Well hell, some bastitch tipped my monster over! OTOH.. i "won" at going home.

Started by m0t0g0th, August 15, 2008, 10:11:51 PM

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well pissbuckets - some assclown at work tipped my bike over, stood it back up, and walked away.  no note, no nothing.
very rahr!
although - the frame sliders did their job.  there's a perfect imprint in the soft asphalt curbing.  i'm thinking it happened an hour or so before i was leaving; no gas on the tank, wet, but plenty still wet-staining the curb.  scratches on the tank, scratches on the (wtf is this even for?) plastic under the seat, and some scratches on the pipe.  i don't know if the bars bent but i suspect the grit and scratches on the barend were from soft gravel beyond the curb.  there was no new tank dent because the bars were locked the other way.  no levers broken, pedals straight.  very frikkin' lucky.
i'm thinking.. if i'd been 4 inches more to the right, when it tipped the slider wouldn't have caught the curb, the bike would have overbalanced and gone rolling down the embankment.
so - i was livid.  then waited for campus PD.  chilled.  checked it for damage.. real damage.  nuthin' really.  filed the report and rode home.

the ride home was really frikkin' good.  meh, bike scuffed, nothing obviously mechanical.  oh, while checking it over i remembered to check the gas tank clip.  i highly recommend it.   [roll]

on the way home i had two close calls, not my fault, that could have gotten ugly if i'd still been "hot" or distracted about the parking lot tip.  there's something to be said for letting things go.  some stuff really doesn't matter.  not more than a potential head-on on Wildcat Canyon with a distracted retard in a Prius weaving over lanelines, whee!  my head was there for that, and not back in the lot at work.  WiN!

i love my scuffy monster.  it's not got rat bike cred, because i haven't fixed anything to earn it the functional ugly, but it's not a garage queen, exactly, either.
A red traffic light means:
  • Incoming missiles
  • Stop
  • You win! Speed through the intersection to claim your reward!


That so sucks!! Good that there wasn't that much damage.... When my girl went down it was over the kickstand. Big tank dent, lots of scratches, bent handle bars. Big insurance settlement, weeks in the shop.... I just got her back yesterday. (wheee! :D)

Good job letting it go..... I found that as irritated as I was at my tipover, ultimately it's just a bike, and fixable. Unlike, say, a knee or other body part.... ;)

Enjoy the ride!  [moto]
"Youth is wasted on the young." --GB Shaw


I'd have been hunting them down! I'd be out there checking everybodys cars for evidence!
My sons bike was 'backed into' in the CSU parking lot awhile back. But kudos to the girl who hit him...she stayed, they filed a report & her insurance covered the repairs (eventually).
Glad you kept your cool     [clap]


That kind of stuff is why I have a hard time riding to work.
I had my 998 in the shop for like 3 months, decided to stop on the way home (being followed by my ride).
Parked in the Middle of the bike area.
Ate, came out, bike was fine.  Walked over to the car to gear up.  came back and the bike was on its right side.
Some BMW punk had parked his car in the bike area (there were plenty of other spots).  looked like his wheel hit my back wheel and pushed my bike forward and over.  I was so mad I didnt hear it!  I was only like 10 cars away!  And the driver was no where to be seen.  Luckily, just suffered a scrape on the plastic and a broken light.

Was soo tempted to sit there and wait for that driver to come back...  got talked into just going home.

Still..  not cool at all..  :(  sorry bout your monster.  feel your pain.


Insurance covers it, so what's the BFD!!!!!

It's the fact that people would rather slink away than be decent that's so offensive. 

America is a great place to live....just wish we could raise the bar from time to time...
Frickin' snow!


I completely feel your pain.  End of June mine got knocked over while it was parked in front of my house. My neighbor saw some a-hole back into it and drive away... grrrr...

It was in the shop for a month and a half because I was fighting with my insurance company to pay for damage on both sides of my bike -- the side it got hit on and the side that hit the pavement. They finally gave me $150 or so over my $500 deductable.

At least there's some sun now that I have it back.
'07 Monster 695 (black & red) w/ Termi pipes
'06 Ninja 500 (red) -sold
'03 Ninja 250 (green) -sold


At the end of the day, when the bike is fixed and you are back on the road, that seems to be all that matters.
Being knocked over is nothing to having your bike stolen.  I am so thankful I have not had to go through that!

Still dont understand why people wont take responsibility for their actions, esp when it wouldnt cost em much.


Quote from: lauramonster on August 21, 2008, 09:31:14 AM
Insurance covers it, so what's the BFD!!!!!

It's the fact that people would rather slink away than be decent that's so offensive. 

America is a great place to live....just wish we could raise the bar from time to time...

Welll, I don't know about you, but I actually have a deductible on my policy... ;)

And then there's the not being able to ride in the middle of summer because your bike's in the shop waiting for some piece to arrive from Italy....   [bang] [bang]

In my case, because I have an '01, every tip-over is a potential bike-totaler, because the tank is so damn expensive to replace. I got lucky this time, new tank courtesy the inept paint repair shop (not my regular shop).

I love my bike, we're just coming up on 10K miles; it's a huge inconvenience and PITTA when people are so irresponsible, both about driving and then about taking responsibility for their actions.
"Youth is wasted on the young." --GB Shaw


Quote from: duqette on August 22, 2008, 07:06:34 AM
And then there's the not being able to ride in the middle of summer because your bike's in the shop waiting for some piece to arrive from Italy....   [bang] [bang]

we have always joked about ducati sending all their parts via men in row-boats...  a week waiting can be hard enough.  I dont know much about fixing a bike... but more than a few times I have just found the parts and done the work myself....