Title: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 12, 2008, 01:05:00 PM in order to minimise the threadjacking that we too easily do, this ought to be the spot for all misc. discussion.
discuss. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 12, 2008, 02:44:28 PM in order to minimise the threadjacking that we too easily do, this ought to be the spot for all misc. discussion. discuss. ;D Well since everything we talk about seems to circle around to booze how are we gonna stop that and shift over to misc. discussion? We can't even shift it over to "random drunkeness". ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: island_duc on May 12, 2008, 04:41:27 PM Man, I'm wondering why in this moderator-less environment someone hasn't posted something REALLY interesting. I seem to recall a thread from the other website . . . . . [evil]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 12, 2008, 05:54:52 PM Man, I'm wondering why in this moderator-less environment someone hasn't posted something REALLY interesting. I seem to recall a thread from the other website . . . . . [evil] Hey, I am trying to be good. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 13, 2008, 01:49:01 AM c'mon, guys... I'm doin' me best here....
yes, I get swept up in threadjacking, but I fig'd if there was a distinct place to sit and talk about anything misc. that wasn't a drunk post, this would help keep the 'normal' thds on track.... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 13, 2008, 06:25:33 AM And a valiant effort it may be, but ultimately futile I am afraid. It's just like the BMW forum that I used to hang out at was the same way. I don't think any of the threads stayed on track for more than five or six posts...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 13, 2008, 10:48:16 AM I like bacon!
Is that on track? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on May 13, 2008, 01:52:19 PM I may have pancreatitis. [drink] Funny I never thought I drank that much (heh denial = symptom #1?). Doc said it may also be due to gallstones. I have an ultrasound tomorrow.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 13, 2008, 05:26:08 PM hopefully it's just stones.
I'd go crazy if I couldn't drink anymore Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 13, 2008, 07:25:43 PM Well, stones are never pleasant! Kidney stones are the worst though. Damn those things hurt.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 13, 2008, 07:27:05 PM Well, stones are never pleasant! Kidney stones are the worst though. Damn those things hurt. I'd take stones over failing pancreas any day Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 13, 2008, 07:28:20 PM Can't you just go down to chinatown and get a new one of those?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 13, 2008, 07:29:37 PM [laugh] only if it come with eggroll
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 13, 2008, 07:31:50 PM SWEET!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 13, 2008, 07:34:17 PM man... what is w/this weather today? good thing I wasn't at work for the party ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 13, 2008, 07:42:47 PM Party? Why weren't we invited? >:(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 13, 2008, 07:46:13 PM SY workers centennial party.
yep. as much fun as it sounds. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on May 13, 2008, 08:32:08 PM man... what is w/this weather today? good thing I wasn't at work for the party ;D rain on ka uka ftl >:( grrTitle: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on May 13, 2008, 08:40:08 PM And a valiant effort it may be, but ultimately futile I am afraid. It's just like the BMW forum that I used to hang out at was the same way. I don't think any of the threads stayed on track for more than five or six posts... The funny thing for me is that I feel like I have to own a Porsche in order to post on the BMW forum, I don't go there much anymore. ???Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 13, 2008, 09:07:44 PM that makes... no sense.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 13, 2008, 11:36:45 PM The funny thing for me is that I feel like I have to own a Porsche in order to post on the BMW forum, I don't go there much anymore. ??? I don't really go there much at all anymore either. Started to taper off once I got rid of the BMW, then completely started to drop off when it became a site for nothing but drama. Now it seems like it has been taken over by a bunch of snotty teenagers... Shame that. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 13, 2008, 11:37:48 PM that makes... no sense. And as silly as it may be, D'bob's statement is entirely accurate. Hell, the chapter president of the BMW CCA here doesn't own a BMW, only Porsches... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on May 14, 2008, 03:35:40 PM Woo sorta got good news, but bad news too. From the Doc.
Good news is I can eat red meat again! And junk food. Well in moderation. Bad news is I gotta chill on the booze. >:( It's pretty much what it is. Not gallstones or the liver. Pancreatitis most likely from booze. >:( >:( >:( I remember once upon a time when I thought I was invincible. Ahh growing old... (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a304/DesmoBob/old_guy.gif) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 14, 2008, 05:48:28 PM Oh man, sorry to hear that. But there could be a silver lining to this cloud. The doctor did not seem to mention anything about hard drugs. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 14, 2008, 07:39:08 PM Yup. And Ice is cheaper that (good) booze anyway!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 14, 2008, 08:56:37 PM dude, that sucks... :-\ but at least you can eat. I'd kill for a slice of bacon.
I'm still on bland food while we wait for labs yet again. now doc thinks it might be ulcers... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 14, 2008, 10:55:36 PM I thought he'd already sorta ruled out ulcers. [bang]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on May 14, 2008, 10:57:56 PM dude, that sucks... :-\ but at least you can eat. I'd kill for a slice of bacon. I had been eating Jack's BBQ Bacon Sirloin Burgers almost every day for about a week until I had my initial acute attack, so I can't help but think that was a big contributing factor. I still have my doubts as to my ultimate diagnosis, but it probably wouldn't hurt for me to chill with the booze.I'm still on bland food while we wait for labs yet again. now doc thinks it might be ulcers... I know how you feel. My entire diet after the attack consisted of: bread, honey, bananas, fiber one (without milk), powerade, soda crackers. Are you on Prilosec? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 14, 2008, 11:25:37 PM Holy crap! If you young guys are going through that stuff now wait until you get to be my age. :P
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 15, 2008, 06:36:53 AM Holy crap! If you young guys are going through that stuff now wait until you get to be my age. :P Rick, one can not live on metamucil alone. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 15, 2008, 08:47:06 AM Smart ass! Of course not, that's what Guinness Extra Stout is for. [drink] And vitamins, and oils/massage therapy for the knee joints, and the neck traction machine for the arthritic cervical vertebrae pinched nerves, etc., etc. Yada, yada. Given my earlier life I never imagined that I'd still be around today. A bunch of my friends aren't. Hazardous sports tend to take their toll. :( Lifestyle catches up sooner or later. Memento mori.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 15, 2008, 01:03:36 PM I thought he'd already sorta ruled out ulcers. [bang] he didn't think so, because of the location of the pain. he's checking for that now just to make sure, but I'm feeling ever so slightly better, so that's a good sign. I had been eating Jack's BBQ Bacon Sirloin Burgers almost every day for about a week until I had my initial acute attack, so I can't help but think that was a big contributing factor. I still have my doubts as to my ultimate diagnosis, but it probably wouldn't hurt for me to chill with the booze. I know how you feel. My entire diet after the attack consisted of: bread, honey, bananas, fiber one (without milk), powerade, soda crackers. Are you on Prilosec? I think my contributing factor is work. ;D Nexium. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 15, 2008, 01:40:16 PM Are you saying that your job may not be the dreamboat with the cute hair that you thought it was?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 15, 2008, 08:22:24 PM no... why on earth would I ever think that!
I make SO much money there... [roll] maybe if I had my own proper office, and they hired... n'mind... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 15, 2008, 08:43:39 PM Yup, same job as always. ;)
So. I'm sick. Stomach is in control of my entire body. Dinner? Pipeline Porter and cake. Mac's new tagline is on the money. I'm going to kill me one of these days. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 15, 2008, 08:48:24 PM beer makes everything better [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 21, 2008, 08:41:11 PM Attempting to save the sanctity of the board, elT uses the 'say anything' thread. The 'schleptor is gone. Kid came up from Manoa to ride home, in the rain, in shorts and t-shirt. I gave him a spare helmet, but there wasn't much else I could do. Hope he is careful. But it's GONE ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D . [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 21, 2008, 10:16:00 PM w00t!
now we just gotta get the monsta all gussied up ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 21, 2008, 10:25:53 PM Congrats! Good to see that some of these riders have some sense to have the proper gear. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 23, 2008, 12:39:41 AM so I gots me a shiny ol'quarter that says we got the fewest members, but still... amazingly... break the top 10 for active boards.
wow. that is all. yes, I should be asleep. hell, this should be in the drunk thd. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 23, 2008, 06:47:22 AM Hell son, we are usually well in the top five!
Yep, right now only Dallas, Oz, and the Mob have a higher count than us. Take that rest of the Monster world!! HOORAY FOR US!! [beer] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 23, 2008, 01:08:31 PM Hell son, we are usually well in the top five! Yep, right now only Dallas, Oz, and the Mob have a higher count than us. Take that rest of the Monster world!! HOORAY FOR US POST WHORES!! [beer] fixed. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 23, 2008, 03:50:25 PM As if there is something wrong with that. :P
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 23, 2008, 05:54:03 PM nope.
;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 23, 2008, 06:21:09 PM Teddy, your job sucks.
Work at Just Tacos, but make sure you have weekend mornings free! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 23, 2008, 06:22:46 PM Teddy, your job sucks. Work at Just Tacos, but make sure you have weekend mornings free! [laugh] I suppose it depends on how much experience they require for that pos'n Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 23, 2008, 08:21:06 PM Teddy the taco slinger with 696 posts! ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 23, 2008, 10:50:02 PM Teddy the taco slinger with 696 posts! ;) actually, it's an assistant mgr pos'n for the restaurant. besides, I paid my dues in the trenches. enough taco slingin' for this boy. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 23, 2008, 10:55:21 PM actually, it's an assistant mgr pos'n for the restaurant. All is fair in love and war, but would they pay you as well as what you are getting now? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 24, 2008, 09:38:04 PM pay has started to become less of an issue for me.
would I like to maintain my income? sure! who wouldn't? is it the end all? that's become topic of debate. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 24, 2008, 10:43:16 PM I hear you there man. My problem is that I just need to slim down all of my expensive hobbies. Should pick one or two to keep and let the rest go...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 24, 2008, 10:44:37 PM oh, it's not just a matter of hobbies.
I don't feel my pay is worth the bullshit. if it were, I wouldn't be so depressed. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 24, 2008, 10:48:21 PM Yea, I hear you on that too. But count yourself lucky on one regard. You have one luxury that Tristan and I do not; you can give your boss the finger and walk any time you choose to.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 24, 2008, 10:51:20 PM techincally, yes. 'tis true.
I was actually looking at numbers the other week. if I sell my car, I could quit today and live a few months w/o working and just job hunting... but draining my savings for that would be a rather silly thing to do. I'd much rather secure something new, and then give the bosses the finger. or two. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 25, 2008, 12:29:44 AM I'd much rather secure something new, and then give the bosses the finger. or two. Well Duh!! Plus, it is always easier to find a job when you already have one versus when you are unemployed. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 25, 2008, 01:14:18 PM yep...
nice weather again today. you're welcome. bet it's going to be nice tomorrow, too... [bang] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 25, 2008, 06:01:29 PM Are you going to be stuck at work again tomorrow Teddy?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 25, 2008, 08:20:34 PM no, I'm off tomorrow....
so the weather's gonna be poo. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 25, 2008, 08:31:55 PM NWS says a high pressure ridge aloft and at the surface is going to keep things stable & dry. So there Mr. Negative Waves. :-*
Are we doing anything tomorrow? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 25, 2008, 08:39:34 PM tristan's thinking of a brekky run... and speaking of brent's...
otherwise I got nothing. I want to go to punchbowl, but it'll be a madhouse tomorrow :-\ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 25, 2008, 08:44:20 PM what happens at punchbowl?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 25, 2008, 08:51:16 PM what happens at punchbowl? just to visit a friend... but it's always crowded on memorial day... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 25, 2008, 08:54:35 PM gorcha.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 25, 2008, 09:51:55 PM So... Is a breakfast ride going to happen?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 25, 2008, 09:57:52 PM Brent's is always closed on Monday and tomorrow is no exception. I'm open to other ideas. I might take the bicycle out, I dunno yet. I'm working on my only beer of the day (Guinness)(so far) which means my mind is not as focused on tomorrow as it should be. I didn't scrape enough, if any, rubber off the sides of my tires today so I'm kind of thinking about doing something about that.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 25, 2008, 10:25:40 PM It sounds like you folk did north shore this morning. brents is closed. I can't really think of anything else. As usual, I don't have all day; tomorrow is garage and backyard cleanup. i'm open to suggestions .
Wow that was poorly written. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 26, 2008, 06:24:40 AM there's koa's... wahiawa or.. crap. that spot near th e NEX... moanalua shopping ctr?
as far as north shore, there's cafe halleiwa or... mayne jamesons? I know they have brunch on wkemds that is supposed to be good... fack. I dunno. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 26, 2008, 07:49:53 AM jamesons brunch is on par with their other foods, so, mediocre and overpriced. There's a koa's near the nex if that's what yer talking aboot, and that's fine. Not much of a ride, of course [roll]. I'm all for shooting north as it will save me time and allow the wife the opportunity to boss me around the house.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 26, 2008, 08:29:50 AM Wow! Teddy & Tristan are up so early! Anybody else up? Ben? If we're going to get a ride in it's got to happen pretty darn soon for me. I've definitely got cleanup duty today and I'm going to have to do a quick two step even at that. Getting the semi-evil eye. "But honey it's a holiday and a couple of guys didn't get to go yesterday". "Yeah, but you went yesterday"
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 26, 2008, 08:49:19 AM I am game to get into the action, but I have to drop Alex off at around 0830. Any chance of a meet up after that?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 26, 2008, 09:13:59 AM OK, Ben's online. How about the rest of the gang?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 26, 2008, 09:28:58 AM I'm thinking ted might have still been up from last night, not up already. I'm down for after wife-dropping-off. When would that put you on the bike?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 26, 2008, 09:34:38 AM Should be able to leave the house by nine, would that work? Haven't been on the Monster in over a week, so probably need to stop and get gas for it though. Would you want to meet at the sports park, or see if I can remember how to get to your house? ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 26, 2008, 09:35:28 AM OK, Ben's online. How about the rest of the gang? I'm always online. Beauty of having a Mac; it always stays connected and just takes naps from time to time. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 26, 2008, 09:36:25 AM So where, when would we meet up?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 26, 2008, 09:37:29 AM I like sports park, at least we all know where it is. As far as when, 9:30? That should give Benben time to get there. I think?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 26, 2008, 09:37:41 AM So where, when would we meet up? Sports park at 0915-0930? Then on to happy chewing? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 26, 2008, 09:41:42 AM OK.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 26, 2008, 09:43:07 AM I really like the simple reply post whore count building. Now off to pre-breakfast fueling. [coffee]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 26, 2008, 09:43:57 AM I
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 26, 2008, 09:44:15 AM don't
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 26, 2008, 09:44:37 AM understand...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 26, 2008, 09:45:03 AM ???
;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 27, 2008, 07:43:49 PM wow. quiet day in le 'tropic. oh, and i'm hungry.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 27, 2008, 08:23:59 PM No kidding! Has anyone heard from Teddy since yesterday?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 27, 2008, 08:32:43 PM teddy is no more.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 27, 2008, 08:34:00 PM Oh really? And what has happened to him?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 27, 2008, 10:46:03 PM teddy is no more. What's with that cryptic, inscrutable, brief statement? Please explain. We're your buds. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 27, 2008, 10:50:11 PM What's with that cryptic, inscrutable, brief statement? Please explain. We're your buds. Definitely! Are you ok brother? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 28, 2008, 08:07:05 AM that just sounded cool.
I dunno, though. been in a funk lately. meh. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 28, 2008, 08:36:51 AM Well good. You're alright in at least one sense. Funks pass.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 28, 2008, 11:01:41 AM But FUNK shall never pass!
(http://i31.tinypic.com/153y591.jpg) Lego Funk! http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://lego.roerei.nl/Pfunk/stage%2520002-crop-medium.jpg&imgrefurl=http://lego.roerei.nl/Pfunk/pfunk.htm&h=506&w=574&sz=94&hl=en&start=50&um=1&tbnid=kR0Vw-1X4BaInM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dp-funk%26start%3D36%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den-us%26sa%3DN Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 28, 2008, 01:12:43 PM Well good. You're alright in at least one sense. Funks pass. I certainly hope so. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 28, 2008, 06:25:36 PM Dude, let me know if you need to get out and away from the normal grind for a while. I go through this sort of thing from time to time as well, but please don't think I am trying to share your funk. That would just be too personal. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 28, 2008, 09:24:02 PM That sounds like a road trip to Bangkok is in order. [evil]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 28, 2008, 10:08:09 PM it has been scientifically proven that there is no problem which cannot be solved with a direct application of twenty five year old thai boys. [laugh]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 28, 2008, 10:29:43 PM it has been scientifically proven that there is no problem which cannot be solved with a direct application of twenty five year old thai boys. [laugh] I'm not sure what school of science you follow, son... [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] and thank you all for the kindness.... it's totally minor, so there's really no need for the... what's the word?.... n'mind. in any caseit's of no effect to the rest of you, so.... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 31, 2008, 11:43:55 PM [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]
so I just realised that my newest avatar text will look completely like some sort of proper exotic foreign language to... 99.9% of the board. awesome ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 01, 2008, 04:22:42 PM and speakin' of pidgin...
coq au vin, local stylee ;) http://youtube.com/watch?v=ws70oI3yMBc Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 01, 2008, 06:22:27 PM Please feel free to read and comment on my sob story here:
http://ducatimonsterworldwide.org/index.php?topic=3687.msg53961#msg53961 Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on June 01, 2008, 11:06:23 PM it has been scientifically proven that there is no problem which cannot be solved with a direct application of twenty five year old thai boys. [laugh] ugh i hope this application doesn't involve any sort of rubbingTitle: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 02, 2008, 12:58:00 AM Please feel free to read and comment on my sob story here: http://ducatimonsterworldwide.org/index.php?topic=3687.msg53961#msg53961 Shit Tristo, that sucks! What size was your lid? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 02, 2008, 08:06:08 AM so apparently we do have non-automotive shops on the rock...
Quote CNC Machinist position-full time. Program, set-up and operate CNC vertical machining centers, CNC lathes and do conventional machining. Must have CAM experience. We are a small high-tech job shop in Hawaii for 32 years and have an excellent reputation. Our company offers a highly competitive salary, overtime, 401K, profit sharing, vacation and excellent benefits with a paid medical plan including drug, vision and dental for the whole family. listing was posted on 5/5 at hawaiijobsondemand.com. I assume they keep their listings current, but I've never used them before, so who knows... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 02, 2008, 08:36:43 AM That sounds like you Teddy!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 02, 2008, 11:16:57 AM Shit Tristo, that sucks! What size was your lid? Medium, as far as their sizing goes Tedrow! I presume you are looking into that sweetness? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 02, 2008, 01:05:19 PM well, the listing is almost a month old, but it is still posted, so...
gonna work on making my CHART resume in civvie format while doing laundry tonight. so we'll see. :-\ [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 02, 2008, 06:59:02 PM Cool. Good luck with that, hope it works out.
BUT, the fact that they said they "offer" overtime might be cause for alarm... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 03, 2008, 10:02:30 PM Did you folk suddenly get lives or something? It's D-E-A-D dead tonight.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 03, 2008, 10:18:46 PM Did you folk suddenly get lives or something? It's D-E-A-D dead tonight. Not that I don't get the connection between your post and your signature at the bottom. I was going to say something similar. I'll post over in what did you do today as well. Tristan --- you have to lose MJ ---- really, I mean it. It's more disturbing than the post about 25 year old Thai boys, which was the farthest thing from my mind when I was talking about Bangkok. OK, the farthest gender from my mind, how's that? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 03, 2008, 11:27:19 PM I agree, it has been totally dead for the last day or so. Was wondering if anything bad had happened to you guys.
Tristan --- you have to lose MJ ---- really, I mean it. It's more disturbing than the post about 25 year old Thai boys, which was the farthest thing from my mind when I was talking about Bangkok. OK, the farthest gender from my mind, how's that? I was under the impression that Tristan meant 20 five year old Thai boys. SICKO! :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 04, 2008, 12:49:06 AM I agree, it has been totally dead for the last day or so. Was wondering if anything bad had happened to you guys. I was under the impression that Tristan meant 20 five year old Thai boys. SICKO! :P That's the joke, sillies. Ruined now, of course, but Teddy knew what I meant, so not all is lost. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 04, 2008, 06:32:30 AM That's the joke, sillies. Ruined now, of course, but Teddy knew what I meant, so not all is lost. That's because you lovebirds are nigh inseparable. [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 04, 2008, 08:37:45 AM Oh, I see now said the blind man. 20 five year Thai boys. That does fit with the MJ theme. Are you all off to Neverland?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 04, 2008, 01:06:16 PM That's because you lovebirds are nigh inseparable. [cheeky] the correct term is bromance. hellooo. damn noobs. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 04, 2008, 03:14:11 PM On a different subject --- Ben, How's Alex doing with her MSF course?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 04, 2008, 10:48:28 PM Padma Lakshmi is (getting?) divorced from Salman Rushdie.
http://men.style.com/images/gq/features/080107/GQfeature3v.jpg My marriage may be in trouble. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on June 04, 2008, 11:55:39 PM (http://ducatimonsterworldwide.org/Themes/black22_11final_tp/images/topbarleft.gif)
I like the new forum graphic Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 05, 2008, 06:28:28 AM On a different subject --- Ben, How's Alex doing with her MSF course? Let's just say that luck was not on her side... :( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 05, 2008, 06:29:25 AM Padma Lakshmi is (getting?) divorced from Salman Rushdie. http://men.style.com/images/gq/features/080107/GQfeature3v.jpg My marriage may be in trouble. She was married to Salman Rushdie??? Good god, there is hope for all of us schleps in the world. Wait, I guess it does help to be rich and famous as all hell over there... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 05, 2008, 08:36:53 AM She was married to Salman Rushdie??? Good god, there is hope for all of us schleps in the world. You are living proof of that, my friend. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 05, 2008, 08:37:13 AM Let's just say that luck was not on her side... :( What's up with that? I guess it's your turn to be cryptic now. [laugh] Is she OK? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 05, 2008, 07:43:57 PM You are living proof of that, my friend. ;D lol Tell me about it. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 05, 2008, 07:45:17 PM What's up with that? I guess it's your turn to be cryptic now. [laugh] Is she OK? Yea, she is fine. But she did not really enjoy the class so much. The bike was in gear the first time she went to start it, and she did not have the clutch lever pulled, so you can guess the reaction to that. And things just seemed to go downhill from there. She decided not to go to the second day of riding... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 05, 2008, 10:06:36 PM In the long run that might be just as well. For those truly determined to ride such things wouldn't even be a blip on the screen. There are those to whom it comes easily and natural. Usually our kind of people. There are those who have tried it, or haven't tried it, but in either case don't care for it. I've no problem with those people either. Then there are those who are uncomfortable with it and force themselves to do it with white knuckles, and they do it for the wrong reasons, of which there are plenty. They are the dangerous ones. You see them in almost every action sport. As long as she let's you enjoy it then it's all good.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 05, 2008, 10:09:17 PM Yea, I really think she was mainly wanting to give it a go so we could have more time together... I am still trying to convince her that we all need a little bit of "man time" alone. Or in Teddy and Tristan's case, "bromance" time. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 06, 2008, 12:14:17 AM don't hate, sweetness :-* there's plenty of room for you
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 06, 2008, 12:27:31 AM don't hate, sweetness :-* there's plenty of room for you SWEET!!! <breaking out my latex love sheep doll> Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 06, 2008, 08:54:52 AM New Zealand. Where men are men and the sheep have a worried look on their faces.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 06, 2008, 08:59:43 AM Because this is the "say anything" thread.
It's D-Day. Pause and reflect for a moment. The scale of that action. The dedication and the sacrifice. I'm not the huge flag waving conservative red neck but that moment in time always gets me. When I was a kid that was a time that wasn't too far away. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 06, 2008, 04:52:36 PM D-Day is a very momentous anniversary. I have been to Omaha beach a few times, and actually had my last promotion there two years ago today.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 06, 2008, 06:46:37 PM D-Day is a very momentous anniversary. I have been to Omaha beach a few times, and actually had my last promotion there two years ago today. Totally cool. That will stick with you for the rest of your life. I had a friend of mine receive her Commander promotion on the deck of the U.S.S. Missouri. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 06, 2008, 06:54:04 PM Yea, I have been able to work things out and be at the right place at the right time for a few significant events in my military career. I "committed" myself to another bout of service on the 19th of December, 2006. Did the ceremony at the WWII memorial in Bastogne. The city there got me in touch with a few of the surviving members of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment (Think Band of Brothers) to see if I could be a part of the reenactment of them setting marching through the Ardenne. They actually arrived in Bastogne on the 16th, but the 19th marked the first of several German attacks on the city.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 10, 2008, 10:13:56 PM OK. I finally found myself semi-prepared when I ran into that red 695 (I think) at the tunnel (aka where I used to work). It's a pretty bike: Red on red, carbon Termis, carbon side covers, CRGs (or something like them). And clean. That one threw me a little.
