696 vs 796

Started by Convert123, September 20, 2013, 07:53:25 PM

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honestly, the thread jack may throw off a new rider.

the bikes are great bikes out the door.

once you ride it for the first 600 miles you can decide for yourself based on your regular riding.

does it bog a bit during city traffic? 14t
do you find 6th gear just fine in highway/hills riding? 15t

either way, it's better you ride it for yourself.


Quote from: Raux on September 22, 2013, 02:09:19 PM
once you ride it for the first 600 miles you can decide for yourself based on your regular riding.

This is what I did. Made it easy to decide for myself.  [drink]
1961 Honda 50
1962 Mustang Thoroughbred
1972 Honda CB500 Four
2012 1100 evo

If I ever find myself on a winding road, holding up a line of cars with a motorcycle, I will carry the shame to my grave.   -PETER EGAN


 Early this year I bought an M1100S that had stock gearing. When it got crunched I replaced it with a nearly identical one with 14/39 gearing. For me there was no appreciable difference. Te bike with the 15 tooth sprocket was fine at freeway speeds in 6th gear.
3k rpm is not lugging this motor, or any other for that matter. My Bimota has 15/38 gearing with a Multistrada motor and it is just dandy in 6th at 60 or so. It pulls very cleanly from under 2.5k!
Spike Cornelius
   2009 M1100S Assorted blingy odds and ends(now gone)
2008 Bimota DB5R  woo-Hoo!
   1965 T100SC


Quote from: Curmudgeon on September 22, 2013, 09:29:56 AM
On a 696/796 4,000 RPM is ~ an indicted 80 MPH in 6th which is essentially lugging the engine below that on a stock bike. With different fueling that might be less of an issue. I'm not running a DP ECU. (Won't discuss my terminal velocity here.  8))
No it isn't.
"Once you accept that a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world in
a completely different way than you, you will be open to understand how that
    is even more amazing than yours."
    To realize the value of nine  months:
    Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
"Don't piss off old people The older we get, the less 'Life in Prison' is a deterrent.”


696 vs 796

Here's an idea:  How about those of us who have owned or had experience with either 696/796 share opinion on the relative merits of those machines?

And then when the OP has decided which of these Monsters (if either) to own....

...we can all argue about what make the beast with two backsing gearing is better  [bang].
Ducati 1100S Monster Ducati 1260ST Multistrada + Moto Guzzi Griso 1200SE

Previously: Ducati1200SMultistrada DucatiMonster696 DucatiSD900 MotoMorini31/2


Quote from: ungeheuer on September 22, 2013, 02:49:19 PM
696 vs 796

Here's an idea:  How about those of us who have owned or had experience with either 696/796 share opinion on the relative merits of those machines?

Now..., wouldn't THAT be unique and refreshing!
2011 796 ABS "Pantah" - Rizoma Bar, 14T, Tech Spec, Ohlins DU-737, Evaps removed, Sargent Seat, Pantah skins


 I apologize for insetting 1100 stuff here, butt the idea that anything below 4k is lugging just gets my whatnot unsettled!
Spike Cornelius
   2009 M1100S Assorted blingy odds and ends(now gone)
2008 Bimota DB5R  woo-Hoo!
   1965 T100SC


Quote from: Curmudgeon on September 22, 2013, 03:00:52 PM

Now..., wouldn't THAT be unique and refreshing!
Refraining from stating preferences  - around a topic not sought  - as if they were actual fact would also be quite refreshing  [cheeky].
Ducati 1100S Monster Ducati 1260ST Multistrada + Moto Guzzi Griso 1200SE

Previously: Ducati1200SMultistrada DucatiMonster696 DucatiSD900 MotoMorini31/2


Quote from: ungeheuer on September 22, 2013, 03:22:59 PM
Refraining from stating preferences  - around a topic not sought  - as if they were actual fact would also be quite refreshing  [cheeky].
At least YOU owned a 696 at one time. You and Raux might have forgotten how they run out-of-the-box however.  8)

After reading all of the above, the OP can go ride both a demo 696 and 796. I'll wager $0.05 he'll know what to do. ;)

FWIW, after doing that myself, I'd have not bought my 796 had no 14T been available. And believe me, it was THAT obvious. Of course I was only relating that experience to the other 34 bikes I've owned...
2011 796 ABS "Pantah" - Rizoma Bar, 14T, Tech Spec, Ohlins DU-737, Evaps removed, Sargent Seat, Pantah skins


nonsense. I have motorcycle memory  [Dolph]


 Also coming from a 696, now on an 1100S. I think the OP will be better off with a 696 if he is commuting to work. I miss my 696 for commuting duties as my 1100S has already caused me a few ass puckering moments.  :o.  during the morning commute having to open up the throttle quickly while maneuvering thru busy traffic.  :-[
11' 1198SP  Black
09' 1100S    Red
09'     696.   Red   first Ducati (sold)


Thanks y'all,
I'm definitely leaning towards the 696 because of the insurance i just found out it's almost 200 a month for me to own the 796 vs the 100 it would cost for the 696.
New question,
How many if you that own a 696 have done any touring in them? I'm not talking 100k mile touring but something significant like 1k miles in days kinda thing.


Quote from: Convert123 on September 22, 2013, 09:21:33 PM
Thanks y'all,
I'm definitely leaning towards the 696 because of the insurance i just found out it's almost 200 a month for me to own the 796 vs the 100 it would cost for the 696.
New question,
How many if you that own a 696 have done any touring in them? I'm not talking 100k mile touring but something significant like 1k miles in days kinda thing.
Not very far for me, I'm in Fresno and ride to your area and to L.A. To visit my brother -in law. I bought an ugly, but effective, large touring wind screen for the trips. I'm 6'2", 215 and the 696 easily took me over the grapevine and 152 over San Louis reservoir towards the coast with no problem, but I did add a much need oil cooler as the 696 did not come with one.
11' 1198SP  Black
09' 1100S    Red
09'     696.   Red   first Ducati (sold)


Quote from: Convert123 on September 22, 2013, 09:21:33 PM
Thanks y'all,
I'm definitely leaning towards the 696 because of the insurance i just found out it's almost 200 a month for me to own the 796 vs the 100 it would cost for the 696.
OUCH!!! Is that with USAA? Shop around and don't buy any insurance you don't need or duplicate coverage you may have on other policies. Maybe move back east?  ;)
2011 796 ABS "Pantah" - Rizoma Bar, 14T, Tech Spec, Ohlins DU-737, Evaps removed, Sargent Seat, Pantah skins


And you all doubted me adding insurance to the list


I've done the touring like that

what do you want to know?