I'm useless with the camera and picture-posting, but I have those and I'm your height.
They make my riding much more comfortable, they are very well built and they transform the look of that area
I had no issues with cables or hoses, just rotated the banjo bolts (to be sure the hoses don't get pinched) where they sit on the reservoirs. You can do so without leakage if you only loosen them enough to rotate.
What I have discovered is that even though the added height is good, maybe as important is the sweep angle (or lack of) of the stock bars. Leaning forward is not such a problem if your weight is on a bar that allows the wrist to stay straight/natural. This can to some degree be achieved by rotating the bars when you put on the risers. Take your time to find out which way and how much rotation will suit you. Adjust/rotate the levers, to where they allow for a natural grip, afterwards.
An even better option MIGHT be the Rizoma bars. They have about an inch of rise AND they have the sweep back effect that could be what
you (and I?) need for comfort (=safety). They are on my maybe-list, even though they would eliminate my very cool SpeedyMoto risers.
I know I need sweep back because my elbows have to point a little outwards in order to straighten out/comfort the wrists. In it's turn that leads to shoulder neck pain and reduced mirror vision backwards (elbows fill up much of the rear view).
Hope this helps more than it confuses you