I was so impressed with the speed/tacho I fitted to the Buell, I decided to fit one to this bike! A bit easier than the Buell housing as there were no complicated angles, bit it still took a while to machine. I managed to incorporate some grommets so its nicely rubber mounted as well.
I don’t know what the alloy was (The scrap yard said it was from one of the aerospace companies locally) but it machined so nicely, The downside was the chips were small and very sharp… I had an official warning as somehow she kept finding the chips in the house…. and one ended up in her heel….

The instructions are in english, but a lot was lost in translation, so it took a while to figure out the wiring, and the programming for the speedo calibration and Tacho pulses, but I got there in the end. Its also nice to have a trip meter. As always I did a bit of etching to personalise it.
At the same time I took the opportunity to change the bars… I wanted to drop the front end as I had done this on a previous build and it sharpens the handling. The Multistrada forks are a lot longer than many other models… I found some raised clamps on Aliexpress that fitted nicely to the top of the stanchions now raised above the top yoke.