wanna nice ones? go Rizoma - also unique ... due to high price ... but sooo classy
Rizoma, unique? Classy yes, but hardly unique... High cost doesn't seem to be a barrier for most here, once you have the modification bug forget about the $$$
might suit someones bike with the right accessories. I'd be interested to see the second set on a monster, I can't quite imagine what it would look like.
Industrial_grrl on the DMF used to have the 1st ones, I have the second ones albeit without the red mesh, and I bought them off R_usty. You might find some pics on the bikes of the dmf thread in the main forum.
I agree with Kursed, it all depends on what you're going for. Industrial_grrl's bike was absolutely suited to the covers she had. In the case of Melvin's bike I'd also agree with his comments - he has gone for a refined finish look, and as such both would not suit what he has made.
Why did I buy mine? I wanted open covers and they are not that common, so in a sense yeah it was unique - I don't really have a theme for my bike, just replaced a few bits and I'll leave it for that - I want to focus my time and money on being a better rider at the moment (and maybe proper setup of my suspension!), so the bling that I have is enough for me for now <ducks for cover!>. Maybe later, I'll build a project bike that will be truly unique and mine - right now my little M800 is fine for me..
Anyway, all good to get differing perspectives on it ....