Hey guys, greetings!!
My name is Chris, short for Christian, and I'm from São Paulo, Brazil
I've learned to ride quite some time ago, about 10 years, but I never actually owned a bike. That said, I think of myself as a newbie in riding.
My dad had an yellow-and-black 87 Honda XLX 350 and I've learned to ride on that. It was one hell of a cool bike for me, and I would regularly run away with it without permission.
Some years ago he sold it to my uncle who managed to beat the crap out of it, and I've never seen the bike again. :'(
Well, I've always been an enormous fan of Ducati, probably like many of you, and I'm thinking about getting a Monster for myself.
My thoughts are on the 695 or 696. Not sure yet, but I've seen some threads about this discussion.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to choose yet, but my feelings tell me it's gonna be a 695.
Any thoughts on that would be appreciated.
Oh, and I'm in love with this look. Kind of a modern cafe racer style.