As mentioned, not much to report.
As I wanted the motor to look reasonably nice also on the outside (according to some, a new for me ...), I´d agreed with a wet-blasting company to wet-blast the complete (nothing inside, of course) motor, to keep as much as possible of the debris out of the motor.
I spent a good deal of time and effort on producing plugs and such for all openings in the motor, as well as putting screws in all and any places possible.
Got the motor back, looking smooth and pretty, but due to other activities, I left it on the garage floor for a week and half. When I finally opened the motor, I found it full of wet blasting grit, and a lot of pretty ugly-looking corrosion:
2024-07-14 16.50.07 by
torbjörn bergström, on Flickr
2024-07-15 12.02.00 by
torbjörn bergström, on Flickr
As I found out, I´d made a mistake, plugging the hole for the clutch release rod in th left crankcase, not in the left side cover

I later checked with the grit blaster, suspecting some corrosive whet blasting media, but acc to him, it´s just water and porcellaine grit. In any case, it´s a serious clean-out before I can do anything else.
As for port epoxy, all the know-alls say "Splash Zone", but the company in the US that I contacted refused to deliver, due to Hazardous material concerns. Having sent out a question on a FB porting forum, I got the info that a Goodson material is the same, only manufactured on license. Checking their homepage, turns out they produce all the machinery you can only dream of, but they also have retailers all over the globe. I sent out a request to their swedish and german retailers, heard nothing from the swedes, but got a swift reply from the germans. So I´ve orderd a kit from the germans, let´s see how that turns out.
Their homepage, in case anyone´s interested:
That´s about it for now, nothing much will happen until I have my other two bikes up and (hopefully) running.
Kind regards,
ast summer, I delivered the motor to a wet-blasting