LOL, you'll laugh when you hear why I bought a busa to begin with, and it wasn't because it was the fastest stock bike in the world at one time, either. I asked a mechanic what bike he'd recommend having an engine that would last a long time. He started telling me of Hayabusa motorcycles getting 200,000 miles+, and I was sold. OMG the bike was fast, though. Once, and I'm not telling when
I had it up to roughly 165 mph, but mostly I drove it fairly conservatively. When I did decide to replace it, I wanted something more my size, so I started looking for a smaller bike, something in the 600 to 800cc size, but my friends thought that would be a big mistake, and then I found Ducati
, and quite frankly, I think under 120 mph, the Monster 1200S has no problem at all keeping up with a busa.
It's also a beautiful, lean bike, too, and definitely a better fit for me.