I know this is not a moto topic but i figure it'll get more help here.
I have a Ford Econovan, it's a 2L carby petrol engine. Two days ago I'm driving it home and it starts dying. If I try to give it some gas it just won't fire, it's like the engine is still spinning but not sparking. If I keep accelerating it backfires massively. This is the case even when it isn't moving. The next day it seemed fine so I drove it, but it started doing it again after about 1km.
It's strange. It doesn't shudder or anything, it just makes zero power, engine stops revving, and it backfires. If I let off the accelerator it runs again. It starts and Idles fine.
I changed the fuel filter but that didn't do it. I thought it felt the same as my monster did when there was water in the carbs, and it was raining the day it happened, but the past two days have been fine and sunny and it still happens. I haven't checked the plugs because I don't have a wrench with me.
What could it be?