Anyone else spend 10 minutes yesterday trying to figure out why your bike wouldn't start? Then realize you had it in neutral but the light wasn't on?
Hopefully today starts better.
It happened to me a couple of times... bike was in neutral, I knew it's in neutral cause I just pushed it out of the garage ... but the neutral light wasn't on and I didn't realize this at first ... I push the start button, it wouldn't start.
I turned the ignition off and waited a while. Then I turned the ign on again and pushed the start button again, no luck. Finally it occurred to me that the neutral light wasn't on, and maybe I should pull the clutch lever first, which I did and then I push start button again ... it started right away.
And I also noticed it happened on the road while waiting at the traffic light. I thought I couldn't put the bike to neutral, turned out it's the neutral light indicator.
Now, where is this neutral sensor located on a Monster 795 (or 796)? Any picture where it's located and how it looks like?