I have 2 KBCs, the VR1 which is a very very entry level helmet. It's light windy and very noisy but comfortable and has a good fit all around. I also have the KBC Racer 1 (not sure that they make it anymore and I'm not sure what model replaced it) but it is eons better then the VR1. The padding, the fit, the comfort, everything is better. As close to a more expensive brand as I could tell.
http://www.extremesupply.com/kbchelmets/kbchelmetsracer1.htmI think they make a great product at a great price. I just recently bought a Suomy as I wanted to try something new but that's probably because KBC dropped the Racer 1 model that I liked so much (I bought 2 racer 1's and crashed in both of them, never a problem).