There were some Hobart branded ones locally that were intended for 6 and 8 gauge welding cable, but the ones I used were unbranded from the above ebay store. Some have reported good results making up their cables from 6 ga welding cable and lugs, but I read that tinned copper lugs would resist corrosion better for moto or auto applications. The above photo, (which I was able to easily post from, for all you frustrated photobucket users) shows the difference in quality - said to be U.S. made.
But I've read several posts similar to greenohawk's that reported more dramatic improvement with the available kits, which apparently are all high grade copper. If I wasn't such a cheapskate that likes to tinker I might have gone that way, but the 695 has all these other wires connected to the battery ends of both cables. If the kit included all of those...?
Anyway I got a good result for no money and learned about making battery cables.