I was okie-doked into riding in one of those episodes which feathured a so-Cal'er ( Roker i beileve)...
To say some of us (SoCal DMC'ers and DMF'ers) were a bit let down was an understatement...
- DNA rep called local clubs to "help out" and rally some riders for a video shoot-
The dood doesn't ride much or know much about Ducati..... actually came across as a total poser
and now the commercial plays on SPEEDtv and Versus....
Theres another episode that I heard about featuring a dood who owns some "fixie-bike" company...yet another poser ( heard he dumped his bike twice and can hardly ride)
I'm hoping they will start showcasing some true Ducatisti who carry real passion for the brand...
just my .02 cent rant and slightly off topic........sorry