Best. Question. Ever.
Not really. Obviously visual appeal counts for something, but if it was all about that, I'd have just bought a S2r 800 and called it a day.
Considering what the stock body weighs on my 999, the monster is a better "start" for an all around performer in the city. I'm the weirdo who is having Mag triples made up to drop the weight more up front (and change the offset )
If I was concerned about high speed riding that much, I'd be more concerned with aero (not that bikes really have good aero to begin with), and I'd hop on my 999 and go. I'm more concerned with acceleration. Torque = acceleration, and therefore the results of a particular exhaust are important to me.
I'm not concerned with how they stack up against stock, I just would like to know what kind of power the bike makes on a dyno....and a before/after would be nice too.
Sorry if questioning a product has gotten people upset.
If the dyno results are out there, and the thing makes power, there is no reason not to post results.