you know what, the stock mirrors don't look bad when put on the clipons.
I thought the same thing! Still haven't swapped them for Rizomas..
how is it riding with the clip-ons? I have a old cafe bike with them but just curious about how it handles.
A dream.. I can get my knee down now, makes it a little easier to achieve.. and you feel so much more of the bike when cornering..
It's definitely not as ergonomic compared to an upright bike but compared to supersports/bikes its almost the same. The longest ride so far
without a break has been around 2 hours in and around the city and that left me a little sore, you'll have ducati wrists for a while but I'm used to
it.. 4800ks done since I was last here though. Hope I helped!
Very nice execution! Good job, now you are stricken with the mod bug! Good luck with the future mods!
Thanks so much! Wouldn't have been possible without this wonderful forum.. really good guys on here! Definitely have the bug now, already contemplating whats
going on her next
Part of the reason why I'm back on here.. Cheers!