Anyway, I left a note. That was Monday. We'll see if anything comes of it. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 10, 2008, 10:20:55 PM SWEET!! More donuts!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 15, 2008, 12:00:30 PM Testing clock settings. Pay little mind. [coffee]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 22, 2008, 09:32:20 PM [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]
http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080622/NEWS09/806220358&referrer=FRONTPAGECAROUSEL Dealers are offering $8,000 on a trade-in but Fontanilla still owes $18,000 on the truck, which she bought four years ago for $30,000. "Not only are we getting screwed by gas prices but car dealers are also screwing us," she said. boo-frickity-hoo. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 22, 2008, 09:52:09 PM She's only paid down $12k in 4 years? How long is her loan? 10 years? You screwed yourself, sister.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 22, 2008, 09:54:51 PM exactly... I think I owe 13k? now... and it'll be 4 years in september... and I paid 35 for my car.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 22, 2008, 10:54:29 PM She's only paid down $12k in 4 years? How long is her loan? 10 years? You screwed yourself, sister. No shit. How does she figure that the car dealers are screwing people when the dealers can't sell their brand new inventory and private party sellers can't sell their trucks either? When you remember that as even as recently as a year ago the Ford F-150 was the best selling single model vehicle in the U.S. all you can say is that "America you done screwed your ownself." (sic) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 22, 2008, 10:58:14 PM BTW, on a different subject ----- Don't Mess With the Zohan is awful. A loss of two hours of my life at the end of an otherwise good weekend.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 22, 2008, 11:32:11 PM Don't mess with the zohan? Can't say that I have heard of it...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 23, 2008, 12:00:09 AM Adam Sandler's latest offering. :P
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 23, 2008, 06:20:51 AM Oh, well that explains it then. I never have really been that much of a fan. A couple of his films have been good, but on average... [thumbsdown]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 26, 2008, 02:38:15 PM Teddy, can you pm me either Adam's phone number or his email? I wanted to see if he might want to pick up those Rizoma mirrors...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 27, 2008, 08:47:50 AM Are you Monster-less yet?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 27, 2008, 11:09:51 AM No, not yet. Waiting for Michael to get the money together. He called me on Wednesday and said it should either all come about today or Monday. So with that in mind, where did I put his number... ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: ducpainter on June 29, 2008, 03:10:33 PM I liked T-doggs world...better than Hawaii Monsters...
just sayin. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 29, 2008, 05:27:21 PM Don't know if we will stick with Hawaii Monsters or not, that is just what Chris (Statler) put it to in the mean time.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 29, 2008, 11:02:30 PM I was hoping that the ride today could have ended with some beers where we could discuss a new subname. Maybe it'll wait until Tristan gets back and Teddy is there. Something like Island Ducati Riders, Flyin Hawaiian Ducs, or somethin, I don't know. But, yes, we can do better than Hawaii Monsters and T-Doggs.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 29, 2008, 11:04:15 PM Flyin Hawaiian Ducs That has a nice ring to it. And yes, beers would have been a good ending to a good ride. But things worked out in the end with a barley wine in my glass when I got home. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 30, 2008, 02:27:15 AM I liked T-doggs world...better than Hawaii Monsters... just sayin. +11TB :D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 30, 2008, 06:24:11 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 30, 2008, 07:50:05 AM What happened here? I'm gone for 3 days and blammo! the whole scene is changing. T-dogg's world? I never gave anyone permission to use my name [cheeky]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 30, 2008, 12:22:23 PM nate gave our local a subtitle, ben got jealous that it wasn't his name, statler changed it.
other than that, is' business as usual. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 30, 2008, 12:31:47 PM nate gave our local a subtitle, ben got jealous that it wasn't his name, statler changed it. other than that, is' business as usual. Not jealous at all. Just that if the group is going to have a name, that name needs to be a reflection of the group instead of one person in that group. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on June 30, 2008, 12:38:00 PM needs to be a reflection of the group instead of one person in that group. Drunken Ducks?;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 30, 2008, 12:41:07 PM Not jealous at all. Just that if the group is going to have a name, that name needs to be a reflection of the group instead of one person in that group. it was a joke, son! a joke! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 30, 2008, 03:29:44 PM Not jealous at all. Just that if the group is going to have a name, that name needs to be a reflection of the group instead of one person in that group. it was a joke, son! a joke! Besides, that reflects at least 2 of us. ;D Whether that was his intention is immaterial. [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 30, 2008, 03:32:19 PM Hmmm. Two guys who's names begin with "T" and they think they have a majority? Doh! That's right, they practically do. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 30, 2008, 08:35:47 PM Hmmm. Two guys who's names begin with "T" and they think they have a majority? Doh! That's right, they practically do. ;D Change your name to "Trick" and we'll really have it going on! "Tranillo" sounds sounds wrong, and "Tben" is just dumb. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 30, 2008, 08:38:16 PM so... just got a call from the boss-lady down at the wine shop. she's steppin' up the pressure because she's losing one of her clerks in a month and now is going to need a PTer...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 30, 2008, 08:50:35 PM How many hours is she talking?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 30, 2008, 08:57:57 PM she wants me on payroll as a casual... like one day a week. well, that was before today. so I don't know.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 30, 2008, 08:59:40 PM Oh, so no where near enough to survive on... Any other prospects that could get you out of the shipyard?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 30, 2008, 09:04:12 PM even if I were to get hired there F/T, I don't think I can live off of $8/hr
nothing yet, at least as far as what I'm trained to do in the CNC world. or, go back to school. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 30, 2008, 09:10:32 PM or, go back to school. [roll] Get yerself a sweet English degree, and be successful like me. [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 30, 2008, 09:11:44 PM Get yerself a sweet English degree, and be successful like me. [cheeky] hell, that's better than "applied sciences" ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 30, 2008, 11:37:58 PM or, go back to school. [roll] That is always a good option. Hell, you could always join the Army and let them pay for your uni. [laugh] hell, that's better than "applied sciences" ;D Both of them are better than my psych degree. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 01, 2008, 12:14:24 AM Hell, you could always join the Army and let them pay for your uni. [laugh] brilliant! [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 01, 2008, 06:31:54 AM Hey, it's a pretty good deal. Not only will they make you Army Strong, they will also make you Army smart: just as long as you survive being Army shot.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 01, 2008, 01:18:43 PM no thanks.
my friend enlisted for the sake of a paradigm shift... graduated from a good art school, yadda yadda... fell in a rut and wanted a change. now I visit him every january at punchbowl. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 01, 2008, 01:48:55 PM One of the many who got Army Screwed. :P
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 01, 2008, 02:55:18 PM now I visit him every january at punchbowl. Oh. Sorry about that. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 02, 2008, 12:09:27 AM Oh. Sorry about that. np. I just thought you guys knew that already... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 02, 2008, 12:18:22 AM Well, I knew there was someone that you visited, but not the details behind the situation.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 03, 2008, 05:25:04 PM Poor little squirrels...
http://www.killsometime.com/video/video.asp?ID=870 Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 03, 2008, 09:01:18 PM so I was looking for that "I roll 20's" tee for benzo, and I found two completely seperate, but CRUCIAL!!! things I need.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG (http://www.thinkgeek.com/images/products/front/meh_flask.jpg) and (http://www.thinkgeek.com/images/products/front/blue_sun.jpg) if only it didn't have that serenity bit underneath... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 03, 2008, 10:00:58 PM The meh flask is AWESOME!!!!!!!!
if only it didn't have that serenity bit underneath... huh? you mean the characters? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 03, 2008, 10:03:52 PM no, it has "serenity" in the movie font as a logo underneath the chinese
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 03, 2008, 10:05:36 PM Ah, I see it now. Duh.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 06, 2008, 09:21:44 AM Dang! Picked a booger out of my nose and promptly dropped it into the keyboard. Son-of-a-pregnant dog!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 06, 2008, 10:47:49 AM :-[
TMI! TMFI!!!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 06, 2008, 10:49:31 AM A booger isn't TMI. A dingleberry, on the other hand...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 06, 2008, 10:50:01 AM Hell, a dingleberry on either hand! [cheeky]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 06, 2008, 10:50:57 AM my brain is too IZ_ right now to even comprehend your post, babe....
does not compute. does not compute. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 06, 2008, 12:09:28 PM Yep. Dingleberry is a whole different level of grossness and you wouldn't want one on either hand but if you've got 'em you got to get them off somehow and ain't no one goin' to hep ya.
You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can't pick your friend's nose. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 18, 2008, 09:18:10 AM I am on vacation. I am sick as the proverbial dog. In Soviet Russia, Dog Sicks You!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 06, 2008, 05:48:14 AM Salt Lake City has really turned into a nice moto town. Great Duck dealer, the new Miller Motorsports Park, and lots and lots of sweet roads. I miss this place sometimes.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 06, 2008, 06:24:29 AM I feel the same about London, and almost all of Germany!
And welcome back!! ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 07, 2008, 11:15:51 AM I feel the same about London, and almost all of Germany! And welcome back!! ;) Sure, but good riding and culture is not unexpected in Europe. This is SALT LAKE CITY!!! [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 07, 2008, 06:10:13 PM So? Just cause the mormons tried as hard as they might to make the beast with two backs up the beer there doesn't mean there can't be good riding. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 08, 2008, 09:25:43 AM poop.
rain makes me sad today. who the hell wants to drive somewhere for brekkie? [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 08, 2008, 02:45:02 PM poop. rain makes me sad today. who the hell wants to drive somewhere for brekkie? [roll] Riding is definitely more fun but if it's raining and you're hungry for b-fast I wouldn't let having to drive the car get in my way. I used to drive just to get coffee. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 08, 2008, 03:43:34 PM Riding is definitely more fun but if it's raining and you're hungry for b-fast I wouldn't let having to drive the car get in my way. I used to drive just to get coffee. So how do you get your coffee now?Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 08, 2008, 03:54:15 PM poop. rain makes me sad today. who the hell wants to drive somewhere for brekkie? [roll] So you had today off? Must be nice... Never saw any rain though... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 09, 2008, 09:14:26 AM So how do you get your coffee now? OK smart guy, [laugh] [laugh] I still drive for coffee, except on Sundays when I ride. [moto] [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 09, 2008, 09:58:33 AM Hmmm... Ever though about getting a coffee maker at home? ;)
I seem to have a connection for getting bean at a pretty good price. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 09, 2008, 11:41:08 AM mmmmmmm... cupcakes..... :)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 09, 2008, 12:13:55 PM Hmmm... Ever though about getting a coffee maker at home? ;) I seem to have a connection for getting bean at a pretty good price. ;) Nope. Been there, done that. Not needed at home for the few times and places that I have a cup or two. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 09, 2008, 12:44:21 PM Fair enough. I actually think having one at home is the main reason that I am so unmotivated in the morning hours during the weekend. I like to hang out and spend time with the coffee maker instead of getting out right away...
And on that note, trying to decide if we are going to take the mtn bikes out for a quick ride... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 09, 2008, 03:13:43 PM I've been pouring my little brain over satellite maps of the Mililani area, knowing very well that there are rideable trails here. But I just CAN'T FIND THEM! Gaaah!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 09, 2008, 03:15:42 PM There are a few trails that I have heard about up there, but they are all on private land. I was wanting to go out towards Kaina (spelling) Point and ride around the point, but looks like the spouse/boss/riding partner has decided otherwise...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 09, 2008, 04:14:31 PM That's Kaena Pt. You made me think for a couple seconds, dang you.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 09, 2008, 10:47:09 PM That's Kaena Pt. You made me think for a couple seconds, dang you. Nothing good has ever come from thinking. Be careful. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 10, 2008, 04:45:49 AM we don't get paid to think.
oh, and greatest quote of the night: "If I even SEE a midget, I'ma dropkick it!" Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 10, 2008, 06:53:27 AM Drop kick it? Nah, you should toss it. There are cash prized for the person that can toss a midget the furthest.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 10, 2008, 09:56:45 AM not my quote.
and I think she meant dropkick like the rasslin' move, not a punt Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 22, 2008, 10:31:41 PM Now this is funny. Not PC, but funny.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNDlf6hA6TY Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 22, 2008, 10:57:32 PM aaahhhhahahahahaha
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 24, 2008, 08:04:01 PM work is for los birdos.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 27, 2008, 09:01:29 PM So, shit-for-brains here bought hisself a nice used carbon tail bit to replace his broken beer tray. Sounds okay so far, right? Well, the bolt holes don't line up. Must be yet another freakin' part that only fits 2002+. I need a newer bike. And, in 3 years or so, I might just get one.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 27, 2008, 09:38:54 PM Rumor has it that the Matt Fox bike is still at South Seas. Go and make them an offer. [laugh]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 27, 2008, 09:39:49 PM Rumor has it that the Matt Fox bike is still at South Seas. Go and make them an offer. [laugh] Straight trade plus maybe, i dunno, 1/2 pound of bacon. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 27, 2008, 09:42:12 PM Smoked bacon maybe.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 27, 2008, 09:45:25 PM Smoked bacon maybe. Like rolled up cigar style? speaking of which, I picked up a few pre-embargo cubans today. They're kinda cheaty, but apparently still decent. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 27, 2008, 09:48:34 PM That was one perk of being in Europe for so long, no embargo on Cubans. Too bad I have never really been one to enjoy a cigar.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 27, 2008, 10:24:23 PM I'm certainly not a big smoker, but occasionally I can enjoy it.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 27, 2008, 10:29:06 PM A pre-embargo Cuban might be a tad old. Every now and then somebody tricks me into smoking a real Cuban cigar and I pretty much enjoy them until they tell me what I'm smoking. I don't knowingly smoke anything illegal. I'm a good boy. [leo]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 27, 2008, 10:31:24 PM A pre-embargo Cuban might be a tad old. Every now and then somebody tricks me into smoking a real Cuban cigar and I pretty much enjoy them until they tell me what I'm smoking. I don't knowingly smoke anything illegal. I'm a good boy. [leo] They are from 1959. At least, the tobacco is. They have been re-wrapped and are, according to my friend, still pretty nice, they just burn a little more quickly. And they are totally legal. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 02, 2008, 10:52:14 PM Did you guys see the thread in General Monster Forum about the new M1100 ( http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=10504.0 )? They went and put the bigger engine in the 696 chassis. The days of good looking Monsters are numbered so you might want to hold onto yours Mac.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 02, 2008, 11:01:43 PM Did you guys see the thread in General Monster Forum about the new M1100 ( http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=10504.0 )? They went and put the bigger engine in the 696 chassis. The days of good looking Monsters are numbered so you might want to hold onto yours Mac. See my post preceding yours and a PM sent to you. [clap] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 11, 2008, 07:03:56 PM I sent out my 'doesn't fit' tailpiece today, and received the 'hopefuly does.' Good news: All paperwork and instructions are in German. Nobody speaks German anymore! It's a dead language! I saw that on the "Unbiased Frenchman Hour", so it must be true.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 11, 2008, 09:28:02 PM Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 11, 2008, 11:40:11 PM Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch. EXACTLY! It's a dead language! ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 13, 2008, 12:32:27 PM Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch. hablamos ingles! what is wrong w/you? ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 19, 2008, 01:25:41 PM yep.
so I ain't doin' shit this weekend. 'cept work. teh gheyness is off the scale Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 19, 2008, 02:03:15 PM Work? Like shipyard work? Haven't seen that one in a while.... go to school for a week and the whole shop falls apart!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 19, 2008, 05:55:05 PM it's better than that... make the beast with two backsing boss pulled me out of class just before lunch [roll]
ohhh, leinie, please make my pains go away... [drink] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 19, 2008, 05:57:45 PM You going tasting tonight?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 19, 2008, 08:04:28 PM that's the plan... want to come w/?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 20, 2008, 07:01:10 PM < rant >
DAMN my priorities!!!! < .... pause? rant > wait... should this be in the drunk thd? I'm kinda buzzin' right now. :D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 20, 2008, 07:17:41 PM < rant > DAMN my priorities!!!! < .... pause? rant > wait... should this be in the drunk thd? I'm kinda buzzin' right now. :D huh? wassup? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 20, 2008, 07:21:38 PM not much. I just should've bought my sake last, instead of first. [roll]
and we can't close the bookstore at town center to open a restaurant. this totally cute ecuadorian chick works there. at least on saturdays. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 24, 2008, 11:29:04 PM it is official:
I am not a fan of maru-hi's ramen. well, maybe the miso, I had the char siu... and it's a shoyu ramen, which, obviously, tends to be saltier than I like it. that said, it is still better than genki. oh, and jebus... there's a wiki for saimin. silghtly different noodle, dashi instead of meat/seafood broth, and multi-ethnic toppings/garnish/whathaveyou all this time, I only knew it was 'different'. obvious, but not. oh well. back to drinking. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 24, 2008, 11:46:15 PM Well now I know. And knowing is half and half! or something.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 25, 2008, 12:22:39 AM yooo jim!
or something. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on October 12, 2008, 09:35:31 PM dammit, that's smaller than I thought!
maybe it should be a sig pic, not an avatar... oh well Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on October 13, 2008, 09:30:10 AM dammit, that's smaller than I thought! maybe it should be a sig pic, not an avatar... oh well I think it works. If you really wanted to, you could trim the sides in a smidge, allowing it to be a little more square, and hence coming out larger in the avatar area. Or something. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on October 15, 2008, 01:18:59 PM it's better now, I think.
pm sent, btw. I am going make the beast with two backsing bananananas today! I don't know if I'm going to be in the mood/condition for chopsticks and wine tonight. :'( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on October 22, 2008, 08:52:20 AM I fought the law and
I WON I fought the law and I WON Just got my plea back from the court. Judgement in favor of the defendant, case dismissed with prejudice. Take that, Bob Vila! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on October 22, 2008, 01:01:04 PM [thumbsup]
nice. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on October 29, 2008, 07:58:18 AM goodie box is almost to cabot! :) :) :)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on October 29, 2008, 08:55:11 PM aww, make the beast with two backsberries!!!! >:(
stupid slow ass mail... rrrrrrrrr Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 29, 2008, 08:59:35 PM Goodies came back?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on October 29, 2008, 09:05:17 PM cabot sounds like a fake town name to me....
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on October 29, 2008, 09:16:21 PM it processed at little rock at 0851 CDT
after that... nada. des said that cabot is like ten minutes out of little rock Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 04, 2008, 07:08:15 PM Well, I didn't buy a car today. I decided to be nice and wait for the wife to be able to look as well. Lesson learned: women ruin everything everytime [cheeky]
Mac - do you know if the guy ended up paying the full $6500? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 04, 2008, 09:00:16 PM Oh! You missed out on the 318? Shame, from what I could tell the car looked really nice.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 06, 2008, 02:30:21 PM Well, I didn't buy a car today. I decided to be nice and wait for the wife to be able to look as well. Lesson learned: women ruin everything everytime [cheeky] Mac - do you know if the guy ended up paying the full $6500? Yep, Boss-ski got the full $6500.00 asking and had other buyers lined up too. Now he's working on getting that cherry '98 out of here & that redone '82, "83 320i. He'll be asking sky high for those two. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 06, 2008, 06:04:58 PM The two from the '80s are E30s?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 06, 2008, 06:15:57 PM speaking of 'anything' anyone heard from will?
??? he's more ninja than me Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 06, 2008, 06:41:23 PM I saw him the other day, but that was down at the shop when I forced Alex to watch me drool on the white 848 down there. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 06, 2008, 07:13:52 PM and that helps get my new barrell installed... how?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 06, 2008, 10:24:55 PM Doesn't. But in all fairness, you didn't say anything about your barrels, just asked if anyone had heard from him. [cheeky]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 06, 2008, 11:10:12 PM The two from the '80s are E30s? There is only one from the '80's and it is an '82 or '83 320i. I believe those were E21's but I'm not sure. Whatever, it is still another super clean, super beautiful car that has had tons of work done to it and it was in super good shape when he got it. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 06, 2008, 11:17:36 PM Well I don't feel so bad, cause I wasn't willing to pay $6500 for the car. And I'm probably not going to be willing to pay what he's asking for the other 318, but I'm still curious....
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 06, 2008, 11:18:18 PM How much?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 07, 2008, 08:38:09 AM How much? Is that a rhetorical question or do you really want to know the other asking prices? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 07, 2008, 09:01:03 AM Is that a rhetorical question or do you really want to know the other asking prices? I suppose I do. Ben probably does too.... he could use another vehicle [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 07, 2008, 03:17:51 PM Ben probably does too.... he could use another vehicle [thumbsup] One can never have too many. ;) And yes, I would like to know. I might know a few folk who would be interested... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 07, 2008, 03:45:04 PM The '98 318ti, 30,000 miles (just under or just turned) -- deluxe edition with automatic trans $9,000.00. Cherry bo berry.
Wait for this, .......... '83 320i (60,000 miles?) totally restored, 5 speed manual, 99% showroom ......... $14,000. The ad is up on Craig'sList. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 07, 2008, 03:58:15 PM '83 320i (60,000 miles?) totally restored, 5 speed manual, 99% showroom ......... $14,000. The ad is up on Craig'sList. I'm sorry, how much did you say? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 07, 2008, 07:37:37 PM hole E shitballs!
I'd love to pick up the TI, but 9 G is just too damn much :-\ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DucMouse the Mighty on November 12, 2008, 02:31:19 PM whats spankin-a-lackin hoolignas [beer]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 12, 2008, 05:52:42 PM whats spankin-a-lackin hoolignas [beer] hey there mousey, haven't seen you around in a while. what's happenin? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 12, 2008, 06:27:26 PM howzit, mousey!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 12, 2008, 06:32:20 PM Hey Tristan, how's Beeker holding out? My two ever come out from under the futon?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 12, 2008, 06:46:41 PM i saw them later last night again, and then again this morning. they're still skiddish, but not as much as before. beaker now lives outside the door.
speaking of outside the door, i have to go back to work now. :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 12, 2008, 06:47:59 PM LOL Glad that they're a little more outgoing. Should be able to take them back off you guy's hands either tomorrow or the next day. Thanks again!!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 12, 2008, 10:42:20 PM Lucky me. I managed to piss off some girl in a Nissan SUV on my way back to work. She started screaming and honking at me (i was in the beetle), then pulled alongside, yelling she could hit me, and started throwing shit at me from her car. Luckily, I was in an inconspicuous vehicle that she won't remember the next time she's pissed off, I'm sure.
yay. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DucMouse the Mighty on November 13, 2008, 09:36:22 AM hey there mousey, haven't seen you around in a while. what's happenin? ya i have been riding and traveling a bit! trying to get as much riding before its to butt cold...not like that hasn't stopped me before [roll] maybe i should get a job over there and come chill with u guys for a year [thumbsup] whats going on with ya?!?! howzit, mousey! yo yo my G funk to the Monk [moto] hows it going in teddy land?!?! Lucky me. I managed to piss off some girl in a Nissan SUV on my way back to work. She started screaming and honking at me (i was in the beetle), then pulled alongside, yelling she could hit me, and started throwing shit at me from her car. Luckily, I was in an inconspicuous vehicle that she won't remember the next time she's pissed off, I'm sure. yay. how did u piss her off?!?! [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on November 13, 2008, 10:21:13 AM Lucky me. I managed to piss off some girl in a Nissan SUV on my way back to work. She started screaming and honking at me (i was in the beetle), then pulled alongside, yelling she could hit me, and started throwing shit at me from her car. Luckily, I was in an inconspicuous vehicle that she won't remember the next time she's pissed off, I'm sure. Probably made her lose her place in her phone conversation. :-Xyay. There are all sorts of little wearable cameras and helmet cams out there, and I've been thinking awhile about getting one or more. Put one in the helmet, and maybe wear one on a headband while in the cage. To document every moment on the road in case someone does something dumb. Even if it never gets used in litigation, footage would have great ridicule value on youtube. [moto] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 13, 2008, 01:15:02 PM yo yo my G funk to the Monk [moto] hows it going in teddy land?!?! happiest place on earth, it certainly ain't. everyone's telling me to take it easy... apparently I have too many things to do. and yes, you should get a job out here and chill for a while ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DucMouse the Mighty on November 13, 2008, 01:43:41 PM happiest place on earth, it certainly ain't. everyone's telling me to take it easy... apparently I have too many things to do. and yes, you should get a job out here and chill for a while ;D what "too many things" are u doing?!?!?! hows the job doing?!?! anymore time off?!?! boooyyyyaaaa! anyone wana be my roommate [laugh] im sure its way to expensive to live there...unless i build myself a little tiki hut in the mts somewhere ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 13, 2008, 05:49:51 PM the day job, the night job, helping coach two teams' goalies...
pretty full docket for my M-F. I had this past weekend off, but didn't do a whole lot. I could deal w/a roomie ;D but it's BYOB...B. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on December 03, 2008, 10:29:19 PM DANG IT!
so much for me offering that dude w/the wrecked sport some cash for his gauge cluster. seems they's mated to the ECU or somesuch. :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on December 03, 2008, 11:03:20 PM DANG IT! so much for me offering that dude w/the wrecked sport some cash for his gauge cluster. seems they's mated to the ECU or somesuch. :P So buy the ECU! And the engine! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 03, 2008, 11:42:53 PM So buy the ECU! And the engine! Don't know if it would or not, but you would have a HOOT of a time if it did. Those DS1000's have some grunt. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on December 04, 2008, 08:27:32 AM not sure how a 1000DS ECU would play w/a 620 engine. although, I suppose the PC would make up for that.
the other PITA would be rekeying everything. unless they can switch the transponder from key to key. too much work for pretty OE gauges. oh well. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on December 09, 2008, 11:39:03 PM leet muthafunkas
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 10, 2008, 08:39:47 AM COOL!! No more posts for you though, have to preserve your leetness!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on January 12, 2009, 09:57:28 AM I don't remember seeing these at South Seas...
