New Wheels

Started by wataboy, September 16, 2019, 01:44:00 PM

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Here's a pic of my new wheels. Big thanks to Silas for the wheels &  [drink](& dealing with my incessant questions)...Great guy. Got to ride up in NorthGA and couldn't believe the difference in the handling and stop&go.


Look great. Nice looking bike.
Forged alloy or mag?
2015 Scrambler 800


 Mg. They're pretty dirty in the pics. Always find it somewhat amusing that after a few hours of mountain riding the wheels are almost a different color due to brake dust. Where I live there's lots of long straights and not much braking in relation to mileage. :(


2015 Scrambler 800


Glad you love them. Give me a yell next time you're in N. Ga. and we can go up there to the mtns.
Ride fast, ride safe
'98 M900, '92 Yamaha TDM850