Brake pedal micro switch

Started by pmazdan9, July 15, 2019, 05:48:21 AM

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Hi there. I noticed that my brake pedal is slightly bent and it doesn't actuate the micro switch. I guess PO dropped the bike and never worried about it. Anyway, I tried pushing the switch with my finger and it doesn't do anything, and doesn't click at all. I compared it to other ones and both front brake and clutch micro switches click nicely. I guess it's broken then? Basically I have no brake light (whether using a pedal or lever), I figured it may just be permanently on due to fckd switch. I have however disconnected the rear brake micro switch and it made no difference.

Am I right thinking that if the micro switch is disconnected, brake light should stop working?

/e: it's a 2005 s2r800
'05 s2r800


Is the brake light filament in the bulb good?

The light should function from the front switch even if the rear is disconnected.
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Quote from: ducpainter on July 15, 2019, 06:50:51 AM
Is the brake light filament in the bulb good?

The light should function from the front switch even if the rear is disconnected.

I haven't checked it yet. Right, so there's another problem besides the micro switch and bent pedal, grrr!
'05 s2r800


A bad bulb isn't a very serious issue.

Be aware that the bulb can be inserted the wrong way so that the brake light filament is on when the tail light is lit. If that happens, you can't tell when the brake light activates because the tail light filament is dimmer.

I hope that makes sense.
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Quote from: ducpainter on July 16, 2019, 03:44:50 AM
A bad bulb isn't a very serious issue.

Be aware that the bulb can be inserted the wrong way so that the brake light filament is on when the tail light is lit. If that happens, you can't tell when the brake light activates because the tail light filament is dimmer.

I hope that makes sense.

It does, I'm just worried that it could be something else. PO installed meta alarm and its wired to rear light and indicators (which are led with no resistors btw...)

I went through the service history and noticed PO paid £50 for "rear bulb replacement" (lol). Anyway, I'm overthinking it now, I'll just get on it today/tomorrow as I have few other things to check as well.

'05 s2r800


LED lamps have no bulbs, or filaments. It's undoubtedly a wiring issue, or a problem with the alarm.
"Once you accept that a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world in
a completely different way than you, you will be open to understand how that
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Unplug the tail light.  Key on, when you apply the brakes you want power at the, if memory serves me well, power at the gray/red wire.  If you have power there and your ground is good the problem is in your tail light assembly.  No power?First unhook the alarm.  Got power now?  Alarm or installation is the cause.  Still no power?  Start tracing your way back.  Keep in mind the switches work independent of each other.


Thank you all, turns out to be a bad micro switch. All sorted!
'05 s2r800