The headlight actually has been lowered since these pics were taken. The turn signals were hitting the tank so I had to lower it for clearance. I'm also probably going to use the higher sets of mount holes, which will in turn lower it a tad more. Not sure if I can get it as low as the photoshop due to the clamps and fork diameter...but maybe close. I agree it does look better lowered.
Gauges are where they are. It's a custom machined bracket. Also, if I lowered them any more it'd look silly from the top due to the height if the ignition unit.
Thanks for all of the compliments guys!
Ever think about chopping that last section off of the tail?
I wanted to, but the clamp that holds the pillion seat cover on is mounted on a cross member at the very end of what's left. Cutting it off would require the pillion cover to be permanently attached with fiberglass to the tank, not allowing for a pillion seat to be used, and permanently covering the gas tank beather valve. In the end I didn't want to do that.
Cleaning up the rear is tough on this bike as there was originally a set of rear fairings on it. I think it will look a little better with taillights/turn signals/plate on it though. There won't be so much empty space to focus on then.
what are you gonna do for pipes?
I have a single can from Competition Werkes. Check the 1st page...there's a pic of the can. I just have to get a piece of exhaust pipe welded up so I can mount it at the angle I like.