Anyone try their hand at buying a length of brake line, fittings and all that and doing it themselves?
Oh yeah... Putting the frigging old brakes back on until I piece together all of the shiite that DIDN'T come in the "complete" kit.
It can be done, yes. But I wouldn't recommend LEARNING on YOUR brake lines.
And yet one more question for the adept: Can I replace the angled fitting on my brake master side with a straight fitting with the right removal and crimpling tool? Or would I need to simply replace that section of line?
Yes you can replace it, but afaik, the only "crimp removing tool" is a pair of cable cutters. You're going to loose that section of tubing which may make the line too short. Add to that any more you need to cut off to make a clean end for the new banjo, and there you have it. STart with a new section.
Try this: Melissa if you have any questons. These guys are great. And if you go this route, please report back. I've used Cycle Brakes for about 4 years now, but I've never had them make custom lines. I'm about to for my "Scrambler Bar" conversion.