(http://img.skitch.com/20090112-jicqc5j174afh4mm4q1riyshd2.preview.jpg) (http://skitch.com/eltristo/by61i/ducati) Click for full size (http://skitch.com/eltristo/by61i/ducati) - Uploaded with plasq (http://plasq.com)'s Skitch (http://skitch.com) http://www.ducati.com/od/ducatinorthamerica/news/detail.jhtml?newsId=26381 (http://www.ducati.com/od/ducatinorthamerica/news/detail.jhtml?newsId=26381) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 12, 2009, 10:17:42 AM Of course not, why would they get them in? They (Ryan) has probably put out the word to the parts guys that they are only allowed to get them when they have requests (fully paid requests mind you) for more than ten items in advance. That way he can get the price break on number of items, not to mention cheaper shipping, and still charge the customer full shipping costs. I like a lot of the guys down there, I really do, but Ryan can suck on a festering rat cock for all I care...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on January 12, 2009, 01:30:07 PM bitter, are we?
still waitin' on a callback to install my vert barrel, and you don't see me wearing pregnant dogpants :-* hell, still waitin' on the warranty callback for my bubbly paint LOL Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 12, 2009, 04:19:09 PM Not bitter at all really, as I don't have anything on order. I'm simply stating that the store has appalling top level management.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 12, 2009, 10:50:01 PM bitter, are we? still waitin' on a callback to install my vert barrel, and you don't see me wearing pregnant dogpants :-* hell, still waitin' on the warranty callback for my bubbly paint LOL That reminds me of an old saying. "You can shit in one hand and wish in the other hand. Wait and see which hand fills up first." ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on January 13, 2009, 10:50:56 PM that was also a green day lyric.
I am rather fond of that one Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 05, 2009, 06:25:56 PM Damn, sure has been quiet around here...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 06, 2009, 08:40:40 AM Well sir, Howdy. I reckon that you're in the far outback by now.
Didn't do any motorbike riding last week but I did put miles on the Pegoretti. Your front wheel got padded & boxed up & I emailed Ed on Monday morn to give him the dimensions & weight. I haven't heard back from him yet and will give him a phone call this morining sometime to see what's up. Are you sure you don't want to keep it and just make up an axle to fit? LISTEN UP FOLKS! There is a Ducati ride this Saturday going out of the South Seas dealer. The guy posts up in Craigslist. Meet up at 11:30 and ride out at 12:30, or at least that's what I remember. I still haven't fixed the Monster turn signal bracket so I don't know if I'll take it or not. I have new cam belts for it so next week or so I'll do a valve adjustment, belt change, plugs etc. Maybe I'll try to snag my friends Hyper to see if I have changed my opinion of that bike. I sure like the engine but the riding position sets me off. Monster 1100S??? Well....... Speaking of Hypers ..... that black Hyper 1100S that was crashed earlier this year is back on Craigslist with the original owner chiming in to verify that the damage wasn't that bad and was mostly cosmetic. He, on the other hand, had a terrible time with two broken legs and an embolism that sent him into a coma. All from a 25 to 30 mile an hour crash after hitting a pothole & gravel on the Kolekole road. You never know...... I tweeked the map for the Gixxer --- seems to run just fine but I still want to go down and run it on the dyno again. Not looking for anymore power but just trying to even out the 13:1 mixture ratio a bit more. The new exhaust & PC3 didn't add any more power if the numbers are compared to the Sport Rider mag test results on a stock bike. No surprise there but I bet a lot of squids would argue with that claim. Speaking of squids ---- I showed up at the Thursday night ride --- hmmmm ----- didn't go out with them as it got to past 9pm and they still hadn't pulled out of the parking lot. I get up at 4am so I went home. Night, night. How's that??? [coffee] [coffee] Stay safe Ben Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 06, 2009, 10:16:54 AM Now that's one hell of a write up!!
And no, I am actually still in DC. My trip out got pushed back a few weeks, so according to the latest plan, I will be here until the 16th. Yea for me! ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on February 06, 2009, 03:37:07 PM go per diem!
I am still in utah. yes, i also get per diem, but it is very very small. boo. i like snow. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 06, 2009, 03:38:58 PM $3 per day?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 07, 2009, 08:02:28 AM Your front wheel got padded & boxed up & I emailed Ed on Monday morn to give him the dimensions & weight. I haven't heard back from him yet and will give him a phone call this morining sometime to see what's up. Are you sure you don't want to keep it and just make up an axle to fit? Hey Rick, did you ever hear back from Ed? I got an email from him last week (or maybe it was early this week) saying that he still had not heard back from BST regarding when they would receive the 916 front wheel. I'm really not worried about the timing of it, simply because it's not like I would be able to ride the thing even if the wheel came in next week. ;) Getting a new axle fabbed up would be a possible solution, but then I would still need to get some material machined off the calipers that I bought for the bike. The 916 wheel will not require the work done on the brakes and should (I stress should) utilize the existing axle as well. On another note, I spoke to the guys at South Seas regarding my tank. According to them, Ducati agreed to replace it under warranty, but who knows how long it will take for it to get in. I asked them to give you a call when it does show up. The bike is set up on the battery tender, so it should be charged up and ready to go down there once they do call you. Thanks for taking care of all this for me. I will do my best to smuggle you taliban souvenir on my return trip. Or maybe you would rather have an Agency coffee cup? ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 08, 2009, 04:11:11 PM I never did hear back from Ed. I called last Thursday? and they said he was out for the rest of the week so he could be home with sick kids. I'll see about getting in touch with him again tomorrow.
We had about 14 bikes in the Ducati run yesterday. Not bad. Decent fun too but I miss riding with our group. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 08, 2009, 05:08:20 PM We had about 14 bikes in the Ducati run yesterday. Not bad. Decent fun too but I miss riding with our group. Sounds like a good turn out. Anything unusual show up? The weather here in DC was fabulous today! Saw quite a few Ducs riding around while I was walking around Alexandria; really made me want my bikes... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 09, 2009, 08:47:30 AM Let's see if I can remember this,,,,, 5 1098's (maybe 4), 2 848's (inc. Ann), Don was there on the 996R, at least one 748, maybe 2?, 1 black Sport Classis with the white stripe & the 2 into 1 Termi, 1 S2R 1000. 1 S2R800 (ridden by a girl, I forgot her name), and me on the 900. Ranilo was trying to make the ride but showed up on the back of a tow truck because the engine flamed out coming down H3 on his way to the dealer/ride. :( He's got new low mount carbon Termi's with an upgraded ECU, I think. Some people were geared up and some weren't.
With the nice weather there are you going to get a chance to ride an 848 before you leave? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 09, 2009, 10:13:44 AM With the nice weather there are you going to get a chance to ride an 848 before you leave? As much as I would like to, none of the shops here have any gear they can loan out to use on a demo ride. BOO THEM! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on February 09, 2009, 12:45:45 PM Let's see if I can remember this,,,,, 5 1098's (maybe 4), 2 848's (inc. Ann), Don was there on the 996R, at least one 748, maybe 2?, 1 black Sport Classis with the white stripe & the 2 into 1 Termi, 1 S2R 1000. 1 S2R800 (ridden by a girl, I forgot her name), and me on the 900. Ranilo was trying to make the ride but showed up on the back of a tow truck because the engine flamed out coming down H3 on his way to the dealer/ride. :( He's got new low mount carbon Termi's with an upgraded ECU, I think. Some people were geared up and some weren't. Almost went to this one to make it +1 999, but at the last minute decided not to go in favor of Genki Sushi.With the nice weather there are you going to get a chance to ride an 848 before you leave? [bacon] <-- spicy ahi Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 09, 2009, 02:24:04 PM Genki Sushi? You have chosen poorly my good sir...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on February 28, 2009, 12:38:12 PM Some rumors of hail
Kailua Kaneohe Did you see this, Mac? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 28, 2009, 08:09:47 PM Some rumors of hail Kailua Kaneohe Did you see this, Mac? Damn, sounds like exciting weather going on down there. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on February 28, 2009, 10:57:10 PM Damn, sounds like exciting weather going on down there. I only understand replies in the form of haiku. or bacon. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on March 01, 2009, 09:08:12 AM tornados and hail
paradise does not preclude exciting weather [bacon] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on March 01, 2009, 02:11:34 PM tornados and hail paradise does not preclude exciting weather [bacon] Always know I can count on the Ted [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 01, 2009, 06:36:15 PM I only understand replies in the form of haiku. or bacon. I cannot form haikus in respect of [bacon] without offending the entire population of this country. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on March 01, 2009, 09:53:53 PM I roust from slumber
the twilight phantoms, bested. Ah! Hello, Bacon! [bacon] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on March 01, 2009, 10:21:19 PM Saw Alex today
Tacos and Pizza, you know Healthy dinner crap Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 02, 2009, 08:30:32 AM The 28th was fine all day in Kailua. We might have had one brief shower come through in the morning but not enough to even seriously wet the roads. I never left that side at all over the weekend. No biking of any kind as I was cleaning house & making a stand for the new flat screen. I just got back to some sort of electronic life this morning at work. Hopefully, knock on wood, Oceanic will set me up tomorrow so that I can get internet at home once again. We'll see. As of this moment I still don't know any World Superbike results.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: RED on March 07, 2009, 01:56:18 PM If I may again butt in here, I was wondering if anyone has pictures posted on the forum from you guys? I'd love to see the local Ducatisti, bikes, beaches and mountain with Ducs/Riders and the like. Anything photos already posted? At least I can dream about being there can't I? :( ???
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 07, 2009, 07:07:34 PM I have a few, but cannot get to them here. They are at home on my external and I am far far away... :(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 07, 2009, 07:18:24 PM Maybe Ranilo & Teddy can post up some?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on March 07, 2009, 08:56:31 PM old one... this was like, the first DML ride ;D
(http://b0.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/01124/03/38/1124778330_l.jpg) Mac, me, hawaii_biker (was that andy's SN?), ranilo, M750 at ala moana beach park (http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/68/l_3df9290932c3dbb13e84ff9d24d35930.jpg) my lil'red pos I got a couple more, but they're not u/l'd anywhere Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: RED on March 08, 2009, 09:52:56 AM Teddy and the crew, thanks for the shot of you all on the beach! That freakin rocks to see all the Ducs by sea. Man, that is my vision of paradise! Not that a few bikini babes wouldn't do that flock Ducs well...ha ha. :)
Mahalo RED Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on March 11, 2009, 11:27:37 PM one of the pics I took from that 1st ride is an e-postcard on ducati.com... if they still have that section on the website [thumbsup]
I just need to fig out what photo site I signed up for after imagestation went kaput, and I can get s'more online. or, just keep using myspace, I guess... I got a good one of mac bein' a pooper by not wanting to be seen w/tiki ^_^ and speakin' of "say anything," where's will?? I need him! oh, so badly... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on March 12, 2009, 06:31:14 PM and speakin' of "say anything," where's will?? I need him! oh, so badly... wha? ??? You think you can, umm, coerce him? [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 12, 2009, 07:09:12 PM With [bacon]?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on March 12, 2009, 09:15:44 PM With [bacon]? Is that what the kids are calling it now? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on March 12, 2009, 11:56:03 PM well, the way I see it...
I have a new, paid for, barrel yet to be installed... I NEED a new rear tire and my safety is up this month... and suspension bits lying around. might as well join the dark make the beast with two backsin' side, eh? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 13, 2009, 12:07:39 AM might as well join the dark make the beast with two backsin' side, eh? Excellent!!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on March 13, 2009, 12:22:33 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on March 16, 2009, 01:15:27 PM Some random food thoughts.
Last Friday: Jack's bacon double cheese ciabatta burger plus 2 tacos for 99c. The bacon double cheese thing is alright, not stellar, but good comfort food when you need a quick fix. The 99c tacos, well you can't argue with a deep fried taco with grade-D beef and American cheese! Been having a craving for eggs. Had a few 3-egg omelettes with bacon this weekend, then Portugese sausage when the bacon ran out. Behold. The Bacon Explosion: http://www.tacomaworld.com/forum/food-talk/22102-bacon-explosion.html (http://www.tacomaworld.com/forum/food-talk/22102-bacon-explosion.html) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on March 17, 2009, 01:15:10 AM bacon explosion=old hat.
see also: weaksauce. JitB is glorious stuff... the bacon ultimate cheeseburger is totally where it's at. even wendy's baconator is LAME in comparison. no other fast food product comes close. [evil] ok, honorable mention goes to the bacon cheesey gordita crunch. but, c'mon! if they had bacon product when I was working, there'd be no end to the goodness that came out of the kitch of TB21. speakin' of which, and this ought to go in the bacon thd, but... lola's in barstow, CA.... bacon quesadilla. I swear to MBG there was like a whole pack of bacon per order... mmmm mmmmmmmm Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on March 17, 2009, 06:57:46 PM Bacon quesadilla! I feel so stupid!
[smack forehead smiley] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on March 17, 2009, 07:09:49 PM Bacon quesadilla! I feel so stupid! [smack forehead smiley] it is, indeed, teh AWSEOM! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on March 30, 2009, 01:09:19 PM I have decided that working two jobs is kind of sucky.
yes... I know... I am thankful to have a job, much less two of them... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on March 30, 2009, 10:25:30 PM perhaps so, but that doesn't make two jobs any less sucky. Does the discount not make it worthwhile?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on March 31, 2009, 09:41:20 PM yeah, the discount's nice...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 04, 2009, 10:20:01 AM teddy is bakin' eggs today...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 08, 2009, 01:20:14 PM California Superbike School came to Oahu?
WTF??? lame ass marines have all the fun. >:( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 08, 2009, 01:42:49 PM California Superbike School came to Oahu? WTF??? lame ass marines have all the fun. >:( Huh? Wha? Hoo? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 08, 2009, 07:07:54 PM heard they did a trackday thing on MCBH, for active boys only, this past weekend.
and if we're lucky, they may supposedly consider opening it to DoD Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on April 08, 2009, 11:46:43 PM California Superbike School came to Oahu? Originally it was Marines only, but later opened up to all branches due to many open slots.WTF??? lame ass marines have all the fun. >:( And it wasn't strictly military, as I know of at least one civvy that attended. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 09, 2009, 05:07:06 AM I take it no word on whether or not they intend on coming back?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 09, 2009, 08:20:29 AM California Superbike School came to Oahu? WTF??? lame ass marines have all the fun. >:( I bet the school was put on because the Marines are hoping to stem their rising fatality rate from motorcycling accidents. Hopefully some people learned more than they would at MSF. Not putting MSF down here but their course may not have the same impact on young impressionable brains as Code's school does. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 09, 2009, 10:33:10 AM Not putting MSF down here but their course may not have the same impact on young impressionable brains as Code's school does. And why must you discriminate against middle aged [drink] and [coffee] addled minds? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 09, 2009, 01:09:05 PM I bet the school was put on because the Marines are hoping to stem their rising fatality rate from motorcycling accidents. Hopefully some people learned more than they would at MSF. Not putting MSF down here but their course may not have the same impact on young impressionable brains as Code's school does. it kind of ties in w/the new certs they have for riding. you're required to take the ERC or "sportbike riders course" every three years, which pretty much coincides w/your tags. no class=no riding on post. as rad as a track school down here is (and I am SO signing up if they offer to DoD), I can't help but think that now some of the riders will feel justified in riding aggressively after this. "oh, it's fine. I know what I'm doing, now." :edit: of course... if they stay down here permanantly, and do this like once a month, then I'm selling the benz and buying a truck ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 10, 2009, 08:22:36 AM And why must you discriminate against middle aged [drink] and [coffee] addled minds? Hey! The only middle aged addled minded one in this group is me! The rest of you just be smart assed youngin's. [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 10, 2009, 08:27:28 AM as rad as a track school down here is (and I am SO signing up if they offer to DoD), I can't help but think that now some of the riders will feel justified in riding aggressively after this. "oh, it's fine. I know what I'm doing, now." I know exactly what you mean. "I'm good to go. I've been trained" You might only help the ignorant ones. There's usually no hope for the dumb ones. You have to pick your time & place wisely. It's ironic in a way that they would do the school on an airstrip. Better than no track at all but still......... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 10, 2009, 01:27:24 PM I'm guessin' they had cones, autocross stylee ;D
speakin' of which... I wonder if they'd let you into autocross on a motard? [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 10, 2009, 07:43:04 PM speakin' of which... I wonder if they'd let you into autocross on a motard? [evil] I asked the local chapter of the SCCA this question when at one of the autocross events at the stadium. They looked at me like I was from Mars. No [bacon] for them!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 11, 2009, 11:21:58 AM well, boo.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 12, 2009, 07:25:43 PM Hey Tristo, your buddy Burns says hello.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 13, 2009, 04:22:28 PM So i hear. He said he was working with Sgt Upton. I giggled at the silly professionalism.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 13, 2009, 08:18:24 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 13, 2009, 11:52:28 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 18, 2009, 06:49:17 PM cheap pregnant doges!!!!
>:( I thought $200 was completely reasonable for a lid and gogs that was used twice... ever... the dang thing still SMELLS new, even! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 18, 2009, 08:47:49 PM cheap pregnant doges!!!! What did the aforementioned fatherless pennypinchers offer?>:( I thought $200 was completely reasonable for a lid and gogs that was used twice... ever... the dang thing still SMELLS new, even! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 18, 2009, 08:54:38 PM What did the aforementioned fatherless pennypinchers offer? ok, granted, I don't expect to get near new price... but brand new, the lid, gogs, and boots ran me almost 700. had them together for 300. get an email: how much for just the helmet and gogs? so I tell him 200 (V3s go for 375 new, w/o gogs) reply: I'm not looking to spend that much for gear. thanks, bro. 200 for what is essentially a brand new top-end lid, thermal goggles, plus the spare kit and bag is too much? ??? how much did he think I was going to come down? why even ask? at least I might be moving the forks, and hopefully I can squeeze in a trip to the PO in between works tomorrow to mail out my windscreen.... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 18, 2009, 09:05:50 PM sorry.
it's been a long week. I'm tired and cranky. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 18, 2009, 09:30:39 PM Here's something to not cheer you up at all:
(http://img.skitch.com/20090519-252e9b17ts7ybsme5j9tn5gi6.jpg) Tristo like muchly. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 18, 2009, 11:21:42 PM sorry. it's been a long week. I'm tired and cranky. There, there. It gets worse don't you know? At least you're moving the forks and the windscreen. I get silly emails that don't go anywhere. And that's about the Monster and not even my personal life. Of course I guess that wanting to spend $200.00 for the lid & goggles seems silly too. Then again I have been told that the complete stock exhaust system that I removed from the Suzuki is, essentially, completely worthless. The windscreen and the shop manual might be worth a pittance. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 19, 2009, 08:22:01 AM There, there. It gets worse don't you know? I'm sure it will... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 19, 2009, 08:35:34 AM Well, happy light good morning to you all too!
[cheeky] [laugh] ;D [cheeky] [laugh] ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 19, 2009, 08:41:17 AM yes, I suppose it is
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 19, 2009, 11:14:49 PM I am going to assume you all remember a story from last year about a guy who crashed his bike in the Hanauma bay area, woke up in the ocean and swam to another island?
I met him tonight. His name is Jared. The story I heard was mildly exaggerated; here is the real one. He was on his bike, a Shadow 1100. He seemingly got hit by a gust of wind, highsided, and flew over the cliff to the ocean about 75 ft below. He came to in the ocean with his helmet full of water trying to gasp for breath. He managed to get the helmet off and started swimming. The only thing he could see was either the Diamond Head or Makapu'u lighthouse, he knew there were some islands around, so he headed for them. After what turned out to be like 4 hours, he ended up on rabbit island and fell asleep. He was seen in the morning by some zoologists or something who thought he was a monk seal, and went to investigate. They were, of course, appalled to find that he was not a seal and was still on this nature preserve, but decided to rescue him anyway. Nice folk those scientists. Anyway, he was a groovy guy. Former submariner. Former Honda rider. Vegetarian freak. [cheeky] I was awestruck. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 20, 2009, 08:45:42 AM I am going to assume you all remember a story from last year about a guy who crashed his bike in the Hanauma bay area, woke up in the ocean and swam to another island? I met him tonight. His name is Jared. The story I heard was mildly exaggerated; here is the real one. He was on his bike, a Shadow 1100. He seemingly got hit by a gust of wind, highsided, and flew over the cliff to the ocean about 75 ft below. He came to in the ocean with his helmet full of water trying to gasp for breath. He managed to get the helmet off and started swimming. The only thing he could see was either the Diamond Head or Makapu'u lighthouse, he knew there were some islands around, so he headed for them. After what turned out to be like 4 hours, he ended up on rabbit island and fell asleep. He was seen in the morning by some zoologists or something who thought he was a monk seal, and went to investigate. They were, of course, appalled to find that he was not a seal and was still on this nature preserve, but decided to rescue him anyway. Nice folk those scientists. Anyway, he was a groovy guy. Former submariner. Former Honda rider. Vegetarian freak. [cheeky] I was awestruck. GTFOOH! Is this April Fool's day? Just exactly where did he go over the edge? I mean physically off the bike. A good story, sure. But.................. it sure is getting deep around here. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 20, 2009, 08:48:52 AM do I remember?
shit, I can't remember what I ate for lunch a week ago! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 20, 2009, 12:21:25 PM LOL I did hear about that guy/story from someone. That is all.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 20, 2009, 06:46:03 PM after having a brief discussion today concerning reverse engineering, and now having a look at pics from the dude who modded his stock rearsets on an M1100...
I have begun to notice some significant customization potential in that bike... someone hold me, I'm scared.... :-\ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 20, 2009, 07:29:30 PM after having a brief discussion today concerning reverse engineering, and now having a look at pics from the dude who modded his stock rearsets on an M1100... I have begun to notice some significant customization potential in that bike... someone hold me, I'm scared.... :-\ Negative! You are to be encouraged! Fabricate and Conquer! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 22, 2009, 08:20:20 AM So the wife is going out again; she'll be gone by the end of the weekend.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 22, 2009, 08:26:17 AM Negative! You are to be encouraged! Fabricate and Conquer! if only... So the wife is going out again; she'll be gone by the end of the weekend. wha wha whaaat???? >:( that's wack! wiggidy, at that... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on May 25, 2009, 09:54:56 PM since it's still on my mind...
for the M1100, anyway... yank that lame-o cast bit of frame, machine a billet bit, then some kind of super trick subframe for it and a cleaner, undertail exhaust... wait, make the beast with two backs it... it'd be easier to just buy a DB6 oh, well. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 04, 2009, 01:32:57 PM for make the beast with two backs's sake!
it feels like I'm on dial-up today! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 05, 2009, 06:23:06 PM < rant >
why is it so hard for a shop to do safety check on the weekends??? or is it just some lame-o south seas thing???? grrrrrrr.... gotta take off of work just to get a damn sticker... < /rant > Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 05, 2009, 09:06:28 PM Schedule it directly with Will, and then take him some beer. That has always worked great for me.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 05, 2009, 10:33:09 PM < rant > why is it so hard for a shop to do safety check on the weekends??? or is it just some lame-o south seas thing???? grrrrrrr.... gotta take off of work just to get a damn sticker... < /rant > Like South Seas is the only place to get a safety check? Go down to Cycle Sports. Saturday no problemo. No appointment needed. You're outa there in 10 to 15 minutes. Easy peasy. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 06, 2009, 08:33:08 AM well, I'm working today, so it really don't matter much
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on June 08, 2009, 04:11:53 PM Had a really crappy day. ran out of gas, then was swamped with paperwork from 930 to 630. As i'm leaving, one of my soldiers tells me that he screwed up and got sideways with the cops this weekend, creating more paperwork and headaches for me. make the beast with two backs my life.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on June 08, 2009, 05:02:15 PM dude, that sucks!
you need a few beers, and report yourself to the drunk thread [beer] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 08, 2009, 05:15:26 PM As i'm leaving, one of my soldiers tells me that he screwed up and got sideways with the cops this weekend, creating more paperwork and headaches for me. PUSH!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on June 10, 2009, 06:45:12 PM The *ahem* corrective training policy in my unit prevents me from disciplining my soldiers with physical exercises because I am not yet an NCO. Just a Specialist in a Sergeant's position.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 10, 2009, 08:48:32 PM Ok then, deliver a remote PUSH from me and make them get on their faces...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on June 11, 2009, 04:01:00 PM I prefer DROP FACES
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 11, 2009, 07:12:39 PM Random interjection:
Navy does not allow any non commissioned officer to direct physical remediation, outside of basic training. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 11, 2009, 07:51:03 PM Random interjection: Navy does not allow any non commissioned officer to direct physical remediation, outside of basic training. ;D Neither does the Air Force, technically. Sure has been nice being in an Army line unit though. [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on June 12, 2009, 02:39:22 PM We can either write up a counseling statement for the soldier and have a formal counseling session OR we can perform some corrective training that fits the offense that was committed. I prefer counseling statements because it's easier to recommend them for UCMJ or separation from the service.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 15, 2009, 11:49:26 AM Found this while cruising around on the MS. Artist's rendition of what a new, rumored Super Sport would look like. WANT!
