Trooper hits couple on bike <video>

Started by Stormtrooper, September 11, 2013, 11:36:03 AM

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Who said they were going slow? Do you know how fast the Cruiser was going?
2005 S2R800
2006 S2R1000
2015 Monster 821


Yeah, and it's dark so I'm sure the motorcyclist was going at the speed limit or slightly under it to prepare for wildlife, etc that he could control. Police cruisers tend to travel 10+ over on interstates.
1998 M900
2007 CBR600RR Track Bike
1982 Virago 920 Cafe/Fighter Project
1980 Lambretta Moped
Supra Boats enthusiast

"There is no minimum."  - some guy.


That looked like a bit more that 10 over. I'm guessing the difference in speed was closer to 25-30MPH...
2005 S2R800
2006 S2R1000
2015 Monster 821


if you look at the car that passes just after, it was going about the same speed as the cruiser.


Quote from: Raux on September 12, 2013, 09:10:31 AM
if you look at the car that passes just after, it was going about the same speed as the cruiser.

Cars go faster than bikes on highways at night, it's the safe thing to do. Have you ever had a deer run in front of you? Not even close to the rider's fault.
1998 M900
2007 CBR600RR Track Bike
1982 Virago 920 Cafe/Fighter Project
1980 Lambretta Moped
Supra Boats enthusiast

"There is no minimum."  - some guy.


The fact that he doesn't even swerve at the last second tells me he was not looking at the road at all. Someone that was just spacing out while driving would have seen the bike at the last second and at least changed direction. I'm guessing this guy was looking at those stupid computers they're allowed to access while driving. Average drivers can't operate a cell phone but police officers can type on a laptop, makes perfect sense.
1998 M900
2007 CBR600RR Track Bike
1982 Virago 920 Cafe/Fighter Project
1980 Lambretta Moped
Supra Boats enthusiast

"There is no minimum."  - some guy.


Glad they're doing relatively OK for being thrown over the top of a car and sliding for a way down the road. Her nose looks gnarly.

++++ 11tybillion for the camera. Sucks this happened, but the evidence will probably lead to changed procedures and standards that will save lives.


1998 M900
2007 CBR600RR Track Bike
1982 Virago 920 Cafe/Fighter Project
1980 Lambretta Moped
Supra Boats enthusiast

"There is no minimum."  - some guy.


620M 2004 Dark i.e.; ~ 57K miles (all me);  Looking to swap out engine now.
Triumph Speed Triple 2006 (now ~ 44K miles bought @ 4K miles on 04/2010)
Honda Grom 2015 ~ 3500miles so far.  Love this lil bike


Quote from: ab on September 13, 2013, 04:36:54 PM
I hope that idiot is fired!

I hope the execute him after setting his head on fire and pissing on his foot to put it out.

But, hey, I've been run over by a careless asshole before,
so I may not be as lenient as those who have not been so crushed.

Professional?  Protect and serve? make the beast with two backs him.



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