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Author Topic: Ride Saturday 9/6  (Read 13783 times)
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« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2008, 01:56:54 PM »

 I would love to come by but I have kids on Mon. Tues nights and I would bring the young one but he is sick and needs TLC . I would love to pick Bonfy 's brain and see how they created such a tight club . I have a rule with my boys . If your driving or riding and pass a go cart track you have to stop and race. I think its great that they race. How fun a bunch of Duck riding speed loving people on a go cart track.  That's why I would like to see strength in the club.

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« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2008, 01:58:11 PM »

well said,WDB, we all can't be at every ride, and if we all make the best effort we can , and have fun, then we are a success!   'nuff sed.  hope to see you at phantom tomorrow eve.   and yes I do enjoy my beer, responsibly

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« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2008, 02:57:56 PM »

Totally understand the kids thing. I too have to work around a kiddie schedule. I do look forward to meeting you though.  Wink KRJ see ya tomorrow night.  waytogo I was talking with her(Bonfy) earlier today about that actually, it sounds like it just happened a person at a time. Maybe we are just expecting to much to soon.  Tongue

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« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2008, 04:49:55 PM »

SURELY you aren't speaking of little ole me!!    coffee

 laughingdp laughingdp laughingdp

Thanks DDGM, you just made me sputter triscuits and muenster all over the screen.  How could the Smelly Pirate Hooker ever get tired of the Invisible Man?     


The Smelly Pirate Hooker
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The Blue Flame 2008 695 Monster Controlled Folly

« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2008, 05:40:01 PM »

I would love to come by but I have kids on Mon. Tues nights and I would bring the young one but he is sick and needs TLC . I would love to pick Bonfy 's brain and see how they created such a tight club . I have a rule with my boys . If your driving or riding and pass a go cart track you have to stop and race. I think its great that they race. How fun a bunch of Duck riding speed loving people on a go cart track.  That's why I would like to see strength in the club.

Well, Duckrider, you would fit right in down here.  These guys and gals are maniacs on the go-cart track.  I haven't actually gone with them.  I confess I am sadly lacking in interest as far as going roundy-round in a go-cart.  I can be such an old poop sometimes.  But I do alot of other wild and crazy things to make up for it.   Grin  But they go and just have a ball, so I am told. 

We do have a great gang down here.  We are an unlikely-looking conglomeration of folk.  Once when I came in late looking for the crew, the waitress described them as a family reunion.  So we have old farts and young whippersnappers of every variety.  It has been one newcomer at a time usually.  They find us on the board or see us meeting for rides at PJ's and want to be part of the fun.  If you build it, they will come.   cheeky

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« Reply #35 on: September 09, 2008, 05:24:54 AM »

Truth be told, on the 3rd Tuesday of every month bonfy does a table dance.   waytogo

How do you think we gave her the smelly pirate hooker nickname?!

Ya know for YEARS I tried getting a group consistently together in the Springs...its a hard thing to do.   Then I move to ABQ and we just kinda gelled.  Maybe we were the out casts of society who kinda melt together?


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« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2008, 06:32:43 AM »

Well, I guess I should chime in and say that I have not been on any rides lately because of going through a divorce and moving and figuring out how to do the "you have the kids on this day..." thing. So I have been pretty much out of the loop since mid August, and not ridden since then. But, I am still around, just tyring to juggle alot of things right now...every day and night seems to be something new.

but, yea, It is hard to get everyone together. So many things going on in so many lives..... Undecided
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« Reply #37 on: September 09, 2008, 07:54:59 AM »

Wow, sorry to hear that. Best of luck to you..... I understand the pain involved in that situation better than you know.

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« Reply #38 on: September 09, 2008, 07:57:51 AM »

You went on the one ride I did with the Soco Dogs  so you are batting 100% as far as I am concerned, cooleye.  

