Oil is cheap, engines are expensive.
You bought a freakin' Ducati....don't pregnant dog about expensive oil changes for cryin' out loud.
Try a Kymco scooter, I hear that oil changes are free if you buy one.
Mobil 1 is fine, Amsoil is great, so is Motul 300v and Bel-Ray 10-50, all fully synthetic.
Check out "Desmo Times".
Depends on your view i guess. If your going to be riding your bike as a daily commuter, and your civil. I dont see why you cant run cheap stuff. just cycle it more often. Though in the long haul, Fully synthetic oil simply lasts longer than multiple cheap oil changes, so thats the best economical way to go. And Im almost sure you dont need to change your oil every 3,000 miles. That may have been true with dino oil. (which is what im basically running right now) but with synthetic, i dont see why you cant go 6,000 miles on the dry clutches, you have no contamination from the tranny.
What about those high mileage oils that last for 10,000 miles +? Can you argue that "cars dont rev as high" well look at the facts, my red line is 8k RPM. i reach it often, but i only hang there for less than a second. my avg rpm is 4,500. Which is about what a car is doing when its being driven by the avg heavy footed driver. especially in a 4 cyl car, or a big v8., the 4cyl can reach 7,000 rpms and most v8s probably max out at that. So theres something to think about.