, Types and the like has to adhere to! Impossible!!

But its great that some of these dickheads will be forced to wear reasonable gear!  [thumbsup] [clap]
Secret to a long relationship is........Keep the fights clean and the sex DIRTY"!


So does this mean the cost of boots is gonna triple, to pay for the AS sticker?

2007 Monster 695 with a few mods.
2013 Piaggio Typhoon 50 2 stroke speed demon.

Sabre Brian

Aren't they punishing us because of morons in cars????????

Personally, half of the dickheads on the road wouldn't see me if I was wearing a flashing blue and red vest with a
friggin Mr Whippy tune playing at full tilt.  With mobile phones, everyone in a car is texting or facebooking or tweeting
or whatevering, and nobody is looking anyway.  Us wearing anything bright isn't going to make any difference, because
nobody is actually looking.

As for the safety gear, due to everything I just said above, if you aren't wearing it, you're a fool anyway.


Quote from: Sabre Brian on June 24, 2013, 04:50:15 AMAren't they punishing us because of morons in cars????????
I don't see mandating that which I always do (and most of not all here too) as punishment.  IMO it's aimed at morons on motorcycles.... those who are too stupid to work out for themselves that wearing appropriate gear may be a good idea. 

And it's those morons we'll have to thank if....
Quote from: suzyj on June 24, 2013, 02:38:14 AM
So does this mean the cost of boots is gonna triple, to pay for the AS sticker?
This is the potential downside I fear too.  If boot wearing is mandatory, then there's gotta be a standard that defines what constitutes a friggin' boot....  [bang].

Quote from: Sabre Brian on June 24, 2013, 04:50:15 AMPersonally, half of the dickheads on the road wouldn't see me if I was wearing a flashing blue and red vest with a friggin Mr Whippy tune playing at full tilt.  With mobile phones, everyone in a car is texting or facebooking or tweeting or whatevering, and nobody is looking anyway.  Us wearing anything bright isn't going to make any difference, because nobody is actually looking.
But more than anything else.... this ^^.

Ducati 1100S Monster Ducati 1260ST Multistrada + Moto Guzzi Griso 1200SE

Previously: Ducati1200SMultistrada DucatiMonster696 DucatiSD900 MotoMorini31/2


in memory of Brian W, 2010 /2015


Quote from: Sabre Brian on June 24, 2013, 04:50:15 AM
Aren't they punishing us because of morons in cars????????

Personally, half of the dickheads on the road wouldn't see me if I was wearing a flashing blue and red vest with a
friggin Mr Whippy tune playing at full tilt.  With mobile phones, everyone in a car is texting or facebooking or tweeting
or whatevering, and nobody is looking anyway.  Us wearing anything bright isn't going to make any difference, because
nobody is actually looking.

Not everyone in cars are like this and we all have cars i'm sure. To be honest, I see just as many dickheads/wankers on bikes these days. I hear what your saying though mate and i'm not out to contradict you   [thumbsup]

It can be hard in a car, you check your mirrors and blindspot, indicate and change lanes, checking again as you move. problem is, a bike can accelerate a dam sight quicker than your average car, the person on the bike needs to remember this. Self preservation is what its all about.       [coffee]


2005 M620
Hi. I’m Troy McClure. You may remember me from such self-help tapes as “Smoke Yourself Thin” and “Get Some Confidence, Stupid!”
NYTimes: "...highlights of his global tour include encounters with Nelson Mandela, an 800-year-old demigod and a dildo collector."


Quote from: Brian W on June 25, 2013, 01:54:45 AM
Not everyone in cars are like this and we all have cars i'm sure. To be honest, I see just as many dickheads/wankers on bikes these days. I hear what your saying though mate and i'm not out to contradict you   [thumbsup]

It can be hard in a car, you check your mirrors and blindspot, indicate and change lanes, checking again as you move. problem is, a bike can accelerate a dam sight quicker than your average car, the person on the bike needs to remember this. Self preservation is what its all about.       [coffee]
^^ This is also true.  But somebody must be speaking bollocks - it's probably me  ;D.

If Our Great Victorian Leaders [ [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [bang] [laugh]] are gonna mandate that we must protect out tootsies...... will the gloveless dickheads still be able to fasten their AS3521 boots after they've ground their fingers off due to lack of hand protection? ???

Ducati 1100S Monster Ducati 1260ST Multistrada + Moto Guzzi Griso 1200SE

Previously: Ducati1200SMultistrada DucatiMonster696 DucatiSD900 MotoMorini31/2


Gloves are a great example of why this is just a little bit too silly. The Boss and I have five pairs of riding boots ... as far as I know none of them have been certified to an AS - will I need to have them certified if I cross the border or (not unlike helmets) go and purchase more, perhaps less safe, boots that have the sticker.

I don't think there is anything wrong with having a choice to wear boots or not. I have ridden a bike without boots before (sneakers or something) ... but can't remember ever going out on the road without gloves.

We all take risks in life ... shit, I have even ridden a pushy on the road faster than the posted speed limit wearing a t-shirt, shorts and sneakers. There are no limits to this type of legislation ... it could be quite fun to come up with further suggestions.
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Sabre Brian

In reference to the morons in cars, I was talking about the hi vis gear.  If you read the last line of my post it also said you are a moron yourself if you don't wear safety gear as it is.



The point being: If you're relying on THEM to see YOU as your primary defence strategy.....

.... you're soon gonna get hit.

But then I doubt these compulsory boots will be required to be hi-vis.....not even here in Vic  ;D

Ducati 1100S Monster Ducati 1260ST Multistrada + Moto Guzzi Griso 1200SE

Previously: Ducati1200SMultistrada DucatiMonster696 DucatiSD900 MotoMorini31/2


Quote from: ungeheuer on June 25, 2013, 12:58:34 PM
But then I doubt these compulsory boots will be required to be hi-vis.....not even here in Vic  ;D

... but now that you have mentioned it - I foresee a last minute amendment.
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