(http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z53/b_upton/011209top.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 15, 2009, 12:01:12 PM I see see that concept dwg, and raise you DB5 [evil]
(http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/photos/2008models/2008-Bimota-DB5Sc.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 15, 2009, 12:08:40 PM Yea yea. As gloriously beautiful as that Bimota is, the new SS (if it's ever produced) would most likely cost close to $20k cheaper.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 15, 2009, 12:09:59 PM Yea yea. As gloriously beautiful as that Bimota is, the new SS (if it's ever produced) would most likely cost close to $20k cheaper. ;) bimota could be had right now the DB5 is aircooled, btw... the DB7 is the one that sits in the, what, 30k range? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 15, 2009, 12:14:40 PM ;) bimota could be had right now But at what cost? I think any of the Bimotas are quite a ways up there in the price department; especially considering they are all hand built by a very limited number of technicians. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 15, 2009, 12:18:06 PM But at what cost? I think any of the Bimotas are quite a ways up there in the price department; especially considering they are all hand built by a very limited number of technicians. aside from having to buy/ship out of state, I'd be all over one if I had the scratch. damn near came in my pants when we walked into scuderia west lol and any ducati shop can do the engine work [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 15, 2009, 12:24:28 PM Well, the buying out of state isn't much of an issue, nor is the shipping. Hell, you even get a pretty good discount on the shipping if you are an AMA member. For me the stopping point would be the entrance fees into that country club, as the dues would not be that bad. But this makes me wonder what insurance would be on one of those tasty things...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 15, 2009, 12:30:19 PM ungodly, I'm sure... unless I skimp on the coverage
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 15, 2009, 12:33:09 PM You know, Alex just said that this forum is the only way she knows you are still alive Teddy. But then she wondered allowed if maybe you were actually just a lingering computer virus posting under Teddy's name in hope of infecting as all...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 15, 2009, 12:41:32 PM tell her I'm sorry for not going down to mike's :-\
my world's been pretty complicated lately Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 15, 2009, 12:43:58 PM She said "not good enough pregnant dog" (her words) and expects you to come cook us a world class dinner! I'll have lobster please. ;D
my world's been pretty complicated lately She also said that you should stop by her store and get an iPhone, to help simplify that life of yours. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 15, 2009, 12:44:47 PM I don't do bugs
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 15, 2009, 09:28:34 PM I don't do bugs Then there's just that much more for those of us that do! :D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 15, 2009, 09:31:59 PM Then there's just that much more for those of us that do! :D I'm liking this thought! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 16, 2009, 06:42:17 PM bimota please
though that rendering is wonderfully sexy i just felt the need to jump in here somewheres. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 16, 2009, 10:27:13 PM i just felt the need to jump in here somewheres. Well just get yourself all slippery and... Uhm, never mind. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 17, 2009, 07:28:34 AM Well just get yourself all slippery and... Uhm, never mind. never mind? nobody likes a quitter Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on July 18, 2009, 10:12:41 AM make the beast with two backs me, that's depressing!
KBB $5000 for excellent condition? ghey >:( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 18, 2009, 11:13:39 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 18, 2009, 11:45:08 AM For what? hopefully the kbb for an '05 620 is better in your area than mine... [roll] Ah, that answers my question... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 18, 2009, 08:54:32 PM I need a saw/file that will allow me to remove 1/4 - 1/2 of the gauge mount bracket (height wise) from the Ducati.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 05, 2009, 06:24:24 AM Wow, did everyone take a long nap?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 05, 2009, 06:55:54 AM um...
yes? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 08, 2009, 09:17:29 AM Hey Rick, you riding today?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 08, 2009, 11:39:55 AM Taking the dog to the day care center to check it out re: upcoming mainland vacation.
Going to shop to change oil in Gloria's car. Minor adjustments to 848. Work on Wally Monster steering stops. Ship painting at FedEx. Haircut at 2:30 Riding and beers after that??? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 08, 2009, 11:46:43 AM Could be. I have to pick Alex up at six thirty.
What time do you think you will be down at the shop to work on Walt's bike? I might pop round to see if there looks to be a quick fix to my throttle issue. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 08, 2009, 12:32:43 PM Noon to 2:15
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DucMouse the Mighty on August 20, 2009, 01:46:21 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 20, 2009, 03:47:51 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DucMouse the Mighty on August 21, 2009, 06:04:59 AM thought i would wander on here for a drink and chat with u guys...
hows the islanders doing? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: RED on August 21, 2009, 06:05:05 AM Watch this one.... ;D.... she's a lurker too! :-X
Mousy, howya? Nice meeting you @DiTR Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 21, 2009, 06:38:01 AM hmm, it's a little early for a drink, but nice to see you anyway.
ah, what the hell, I'm on leave! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 21, 2009, 07:00:13 AM the islanders are restless, it's statehood day.
and I could use a drink! [drink] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 21, 2009, 09:40:15 AM Coffee is a drink when the right additives are applied.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DucMouse the Mighty on August 21, 2009, 12:36:35 PM Watch this one.... ;D.... she's a lurker too! :-X Mousy, howya? Nice meeting you @DiTR ya but teddy knows ...his hairs stand up when he knows im around [laugh] yes nice meeting u too, it seemed to go by alot quicker this year..... hmm, it's a little early for a drink, but nice to see you anyway. ah, what the hell, I'm on leave! and what was to drink this morning? while on ur leave the islanders are restless, it's statehood day. and I could use a drink! [drink] statehood day?!?!?! [beer] Coffee is a drink when the right additives are applied. [thumbsup] a little baileys Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 21, 2009, 01:44:17 PM and what was to drink this morning? while on ur leave I just ended up with espresso. Then another espresso. Then tacos! [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 21, 2009, 03:38:55 PM ya but teddy knows ...his hairs stand up when he knows im around [laugh] LOL [beer] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: RED on August 24, 2009, 10:48:02 AM ya but teddy knows ...his hairs stand up when he knows im around [laugh] He may start shaving now... :-X ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 24, 2009, 01:18:11 PM yeah, I'd shave for krys ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DucMouse the Mighty on August 24, 2009, 01:43:25 PM I just ended up with espresso. Then another espresso. Then tacos! [thumbsup] thats alot, i would kill over from the sugar killing me [laugh] mmmm tacos yeah, I'd shave for krys ;D why shave when u can wax baby :-* ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 25, 2009, 06:56:32 AM thats alot, i would kill over from the sugar killing me [laugh] mmmm tacos why shave when u can wax baby :-* ;D I don't think jebus takes sugar in his coffee I suppose waxing does the job in a quicker fashion.... got enough for my whole back? ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 25, 2009, 08:40:03 AM got enough for my whole back? ;D Bring me a bucket! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 25, 2009, 06:54:25 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 26, 2009, 07:59:46 AM buy me dinner, first :-* That was more a reference to Monty Python's "bring me a bucket before I throw up" than anything darling... ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 26, 2009, 12:08:54 PM don't make me slap you with a fish
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: RED on August 27, 2009, 07:08:13 AM Ah, a degenerating thread :o ...time to go and design another t-shirt! ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on August 27, 2009, 09:30:26 AM Ah, a degenerating thread :o ...time to go and design another t-shirt! ;D oh, you shoosh. I've been busy... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: RED on September 02, 2009, 05:47:57 AM oh, you shoosh. I've been busy... [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 03, 2009, 07:49:53 AM [laugh] [laugh] not having internet at home makes things... tricky... when it comes to email. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on September 03, 2009, 09:16:54 PM Hey DRKWNG, did you get my reply to your PM about the oil change. I've sent a bunch of PM's to different folks lately, but no one is responding. So, either no one likes me :-[, or the PM system isnt working.... [bang]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 03, 2009, 10:54:22 PM Nope, sure didn't. What did it say?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on September 04, 2009, 07:20:57 PM Nope, sure didn't. What did it say? Something to the effect of: "Let me know when, where, and what your favorite adult beverage is....." Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 04, 2009, 07:59:56 PM Well then. I am working tomorrow morning, but have next week off. When is good for you?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on September 04, 2009, 10:19:22 PM I have all day Sunday and monday off, and then anytime after 6pm would work any other day
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 04, 2009, 11:00:27 PM Ok, how about you come ride on Sunday, then we do the oil on Monday, say noonish?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on September 05, 2009, 09:30:23 AM Sounds like a plan!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on September 05, 2009, 01:07:49 PM Ok, how about you come ride on Sunday, then we do the oil on Monday, say noonish? Thank you so much for the offer, but no can. SSC doesnt have any filters in stock..... Freakin idiots! [bang] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on September 05, 2009, 01:35:15 PM They gave me the wrong crush washer for my oil drain plug if it makes you feel any better.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 05, 2009, 06:10:21 PM SSC doesnt have any filters in stock..... Somehow I am not surprised. Don't worry though, the offer will still be good just as long as the beer is good. ;) Maybe order a few from Ducati Seattle? I will be needing to change the oil in my SC soon, so I will go in on them with you. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 06, 2009, 08:14:50 AM WTF?! There I was stuck at work all day yesterday while it was beautiful outside. Now that I am off, here comes the rain. Shitty, spiteful Tikki weather gods...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 06, 2009, 11:39:07 AM do not talk bad about Tiki.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 06, 2009, 02:32:49 PM Tiki sucks Tiki sucks Tiki sucks Tiki sucks Tiki sucks Tiki sucks
;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 07, 2009, 01:38:24 PM *sigh*
tourists.... :-* Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 07, 2009, 06:37:27 PM Far from tourists. More like transitory government worker, and without us this island would flop economically. [cheeky]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 08, 2009, 07:11:42 AM I'm not arguing that.
hell, we got the same boss. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on September 09, 2009, 07:57:39 PM Somehow I am not surprised. Don't worry though, the offer will still be good just as long as the beer is good. ;) Maybe order a few from Ducati Seattle? I will be needing to change the oil in my SC soon, so I will go in on them with you. I ordered two filters and crush washers from my guy in New Mexico, and they should be here no later than monday. You are more than welcome to one of each for your SC. Any tips on where to get the oil (besides the obvious....SSC)? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 09, 2009, 08:26:38 PM You can get the silkolene from the other south seas. And even though it is under the same ownership, you would never know it from talking to the guys in the front end of the store.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 09, 2009, 09:39:05 PM And even though it is under the same ownership, you would never know it from talking to the guys in the front end of the store. what he said... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on September 15, 2009, 07:41:35 AM Somehow I am not surprised. Don't worry though, the offer will still be good just as long as the beer is good. ;) Maybe order a few from Ducati Seattle? I will be needing to change the oil in my SC soon, so I will go in on them with you. Got the filters and crush washers in yesterday. Are you available this weekend? I can do it anytime... [drink] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 15, 2009, 06:43:08 PM Might be able to Saturday afternoon. Depends on how much "home" work I get done.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 18, 2009, 06:20:47 PM Got the filters and crush washers in yesterday. Are you available this weekend? I can do it anytime... [drink] You still want to do this over the weekend? I've got time tomorrow afternoon, just need to get a little yard work done first. PM me your number and I will give you directions. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on September 18, 2009, 07:12:31 PM Yep I'm free if you are. I've sent you a PM with my number, but I dont think the PM's are working for me for some reason...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 18, 2009, 07:15:13 PM Just got your message. Now all I need to do is post your number up in a "for a good time" thread on CL. ;)
Seriously though, figure doing the work around one or one thirty? Just replied to your message with directions. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 19, 2009, 11:27:53 AM Important update in Bacon Technology!
http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=606.msg514829#msg514829 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=606.msg514829#msg514829) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on September 19, 2009, 12:06:54 PM Important update in Bacon Technology! http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=606.msg514829#msg514829 (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=606.msg514829#msg514829) and why wasn't I informed of this? you don't love me no more :'( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 19, 2009, 12:13:46 PM and why wasn't I informed of this? Uhm... You just were. you don't love me no more :'( You know how I know you're gay? ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 17, 2009, 10:28:29 PM Sure has been slow in these parts lately...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 18, 2009, 06:16:54 AM I don't have much to say lately...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 19, 2009, 04:33:51 PM [bang] [bang] [bang]
so I was going to list the bike again. had the argument again. I just can't do it. why's this so make the beast with two backsing hard? it's just a goddamn bike! it's a THING! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 19, 2009, 05:15:28 PM Dude, tell me about it. Look at all the stuff I am having to sell. It's killing me.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 19, 2009, 05:19:55 PM well, I mean...
I don't HAVE to... and she don't want me to... meh. I need a drink. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 19, 2009, 05:26:48 PM Don't is the right choice.
But don't go too crazy on the booze, either, please. :-* Speaking of which, I saw Chris Lennon yesterday. He's bartending at JT again. And he's pretty deep into the drink. And it's causing him troubles, like beyond even what troubles he had. I can only wish him the best, and I know how much that is worth. :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 19, 2009, 06:17:00 PM What is everyone doing tonight? Thinking of going to bike night down town, but...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 19, 2009, 06:43:02 PM never heard of it.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 19, 2009, 06:45:50 PM Thursday night bike night, where we normally meet up for the Sunday morning rides. Going to be down there some time between 730 and 800 unless someone has better offers. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 19, 2009, 08:55:02 PM We drove by there in the car around that time. Didn't look real hard to see what exactly was there. Only saw about 3 bikes and maybe a Ruckus or two. That spot isn't too busy anymore. I think most of them meet up around Kunia somewhere these days.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 19, 2009, 10:32:48 PM One of them bikes was mine. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 20, 2009, 06:08:26 AM Don't is the right choice. idk what else to do, though...But don't go too crazy on the booze, either, please. :-* Speaking of which, I saw Chris Lennon yesterday. He's bartending at JT again. And he's pretty deep into the drink. And it's causing him troubles, like beyond even what troubles he had. I can only wish him the best, and I know how much that is worth. :P :-\ he was pretty deep before he quit the first time... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 20, 2009, 11:29:00 AM :o
The price that some people charge for some things... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 20, 2009, 05:35:22 PM Anybody doing anything tonight?
Feel like a just tacos run? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 21, 2009, 05:15:18 PM Anybody doing anything tonight? Feel like a just tacos run? I just did one of those! oh, wait. you were there, too ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 22, 2009, 11:39:24 AM holy. shit.
ok, so run with me a second... I know that rest of y'all are into bugs, but I just had a thought. burger. I've had a burger with several versions of additional meats... bacon, cdn bacon, pastrami, cased meats... and it all works. hell, even that foie gras burger sounds good if I ever get down there to try it. so why not surf n'turf? never seen it done. so i'm thinking like a burger w/a bug salad (think chk or turkey salad) shrimps or lobster, whatever, diced up and typ garlic/butter fashion, maybe a bit of red onion, and celery... roasted garlic aioli, some parsley, dill and a splash of hot sauce on romaine* or I suppose if I were extra experimental, do my crab stuffing into a burger... that might be kind of nice *oooh, capers, too. well, maybe not so much in the stuffing, but capers are yum Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 22, 2009, 11:43:04 AM mitt's french onion soup thd is what got me going...
mmm... maybe some chopped up hard-boiled egg. or top a bug salad with a fried egg. I could see that. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 22, 2009, 11:55:44 AM I'm not so much into salad-izing meats, so that part doesn't really appeal. Unless it was just butter and herbage or something. hmm. But i'm not totally against it. You can put bacon on lobster, right?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 22, 2009, 12:03:19 PM I'm not so much into salad-izing meats, so that part doesn't really appeal. Unless it was just butter and herbage or something. hmm. But i'm not totally against it. You can put bacon on lobster, right? dude, you know i'm almost anti-mayo like you are... i can deal with it in the sense that it's juuuust enough of a binder... so building an 'ailoi' with some good EVOO and roasted garlic is more appealing than lathering on mayo and bacon can go on everything, baby Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 22, 2009, 12:03:59 PM *bacon wrapped bacon is the riddle of the universe....
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 22, 2009, 12:20:30 PM LOL
just for jebus (and really, isn't that why we all are alive?) lobster-bacon-herbage slaw on medium rare burger on english muffin, of couse. :) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 22, 2009, 02:07:01 PM Uhm... So Teddy is cooking us all dinner?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 22, 2009, 04:05:23 PM Uhm... So Teddy is cooking us all dinner? < looks down at sig line > hey, if you show up, i'm sure I can try! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 23, 2009, 06:25:27 AM wow did i get back to this thread a little too late.
the wiff and i had steak. no lobster. OH! we went to the counter on saturday. screwed up the order again. and overcooked again. their quality control has gone to shit since they first opened. i thought it was supposed to be the other way around. either way, i'm probably done with them. though i do love me some sweet potato fries... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 23, 2009, 06:26:36 AM ^ that's pretty lame.
maybe I don't need to go back Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 23, 2009, 11:26:39 AM Never been to that place, but had wanted to check them out; until now.
But on the other hand, Haute Dogs is a pretty tasty joint if you go to the one on Coral street, just down from the Volvo dealer. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 23, 2009, 02:39:49 PM That are the truth!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 23, 2009, 07:38:25 PM holy shit! I should open my mail more often!
gooooooo rebate checks! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 24, 2009, 01:30:36 PM Nice! Rebate for what?
In other news, I think it may be time for a rebuildification of the Beetle pusher. There is smoke where there previously was no smoke. And bad smells. And no external leaks (that didn't already exist) :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 24, 2009, 07:30:47 PM Nice! Rebate for what? overpayment into escrow. apparently the projected payments far exceeded the actual, and wells fargo has cut me a check for the difference based on their minimum required amount as of 12/1. and that has confused me. so I haven't been to the bank yet. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 25, 2009, 05:31:54 AM overpayment into escrow. From your recently deceased rich fifteenth cousin, thrice removed, in Nigeria? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 25, 2009, 06:24:29 AM From your recently deceased rich fifteenth cousin, thrice removed, in Nigeria? spanish national lottery, actually. it's attached to my november statement, so I'm assuming it's legit :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on November 26, 2009, 09:27:40 PM shitballs!
I was supposed to do laundry today! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on November 28, 2009, 08:42:37 AM After a month of strictly Asian food (Im not complaining!), I am seriously Jonesing for some Taco's. Im gonna hit Serg's in Manoa for some LA style taqueria taco's about 12 or so. Anyone up??
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 28, 2009, 08:53:54 AM Would love to! But, I am going to doing part of a car cruise for the Toys for Tots bit... Rick is trying to get some [moto] time later on, will probably be trying to meet up for that as well. What say you about this option sir?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on November 28, 2009, 08:55:01 AM mmm, no can. Have to work 4-midnight today. :'(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 28, 2009, 08:56:54 AM Well that snorts!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 01, 2009, 05:43:50 PM The KTM supplied tool kit comes with a bottle opener. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 01, 2009, 07:40:44 PM The KTM supplied tool kit comes with a bottle opener. [thumbsup] For the most part, there's just about only one way you would know that....... [thumbsup] [beer] [moto] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on December 01, 2009, 08:16:20 PM What he said, plus [bacon]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 01, 2009, 08:17:26 PM Uhm... I only got a package in the mail, that is all.
The fun stuff happens on Thursday. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 01, 2009, 08:18:51 PM What he said, plus [bacon] Dude, I'll take some [bacon]. I'm hungry! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on December 01, 2009, 08:37:01 PM Uhm... I only got a package in the mail, that is all. The fun stuff happens on Thursday. is that like a mail order groom or something? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 01, 2009, 08:38:02 PM ASS!!
It was mail order owner's manual. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on December 01, 2009, 08:43:57 PM hehehe
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 02, 2009, 05:20:25 PM Anybody not working tomorrow and feel like giving me a ride to the port?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on December 02, 2009, 07:18:56 PM Anybody not working tomorrow and feel like giving me a ride to the port? I'm trying real hard to not work tomorrow... hell, that's every day :D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 02, 2009, 08:31:25 PM ^ That helps.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on December 03, 2009, 05:55:47 AM Jen's got the day off - give her a call (my number, but + 2)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 03, 2009, 06:09:25 AM Nah, I'm wanting to get down there pretty early. Probably just call a cab. Thanks though.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 03, 2009, 06:21:03 AM Would have given you the ride except for this thing called work, which is where I'm at right now and you know how short & strong the chain is that binds me to the desk. It's 0620 and there's already a customer in the driveway. Oh well. Have fun!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 03, 2009, 06:41:44 AM Nah, I'm wanting to get down there pretty early. Probably just call a cab. Thanks though. How early is early? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 03, 2009, 06:42:40 AM Thanks for the virtual offer. I might actually swing over there to borrow your air compressor if you don't mind. Will also need to run over to the geico offices and get them to print out an actual insurance card for me.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 03, 2009, 06:43:17 AM How early is early? I originally wanted to get down there around 0730, but still haven't showered yet. So some time around 0800 maybe. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 03, 2009, 06:45:44 AM The earliest that I could pick you up would be about 8:30...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 03, 2009, 06:51:55 AM The earliest that I could pick you up would be about 8:30... Would you mind? I'll take you up on that offer if 830 is pretty firm. Only reason I say that is because I have lots to do today in order to get the bike weighed, safety and registered... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 03, 2009, 06:52:58 AM sent you a PM...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 03, 2009, 06:54:27 AM <waiting somewhat patiently for it to come> ;)
Called and spoke to the robot on Gene's phone. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 03, 2009, 07:18:30 AM Gene, just sent you an email with a link to a google map to my house. The house number is 1836 Madrona Place, and there is a black VW GTI (with roof rack) parked in front of the garage. Let me know if you have any issues opening the file. Thanks!!!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 03, 2009, 04:32:49 PM I have lots to do today in order to get the bike weighed, safety and registered... you have a progress report? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 03, 2009, 04:47:45 PM you have a progress report? Yep. State of Hawaii SUCKS! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 03, 2009, 09:07:49 PM Yep. State of Hawaii SUCKS! That's because the State of Hawaii is anti-progress. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 04, 2009, 05:22:35 AM That's because the State of Hawaii is anti-progress. Tell me about it. So far they want the original (not a faxed copy that I have) MSO for the bike as well as it being weighed, even though the MSO has the weight listed and I am exempt from paying the local weight tax. THEN, they want me to take the bike down to recon to verify that it is actually what the paperwork says it is. I asked what the purpose of this visit was and the lady stated "so we can have the VIN on the bike verified against the VIN on the paperwork". I told her that the bike was sitting right outside in the parking lot and we could go check it if she would like, to which she replied "I am about to go on break". WTF is up with that? I think from here on out, I will use that going on break line anytime someone asks me to do something for them. Wonder how far that will get me... And on a slightly different topic -- Did the brake pads for the VW come in yet Rick? If so, think I might be able to swing the car down to you on Saturday so I can get them on? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 04, 2009, 06:19:03 AM The brake pads are here so let's do it. I have to do some small stuff on the 240D and the SL anyway. Plus the usual light duty customer pick up and shop paperwork. If we're lucky we could still get an afternoon ride & [drink] done.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 04, 2009, 07:40:53 AM so how does the Katoom run?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 04, 2009, 03:51:48 PM so how does the Katoom run? It makes a little noise. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 04, 2009, 04:16:27 PM The brake pads are here so let's do it. I have to do some small stuff on the 240D and the SL anyway. Plus the usual light duty customer pick up and shop paperwork. If we're lucky we could still get an afternoon ride & [drink] done. Ok, let me know what time to be down there. Are you going to need any help with the two mercs? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 04, 2009, 04:32:31 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 04, 2009, 09:18:25 PM Ok, let me know what time to be down there. Are you going to need any help with the two mercs? Show up anytime from 11 on. The usual. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on December 05, 2009, 06:55:53 PM so anyway, I had a thought.
buddy of mine (who, incidentally was the one who talked me into the duc) has this 01 R6 sitting at his parents place... if/when I sell the girl, I was thinking his bike might make for a fun rebuild/hooligan project. I know, I know... but he hasn't touched the thing in years, and when I was laying the spanish inquisition on him, he pretty much said "make an offer and it's yours." which was before I even thought to sell my bike. tags are long since expo'd, so I could really just park it and take it apart... make it a long-term sort of thing, before even having to think about reg and insurance Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 05, 2009, 09:19:12 PM ^ Yea maybe so, but you know at the end of the day you will have done make the beast with two backs all with it. Why bother? Just keep, and ride, your Ducati.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on December 06, 2009, 06:19:44 AM nevermind
forget I said anything. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 06, 2009, 07:02:45 AM Chilly ride coming back home last night. Felt a bit bad for Wally seeing as how he forgot his jacket...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 06, 2009, 07:55:11 PM DAMN Austrians and their torx bits.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on December 06, 2009, 07:55:49 PM DAMN Austrians and their torx bits. you own a mkIV and don't have a set of those? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 06, 2009, 07:56:28 PM Not the size I needed.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on December 06, 2009, 07:57:07 PM ahh
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 06, 2009, 07:59:47 PM But on a brighter note; Soup is good food...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on December 06, 2009, 08:01:55 PM yes it is
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 07, 2009, 06:35:15 AM Chilly ride coming back home last night. Felt a bit bad for Wally seeing as how he forgot his jacket... He really didn't forget it but he wished he had it. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 07, 2009, 04:00:17 PM lol I know he didn't. I was just giving a bit of leeway. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on December 08, 2009, 12:04:34 PM tags are long since expo'd, so I could really just park it and take it apart... make it a long-term sort of thing, before even having to think about reg and insurance Long term might be long enough for the track to be semi-done. Dedicated race bike! [moto]Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on December 08, 2009, 12:07:01 PM And a negative Christmas present for me. The 999 will probably have to go.
