First proper ride M1200

Started by Laava, July 14, 2017, 11:32:08 PM

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Hi there, I am interested to hear others opinions on their monsters...
I bought my bike last sat, 2014 M1200, and today was my first full on dry ride of about 150km.
The first thing that happened wouldn't start! Flat batt, so I did a bump start in 4th and we were away. Are these bikes notoriously hard on batteries, like my Buell 1125 was? Seems like the batt is shot as, after a good ride , it had enough charge to only just restart.
Second thing that happened was, as I waited for my mate to gas up, my bike sat idling and it got hotter and hotter until I could smell it. At 101 degrees C, the cooling fans had still not cut in, is this normal?
Third thing was that I kept finding a false neutral between 3rd and 4th gear, now that I think about it, I am sure it was on the downshift.
Other than that, it was a good days ride and loads of fun, so am interested to see/hear others comments, thanks, Al



Hard to tell over the internet, but I will put in my 2 cents.

Battery - Get it load tested to be sure, but if your fuel injected bike started on a bump start it is probably not the battery.  More likely one of the safety devices or user error.  Yep, we've all done it.

Fans - I don't know when they are supposed to come on on your Monster, but 101oC is far from overheated.

False neutral - Could be an internal adjustment, but cheap and easy first.  Make sure the lever is adjusted so you follow through completely.


Cool, thanks Howie! Subsequent to me posting this thread I searched about and found that on older models the fans don't come on until it goes over 101 degrees, so must have been on the verge! Also it immediately cooled down as I moved off so seems like an efficient rad design. Seems to run typically between 58-62 degrees?
The batt was not dead flat but just gave me the typical click click click of a dying batt. Will see if it is ok today...


Surprised and glad the bump start worked for you.  Also check charging system output.  With a voltmeter across the battery you should see 13.5-14.5 volts at a high idle.

If you do not have an owner's manual you can download one here  In it will be something about coolant temperature and shift lever adjustment.


Right so yesterday, the bike started so I thought it would be rude not to go for a ride! Ride was fun, the tail tidy shook one of the mounting bolts out, the number plate light broke(aftermarket), the label holder flew to bits losing the rego and roadworthy slips and the brake light is staying on due to the front brake switch sticking or dying. [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [bang].
Thanks Howie for your comments, bike is definitely charging, i am assuming the battery is tired at this stage as it is displaying all the symptoms. My Buell 1125 was very hard on batts so it does not surprise me if this bike is too...also, I have the owners manual, it does not give a figure for average temp running and does not talk about when the fans cut in, no prob tho it seems ok...

Stuka Pilot

Hi Laava

I've had my M1200 since new in 2014.

To date no battery issues, no false neutral issues and thankfully no parts shaking off.

You did not state the mileage on your machine, but maybe some regular use will abates some of those issues.

I love my M1200, it replaced an S2R and would not swap back.



Quote from: Laava on July 16, 2017, 11:27:28 PM
Right so yesterday, the bike started so I thought it would be rude not to go for a ride! Ride was fun, the tail tidy shook one of the mounting bolts out, the number plate light broke(aftermarket), the label holder flew to bits losing the rego and roadworthy slips and the brake light is staying on due to the front brake switch sticking or dying. [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [bang].
Thanks Howie for your comments, bike is definitely charging, i am assuming the battery is tired at this stage as it is displaying all the symptoms. My Buell 1125 was very hard on batts so it does not surprise me if this bike is too...also, I have the owners manual, it does not give a figure for average temp running and does not talk about when the fans cut in, no prob tho it seems ok...

Yep, I read it after your reply.  the manual is sketchy at best when it comes to running temperature, but it does say temp will be on permanent display at 101oC and hints you should worry at 121.  


Quote from: Stuka Pilot on July 18, 2017, 01:01:45 PM
Hi Laava

I've had my M1200 since new in 2014.

To date no battery issues, no false neutral issues and thankfully no parts shaking off.

You did not state the mileage on your machine, but maybe some regular use will abates some of those issues.

I love my M1200, it replaced an S2R and would not swap back.

Pushing 16,000km now so only just run in really!