Throttle hand Cramping up

Started by ROBsS4R, June 19, 2008, 02:17:53 PM

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My throttle hand is cramping up more and more these days.

I can actually feel the pain just by typing this e-mail. I think it is a combination of my work in front of computer and Motorcycling.

I have looked into proper postures and I have been mindful of not over gripping the throttle. Basically being very relaxed when riding but the issue is getting worse and worse.

The Pain starts from my lower forearm to about the middle of my Palm. I think my mouse is aggravating the situation.

Any advise other than go see a Doctor  ;D
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Seriously, that sounds like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but that's a WAG.

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~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


Carpel Tunnel was my first guess as well.  If it is, it's no joke.  This book has a good section on treatment.  I can remember it, I will bring it in to work and post the suggestions.  But if it is, don't let it get too bad because then (worse case) you need surgery to fix...


Maybe its the very early stages of Carpal tunnel syndrome but I read the wiki page on it and the symptoms do not seem to correspond to mine.
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Quote from: ROBsS4R on June 19, 2008, 02:57:42 PM
Maybe its the very early stages of Carpal tunnel syndrome but I read the wiki page on it and the symptoms do not seem to correspond to mine.

That's good news!  Would bar risers help?
When my right hand gets tired and ache-y , I try to lower my upper body so the back of my wrist is flat to my forearm to maximize blood flow and get more oxygen into my hands.


Perhaps tendonitis, there's lots of tendons going through that area, as shown in the Wiki picture.
- - - - - Valley Desmo Service - - - - -
Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


How long does it take for the pain to set in?  If it happens when you're on constant throttle, think about getting a throttle lock.  There's also a kind of grip that has a big chunk of rubber that sticks out that you can rest the heel of your hand on so you don't have to grip the throttle as much as just lean with your palm.
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Alright, checked with the book and there are 3 possibilities:
1) Carpel tunnel: take ibuprofen and rest; if it gets bad, then surgery may be needed. losen gloves.
2) Thoracic outlet syndrom: stand with back to wall.  Raise hands so elbow is parallel w/ shoulder with hands vertical (like "hold'em up pose).  Open and close palm for 3 minutes slowly.  If iti is painful you have TOS.  Solution, get a better/taller dinf screen
3) Vibration white fingers: if cold and heavy vibration it could be painful.  Bar riser helps


Quote from: CDawg on June 19, 2008, 03:07:36 PM
When my right hand gets tired and ache-y , I try to lower my upper body so the back of my wrist is flat to my forearm to maximize blood flow and get more oxygen into my hands.

I think you should adjust your controls so this is allways the case, much more relaxed. If you read Total Control by Lee Parks, this is also shown...
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You know the pain really varies depending on the time of the day it seems.

Worse in the morning and better at night when I ride.

Not that I ride intoxicated but it seems if I have a beer or two and then ride later that night my hand is mostly fine.

My commute home tonight which was 70 miles had little to no pain.

Maybe I need a rest from my bike but its my only mode of transportation right now. I need a rest from my PC as well  :-\

In the image below I placed a black oval where the pain is.

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I find that while cruising on the highway, I can just keep the throttle open with my hand positioned as if I was making a "zero" with my index finger + thumb, which seems to help relax the hand a bit...

Also, if you're wearing leather gloves, you can sometimes keep the throttle open by unclenching your hand all together and just letting the leather hold it where it needs to be..
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Do you have the same pain with different types of gloves?
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I've had episodes of hand and arm pain and numbness from working with computers. Two things made a huge difference for me.

1. I got rid of my mouse and started using a graphics tablet. Once you get used to it you'll never want to use a mouse again.

2. I started doing yoga regularly. I found a lot of my pain actually stemmed from tension in my neck and shoulders rather than the forearms, but yoga helps with all of that.
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Quote1. I got rid of my mouse and started using a graphics tablet. Once you get used to it you'll never want to use a mouse again.

Any tablets you recommend ?
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It sounds like I might have

Flexor tendinitis - inflammation of the tendons in the palm side of the wrist and hand.
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