Boo. :-\ At least someone else will have a Merry Christmas. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 08, 2009, 12:34:16 PM And a negative Christmas present for me. The 999 will probably have to go. Boo. :-\ bummer... :( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 08, 2009, 02:46:19 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on December 08, 2009, 02:54:08 PM Long term might be long enough for the track to be semi-done. Dedicated race bike! [moto] a while back, when a new track seemed fresh on everyone's agenda, I told my buddy that I was going to take his bike for that exact purpose ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on December 18, 2009, 05:38:38 PM Helldamnfart!
So I bit the bullet and bought some DOT turn signals, ugly and really friggin expensive though they may be. Installed the front, and yes, I can clearly see the difference. Way brighter. Went to install the back, and the darn things have bigger posts than the last set. Which means it won't fit through the hole I had to drill in the new carbon piece back in the day when I replaced the beer tray. That kinda sucks. It also means the post won't fit into the hole I had to drill in the frame because the new piece sits higher/closer/whatever. That REALLY sucks. I most certainly do not have the means to make that hole bigger at this time. Poop on a stick. So, I'll probably be out sans rear blinkies tomorrow. That's legal as long as you have to get to breakfast right? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on December 18, 2009, 08:30:25 PM I do beleive there is a "breakfast exception" to the turn signal requirement!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 18, 2009, 10:06:29 PM Also applies if you are riding mid=pack with a federale behind you. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 19, 2009, 01:04:52 PM So, car deal waits until Monday in order all bank's wire departments to be open at the same time. And with that in mind, taking the SD out for a little ride...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 19, 2009, 05:01:24 PM And with that in mind, taking the SD out for a little ride... We're going to end up calling the SC the SF instead. Second Fiddle. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 19, 2009, 06:04:35 PM We're going to end up calling the SC the SF instead. Second Fiddle. No no, it still has a place. A very strong place at that. It does have as much pull as the SD, but the ergos are much more befitting high speed runs. Plus, I want to get it down to Will so he can look at it before I start flogging it again... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 27, 2009, 07:50:31 AM So, if any of us just happens to win the lottery... Or gets that letter from the long lost, recently deceased fifteenth cousin thrice removed in Nigeria...
http://www.ducati.ms/forums/showthread.php?t=76500 (http://www.ducati.ms/forums/showthread.php?t=76500) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 09, 2010, 07:19:05 AM Injured doggies make me sad...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 09, 2010, 03:19:22 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 09, 2010, 05:55:17 PM Your doggie? Yea. Darmah started favoring her left side rear leg pretty bad last night, and then wouldn't put weight on it at all today. She woke me up several times over night whimpering and was obviously in pain, although I have no idea why. Took her in to see the vet this morning, and he could not find any obvious reason either other than a possible sprain. So anyhow, she got a shot of cortisone and some doggie pain killers and will be under observation for a few days... Rick, are you still looking at some of those A-stars riding trousers? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 09, 2010, 06:54:36 PM I think about those V-Twin pants every now & then. Just a bit better protection than the Draggins, maybe. Why?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 09, 2010, 10:03:13 PM Any idea what size you would need? I might be either selling or trading in my A-10 trousers, and they would zip right in to your
A-stars jacket. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 09, 2010, 10:15:49 PM Any idea what size you would need? I might be either selling or trading in my A-10 trousers, and they would zip right in to your A-stars jacket. Sorry. Not my taste. But thanks for the thought. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 14, 2010, 09:06:18 PM Sometimes getting the things you wanted, and then got, begets having to get the things you need, but didn't necessarily want, in order to get the things you have to work.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 14, 2010, 09:34:37 PM I think about those V-Twin pants every now & then. Just a bit better protection than the Draggins, maybe. Why? I think about the Joe Rocket Blaster 2.0 Perforated Leather Sport pants every now and then, but then I come to my senses...I actually like them, but don't want to look like Mike the Bike on the road... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on January 15, 2010, 06:19:41 AM I think about the Joe Rocket Blaster 2.0 Perforated Leather Sport pants every now and then, but then I come to my senses...I actually like them, but don't want to look like Mike the Bike on the road... ;D *shrug* I rock tex pants that zip to my jacket... that's really only a half step away from leather or are you just afraid of looking fast? ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 15, 2010, 06:27:53 AM I think about the Joe Rocket Blaster 2.0 Perforated Leather Sport pants every now and then, but then I come to my senses...I actually like them, but don't want to look like Mike the Bike on the road... ;D The Blaster 2.0 perfs look pretty good, don't cha know. I kind of prefer an over the boot though, but still.... Hadn't seen those before for some reason until you brought them up. And who else out there knows who Mike the Bike is without googleing? Still got your goggles Gene? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 15, 2010, 07:42:26 AM or are you just afraid of looking fast? ;) afraid of looking like a poser, 'cause I'm not fast, nor do I try to be... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 15, 2010, 07:45:03 AM Still got your goggles Gene? I think they're in a trunk in the attic, with my puddin' bowl helmet... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 15, 2010, 08:11:32 AM The Blaster 2.0 perfs look pretty good, don't cha know. I kind of prefer an over the boot though, but still.... Hadn't seen those before for some reason until you brought them up. $195.99 at newenough.com with a $12 shipping credit...and I have a 10% off coupon good til the 28th, decisions, decisions... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 15, 2010, 01:48:02 PM Mr. Hailwood.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 15, 2010, 08:14:54 PM Winner!
http://www.acmecycle.com/hailwood.jpg (http://www.acmecycle.com/hailwood.jpg) The picture I remember most. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 15, 2010, 08:25:18 PM I used to have a T-shirt with that picture on the back captioned, "When Men Were Men."
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 16, 2010, 07:50:11 AM Winner! http://www.acmecycle.com/hailwood.jpg (http://www.acmecycle.com/hailwood.jpg) The picture I remember most. A six-cylinder 250. That must have sounded pretty interesting. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 16, 2010, 07:53:14 AM afraid of looking like a poser, 'cause I'm not fast, nor do I try to be... ;D Says the man with a Akra equipped Streetfighter. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 19, 2010, 06:45:55 PM Helmet with a built in rear view mirror...
(HQ) The Motorcycle Rear-View Helmet. De achteruitkijkhelm. 1701 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9uLsMq7mBE&feature=player_embedded#normal) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 20, 2010, 08:09:45 AM I kind of prefer an over the boot though.... Hereya go, not perforated though... http://www.newenough.com/protective_apparel/leather_jackets_and_pants/joe_rocket/pro_street_leather_motorcycle_pants.html# (http://www.newenough.com/protective_apparel/leather_jackets_and_pants/joe_rocket/pro_street_leather_motorcycle_pants.html#) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 20, 2010, 09:01:04 PM Not bad.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 27, 2010, 10:09:52 PM Anne's lurking...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on January 28, 2010, 06:15:57 AM anne?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 28, 2010, 06:30:18 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on January 28, 2010, 12:40:48 PM Anne's lurking... lol, ok. pretty nice forums though. per the thread, can i just say that i'm pissed bf is tracking miller in april. it really gets me! [bang] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 28, 2010, 04:09:15 PM lol, ok. pretty nice forums though. per the thread, can i just say that i'm pissed bf is tracking miller in april. it really gets me! [bang] You can say anything you want in here. Thought you were saying that you were going to be on that trip? Or were you talking about going to a different school? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: doorsdude on January 28, 2010, 04:49:10 PM ok i'll bite. i want you all to know that i will be going to laguna seca this year too watch rossi kick some ass. and then i will be renting a big cruiser to see how many miles i can put on it in five days :). i dare everybody to come along! lester and his wife are already on board.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 28, 2010, 05:13:43 PM ok i'll bite. i want you all to know that i will be going to laguna seca this year too watch rossi kick some ass. and then i will be renting a big cruiser to see how many miles i can put on it in five days :). i dare everybody to come along! lester and his wife are already on board. three on that cruiser is gonna be a tight fit...;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 28, 2010, 05:14:17 PM I wish!! Too bad I have no idea where the hell I will be living at that point.
three on that cruiser is gonna be a tight fit...;D Safe money says Lester rides cup-cake. [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on January 28, 2010, 06:37:23 PM ^^^ u guys crack me up!!!
You can say anything you want in here. Thought you were saying that you were going to be on that trip? Or were you talking about going to a different school? i'll be going to las vegas motorspeedway, the following weekend we're driving up to miller for his turn. more what gets me is that he only found out they have the car classes because i was researching which track to school at. miller was my first choice, but they only offer it there once this year. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: doorsdude on January 28, 2010, 07:00:46 PM hehe
the tighter the better. [leo] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on January 28, 2010, 10:06:30 PM ok i'll bite. i want you all to know that i will be going to laguna seca this year too watch rossi kick some ass. and then i will be renting a big cruiser to see how many miles i can put on it in five days :). i dare everybody to come along! lester and his wife are already on board. cruiser in the bay area? no thanks. too many good roads to waste my time blatting along on a sled. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: doorsdude on January 28, 2010, 11:04:05 PM i hear you but trust me, you won't be able to do 300+ miles a day, fully loaded, five days in a row, on a sportbike. that being said don't underestimate the capabilities and fun factor of a goldwing, or even a harley electra glide classic. both bikes are great for this type of riding :)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on January 29, 2010, 12:05:09 AM btw anyone going to SS waiphau's 50s night tomorrow.. or tonight. friday night. sammy n i were gonna check it out. i'll prob be there by car though.
supposed to have a stunt guy come out to do a show too. just spreading the word. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 29, 2010, 05:09:20 AM btw anyone going to SS waiphau's 50s night tomorrow.. or tonight. friday night. sammy n i were gonna check it out. i'll prob be there by car though. supposed to have a stunt guy come out to do a show too. just spreading the word. I was thinking about it, as Jose has been sending lots of text messages about it. Not sure though, as I had plans already. I will be caging as well if I make it down there. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on January 29, 2010, 06:21:30 AM i hear you but trust me, you won't be able to do 300+ miles a day, fully loaded, five days in a row, on a sportbike. that being said don't underestimate the capabilities and fun factor of a goldwing, or even a harley electra glide classic. both bikes are great for this type of riding :) me and elTristo did that in 08, on BMWs, ripping it up on twisties, in that exact same area. SF up through sonoma, out to skaggs, up through ukiah, back down, then monterey, down to solvang, then back up to SF in 5 days. so like I said... cruiser in the bay area? no thanks. too many good roads to waste my time blatting along on a sled. :-* Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on January 29, 2010, 10:18:09 AM I was thinking about it, as Jose has been sending lots of text messages about it. Not sure though, as I had plans already. I will be caging as well if I make it down there. if u do go, let me know if u want some furikake chex mix. i made a batch last night, and there's too much of it. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: doorsdude on January 29, 2010, 10:21:13 AM ^ i might be going [moto]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on January 29, 2010, 02:24:32 PM ^ i might be going [moto] hopefully we'll c u there. i'll prob be getting there around 7ish. it's supposed to be from 6-9, not sure what time the stunt show is at. but if u want some of that chex mix i'll prob have some it in tote Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 29, 2010, 03:41:12 PM me and elTristo did that in 08, on BMWs, Yea, but an R1200GS handles is a far cry, ergo wise, from a sport bike. Crazy thing about those bikes though, is that they will handle almost as good as a sport bike with a competent operator at the controls. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 29, 2010, 03:50:55 PM <rant>
As some of you guys know, I have been sponsoring a Marine at work the last month or so under the wounded warrior program. Well, his time is pretty much up, the medical command released him to go back to his unit as a sniper and he is set to leave on Monday. Today, the NST chief comes down and we are all chatting. Near the end of the conversation, she tells my Marine Corporal that the agency would like to offer him a direct hire position, and the band 4 level. My jaw almost hit the make the beast with two backsing floor!!! This guy has been the definition of squared away, but make the beast with two backs!! A month's practical experience at the job and they are looking at hiring him as a GS-13??!! I need a drink. </rant> Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on January 29, 2010, 04:12:09 PM Wowsers. For a Corporal, not too shabby.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 29, 2010, 04:15:27 PM Yea, turns out the agency's director has taken a keen interest in hiring these guys on. I think I feel a paper cut coming on.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: doorsdude on January 29, 2010, 04:24:47 PM ok soldier! step away from the ream of paper, now. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on January 29, 2010, 06:45:34 PM ok soldier! step away from the ream of paper, now. ;D lol, it's the military... there's no way around paperwork! danger everywhere [roll] btw the weather is crappy as hell on this side. no use coming out for SS waipahu's stuff, prob rain out. it's a movie night. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on January 29, 2010, 10:44:29 PM Yea, but an R1200GS handles is a far cry, ergo wise, from a sport bike. Crazy thing about those bikes though, is that they will handle almost as good as a sport bike with a competent operator at the controls. so you're saying jebus ain't competent? all i'm saying is that we did the milage, fully loaded up, on bikes more than capable of making those roads "fun" at pace... and in any case, more fun than could be had on a cushy ol' sled. they may not be pure sportbikes, but as far as handling is concerned, you basically backed up my side of the argument. you couldn't pay me to redo that trip on a cruiser. ok, well... you could pay me... only because i'm cheap like that. if I were to repeat that trip, there is no way in hell I'd do it on a cruiser. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: doorsdude on January 30, 2010, 07:01:17 AM well some of us ride because riding is well, riding, and we'll do it on any bike. we can all rip up the twisties and that is the best of all worlds (for me anyway), but sometimes just being on the road is where its at. in my experience cruisers are the cheapest and easyest to rent and that is the only reason i recommended them.
where did you rent the bmw's from and for how much if i may ask? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on January 30, 2010, 07:13:15 AM www.dubbelju.com (http://www.dubbelju.com)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 30, 2010, 01:43:49 PM so you're saying jebus ain't competent? Not at all. I was saying that riding a GS is much more comfortable than riding a sport bike. And then later I was saying that the 1200GS bikes handle really well, especially if the rider knows what they are doing on them. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: doorsdude on January 30, 2010, 03:46:10 PM www.dubbelju.com (http://www.dubbelju.com) cool thanks for the link. will check it out for sure. rates on the cruisers appear to be in line with what one can get from eaglerider. i have rented from eaglerider a few times and can get a bit of a discount from them. the more options the better. :) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on January 31, 2010, 06:07:01 AM Not at all. I was saying that riding a GS is much more comfortable than riding a sport bike. And then later I was saying that the 1200GS bikes handle really well, especially if the rider knows what they are doing on them. I knew how to alost fly off a cliff after passing a REAALLLY irritating mini van on PCH... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 31, 2010, 06:56:17 AM I knew how to alost fly off a cliff after passing a REAALLLY irritating mini van on PCH... [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on January 31, 2010, 07:25:53 AM I knew how to alost fly off a cliff after passing a REAALLLY irritating mini van on PCH... I hated that van! so, sooo much. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 10, 2010, 06:04:50 PM I'm thinking it's Saturday afternoon ride & drink beers at Varsity time. ;) [beer]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 10, 2010, 06:38:34 PM Ok, sounds good. Guess that means you got your fairings back.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on February 10, 2010, 07:41:00 PM Bikes and beer?!?!?!?!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 10, 2010, 08:21:55 PM Ok, sounds good. Guess that means you got your fairings back. That's a rog. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 10, 2010, 08:23:10 PM Bikes and beer?!?!?!?! Care to expand on that? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 10, 2010, 08:40:54 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 11, 2010, 05:18:53 PM Care to expand on that? We'll let that slide for now. I'll just say that beer plus motorcycles is bad, bad, bad, bad. There. I'm PC for the day. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on February 11, 2010, 09:19:15 PM Huh? The comment was about me finally downloading "Faster" and "The Tornado, the Doctor, and the Kentucky Kid" and drinking Blue Moon...but thanks for the PSA...
Plus I can barely ride when I'm sober so riding drunk would prove disastrous! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 12, 2010, 06:30:07 AM I thought Faster was the better of the two.
BTW, I don't ride bikes when I'm drunk either. It's just that there are some folks who like climb up on as many boxes as they can to decry the evils of any form of imbibing and riding. The GMF is full of such threads. Just sayin'. [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on February 12, 2010, 07:02:35 PM I thought Faster was the better of the two. BTW, I don't ride bikes when I'm drunk either. It's just that there are some folks who like climb up on as many boxes as they can to decry the evils of any form of imbibing and riding. The GMF is full of such threads. Just sayin'. [cheeky] lol i've ridden up the pali drunk... not exactly a good idea. haven't done anything that stupid since then. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 12, 2010, 07:13:02 PM Rode home from a party once on a motorcycle in the early 70s...kissed the ground when I got there and swore never again... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on February 18, 2010, 09:52:27 AM mmmkaaayy... :(
After painting half the room--trim and walls--I've decided I can't stand the eggshell finish. And the domestic boss has decided that we now need to switch brands of paint to Benjamin Moore. So this was all just an exercise. And I think I've lost about 4 million brain cells. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on February 26, 2010, 05:12:24 PM bf coming home tonight!!!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on February 27, 2010, 07:03:25 AM tsunami party!!!!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on February 27, 2010, 10:03:15 AM tsunami party!!!! We're ready!(http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a304/DesmoBob/misc/0227000719a.jpg) (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a304/DesmoBob/misc/0227000719.jpg) And NO, I don't eat spam, that's for the in-laws. I can live off dry cereal for a month. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on February 27, 2010, 10:42:19 AM And NO, I don't eat spam, that's for the in-laws. I can live off dry cereal for a month. ;D whatever, spam is great. and... no beer? where are your priorities, man?!? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on February 27, 2010, 12:27:20 PM Have you guys sank yet? I never thought that going to Texas was a good thing...wait nope Texas still sucks!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on February 27, 2010, 01:07:39 PM whatever, spam is great. beer is gross at room temp. I's already gots lots of scotch ;Dand... no beer? where are your priorities, man?!? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on February 27, 2010, 01:47:40 PM I's already gots lots of scotch ;D good man ;D Have you guys sank yet? I never thought that going to Texas was a good thing...wait nope Texas still sucks! what are you doing in texas? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 27, 2010, 02:07:42 PM We're ready! (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a304/DesmoBob/misc/0227000719a.jpg) (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a304/DesmoBob/misc/0227000719.jpg) And NO, I don't eat spam, that's for the in-laws. I can live off dry cereal for a month. ;D Silly people buying edibles... I bought ammo!! ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on February 27, 2010, 07:06:36 PM And NO, I don't eat spam, that's for the in-laws. I can live off dry cereal for a month. ;D dude, i got a ton of cereal, enough to last weeks. costco coupons ftw, but yeah bf thinks i'm crazy. funny he wasn't complain this morning ;D i'm wondering if Tantalus will be full of trash tomorrow... [bang] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 27, 2010, 07:36:46 PM dude, i got a ton of cereal, enough to last weeks. costco coupons ftw, but yeah bf thinks i'm crazy. funny he wasn't complain this morning ;D i'm wondering if Tantalus will be full of trash tomorrow... [bang] It wasn't as of late this afternoon. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on March 01, 2010, 03:40:02 AM what are you doing in texas? I was at my little sister's BMT graduation...but thankfully headed back now, the weather here sucks! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on March 01, 2010, 06:22:32 AM I was at my little sister's BMT graduation...but thankfully headed back now, the weather here sucks! too cold? you missed out on the sweet "tsunami" action saturday. oh, the dramatics! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on March 05, 2010, 12:11:16 AM woo hoo!!! shooting saturday! i'm excited. lots of toys. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 05, 2010, 05:25:43 AM woo hoo!!! shooting saturday! i'm excited. lots of toys. [thumbsup] Let's just hope this wind dies down a bit. Kind of hard to bzo a new rig with such strong gusts... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on March 05, 2010, 09:41:46 AM woo hoo!!! shooting saturday! i'm excited. lots of toys. [thumbsup] oh yea rub it in. I have all these rounds but no time to use them. >:( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on March 05, 2010, 10:41:18 AM Let's just hope this wind dies down a bit. Kind of hard to bzo a new rig with such strong gusts... well, bring a jacket or sweater. seems that it'll probably be raining w/ the way things are going... oh yea rub it in. I have all these rounds but no time to use them. >:( all work and no play, makes a man gay... :o, jk. sounds like u need stress release. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on March 09, 2010, 05:23:28 PM rain is sometimes useful, but generally annoying.
For more brilliant observations, follow me on my blog, stupid stuff Tristo says that he briefly thinks is somehow relevant, then realizes it isn't, yet decides not to retract it r even shut up, umm, dot org. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 13, 2010, 06:58:08 PM I hate you Laughn!!
:-* Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on March 13, 2010, 09:59:00 PM What? [cheeky]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 13, 2010, 10:08:31 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on March 14, 2010, 09:22:17 AM Oh, you kids with the asses and the hatred.
Title: LAY EGG IS TRUE!!! Post by: DesmoBlob on March 17, 2010, 01:24:55 PM LAY EGG IS TRUE!!! (http://www.layeggistrue.com/)
Quote toys series with strong sense for playing AS THE DUCK ADVANCING, FLICKING THE PLUMAGE AND YAWNING THE MOUTH GO WITH MUSIC & LIGHT. THE DUCK STOP,IT SWAYING TAIL THEN THE DUCK LAY AN EGG AS OPEN IT'S BUTTOCKS, GO WITH THE DUCK'S CALL Title: Re: LAY EGG IS TRUE!!! Post by: eltristo on March 17, 2010, 05:52:26 PM LAY EGG IS TRUE!!! (http://www.layeggistrue.com/) That was crazy! Japanese, I assume? Title: Re: LAY EGG IS TRUE!!! Post by: teddy037.2 on March 17, 2010, 06:28:42 PM That was crazy! Japanese, I assume? with the english/spanish/italian looking warnings, I doubt that Title: Re: LAY EGG IS TRUE!!! Post by: eltristo on March 18, 2010, 05:50:50 AM with the english/spanish/italian looking warnings, I doubt that ohhh yeeaaahhhh. I hadn't noticed that before. Title: Re: LAY EGG IS TRUE!!! Post by: teddy037.2 on March 18, 2010, 06:06:14 AM ohhh yeeaaahhhh. I hadn't noticed that before. it certainly reads like engrish, though... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 26, 2010, 10:07:15 PM Hey Jebus, how is that TDI treating you?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on March 27, 2010, 06:33:12 AM Sadly, it's treating the wife better than me, as it is our reliable car and she has the longest commute. But I enjoy it whenever i get the chance [thumbsup]
Side note: I average 42mpg, she averages 35. But then, I haven't had the chance to try the launch control... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 27, 2010, 05:48:26 PM I hate having to sneeze inside a helmet.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 27, 2010, 06:24:41 PM I hate having to sneeze inside a helmet. Easy fix, don't sneeze. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 27, 2010, 08:13:42 PM Motorcyclist weaving crazily through thick Saturday afternoon freeway traffic causes near catastrophic traffic snarl and then disappears up Pali Hwy.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 27, 2010, 08:19:19 PM While weaving crazily through thick Saturday afternoon freeway traffic, Rick causes near catastrophic traffic snarl and then disappears up Pali Hwy. Fixed. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 30, 2010, 06:05:46 PM Rick, can you remember (off the top of your head) how many miles are on that M3 you guys have for sale down at the shop?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 30, 2010, 09:28:19 PM Rick, can you remember (off the top of your head) how many miles are on that M3 you guys have for sale down at the shop? 50,000 --- give or take a few. It sold today though. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 01, 2010, 08:19:53 AM Rick, can you remember (off the top of your head) how many miles are on that M3 you guys have for sale down at the shop? Looking for an M3? http://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/cto/1670851490.html (http://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/cto/1670851490.html) I know nothing of this car, just came across the listing... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 01, 2010, 08:41:35 AM Oh!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on April 01, 2010, 09:24:35 AM Looking for an M3? I saw that same ad on the other forum:http://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/cto/1670851490.html (http://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/cto/1670851490.html) I know nothing of this car, just came across the listing... http://www.forumshawaii.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=605308 (http://www.forumshawaii.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=605308) I have no affiliation with this car either, was just window shopping Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 01, 2010, 09:42:13 AM If I was ready to give up my M3, I'd definitely take a look at this one...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 01, 2010, 01:16:42 PM I sent the guy an email, and he sent me some pics.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 01, 2010, 02:44:27 PM I sent the guy an email, and he sent me some pics. and???? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 01, 2010, 03:02:27 PM Well, they are pictures. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 01, 2010, 03:21:18 PM okay, just wanted to know... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 01, 2010, 03:23:08 PM check your email
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 01, 2010, 09:42:48 PM make the beast with two backs ME!!! I hope this isn't an April Fool's day joke. Rick, are you reading this?
http://www.ducatinewstoday.com/2010/04/ducati-brings-back-limited-edition-999/ (http://www.ducatinewstoday.com/2010/04/ducati-brings-back-limited-edition-999/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 02, 2010, 04:41:24 AM It was an April Fools thing. They posted up as such at the bottom of the article today. Too bad, eh?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 02, 2010, 07:44:38 AM It was an April Fools thing. They posted up as such at the bottom of the article today. Too bad, eh? BOOO! And to think, I had already called the surgeon and was all prepped to sell my neighbor's kidney... >:( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on April 05, 2010, 08:47:59 PM So my wife said I am not allowed to hang out on this forum anymore...since I sold the Monster...I personally think she's just mad cause there was a brand new bike in the garage when she got home on Saturday..
