An udder question

Started by damianS4RS, August 15, 2008, 10:10:04 AM

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Does anyone know the diameter of the outlet on the udder for an 07 S4Rs? I'm looking to get some tips on there in the interim.
Thanks in advance!


damn...I've answered this one on the other board a couple times.    I'll go measure again as the udder is still sitting in my basement.

I want to say 45mm but don't quote me yet.

It's still buy a flounder a drink month


Thanks, I appreciate it!  [thumbsup]


yup.  45mm.  just checked.
It's still buy a flounder a drink month


I keep telling people how things are done on "my" forum. This is just the kind of supportive attitude I'm referring to. People, mostly cagers or riders of other brands of bikes look at me (faces like questionmarks) stay quiet for a few seconds and reply typically: "really? that's unusual - must be nice"
I say "yes it is".

Thanks Statler and other flounders [thumbsup]
252,000 km/seventeen years - loving it


Honestly my favorite website. You guys are great.