Thanks everyone for the info. The factory was very cool. Kinda of surprising on how small it was but very cool to see where my scooter was born many years ago. That tour would never fly in the US with all of our law suites. Sir, please watch out for the forklift about to run you over and kill you! LOL.
The museum was really small too but we didn't get rushed out. Again, I was surprised that you could touch everything. One guy sat on one of the production bikes in the side rooms. I wasn't that ballsy. Did rub the WSBK Champ bikes and Casey's MotoGP winner too.
My wife and daughter were actually more in to it then I was which was fun. They enjoyed it so the trip to and from Venice was worth it
It was about 100 degrees when we visited so no stair climbing. We did see a few hookers which was especially nice for my 16 yo daughter.
They were both pretty spectacular looking girls but not the best thing for a 16yo girl to see..
Thanks again!!