Well, I got to ride in an ambulance for the first time today.
Went riding with a buddy who needed a solid good day under his belt. I convinced him to come out for the day with me.
I was rolling about two mph partially turned into a gas station and he blasted me. He was watching a truck to make sure it wasn't pulling out and didn't catch my turn signal and railed me at like 15 mph.
This basically high sided me and I landed twenty feet from the bike. I landed pretty hard on my left side and more or less rolled into a kneeling position at the end of all this.
The fun part is both bikes are mine. I was on my 675 and he was riding my KTM 950smr.
At this point I think both bikes are probably ok. The KTM is in greater danger since it's an 07. 675 is a 2012.
At first I thought my little finger was broken based on the odd angle it's at when straight but now I'm not so sure it isn't just swelling keeping the tendons from their full travel.
It doesn't hurt at all and there's some swelling. My left hip and elbow got blasted. Waiting to get x-rays done right now. My guess is probably ok.
My buddy probably broke a crop of toes on his left foot. He was wearing steel toed boots and while the toe cap held, I think the whole thing flexed back somehow. He's hurting too for sure and, obviously, feels terrible about it all. He offered to repair both bikes and even replace them if it came to that.
I'm not mad, just glad we both weren't hurt worse. Bikes are easy to fix.
So the first 25% of today's ride was nice at least. The fire Dept, state trooper, and all the EMTs were all pretty great.
I've had worse days than this by far.
Edit- fracture of the radial head in my left arm but no skin graft thanks to full racetrack quality leathers, boots and gloves.
He broke 5 bones in his left foot, anbdrives a standard.
My little finger is not broken but the tendons are not behaving. It's in a splint as is my left arm.
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