The NMMR is not a club really.  Our Ducati "club" is actually the High Desert Hooligans and we haven't had any formal meetings yet.  The NMMR is for the DMF so we can post up rides and pictures, perform flagrant thread-jacking manuevers, taunt, and ruthlessly mock each other which we'd probably get called down for on the main board.  There is a core group that shows up the most often for rides and get-togethers that are posted.  The rides that PJ's (our local dealership) gets together are fun and I've been on a few, but they are always on Sunday morning when I am in church or playing soccer.  Triumph riders outnumber the Duc's 4 to 1 usually, but no matter.  PJ's knows about our tight little band and they send people our way once in awhile.  They will stay in business whether we show up for their rides or not due to the rate we go through bikes and parts down here.  I know I've done my part to keep them afloat.   Embarrassed

Everyone has issues that come up so they can't make DucNight or a ride, but it's no big deal, they catch up on the next get-together.  As for me, I have my church council meeting the second Tuesday of every month, after which I meet for pole practice with Dusty and DucMouse.  That's so that my chair dance and stage act are tuned up for the third Tuesday of every month.   cheeky

The Smelly Pirate Hooker
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« Reply #39 on: September 09, 2008, 08:22:17 AM »



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« Reply #40 on: September 09, 2008, 09:05:18 AM »

Hey, fartknocker, being your mom may be the most challenging role I play, but it's not the only one!   Kiss

The Smelly Pirate Hooker
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The Blue Flame 2008 695 Monster Controlled Folly

« Reply #41 on: September 09, 2008, 09:32:01 AM »

Ya know for YEARS I tried getting a group consistently together in the Springs...its a hard thing to do.   Then I move to ABQ and we just kinda gelled.  Maybe we were the out casts of society who kinda melt together?

"Look closely at who is calling you crazy (or outcasts)".  It's all good to me. 

DDGM got us our own board and now is doing all the work of getting the HDH club going.  He has been the mover and shaker for our group for which we are all eternally grateful, even if we act like a bunch of hooligans and miscreants when it comes to abiding by the rules.  Most of us didn't even realize there were rules attached to the forum.  He is a benevolent overseer, rarely reining us in.   Kiss

« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 09:48:26 AM by bonfy » Logged

The Smelly Pirate Hooker
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« Reply #42 on: September 09, 2008, 09:58:23 AM »

I share duckrider's frustration with the level of participation here in the Springs.  That said, I can see how some of you took his posts the wrong way, especially if you haven't met him.  I assure you he's a great guy, and I know WDB and duckrider will get along swimmingly once they meet each other!

I'm just jealous of the level of involvement I see in some of the other boards.  Don't know what it is about our area.  I've thunk about it and thunk about it and can't put my finger on it.  We're all busy people, and those of us who bother to post here are at least that involved.  I can't believe the number of people who came to our first two meetings, and they are NOWHERE to be seen.  Although some people just aren't into forums.  I know I've mentioned it to a few people who seemed to dismiss me since I was pushing this forum as the main point of contact.  What can you do?

Small as we are, I appreciate those of you who are here, especially you out of towners (Denver and New Mexico) who help swell our numbers!

Cooleye, very sorry to hear about what you're going through.  I'll be prayin' for you man!
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« Reply #43 on: September 09, 2008, 01:31:59 PM »

Thank You Smitch for the support . If no one lit a fire under the Pilgrims to dump the tea we would still be under a Queen . Every one has a lot going in life and with ski and climbing season coming on strong we all will be changing gears . I will be at the next ride with Holland it would be great to see a large turn out.
 A note to Cooleye : sorry to hear your news. I've been there and belive me its does get better but when your in it its rough. If you ever need to talk or just need someone to ride with drop me a note .
Gringo 999
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« Reply #44 on: September 09, 2008, 06:22:56 PM »

I started reading this thread to get caught up and got a queesy feeling in my gut.  First, I just want to remind everyone that one of only rules with this forum and the club is that we treat each other with respect.  I know both WDB and Duckrider.  I hold both of you in high regard and consider you both core members of our Ducati Owners Group.  And I agree with Smitch that you both probably will get along swimmingly.  I'm glad to see that we've worked thru the emotion!   waytogo

As for the core issue here, SoCo Dog participation, I can say that I have been disappointed too.  I believe that we all want to see greater participation.  The emotion in this thread reveals that folks care about the future of this club.  I think we all need to look for little victories, like the fact that there is great comraderie with the folks that habitually visit this forum.  There is a core group of folks that, despite all the other activities we juggle, really try and get out for the rides.  We have to recognize that there is challenge balancing the needs of all our members and what they want.  We have a wide variety of people in varing stages of life and commitments. 

This summer has been a test for our group.  I think the core membership has sorted itself out.  I think we need to recognize and build around this core for next year.  We also need to spread the wealth in terms of ride and event organization.  And we need to continue to build personal relationships and extend our friendship, wherever and whenever possible, to grow our group.  Let's continue to be positive, and continue to encourage others to participate, whenever and however possible to the comraderie of SoCo D.O.G.   chug


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