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 05, 2010, 08:54:18 PM So... Anyone interested in a repeat Thursday night dinner ride/meet? I think we should take up Rick's suggestion that we do Gordon Beirsch this time.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on April 05, 2010, 11:34:18 PM So... Anyone interested in a repeat Thursday night dinner ride/meet? I think we should take up Rick's suggestion that we do Gordon Beirsch this time. i'd be up for it again. had a good time, n i've never eaten at GB before. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 06, 2010, 06:03:30 AM So my wife said I am not allowed to hang out on this forum anymore...since I sold the Monster...I personally think she's just mad cause there was a brand new bike in the garage when she got home on Saturday.. How can it be our fault? You didn't wind up with a bigger Monster or a 1198 or a Streetfighter! You got a Triumph. That's a whole different forum. (Not that I have ever had an influence on anyone's decision to buy a Daytona, or sell it. [evil]) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on April 06, 2010, 06:12:08 AM She means more along the lines of me not owning a Ducati (or a Monster) and being in a Ducati/Monster forum
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 06, 2010, 06:13:08 AM She means more along the lines of me not owning a Ducati (or a Monster) and being in a Ducati/Monster forum we let ben and mac stay... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 06, 2010, 03:55:34 PM we let ben and mac stay... But we still own, and <gasp!> ride a Ducati. ;) How can it be our fault? You didn't wind up with a bigger Monster or a 1198 or a Streetfighter! You got a Triumph. That's a whole different forum. (Not that I have ever had an influence on anyone's decision to buy a Daytona, or sell it. [evil]) Didn't have much influence in selling the Daytona. Buying it is a completely different story though. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 06, 2010, 07:04:11 PM But we still own, and <gasp!> ride a Ducati. ;) wasn't there a stretch when you had the daytona, but sold the monster, but didn't buy the SC? and really... mac got a gixxer... that's all manner of sin on it's own ;) point being, y'all have been forgiven. so mike can stay without shame. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 06, 2010, 07:32:05 PM wasn't there a stretch when you had the daytona, but sold the monster, but didn't buy the SC? Not really. The monster sold, and the money went straight to Jason (The SC's former owner). So the only time I was without a Duc was when it was in shipping status and I was just waiting for it to get here. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 06, 2010, 07:42:26 PM Not really. The monster sold, and the money went straight to Jason (The SC's former owner). So the only time I was without a Duc was when it was in shipping status and I was just waiting for it to get here. blah blah blah there was a ducati-free garage ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 06, 2010, 07:47:04 PM Still had my Ducati clock in there. [cheeky]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 06, 2010, 08:49:13 PM blah blah blah there was a ducati-free garage ;D For the record... I still had the Monster even when I had the Gixxer. That was when I realized that no matter what, it still wasn't the same. I have atoned for my sins. The Gixxer only made me aware of where some things could and should be. So I stopped fussing at Ducati and simply fixed it's stupid ass. [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 06, 2010, 09:15:07 PM And at this point I would like to revert back to my prior statement of:
But we still own, and <gasp!> ride a Ducati. ;) 8) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on April 07, 2010, 02:53:17 PM I still have a bunch of Ducati parts....does that count? Gotta get the ball running and sell all that stuff and buy more stuff for the Daytona...got HID lights and other madness coming soon...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: RED on April 07, 2010, 03:54:23 PM So... Anyone interested in a repeat Thursday night dinner ride/meet? I think we should take up Rick's suggestion that we do Gordon Beirsch this time. Too pricey for me. I'm gonna have to pass this time. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 07, 2010, 04:44:29 PM Too pricey for me. I'm gonna have to pass this time. You weren't invited. [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 07, 2010, 09:45:36 PM Too pricey for me. I'm gonna have to pass this time. aw, c'mon... plane tix can't be that much :D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: RED on April 08, 2010, 04:05:33 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: RED on April 08, 2010, 04:10:04 AM aw, c'mon... plane tix can't be that much :D So right Teddy, it's the whole hotel and food thing when I get there that sucks weenies. I can handle the $535 r/t fare though. And $1350 to $3550 with hotel. :o I'd have to split the activities up between surfing and riding. Hmmm....choices choices... BTW dudes, T-shirts forthcoming soon I hope. Have not had the time I needed to work on it till now. I'll shoot you some samples soon. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 08, 2010, 06:06:59 AM So right Teddy, it's the whole hotel and food thing when I get there that sucks weenies. I can handle the $535 r/t fare though. And $1350 to $3550 with hotel. :o I'd have to split the activities up between surfing and riding. Hmmm....choices choices... BTW dudes, T-shirts forthcoming soon I hope. Have not had the time I needed to work on it till now. I'll shoot you some samples soon. if I had a spare room I'd offer it... alas, my place is too small for such nice things Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 08, 2010, 05:21:28 PM So right Teddy, it's the whole hotel and food thing when I get there that sucks weenies. I can handle the $535 r/t fare though. And $1350 to $3550 with hotel. :o I'd have to split the activities up between surfing and riding. Hmmm....choices choices... BTW dudes, T-shirts forthcoming soon I hope. Have not had the time I needed to work on it till now. I'll shoot you some samples soon. What, you need a place to stay in Hawaii? Make it 6 weeks and I've got the deal for you! ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 09, 2010, 06:20:53 AM What, you need a place to stay in Hawaii? Make it 6 weeks and I've got the deal for you! ;D still no luck? :-\ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on April 09, 2010, 04:49:00 PM I have a question...so I bought the bike last week and just noticed that they have been offering a $1000 incentive (in clothing/accessories)...this was never mentioned to me. Did I just get screwed or can I go back and ask about it?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 09, 2010, 05:05:10 PM I believe this is a factory incentive and you should pursue it...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 09, 2010, 06:26:53 PM Bring that trumpet out tomorrow!!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on April 09, 2010, 06:43:54 PM I still haven't finished breaking it in (still only has 60 miles) so I wouldn't be able to keep up...plus I'm probably going to the shooting range in the morning and watching UFC in the afternoon...which any of you guys are more than welcome to come watch!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 09, 2010, 06:46:50 PM Dude, tomorrow is the monthly ride and won't be a very fast pace. And besides, i know from first hand experience that those things can get over a hundred in top gear without breaking 6500 rpm. [evil]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 09, 2010, 08:59:26 PM Dani Pedrosa Phillip Island WUP Crash.flv (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXrh4dEcKUs#)
;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 10, 2010, 10:17:46 PM 999 engine, etc. in a Hypermotard. Just sayin'. [roll]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 11, 2010, 06:38:04 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 11, 2010, 06:39:06 AM 999 engine, etc. in a Hypermotard. Just sayin'. [roll] As interesting as that would be, I think the SD's motor fits that sort of bike better. The hit is more immediate and RIGHT THERE, where the sbk's is more linear. the 999's motor needs to be in the SC. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 11, 2010, 07:23:51 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 11, 2010, 09:12:55 AM As interesting as that would be, I think the SD's motor fits that sort of bike better. The hit is more immediate and RIGHT THERE, where the sbk's is more linear. the 999's motor needs to be in the SC. ;) Aaahh, you forget so soon. (Or not) The 999 engine has that immediate hit too. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 11, 2010, 11:57:08 AM I can still do it, y'know... I know, i know, and I appreciate it, but I still want to find someone to live here... much much betterer.Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.2 on April 11, 2010, 09:17:17 PM I know, i know, and I appreciate it, but I still want to find someone to live here... much much betterer. well, lmk... I understand that I tend to be a worst-case scenario... :) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: RED on April 12, 2010, 04:47:59 AM What, you need a place to stay in Hawaii? Make it 6 weeks and I've got the deal for you! ;D Is that a 6 wek stay or wait 6 weeks and it'll be open? ;D Lemme know cuz the spousal unit is wanting to go somewhere....tropical. Oh, and does that flat come with a Duc to ride?? ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 13, 2010, 05:54:08 PM Is that a 6 wek stay or wait 6 weeks and it'll be open? ;D Lemme know cuz the spousal unit is wanting to go somewhere....tropical. Oh, and does that flat come with a Duc to ride?? ;D Oh, sure, NOW you pop back up. Found somebody for the first 5 weeks - if yer serious, though, you might be able to find yerself someting for the first week in June... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 16, 2010, 04:58:59 PM Rick, what's the plan for tomorrow? Are we working on the bikes at the shop, riding, drinking? Enquiring minds want to know...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 16, 2010, 08:44:01 PM All of the above probably. Are we doing a BBQ? Haven't heard much from anybody except Anne and she's in the Mainland.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 16, 2010, 08:54:52 PM Hell, I don't know. I'm just along for the ride at this point. One thing I have realized over my three years here though, it is quite rare to ever get anyone to commit to an occasion when the day/time/format is left even remotely open ended.
Might not hurt to send Emile, Laughn and a few others either a text message or a quick call. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on April 16, 2010, 09:35:13 PM All of the above probably. Are we doing a BBQ? Haven't heard much from anybody except Anne and she's in the Mainland. Im in, just tell me what to bring.....besides my wonderful natural musk Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on April 16, 2010, 09:55:16 PM Let me know the time/place...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 16, 2010, 10:24:51 PM This'll be something simple. Steaks, or anything else anyone brings to grill. Salad out of a bag. Rice. That sort of stuff. Wine, beer or whatever else you bring to drink. We can't get too crazy or stay too late.
Post up folks what you want to bring. Very informal. I guess we start around 6:30 - 7:00. I need help to put this on so let me know. Happens at the shop where I work. Bavarian Motor Experts. 757 Kawaiahao St. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 16, 2010, 10:30:45 PM I can donate my patio table and chairs if you have a way to get it down there.
Also, Laughn and I are meeting up at Aloha Towers parking (think Hooters and Gordon Biersch) at eight am tomorrow and then going off to get some breakfast. Any and all are welcome to come along. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 17, 2010, 06:51:08 AM Just saw your text - looks like I can make it out for a little while this morning, and I can definitely do tonight.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 17, 2010, 06:56:08 AM Just saw your text - looks like I can make it out for a little while this morning, and I can definitely do tonight. Cool!! Not sure what the plan is for tonight, but Laughn and I will be at the Hooters parking lot around eight. Going to ride down for breakfast from there. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 17, 2010, 07:08:34 AM Cool!! Not sure what the plan is for tonight, but Laughn and I will be at the Hooters parking lot around eight. Going to ride down for breakfast from there. The plan for tonight is to bring a little bit to eat. I'll bring some meat but since I don't know how many will show it'd be good if you all brought just enough for your taste. I'll also have rice & salad. BYOB. We have tables & chairs. Gloria & I will be having breakfast in Kailua. A place called Honu's. Some of the staff from Brents are there and the food is pretty good. Then I'll be on a bike after that. Don't know which one yet. More than likely the 848 but ya never know. Tonight at 6:30-7:00. Wives and girlfriends are welcome but it won't be like eating at a nice dinner table. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 17, 2010, 07:14:20 AM No nice dinner table? Tristo is high class all the way - he may not be happy when he hears about this.
[cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 17, 2010, 07:17:48 AM Ok then, who wants my lawn/patio furniture? Also, I have a lawn mower, 2-stroke weed eater and a pressure washer I need to get ride of. I think Jeebus has dibs on the pressure washer, but who knows...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 17, 2010, 10:55:50 AM If you still want to get rid of the pressure washer, I still have a need for it ;)
Yeah, so, the bike... It smelled like walking into a room filled with dust or fine powder - a very particulate oriented feeling. Then, riding home again, it felt sluggish and surge-y, though that could be paranoia. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on April 17, 2010, 11:23:32 AM My wife's been bugging me for patio furniture...could you send me pix/price
Thanks! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 17, 2010, 11:31:49 AM My wife's been bugging me for patio furniture...could you send me pix/price Thanks! Just sent an mms to your phone. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on April 17, 2010, 03:11:28 PM Blue Diamond Bold Wasabi and soy sauce flavor.....dear god! Crack in a can. I would have loved to be in the meeting where the dude pitched this idea!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on April 17, 2010, 05:22:31 PM Blue Diamond Bold Wasabi and soy sauce flavor.....dear god! Crack in a can. I would have loved to be in the meeting where the dude pitched this idea! That's the only way my soldiers can sway me.....that and bike parts. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 18, 2010, 04:49:07 PM :( My plate is taken in Virginia.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 18, 2010, 08:21:22 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 18, 2010, 09:33:35 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 19, 2010, 05:28:07 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 23, 2010, 06:22:44 PM Just posted a car for sale on the List of Craig. Can it go in 2.5 days?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 23, 2010, 07:21:38 PM Just posted a car for sale on the List of Craig. Can it go in 2.5 days? depends on the car and the price... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Xerxes1769 on April 23, 2010, 07:38:12 PM Ben,
I just sent you a PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 23, 2010, 09:58:20 PM depends on the car and the price... ;D Yeah, I don't see it happening. On the other hand, where to keep a freshly detailed car for 6 weeks while I'm gone? Selling is better for everyone! Or, if not everyone, certainly for me ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on April 23, 2010, 10:40:01 PM i think i need to move off the rock. walked in on this today while picking up the bf from his driving classes... not to mention the prices of guns up here.
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x218/kahokulani50/2010-04-23_164904.jpg) (http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x218/kahokulani50/2010-04-23_165143.jpg) (http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x218/kahokulani50/2010-04-23_165306.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 24, 2010, 07:42:50 AM i think i need to move off the rock. There are a lot of things I will miss about this place once I leave, but the lack of variety and common sense fall far from the list. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 02, 2010, 07:33:46 AM Well, weather is shit! Good day to stay in and watch the races I guess.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 09, 2010, 07:04:01 AM Woodford Reserve goes REALLY well with whatever cigar it was that we were smoking last night. That is all...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 09, 2010, 08:41:33 AM La Flor Dominicana Airbender.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 09, 2010, 08:35:57 PM So Rick, did you talk to the guy with the S1000RR up at 13 turns?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 09, 2010, 09:27:04 PM Briefly. He likes it! Saw them again going home. I was eastbound on H1 just past the Vineyard off ramp in Kalihi and they were on the other side heading west.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 10, 2010, 11:46:04 AM Summit Point Raceway is 74 miles from the condo I am renting in DC. That is all.
http://www.summitpoint-raceway.com/ (http://www.summitpoint-raceway.com/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 10, 2010, 11:57:25 AM Summit Point Raceway is 74 miles from the condo I am renting in DC. That is all. http://www.summitpoint-raceway.com/ (http://www.summitpoint-raceway.com/) cool... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on May 10, 2010, 04:58:15 PM You guys hear about the Tantalus shooting on Sunday?
http://www.khon2.com/content/news/developingstories/story/FBI-gives-update-on-Tantalus-shooting/3DGmWIqBIkCQgFykM4kOTg.cspx (http://www.khon2.com/content/news/developingstories/story/FBI-gives-update-on-Tantalus-shooting/3DGmWIqBIkCQgFykM4kOTg.cspx) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 10, 2010, 05:03:59 PM Alright Laughn, what the make the beast with two backs did you shoot this guy for? Did he disturb your latest conquest from forgetting your name?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on May 10, 2010, 05:09:35 PM Alright Laughn, what the make the beast with two backs did you shoot this guy for? Did he disturb your latest conquest from forgetting your name? Dude was standing right at the Apex. Had to take him down! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 10, 2010, 05:12:48 PM Dude was standing right at the Apex. Had to take him down! [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 10, 2010, 10:46:19 PM Watching some of the OTT videos with Dave Moss and DAMN that guy is good!! [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 11, 2010, 04:41:45 AM Summit Point Raceway is 74 miles from the condo I am renting in DC. That is all. http://www.summitpoint-raceway.com/ (http://www.summitpoint-raceway.com/) Hope they let you take bikes out on the Shenandoah circuit. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on May 11, 2010, 09:51:06 PM is it a bad thing that the bf talks too much... and i have no hesitation to tell him?
somethimes it's "get to the make the beast with two backsen point!" :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 12, 2010, 06:14:36 AM is it a bad thing that the bf talks too much... and i have no hesitation to tell him? somethimes it's "get to the make the beast with two backsen point!" :P lol. Talk about role reversal. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 12, 2010, 07:49:09 AM Tribute to Jebus.
(http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z53/b_upton/caffeine.jpg) [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 12, 2010, 03:35:05 PM ^^^ [thumbsup]^^^
Though, that looks a lot like a coffee cup... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 12, 2010, 05:51:00 PM Though, that looks a lot like a coffee cup... Yes it is. I get the impression it's someone reminiscing about an encounter with said drunken sailor. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on May 12, 2010, 07:10:30 PM i thought it was a sippy cup ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 12, 2010, 09:39:16 PM Said goodbye to the cats this evening.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 13, 2010, 09:59:40 PM Riding the SD makes me appreciate the SC more.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 14, 2010, 06:28:08 AM Too bad that you're taking off. I'd have to ride those guys a bit more to see what you mean. I still like the SD better except for that mean backfire. Then again, I haven't had the SD out on the open road. [moto]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 14, 2010, 06:56:15 AM Well, let's just say that the more and more I ride the SC, the more I find myself jiving with it. I know that is common with any/every motorcycle, but riding both of them just teaches me that I like (mentally) the more committed riding position better. Now if I could only get my back to start liking (physically) the same position as well...
I still like the SD better except for that mean backfire. Backfire? What backfire? [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 19, 2010, 09:44:56 PM Darmah just backfired.
That is all Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 20, 2010, 02:41:00 AM Darmah just backfired. That is all Sure, blame it on the dog. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on May 23, 2010, 10:55:49 PM Dr Jekyll's powder coating oven is alive :o
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 24, 2010, 07:35:11 AM Dr Jekyll's powder coating oven is alive :o [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 24, 2010, 09:30:24 AM Anyone feel like picking me up at the port (pier 35) on Friday morning when I drop off the SC?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 24, 2010, 11:59:06 AM Anyone feel like picking me up at the port (pier 35) on Friday morning when I drop off the SC? I can probably do that... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 24, 2010, 07:39:26 PM I can probably do that... Thanks Gene, but it might interfere with your MMN. :-\ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 24, 2010, 08:23:23 PM what time will you need a pickup and where do you want to be dropped off?...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 24, 2010, 08:26:08 PM The apt is at 0930 at Pier 35. Figure 30-45 minutes to go over everything. Would it be possible to drop me off at the old (Red Hill) house?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 24, 2010, 08:34:03 PM The apt is at 0930 at Pier 35. Figure 30-45 minutes to go over everything. Would it be possible to drop me off at the old (Red Hill) house? I can handle that... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 25, 2010, 06:32:32 AM The apt is at 0930 at Pier 35. Figure 30-45 minutes to go over everything. Would it be possible to drop me off at the old (Red Hill) house? When are you handing the house keys over? Friday? Is Darmah handling being in the hotel room by herself any better? Just trying to figure out possible logistics for the coming weekend. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 25, 2010, 08:24:20 AM Yea, I turn the house keys over Friday afternoon. Not sure how D will handle being in the hotel by herself; haven't done a re-test in a few days...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on June 13, 2010, 04:45:18 PM Anyone got any opinions about Buells? Looking at very low mileage 2009 XB12Ss for sale locally. Test rode one back in 2003, but Im sure they have changed a little since then. Always loved Eric Buell's design ideas and that lumpy huge V-twin.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 13, 2010, 04:48:11 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 13, 2010, 05:46:11 PM Anyone got any opinions about Buells? Looking at very low mileage 2009 XB12Ss for sale locally. Test rode one back in 2003, but Im sure they have changed a little since then. Always loved Eric Buell's design ideas and that lumpy huge V-twin. A friend has an 1125R with the water cooled Rotax engine and loves it, of course that's after he sorted out the fueling with help from the after market...I had a brief ride on it and it felt a little soft in the power department compared to my Streetfighter... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on June 13, 2010, 06:09:26 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 13, 2010, 07:10:59 PM Helpful, as usual...... [roll] In one sense, it says it all. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 14, 2010, 12:54:11 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 15, 2010, 03:25:02 AM So... I've been in DC for a week now and everyday I ask the office when I am going to be able to check in so I am not charged an excess amount of leave. I was selected for this assignment over six months ago, and they STILL have no idea how to in-process me.
Anyone got any opinions about Buells? Looking at very low mileage 2009 XB12Ss for sale locally. Test rode one back in 2003, but Im sure they have changed a little since then. Always loved Eric Buell's design ideas and that lumpy huge V-twin. And Laughn, I think there still might be a few '08 Super Dukes floating around out there and a stooopid good price. Just saying... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 15, 2010, 06:24:35 AM So... I've been in DC for a week now and everyday I ask the office when I am going to be able to check in so I am not charged an excess amount of leave. I was selected for this assignment over six months ago, and they STILL have no idea how to in-process me. And Laughn, I think there still might be a few '08 Super Dukes floating around out there and a stooopid good price. Just saying... Donch'a just love it. DC, the epitome of bureaucracy. So right about the Super Dukes. If I was done with Ducati's that's one bike I'd look really hard at. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on June 16, 2010, 08:27:00 PM OK, you guys have made yourselves clear on how you feel about the Buell.....
How about the Speed Triple? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 16, 2010, 09:07:08 PM OK, you guys have made yourselves clear on how you feel about the Buell..... How about the Speed Triple? Lots of folks like them. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 16, 2010, 09:10:25 PM I had my heart set on an S3 before I laid eyes on the Streetfighter.
