Questiong about taking off timing belts while changing valves

Started by EEL, July 22, 2008, 09:11:00 AM

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I don't need to replace belts any time soon but I do need to do my 15k valve check, as some of you have probably realized from the barrage of questions of late.

So here's another one:

Since I'm taking off the timing belts to do the valves, I'm wondering whether there any benefit for swapping the belts? By swapping I mean taking the vertical head belt and putting it on the horizontal and vice versa. If not I'll have to mark them before I remove. I've been told that the rear belt gets stressed a bit more than the front due to a bit less cooling. Any benefit to doing this?

Thanks in advance.


If this is a 2-valver, why are you removing the belts?


Quote from: Hedgehog on July 22, 2008, 09:36:05 AM
If this is a 2-valver, why are you removing the belts?

'Cause it's *way* easier to do the valves that way.

No benefit I can think of to swapping the belts.
Label 'em so you install 'em on the same cylinders, and the same rotation.
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Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


Quote from: Speeddog on July 22, 2008, 09:40:32 AM
'Cause it's *way* easier to do the valves that way.

If you have to change your closers, maybe.  Otherwise, it's just more work.  I just use a piece of heavy wire covered by vinyl tubing to hold the valve up when changing closers.  Then again, my pulleys have the shoulder on them, and I've decided to leave those on.

As always, YMMV.


On my S4R, I check the valves first without removing the belts (just make sure the cyl is at TDC).  If an opening shim needs to be replaced, belts can stay on.  If a closing shim needs to come out, the belts must come off.

On the desmoquattros it is always advisable to check the rockers for flaking chrome, thus the cams need to be removed anyways, thus the belts need to come off anyways.