Hi all,
I have a '98 m750 which had a really nice feel and ran pretty well when I bought it, rode it home and took it out for two rides of around 100 mi.
Everything felt and sounded great, until I parked it and my wife and I got ice cream, and when I came back to start it I heard a sound that can only be described as ringing at idle. It sounds metallic like what you get when you tap a gear with a metal tool, + it was clearly loud enough and new enough that it was not there when I bought it the bike.
The bike had been down lightly previously, and the clutch lever had been getting softer, so shifting was occasionally more difficult on this ride than it had been on the ride home.
I took it home and ran it, and it seemed like the ringing goes away off idle, basically 4 or 500 RPMs above idle and it's gone.
The ringing sounds like it's coming from around the starter area but I can't isolate which side.
I decided to check the oil to see if anything was being eaten up, and found chunks. At that point I decided to open both sides to see if maybe it was the alternator not or something with the clutch, because the sounds seem to be coming from the clutch side primarily.
Saw nothing on the alternator side, but on the clutch side this is what I saw.
https://ibb.co/album/KFgF6sThat got me worried, so I started looking closer, and it got worse
https://ibb.co/QQV23G3https://ibb.co/7tMvBWZhttps://ibb.co/1Z3K9Pfhttps://ibb.co/4W0JtDLSomething appears to have been eaten. And I'm not really sure where to start looking.
Thanks, any help is appreciated
Sorry about the links, still working out how to post pictures on the forum