I did all the research and test rode one, it's a fun bike, smooth, with decent power, lots of after market goodies available, affordable and it doesn't look like every other bike on the road...the only problem was that I test rode the SF a couple of days later and I fell out of love with the S3...the SF is a snarling, throbbing beast and the S3 a quietly purring kitten, or so it seems. That said, I would have bought one and been very happy with it, if I had never crossed paths with the SF... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 16, 2010, 11:16:38 PM How about the Speed Triple? And Laughn, I think there still might be a few '08 Super Dukes floating around out there and a stooopid good price. Just saying... ;D Seriously though, lots of folks love the Speed, but damn the SD is fun. It'll rip the hell out of the Speed in the twisties too. The one area that the Speed might have the SD beat is realiability, as those tripples are pretty much bullet proof. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 17, 2010, 02:24:47 PM If you have the dough and want a custom made to your specs bike, check this out...they have several v-twin street legal bikes in the Supermoto, Street Tracker and Viking, plus a bunch of dirt bikes...all made in the USA...
http://www.ushighland.com/ (http://www.ushighland.com/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Brutale on June 17, 2010, 04:55:59 PM If you have the dough and want a custom made to your specs bike, check this out...they have several v-twin street legal bikes in the Supermoto, Street Tracker and Viking, plus a bunch of dirt bikes...all made in the USA... http://www.ushighland.com/ (http://www.ushighland.com/) Kinda diggin the street tracker..... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 17, 2010, 05:44:50 PM Kinda diggin the street tracker..... that would be my pick... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 17, 2010, 08:59:18 PM that would be my pick... The Street Tracker looks good but if you try to click on any link for more information you find nada. Doesn't look like they have anything but an odd prototype here or there. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 17, 2010, 09:18:17 PM According to an article in the latest Cycle News, they'll begin shipping bikes on Aug 15th and that the first run of the Desert X-Country is sold out...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 26, 2010, 12:57:30 AM G'DAMN there is some big money up here!!! That ride I went on yesterday (out near Mclean, VA) went through a few residential areas that made Hawaii Kai look like Kalihi!! Massive multi-million dollar homes everywhere you look. Even crossed paths with what must have been a local Ferrari club, as there were about fifteen or so prancing stallions moving about in a nice procession. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 26, 2010, 05:20:50 AM G'DAMN there is some big money up here!!! That ride I went on yesterday (out near Mclean, VA) went through a few residential areas that made Hawaii Kai look like Kalihi!! Massive multi-million dollar homes everywhere you look. Even crossed paths with what must have been a local Ferrari club, as there were about fifteen or so prancing stallions moving about in a nice procession. [thumbsup] Thems our tax dollars at work... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: ducpainter on June 26, 2010, 01:02:13 PM anyone know what happened with Teddy?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 26, 2010, 02:32:29 PM anyone know what happened with Teddy? Long story. PM coming your way. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 26, 2010, 05:46:12 PM anyone know what happened with Teddy? He is best found on Facebook these days. Unfortunate it is. Even if he did sell the bike, he's certainly not unwelcome round these parts - hell, he named the group! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: ducpainter on June 27, 2010, 02:23:57 AM Long story. PM coming your way. He is best found on Facebook these days. Unfortunate it is. Even if he did sell the bike, he's certainly not unwelcome round these parts - hell, he named the group! I won't do facebook.tell him to get his ass back here... or an unhappy old guy will have to travel and... talk to him. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 27, 2010, 06:30:54 AM Will do! [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 28, 2010, 07:44:06 PM So, any thoughts on why a bike with plenty of fuel would crap out going 70ish up H2? Like sputter sputter oh shit grab the clutch dead?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 28, 2010, 07:55:10 PM I bet you have clogged fuel lines / fuel filters.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 29, 2010, 12:11:00 AM So, any thoughts on why a bike with plenty of fuel would crap out going 70ish up H2? Like sputter sputter oh shit grab the clutch dead? it's trying to hint that the time is nigh for a Hypermotard in your garage. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 29, 2010, 06:01:37 AM I bet you have clogged fuel lines / fuel filters. It's 12000 mile service time, so that should (hopefully) sort itself out. The wavy lines made it dizzy. Try about 105 - it's a lot smoother. Uhh, 10 yr old 750. No fairing. I don't think that's possible! it's trying to hint that the time is nigh for a Hypermotard in your garage. ;) Yup, right next to my solid gold rocket car [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on July 03, 2010, 11:52:23 PM Happy Independence Day from Kuwait!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 04, 2010, 02:51:12 AM Happy Independence Day from Kuwait! Dood, they wouldn't even stage your through Qatar, so you could have your three beers a day? >:( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 04, 2010, 03:03:10 PM Dood, they wouldn't even stage your through Qatar, so you could have your three beers a day? >:( What he said! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on July 05, 2010, 06:14:16 AM Dood, they wouldn't even stage your through Qatar, so you could have your three beers a day? >:( I wish. Just here to get a little "warmed up" for the move up North. And a frosty beverage would hit the spot during the 115 degree sunset Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 05, 2010, 12:02:13 PM Bleh.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 06, 2010, 09:15:55 PM Getting close to 2000 posts on this board. Do I get some sort of prize that I'll never receive like on the old DML?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 07, 2010, 01:53:04 AM I can send you a picture of a toaster if you'd like. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 07, 2010, 06:31:36 AM I can send you a picture of a toaster if you'd like. ;) That would be more than the toaster I was supposed to get for hitting 1,000 posts on the old board. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 07, 2010, 06:32:49 AM That would be more than the toaster I was supposed to get for hitting 1,000 posts on the old board. lol I know, right? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 07, 2010, 08:18:49 PM Post #2000!! Whee!!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 08, 2010, 10:24:42 AM Post #2000!! Whee!! I'm glad that was so good for you. We all need excitement in our lives. [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 08, 2010, 06:00:38 PM I'm glad that was so good for you. We all need excitement in our lives. [thumbsup] When you get to be my age it doesn't take much. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 21, 2010, 02:03:03 PM http://www.ducati.com/media_gallery/superbike_848evo/107031/index.do (http://www.ducati.com/media_gallery/superbike_848evo/107031/index.do)
:o Need some new pants... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 21, 2010, 08:48:45 PM http://www.ducati.com/media_gallery/superbike_848evo/107031/index.do (http://www.ducati.com/media_gallery/superbike_848evo/107031/index.do) :o Need some new pants... I think the only things that bike has that mine doesn't is cams and a steering damper. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 22, 2010, 12:08:09 PM And a sexy black swinger. ;D
Is it still running stock compression ratio? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on July 22, 2010, 03:55:21 PM And a sexy black swinger. ;D Is it still running stock compression ratio? i really want to coat mine a gloss blk. it looks really nice. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 22, 2010, 03:57:00 PM i really want to coat mine a gloss blk. it looks really nice. "We have the technology. We can make him stronger..." Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 22, 2010, 09:27:12 PM And a sexy black swinger. ;D Is it still running stock compression ratio? I know there are folks that like the black SA but I prefer the stock aluminum look. Same goes for the rear sets when I put them on someday. Let's find out about the compression ratio but I think that remains the same. Might not though. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on July 23, 2010, 08:11:30 AM And a sexy black swinger. ;D Just one more sexy swinger and we can have a menage... doh wrong threadTitle: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 23, 2010, 09:06:04 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: RED on July 23, 2010, 10:07:35 AM I am wondering why I just got an email from a firm that sells pecker meds with all you guys' email addys on it? ??? We're not that friendly are we? [laugh]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 24, 2010, 05:41:42 PM Rick, I'm thinking these wheels would look sidiculous on your bike...
(http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z53/b_upton/Moto/OZ1098mounted2.jpg) AND, Motowheels is doing a Michelin Pure special when you buy a set... Just saying. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 24, 2010, 08:20:23 PM Rick, I'm thinking these wheels would look sidiculous on your bike... (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z53/b_upton/Moto/OZ1098mounted2.jpg) AND, Motowheels is doing a Michelin Pure special when you buy a set... Just saying. ;D If I made the same income as some of our military folk I would seriously consider them but seeing as how I have more pressing expenses I will have to sadly defer such goodies to an unspecified later date...... :'( .......... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 25, 2010, 01:05:38 AM Oh believe me, we don't make that much. We just make the conscious decision to do stupid things with what we make. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on July 25, 2010, 02:09:10 AM I'm all about the thrill of the impulse buy. Don't regret the decision till after you hit the "Confirm Purchase" button. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 25, 2010, 06:07:16 AM I know about that button and used it a couple of weeks ago to set in motion the next mod/evolution.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 25, 2010, 06:37:26 AM I've been using that button fairly frequently of late also...problem is, I return a good portion of what I purchase...wrong size, not quite what I wanted, didn't really need it, etc... :(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 25, 2010, 07:02:16 AM I know about that button and used it a couple of weeks ago to set in motion the next mod/evolution. OH OH!! Do tell!! ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 25, 2010, 12:29:15 PM And a sexy black swinger. ;D Is it still running stock compression ratio? CR is up on the new bike. Evo is at 13.2:1 as opposed to 12:1 on the 2010 & older bikes. Torque output is bit higher too. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 25, 2010, 12:32:30 PM OH OH!! Do tell!! ;D It's just cosmetic. Something to pretty it up a bit. It may take a few more weeks to get all the work done. Waiting on a paint shop again then by the time they are done I'll have to drop the bike off for the 7.5K so it might be middle of August by the time things are done. I'll post a pic when that happens. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 25, 2010, 12:33:37 PM Dang! Missed getting my Desmosedici today. How could they pull the wrong ticket?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 25, 2010, 04:06:54 PM CR is up on the new bike. Evo is at 13.2:1 as opposed to 12:1 on the 2010 & older bikes. Torque output is bit higher too. VROOOM!!!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 30, 2010, 06:55:01 AM Too bad about the PCS. The 3 star wants you to help make him look good whilst packaging it as a career beneficial placement for you and then there is all the other side effects of the posting. Good thing for beer & cigars. And good roads. How are those leather pants in that heat back there? I keep thinking about new pants and always am undecided between tex air pants & leathers. Did you know that Yamaha Keith wears leathers under his jeans?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 30, 2010, 07:44:28 AM Haven't been able to try the leather pants here yet, as they just arrived last night and are still boxed up. I will say that they will be outrageously hot here in the city though. Most of the good riding is either at higher elevations or under pretty serious cover and ends up being quite a bit cooler, so I'm hoping it won't be too bad...
Never had a problem with them in Hawaii. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 31, 2010, 05:13:53 PM I have only random pieces of tile where once there was a bathroom. It's better than yesterday, where I had only filth and emptiness. Still, no toilet, no sink, no shower. Nothing like sweating for hours and having no convenient place to clean up after.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 31, 2010, 05:51:41 PM I have only random pieces of tile where once there was a bathroom. It's better than yesterday, where I had only filth and emptiness. Still, no toilet, no sink, no shower. Nothing like sweating for hours and having no convenient place to clean up after. and the cause of your demolished bathroom?... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 01, 2010, 06:30:25 AM A sledge and a chisel ;D
It was the only major space that hadn't seen renovation. Old ugly vinyl on top of older, uglier vinyl. Rotting particle board cabinetry, toilet stained beyond repair. It will all be worth it eventually, but I still dont have replacements for the toilet, sink, or cabinet. Know anyplace worth checking in town? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 01, 2010, 07:09:39 AM A sledge and a chisel ;D It was the only major space that hadn't seen renovation. Old ugly vinyl on top of older, uglier vinyl. Rotting particle board cabinetry, toilet stained beyond repair. It will all be worth it eventually, but I still dont have replacements for the toilet, sink, or cabinet. Know anyplace worth checking in town? Since you're doing it yourself, then Home Depot & Lowes like everyone else... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 01, 2010, 03:13:47 PM Yeah, I done did those with no real luck. Any other thoughts?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 01, 2010, 03:31:49 PM Yeah, I done did those with no real luck. Any other thoughts? I heard Nieman Marcus can get you a gold plated tub, basin, commode combo...speciql order though... ;D Seriously, what are you looking for? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 01, 2010, 03:45:39 PM Sharper image, go carbon!! ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 01, 2010, 04:53:14 PM Seriously, what are you looking for? I need a cabinet, a sink, a toilet, and shower hardware. The cabinet (as in sink cabinet) is the hardest one, it seems. Everything at Lowes/HD is either seriously shoddy or completely the wrong style. I need contemporary-ish, decent quality, and hopefully not overwhelming when it comes to price. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 01, 2010, 04:59:22 PM What you need my friend is Ikea!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 01, 2010, 08:57:39 PM I need a cabinet, a sink, a toilet, and shower hardware. The cabinet (as in sink cabinet) is the hardest one, it seems. Everything at Lowes/HD is either seriously shoddy or completely the wrong style. I need contemporary-ish, decent quality, and hopefully not overwhelming when it comes to price. You can try here for the sink, toilet & hardware and maybe a few places like Gentry Pacific Design Center on Nimitz across from Sam Choy's for the cabinet... FERGUSON KITCHEN & BATH GALLERY 925 KOKEA ST HONOLULU, HI 96817-4528 808-832-7474 iles Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on August 02, 2010, 12:31:35 PM I can get you an "eastern-style" toilet. But you have to cover the shipping from Iraq. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 02, 2010, 12:45:19 PM Hell man, all that is, is a hole in the ground with two feet print around it showing you which way to stand.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 02, 2010, 03:08:04 PM Hell man, all that is, is a hole in the ground with two feet print around it showing you which way to stand. Which is hopefully not facing into the wind!... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 02, 2010, 04:22:32 PM I can get you an "eastern-style" toilet. But you have to cover the shipping from Iraq. ;D Gosh, uhh, thanks? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 02, 2010, 04:23:52 PM You can try here for the sink, toilet & hardware and maybe a few places like Gentry Pacific Design Center on Nimitz across from Sam Choy's for the cabinet... FERGUSON KITCHEN & BATH GALLERY 925 KOKEA ST HONOLULU, HI 96817-4528 808-832-7474 iles Thanks, I'll give them a shot tomorrow. Ran into town this afternoon, but I didn't go to either of those places. Wich me luck! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 02, 2010, 04:33:51 PM if you Google "cabinet hawaii" you'll come up with several custom cabinet makers...I think there's new designer type showroom on Nimitz in Kalihi as well...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 03, 2010, 03:59:44 PM The good: I ordered a custom cabinet today, it'll be ready Saturday.
The bad: I almost got a free piece of stone for my counter. It was the perfect color, but about 1" too narrow. Bah! The ugly: all of the other counter top selections available. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DesmoBlob on August 03, 2010, 05:14:07 PM The bad: I almost got a free piece of stone for my counter. It was the perfect color, but about 1" too narrow. Bah! The solution: 1" of caulk, then look away and whistle, maybe nobody noticesTitle: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 03, 2010, 08:56:23 PM The solution: 1" of caulk, then look away and whistle, maybe nobody notices Yeah, but if you set it straight enough then you'd only have a half inch at the margins and that would almost be doable. [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 04, 2010, 02:26:32 PM Riding down the GWP at night and catching glimpses of many many deer on the side of the road is a touch unnerving...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 05, 2010, 06:39:41 PM thinking of taking the bike to the big island for labor day weekend.
[drool] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 05, 2010, 06:52:42 PM thinking of taking the bike to the big island for labor day weekend. [drool] Aloha Air Cargo?... [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 05, 2010, 08:06:03 PM Hey Zziller - your bike is weird. It sits low, sure, but it turns oddly as well. And your clutch is REALLY easy to pull. And you can see things in your mirrors... what's the point in that?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 05, 2010, 09:22:32 PM thinking of taking the bike to the big island for labor day weekend. [drool] You and all the Harley folks? [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on August 05, 2010, 09:35:40 PM Hey Zziller - your bike is weird. It sits low, sure, but it turns oddly as well. And your clutch is REALLY easy to pull. And you can see things in your mirrors... what's the point in that? I know! I need to get adjustable front and rear suspension bits, some clip-ons, and pull the trigger on the bar-end mirrors I've been looking at. Also need to replace brake lever that was "custom formed" when I dropped it the first time ;D Oh yeah, and find a bit of carbon to cover the right side of the engine case that got scuffed up in aforementioned drop Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 05, 2010, 10:37:54 PM Aloha Air Cargo?... [thumbsup] young brothers. it's like 200 rd trip. You and all the Harley folks? [laugh] actually, i think it's the same time frame. they get a good deal on shipping the bikes, since there's a crap load of them going. we won't be riding w/ them, but yeah a lot of them will be on island at the same time. idk if u remem the advance class instructor, gary. he's kind of tall and talks w/ a slight lisp. it will be him, the wife, and another woman that i know. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 06, 2010, 06:28:46 AM young brothers. it's like 200 rd trip. actually, i think it's the same time frame. they get a good deal on shipping the bikes, since there's a crap load of them going. we won't be riding w/ them, but yeah a lot of them will be on island at the same time. idk if u remem the advance class instructor, gary. he's kind of tall and talks w/ a slight lisp. it will be him, the wife, and another woman that i know. Gary, the older, like me, kind of guy that rides a Triumph of some sorts? All in all it sounds like fun. BTW, what bikes were you & Brian on last night? Or were you on a bike? I just saw a couple yellow Suzuki's in the parking lot. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 06, 2010, 10:39:05 AM Gary, the older, like me, kind of guy that rides a Triumph of some sorts? All in all it sounds like fun. BTW, what bikes were you & Brian on last night? Or were you on a bike? I just saw a couple yellow Suzuki's in the parking lot. there were 2 yellow and a silver svs, a yellow r1, my duc, and a another white 848. rob is the guy that just moved back from San Fran w/ the 848. that reminds me, i forgot to ask him if he wants to come out on sunday... doh. he'll probably have to ask the wife anyways! lol, hope he reads this. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 07, 2010, 08:38:13 AM I know! I need to get adjustable front and rear suspension bits, some clip-ons, and pull the trigger on the bar-end mirrors I've been looking at. Also need to replace brake lever that was "custom formed" when I dropped it the first time ;D Oh yeah, and find a bit of carbon to cover the right side of the engine case that got scuffed up in aforementioned drop I think the main oddness is really just from the different tires. And the LOOOOOOOOOOW seat. [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on August 07, 2010, 07:07:10 PM It's not low, it's afraid of heights! It's just trying to closer to the ground. :D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 08, 2010, 02:20:25 PM Don't know if you have to be a member of the forum to view the pics or not, but just in case...
http://forums.roadbikereview.com/showthread.php?t=217858 (http://forums.roadbikereview.com/showthread.php?t=217858) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 08, 2010, 08:16:53 PM you have to be a member.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 09, 2010, 12:29:18 AM you have to be a member. Well that's no good then is it? Figured you would be, or maybe you are and it's a secret... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 09, 2010, 06:27:53 AM I don't move like the vamps on True Blood. ;D This place gets most of my internet time, I dabble a bit at .ms and lurk over on Ducatispot. There's no time left over for bicycle forums but that could change.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 11, 2010, 03:08:08 PM from another forum...
http://www.flixxy.com/lucky-day.htm (http://www.flixxy.com/lucky-day.htm) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 12, 2010, 12:13:43 AM highlights of tonight's conversation:
brian: so u have to come to this spouse thing on friday. be on base at 4:45. me: it's a good thing we're not married. i don't want to go. brian: grrr.. later on. brian: they're thinking of sending me to a class in groton for the month of october, what do u think? me: doesn't matter to me, just as long as the rent's paid. ;D brian: wait until i tell my senior chief that lol, now do i really want to meet these ppl come friday? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 12, 2010, 08:35:58 AM highlights of tonight's conversation: brian: so u have to come to this spouse thing on friday. be on base at 4:45. me: it's a good thing we're not married. i don't want to go. brian: grrr.. later on. brian: they're thinking of sending me to a class in groton for the month of october, what do u think? me: doesn't matter to me, just as long as the rent's paid. ;D brian: wait until i tell my senior chief that lol, now do i really want to meet these ppl come friday? Relationships are full of give and take, sometimes you give more than you take...be a good girl and go... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 12, 2010, 12:13:46 PM Relationships are full of give and take, sometimes you give more than you take...be a good girl and go... ;D Damn Gene, surprised you didn't just suggest that she stay in the kitchen from here on out. ;D Anne, welcome to the world of politicized spousal (even though you're not a spouse) obligations. There are many things that will be expected of you in the somewhat near future. You're really in the Navy now. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 12, 2010, 02:04:08 PM Damn Gene, surprised you didn't just suggest that she stay in the kitchen from here on out. ;D I would never suggest to a woman who can ride a motorcycle like Anne can, to stay in the kitchen...what I meant was sometimes you have your way and sometimes you don't, it's all about compromise...I would have told Brian the same thing if he had made the post... ;D And what are you trying to do, get me in trouble?... >:( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 12, 2010, 02:24:03 PM (http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa91/chiflado/Picture048.jpg)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 12, 2010, 02:32:48 PM (http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa91/chiflado/Picture048.jpg) [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]...easy to post something like that when you're 6k miles away... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 12, 2010, 05:17:42 PM Damn Gene, surprised you didn't just suggest that she stay in the kitchen from here on out. ;D Anne, welcome to the world of politicized spousal (even though you're not a spouse) obligations. There are many things that will be expected of you in the somewhat near future. You're really in the Navy now. ;) lol, it's ok. i understand that gene is from a different generation. plz cut the old man some slack. speaking of kitchens, u guys have to taste my ice cream. the raspberry is mouthwatering. lol. but on a serious note, i figured that i would get dragged into this bullshit. he already told me i HAVE to go on friday. i have a feeling there's more of that to come. it'd be a shame if i didn't play along and mess up his efforts to get promoted. he worked really hard to get it. however i was promised that i don't have to go to any wive's only crap. i'd probably ask to get shot before i would willingly go. btw how to do they determine this chief stuff. i was hoping his friend would get it as the same time. i'm really bummed about his friend. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 12, 2010, 05:56:02 PM btw how to do they determine this chief stuff. i was hoping his friend would get it as the same time. i'm really bummed about his friend. If it's still done the same way as when I was in, it's based on a point total of various factors including his score on the chief's exam, points for various awards (ribbons), time in grade, and time in service...chief's exam score counts the most... And for the record, even though I'm from a different generation I don't believe that a woman's place is barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen...my wife of nearly 47 years and I share the cooking, laundry and housework...after that she tends the garden and I maintain the vehicles... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 13, 2010, 12:28:16 AM that kind of makes sense about the points. he explained a little more too. i guess out of the 7 yearly evals, 6 of them were EPs. the only reason he got a P on one was because he was new at the command that year. a while back i know he mentioned that he's gotten jr sailor of the year too. funny thing is there's another guy that went to boot camp w/ him at the same time. both of them made chief this year, on their first tries. i thought that was weird, considering other ppl that were up for it as well. guess i may be dating an over achiever, [roll]
anyways, it sounds like ppl are trying to recruit him to their boats now. someone that will be a COB on a new boat has asked if he's interested in being their LAN chief when it gets commissioned next year. this would mean we'd end up in groton next year. :P we'll see, i know he wants to get off the rock. i think he's scared that someone will try to put him on one of the hawaii based boats. it sounds like if he goes w/ this COB, it's a good opportunity... but CT, really? sounds like one of those suck it up situations already. man i'm starting to feel like i'm married already :P :P :P :P :P :P :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 13, 2010, 06:32:19 AM we'll see, i know he wants to get off the rock. i think he's scared that someone will try to put him on one of the hawaii based boats. it sounds like if he goes w/ this COB, it's a good opportunity... but CT, really? sounds like one of those suck it up situations already. man i'm starting to feel like i'm married already :P :P :P :P :P :P :P Did you get to the part where the Navy says girlfriends don't have the same status as wives? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 13, 2010, 08:36:20 AM Did you get to the part where the Navy says girlfriends don't have the same status as wives? nope. maybe that would get me out of having to go to this thing tonight.... i was told i have to wear a dress. :( i wonder what that means though. one of his friends just got stationed here and the gf came along. i imagine you wouldn't have the same privis but it comes w/ the responsibility too. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 13, 2010, 09:10:28 AM nope. maybe that would get me out of having to go to this thing tonight.... i was told i have to wear a dress. :( i wonder what that means though. one of his friends just got stationed here and the gf came along. i imagine you wouldn't have the same privis but it comes w/ the responsibility too. Maybe you could go as Lady Gaga... ;D This social responsibilities requirement used to be an officers wives thing...maybe it's different with submariners since they're such a close knit group... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 13, 2010, 12:28:57 PM i wonder what that means though. one of his friends just got stationed here and the gf came along. i imagine you wouldn't have the same privis but it comes w/ the responsibility too. Nothing says she can't come along. It's just going to be on his dime until they stand before a judge. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 13, 2010, 01:21:27 PM This social responsibilities requirement used to be an officers wives thing...maybe it's different with submariners since they're such a close nit group... i wouldn't be surprised if i get sucked in. the way that he is, as far as putting in time and doing events. i've stopped going to their summer/Christmas parties n stuff since he's working at them more than enjoying it. my saving grace i probably the fact that i can't get on base w/ out him, so i'm not asked to do anything. [laugh] btw what did u do in the navy? all this time i thought u were chair force. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 13, 2010, 01:22:38 PM Nothing says she can't come along. It's just going to be on his dime until they stand before a judge. our running joke is that we'll have to get married to move all of his crap, or else i think he'd exceed the limit. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 13, 2010, 02:14:48 PM our running joke is that we'll have to get married to move all of his crap, or else i think he'd exceed the limit. Sounds like you're already going down that road. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 13, 2010, 02:18:52 PM btw what did u do in the navy? all this time i thought u were chair force. ;D Air Farce?...Hell no!... :o I was an Aerographer...navy talk for weatherman, don't know if they call it that anymore...probably Atmospheric Technician or something... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 13, 2010, 04:55:54 PM Saw this and chuckled a bit.
