The udder was loud to the rider, and
around the bike, but the sound didnt carry much down the road.
The current exhaust is alittle louder than the open udder
around the bike, but carries down the street much much more.
Kinda hard to describe. Like if you have ever heard a bike with a open Termi system, you can clearly hear it blocks away.
Thats how the BoomTubes are, and when you really get into the throttle it sounds like a big block chevy (literally)..
Below is a video that my buddy took after we got the pipes on the bike. I plan to put the stock clutch cover back on and get some better videos of the exhaust sooner than later. Nothing better than trying to hear how an exhaust sounds with the clutch drowning it out..
If you are looking for a minimal/simple/clean system that leaves the rear tire open/clean a set of BoomTubes is def. the way to go..
As far as the fuel thing goes, everything on the bike is stock with the addition of a FATDUC. At first I thought I would run it @ it's fattest setting (due to the pipes being so short/small/open) and I literally burned/melted the packing material outta the pipes
. So now I have the setting on the FATDUC in the middle of the range of adjustment and the bike seems to be running pretty good. Pulls hard thru the gears, with minimal poping on decell. I need to take the time and remove the system from the bike and seal up the slip-joints with some of that high temp gasket stuff, as I am 90% sure I have a exhaust leak on the back cylinder pipe (thus causing my bike to run hotter than it should). Besides that all seems to be well..