Tantalus pt2 Honolulu Hawaii (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOEf2TYhGGM&feature=fvst#normal) God I miss this road, but can't really remember the last time I took it so slow... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 13, 2010, 09:13:28 PM Nothing says she can't come along. It's just going to be on his dime until they stand before a judge. That's what I was talking about. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 13, 2010, 09:33:54 PM Saw this and chuckled a bit. Tantalus pt2 Honolulu Hawaii (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOEf2TYhGGM&feature=fvst#normal) God I miss this road, but can't really remember the last time I took it so slow... Except for the slight uphill section I think Voytek & I are faster on the bicycles than those guys are. I had to stop at around 2.5 mins just because of frustration. On a side note...... I've been up there a few times since you left but due to road conditions not quite as much fun if you know what I mean. [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 13, 2010, 10:52:53 PM Air Farce?...Hell no!... :o I was an Aerographer...navy talk for weatherman, don't know if they call it that anymore...probably Atmospheric Technician or something... iirc, one of the 2 guys that showed up to the duc ride in leathers is a weather man too. i think it was the taller one, but i might be wrong. he's the guy in Afghanistan right now. This social responsibilities requirement used to be an officers wives thing...maybe it's different with submariners since they're such a close knit group... at tonight's shin-ding, they make it sound like the wife is supposed to be around to help out the younger sailors. it was definitely interesting, it was basically a thing for spouses to know what's coming up. there's also some spouse, woman only, social too. btw they told us, that priorities to fill are 1 hawaii, 2 guam, 3 san diego, 4 east coast. on a positive note, they said ppl that go to guam would advance quicker. [roll] don't know if you guys have heard of this movie. i just read about it in the paper. won an award at the sundance festival. it's playing over at mililani theaters. really want to see this one. it's more like a documentary about guys over in Afghanistan. Restrepo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvUdruvbdmI#normal) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 14, 2010, 06:33:18 AM Heard about the movie...it's getting good reviews...a must see...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 15, 2010, 11:41:33 AM Former HM1(SEAL) Marcus Luttrell was the guest speaker at my conference last week. That was eye-opening indeed. I don't know if I'm ready to open them any wider just yet.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 20, 2010, 02:58:25 PM Thread killer returns!
I had to put myself on the midwatch Saturday night. Responsibility is a hideous pregnant dog goddess. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 22, 2010, 02:54:51 AM Although the western portion doesn't look so hot on the map, this slice of road is quite nice if you can get a clear shot at it.
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=VA-218 W/Caledon Rd&daddr=VA-218 W&hl=en&geocode=FSztSAIdZiNn-w;FcCgSAIdHERi-w&mra=mift&mrsp=1,0&sz=14&sll=38.318966,-77.437735&sspn=0.045993,0.082912&ie=UTF8&ll=38.318966,-77.437735&spn=0.045993,0.082912&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=embed&saddr=VA-218 W/Caledon Rd&daddr=VA-218 W&hl=en&geocode=FSztSAIdZiNn-w;FcCgSAIdHERi-w&mra=mift&mrsp=1,0&sz=14&sll=38.318966,-77.437735&sspn=0.045993,0.082912&ie=UTF8&ll=38.318966,-77.437735&spn=0.045993,0.082912" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small> Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 22, 2010, 02:58:03 AM Tantalus pt2 Honolulu Hawaii (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOEf2TYhGGM&feature=fvst#normal) I just watched the video again and have to say that I am actually impressed. It takes a lot of skill to lean the bikes over that far when you're going as slow as they were. [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 22, 2010, 04:30:26 AM :o
RSV-4 Factory Austin Racing VS Original (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pclo3596iW0#normal) RSV4 Factory Leo Vince; Rockridge Two Wheels (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJBzpOqBF8g&feature=related#normal) Aprilia RSV4 Leo VInce Full System Sounds Files (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjFfztG1rVE&feature=related#normal) Aprilia RSV4-R + Arrow sound check (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkoG50x3cc4&feature=related#normal) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 22, 2010, 03:07:54 PM Akra, Leo Vince, Arrow ----- they all sound good to me!!!!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 22, 2010, 03:10:59 PM Hell, even the stock system sounds good.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 31, 2010, 08:40:56 PM It looks like it might be a fairly nice Labor Day weekend coming up. Most likely I'll have to help team support for BME Racing boss-ski effort this Sunday for the Dick Evans round the island bike race. Maybe not though, we'll see. That should at least leave Sat afternoon open and Monday open.
Not like a sort of ex member of ours on the east coast who may have to blow up his water wings and start looking for the Ark floating by. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 31, 2010, 09:11:57 PM I'll be down at the shop on Sat but will have to bail early*, got to help get things ready for my birthday dinner that evening...I should be good to go Sunday and Monday... ;D
*one of these Saturdays I'll be around for that afternoon suspension testing ride... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 01, 2010, 11:16:22 AM Not like a sort of ex member of ours on the east coast who may have to blow up his water wings and start looking for the Ark floating by. [roll] Don't know what you're talking about. Weather forecast for this weekend is sunny, with highs in the high 70s. [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 01, 2010, 08:27:44 PM We'll see about that.
And on the other note..... no Dick Evans Race this weekend..... whoever the bozo race organizer is forgot to get the paperwork done in time for the police solo bike escort for the front runners. They have to re-schedule but the boss-ski will be in Poland. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 02, 2010, 06:24:17 AM Don't know what you're talking about. Weather forecast for this weekend is sunny, with highs in the high 70s. [thumbsup] So it is according to you and another friend of mine in Falls Church. I guess Earl isn't going to affect you folks? Seems like you'd get something from it. They've cleared out the North Banks and even have put Cape Cod under storm watch. Aren't you in between those two? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 02, 2010, 11:05:23 AM hey've cleared out the North Banks and even have put Cape Cod under storm watch. Aren't you in between those two? In a manner of speaking, yes. But we are far enough inland, and that coupled with the fact that the storm is taking a more easterly course (i.e. away from the coast) makes NoVa a dry and sunny place this weekend. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on September 02, 2010, 01:15:42 PM ^^^ so did u get a sex change or something, or did u piss off an admin? lol either way. nice pic btw.
And on the other note..... no Dick Evans Race this weekend..... whoever the bozo race organizer is forgot to get the paperwork done in time for the police solo bike escort for the front runners. They have to re-schedule but the boss-ski will be in Poland. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 02, 2010, 02:05:00 PM ^^^ so did u get a sex change or something, or did u piss off an admin? lol either way. nice pic btw. [roll] [laugh] [laugh]...I would've thought he was more of a Brunnhilde though, with the black leather and all... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 02, 2010, 06:50:37 PM ^^^ so did u get a sex change or something, or did u piss off an admin? lol either way. nice pic btw. [roll] lol No, it's a running joke with a few of the guys up here. Brian (Zooom) said that I was like Julie from the Love Boat due to the fact that I have become the event's coordinator for the CAM chapter. Figured I might as well take it all the way. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 02, 2010, 09:03:29 PM lol No, it's a running joke with a few of the guys up here. Brian (Zooom) said that I was like Julie from the Love Boat due to the fact that I have become the event's coordinator for the CAM chapter. Figured I might as well take it all the way. NO! Back into the closet! I command thee! [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 12, 2010, 05:07:51 PM Let one of the local guys take the SD for a spin on one of the twistier sections of the southern Maryland route...
Superduke blah [drool] blah [bow_down] blah :o Superduke [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 19, 2010, 02:05:19 AM Follow on comment from Lars, after I asked him if he was interested in the SD. [evil]
SD is as described, RETARDED. I am in no way mature enough to own SD. I don't know any one, nor have met anyone mature enough to own SD. Why you are not in the pokey right now is beyond me. I would be able to exercise more restraint on a turbo busa with 2-stage nitrous. A turbo busa with 2- stage squeeze would make more sense. I cannot have SD, it is bad. [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 19, 2010, 09:19:04 AM Like I said in another post, when is Lars going to scratch you a check? ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 19, 2010, 12:48:34 PM He scared. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 20, 2010, 08:31:24 PM He probably wants that bike so badly that his teeth hurt.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 03, 2010, 01:35:49 PM Almost froze out on today's ride. I had forgotten what it felt like to hit 80+ when it's 60 degrees out. :o
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 21, 2010, 03:12:07 PM :o
(http://www.motorinfo.hu/galeria/2011triumph_daytona675r/triumph_daytona675r_01.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 21, 2010, 05:03:00 PM nice looking piece...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 21, 2010, 11:53:05 PM :o (http://www.motorinfo.hu/galeria/2011triumph_daytona675r/triumph_daytona675r_01.jpg) A Daytona "R" ? Really? That warrants more investigation. And then it's hard to get past the killer good looks of white body work on a red frame, or seat sub-frame in this case. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 22, 2010, 08:49:32 AM The Daytona R is supposed to be at the Milan show next month.
Now the question. Revisit Triumph with the better suspension package but still the smaller engine or go the big balls route with the F4 or the Aprilia? [popcorn] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 22, 2010, 12:43:35 PM Now the question. Revisit Triumph with the better suspension package but still the smaller engine or go the big balls route with the F4 or the Aprilia? [popcorn] Or just make do with what I've got. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 22, 2010, 01:04:42 PM Or just make do with what I've got. ;D and as I recall, those two are a couple of pretty slick rides... [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 22, 2010, 11:06:33 PM and as I recall, those two are a couple of pretty slick rides... [thumbsup] True that. But so is a Daytona 675 R Not to mention the F4 & the Aprilia. And also a Streetfighter!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 23, 2010, 05:50:17 AM It's kind of funny, everyone over on the Daytona forum are bashing Triumph for not doing anything to increase the hp of the bike, and only adding fancy bouncy and stoppy bits. ??? ??? ??? Didn't know Triumph had actually released any info about the bike, other than the leaked picture. [laugh] [laugh]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 01, 2010, 06:03:29 PM another Pali crash involving motorcyclists, that's twice last month... ???
http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/hawaiinews/20101101_2_motorcyclists_hurt_in_crash_on_the_Pali.html (http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/hawaiinews/20101101_2_motorcyclists_hurt_in_crash_on_the_Pali.html) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: jabuan on November 01, 2010, 09:31:29 PM i was one of the EMTs on scene for this call. that bike was trashed!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 01, 2010, 09:49:41 PM another Pali crash involving motorcyclists, that's twice last month... ??? http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/hawaiinews/20101101_2_motorcyclists_hurt_in_crash_on_the_Pali.html (http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/hawaiinews/20101101_2_motorcyclists_hurt_in_crash_on_the_Pali.html) News report said Kailua bound on the Pali. New photos showed scenes from either Old Pali Road or on the way up to the Pali Lookout if you came out of the tunnels townbound and had to do the right turn cut back up to the lookout. Good thing no fatality this time but the group had the same sort of look. Leather vests with long sleeved T's. Dunno. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 01, 2010, 10:28:18 PM Good thing no fatality this time but the group had the same sort of look. Leather vests with long sleeved T's. Dunno. WWII German look alike helmets, tennies, at least one guy in shorts...not exactly dressed for the unexpected... ??? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: jabuan on November 02, 2010, 02:55:24 AM News report said Kailua bound on the Pali. New photos showed scenes from either Old Pali Road or on the way up to the Pali Lookout if you came out of the tunnels townbound and had to do the right turn cut back up to the lookout. it was kailua bound. about a mile past waokanakaGood thing no fatality this time but the group had the same sort of look. Leather vests with long sleeved T's. Dunno. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 02, 2010, 07:49:39 AM it was kailua bound. about a mile past waokanaka How can you crash there? ? It's straight. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: jabuan on November 02, 2010, 10:12:38 AM How can you crash there? ? It's straight. [roll] the first rider crashed into a car. second rider crashed because he hit the first motorcycle while it wa on teh ground and the third guy crashed trying to avoid the previous two. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 02, 2010, 01:14:56 PM How can you crash there? ? It's straight. [roll] WWII German look alike helmets, tennies, at least one guy in shorts...not exactly dressed for the unexpected... ??? I think Gene hit the nail on the head! [evil] Stupid military squids. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 02, 2010, 11:18:46 PM I think Gene hit the nail on the head! [evil] Stupid military squids. These folks didn't have exactly that look. The ones from two weeks ago......... very likely. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 02, 2010, 11:22:00 PM Apart from all of that, today was special. From the God given painted sunrise to the total different smell of the air and the coolness that came along with it tonight. The season has changed and it's been a while coming, but, oh... Yeah...........
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 02, 2010, 11:26:17 PM These folks didn't have exactly that look. Yeah, I've seen a group of these guys around before with the vests and all...almost looks like a street gang on sportbikes... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 03, 2010, 03:08:02 PM Well, the black vests are quite popular with the busa groups that seem to form around military bases. There is one group here, the Bowie Ballers, that are all thugged out with their vests. It's really comical to see them out an about with their four inch chicken strips...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 03, 2010, 06:32:40 PM What the guy in the big effin' truck did to my car yesterday. Sorry, my parked car. While he was pulling out of his parking space.
Yay. (http://i56.tinypic.com/2czkwn.jpg) (http://i56.tinypic.com/vh46jq.jpg) Pretty, no? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 03, 2010, 06:58:05 PM Hope he stopped to give his information...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 03, 2010, 11:02:25 PM It was in the parking lot at work, so that's not an issue. Finding a shop willing to work on a 73 Beetle, however, is.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 04, 2010, 08:37:36 AM It was in the parking lot at work, so that's not an issue. Finding a shop willing to work on a 73 Beetle, however, is. All you need to do is find a fender and a bumper. A little harder now than it used to be for obvious reasons but still doable. You find those parts and we'll bolt them on for you. Not that hard at all if the bolts aren't all rusted up. Probably easier to do than the brakes were. Then there is the painting, unless you are lucky enough to find the orange fender. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 04, 2010, 02:06:44 PM Getting the bumper is easy, finding an actual German fender in good repair is difficult, and the painting is worse still. The bumper support is also bent, which makes me at least wonder if there is any damage to the back corner of the frame.
Dude says he wants to just pay for it, but I really don't like that. I want his insurance to pay for it. I want liability coverage in case there is more wrong than meets the eye. Really I just want my car back in an un-hit state and for drivers to be able to notice bright orange cars parked right next to them. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 04, 2010, 02:13:23 PM If you need a repair guy, call Vidal at VCS in Waipahu...671-5396. Vidal runs a one man shop, does excellant work, and is reasonable...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 04, 2010, 02:21:25 PM If you need a repair guy, call Vidal at VCS in Waipahu...671-5396. Vidal runs a one man shop, does excellant work, and is reasonable... Uhm... I cannot recommend that. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 04, 2010, 03:10:47 PM Uhm... I cannot recommend that. Bad experience?... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 04, 2010, 03:19:21 PM Yea, when he did the work on the S2000. I told him from the beginning that I was very critical of stuff like that, and wanted the end result as close to perfect as could be. He worked on it and finally said it was ready, but the paint wasn't matched and none of the body panels lined up right. He worked on it a while longer, then said it was good to go. It was still make the beast with two backsed up. He asked me if he could work on a few other things to get some money rolling in and work on mine in a few weeks, I mistakenly said yes, only to have him never return my calls or "be there" when I stopped by his shop.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 04, 2010, 05:01:12 PM Yea, when he did the work on the S2000. I told him from the beginning that I was very critical of stuff like that, and wanted the end result as close to perfect as could be. He worked on it and finally said it was ready, but the paint wasn't matched and none of the body panels lined up right. He worked on it a while longer, then said it was good to go. It was still make the beast with two backsed up. He asked me if he could work on a few other things to get some money rolling in and work on mine in a few weeks, I mistakenly said yes, only to have him never return my calls or "be there" when I stopped by his shop. :o...wow, you never know...I once asked a mechanic friend for a body shop recommendation, he refused and said that most of them are capable, it just depends on what kind of mood they're in on any particular day... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on November 04, 2010, 10:42:26 PM if it helps you feel any better, the make the beast with two backshead I parked next to this morning decided he was going to get out of his car with extreme prejudice. enough so that it made my car sway like the mothermake the beast with two backsng ark.
granted, I haven't looked at the shotgun side of my car yet... because i'm afraid that if I see anything there, I may have to hunt down a POS white monte carlo with faggot-ass-red-stripes that parks by 167 and has paint on his door that matches mine, and introduce his windows to a make the beast with two backsing ball peen hammer. I won't, of course. because I'm to goddamn nice. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on November 04, 2010, 11:50:17 PM I have center punches, and they are rather classy tools of mayhem.
so I've heard. I have been a fan of the desmotropic tee's for a long time, now :) as long as they represent my love of tiki culture ^_^ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 05, 2010, 04:25:12 AM Sorry Ben, no deserters. [laugh] (http://serve.mysmiley.net/mad/mad0244.gif) (http://www.mysmiley.net/free-facebook-smileys.php) Screw you buddy! I'm in for at least one. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 05, 2010, 05:39:12 AM [thumbsdown]
http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/bikes/2011-triumph-daytona-675/#more-16046 (http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/bikes/2011-triumph-daytona-675/#more-16046) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 05, 2010, 08:23:48 AM Oh believe me, I didn't take it seriously at all. I just love that "smiley" thingy. ;)
I don't have any of the old pics, unfortunately. I thought Teddy had all the proofs. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 05, 2010, 08:35:14 AM [thumbsdown] http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/bikes/2011-triumph-daytona-675/#more-16046 (http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/bikes/2011-triumph-daytona-675/#more-16046) Why the thumbs down? I thought you already went down to the dealer and put your name on the list, that is, unless, you went down to DucPond and signed up for a F3....... [moto] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 05, 2010, 08:38:26 AM Here's the thread with all the talk, but the pics are gone. http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=24316.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=24316.0)
Why the thumbs down? I thought you already went down to the dealer and put your name on the list, that is, unless, you went down to DucPond and signed up for a F3....... [moto] I was just hoping they would have done a little sumphin sumphin for the motor... And no, no F3 for me. I'm going the full fat route if I get an MV. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 06, 2010, 01:09:05 PM Here's the thread with all the talk, but the pics are gone. http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=24316.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=24316.0) I was just hoping they would have done a little sumphin sumphin for the motor... And no, no F3 for me. I'm going the full fat route if I get an MV. You could always go out & find yourself a used 675 and then add $3,000 in an Ohlins TTX rear shock and front fork cartridge kit. Another $4,000 to $5,000 in exhaust, PC, quick shifter and engine race upgrades and you'd be flyin'. You know the front calipers don't add much except bling. It's the masters that count. [thumbsup] [moto] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 07, 2010, 01:42:39 PM Right! That's it!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 15, 2010, 06:14:28 PM Pondering the feasibility of moving to a ... ahem .... more comfortable bike. My repeated back injuries don't like this one much, but I really don't want to spend any money. Perhaps theft is the answer...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 15, 2010, 09:31:08 PM Bike as in Monster or as in Colnago?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 15, 2010, 09:59:56 PM Oh, Monster, sorry. Oddly I can handle up to about an hour on the Cielo (which used to be the Colnago), but the 10 minute commute to work on the Monster kills me.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 16, 2010, 02:02:03 AM You should try out a Sport1000.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 16, 2010, 03:15:53 PM the 10 minute commute to work on the Monster kills me. Sounds like you're in the market for a Street Fighter with a Renthal 814 bend handlebar... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 16, 2010, 03:16:53 PM Sounds like you're in the market for a Street Fighter with a Renthal 814 bend handlebar... ;D Looking to sell yours Gene? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 16, 2010, 05:32:37 PM Looking to sell yours Gene? Nope, you'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands... [evil] of course as I get up there in years I may have to trade it for one of these... [moto] http://www.nortonmotorcycles.com/bikes/Norton%20Commando%20961SE/index.php?p=1 (http://www.nortonmotorcycles.com/bikes/Norton%20Commando%20961SE/index.php?p=1) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 16, 2010, 05:36:10 PM Gene, you buy that Norton and I will personally come down there to pry it from said fingers, cold and dead or not. ;D
Well, assuming Rick doesn't beat me to it. ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 16, 2010, 06:04:45 PM Gene, you buy that Norton and I will personally come down there to pry it from said fingers, cold and dead or not. ;D Well, assuming Rick doesn't beat me to it. ;) I've been eyeballing it, but don't know if I could live without the SF's thunder...maybe when I turn 70... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 16, 2010, 07:02:07 PM You should try out a Sport1000. I did, remember? It was rough when I was in good shape. OOF! Sounds like you're in the market for a Street Fighter with a Renthal 814 bend handlebar... ;D Neat idea, but the budget is about $10000 too big. I could safely spend what I could get for the Monster, plus maybe a grand. So, cheap. And I can't imagine loving a $4000 bike the way I love the Monster. Diremma indeed. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 16, 2010, 10:34:49 PM I've been eyeballing it, but don't know if I could live without the SF's thunder...maybe when I turn 70... ;D I had a Norton and loved it. As cool as the new one is there'd be no point in losing a Streetfighter for one. All the Norton has is cool points. The Streetfighter will rip it to shreds in all other aspects, no question, plus it has it's own special cool factor. Just a slightly different coolness. [moto] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 17, 2010, 08:22:50 AM Oh, Monster, sorry. Oddly I can handle up to about an hour on the Cielo (which used to be the Colnago), but the 10 minute commute to work on the Monster kills me. I highly recommend a Hypermotard then. It'd be a bit of a budget stretch but it's definitely got everything you like about Ducatis and it's comfortable. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on November 17, 2010, 11:48:01 PM found out brian is flying out this weekend for school. won't see him until i get to ND Dec 17th. we're getting married the 30th. haha
go navy! lol Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 18, 2010, 07:28:29 AM found out brian is flying out this weekend for school. won't see him until i get to ND Dec 17th. we're getting married the 30th. haha go navy! lol Your getting married in North Dakota on Dec 30th?...Brrrrrr!... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 20, 2010, 09:43:52 AM WARNING!!
Wash Your Balls!! Axe commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtZKL74LgMg&feature=player_embedded#normal) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 20, 2010, 10:52:34 AM Wash Your Balls!! Axe commercial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtZKL74LgMg&feature=player_embedded#normal) That was sooo offensive, how can you post that up without a warning?... [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 20, 2010, 10:58:49 AM Better?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 20, 2010, 01:10:07 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 29, 2010, 01:05:15 PM Yep, it's pretty much done...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 29, 2010, 01:10:07 PM Yep, it's pretty much done... Okay, I'll bite...what's pretty much done?...riding for the next 3 months or so?... :( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 29, 2010, 01:12:51 PM Yep. Winter is well and truly on its way, and it probably won't be warm enough to do much other than a quick jaunt to work until spring gets here. [thumbsdown]
Oh well, at least I was able to stay riding up to Thanksgiving. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 29, 2010, 01:48:36 PM Yep. Winter is well and truly on its way, and it probably won't be warm enough to do much other than a quick jaunt to work until spring gets here. [thumbsdown] Oh well, at least I was able to stay riding up to Thanksgiving. ;D If it's any consolation, we'll be thinking of you on the weekends while we're out waving ham sandwiches...maybe... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 30, 2010, 08:29:01 AM Never mind the consolation part. [laugh] Remember he's the one with all the good roads all around him and, of which, he posts the routes just so he can tease us. Remember that part now? Just give him three months or so and he'll be right back at it...... [cheeky]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 30, 2010, 11:51:28 AM True dat, while we're catching the same merry-go-round Sunday after Sunday... :(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 30, 2010, 01:23:02 PM Don't forget, I also have a MUCH better selection of beer too. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 30, 2010, 10:30:10 PM Don't forget, I also have a MUCH better selection of beer too. ;D No envy here bra....... Any given Sat. night with what I have on hand, plus a cigar and sometimes a fire outside .... nah ... you might have more to choose from but none better ..... [beer] ...... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 01, 2010, 02:38:47 AM None better? You really think so? Maybe you should come and see for yourself before you make that decision. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 07, 2010, 08:35:13 AM 65* this morning. BRRRR. Made getting out of the morning shower a bit faster. [laugh] (yes....... I'm making a slight dig at one of our displaced members ;D)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 07, 2010, 10:58:34 AM 65* this morning. BRRRR. Made getting out of the morning shower a bit faster. [laugh] (yes....... I'm making a slight dig at one of our displaced members ;D) Yeah, I had to go with a long sleeve t-shirt this morning when I went out for coffee... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 07, 2010, 01:46:19 PM Sheesh! It was 22 this morning when I got out of bed to take Darmah for her morning walk. Supposed to get colder tonight.
(yes....... I'm making a slight dig at one of our displaced members ;D) (http://serve.mysmiley.net/mad/mad0074.gif) (http://www.mysmiley.net) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 07, 2010, 10:35:56 PM Sheesh! It was 22 this morning when I got out of bed to take Darmah for her morning walk. Supposed to get colder tonight. (http://serve.mysmiley.net/mad/mad0074.gif) (http://www.mysmiley.net) [laugh] I feel for you bro' [laugh] ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on December 08, 2010, 01:29:05 AM i fly to ND next week. weather forecast:
a high of 10. :o Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 08, 2010, 07:44:31 AM i fly to ND next week. weather forecast: a high of 10. :o don't forget to pack your long johns, I think Sears carries them...and oh yeah, hope you like venison...;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 08, 2010, 03:13:06 PM plenny chickens, with their chicks, crossing the road in Norfolk early in the downhill run this morning...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 08, 2010, 09:56:14 PM Get your Norfolk & 13 Turns runs in now. If the weather turns out like they say those roads might be kind of messed up over the weekend. We haven't had a good South blow for a while so all kinds of stuff should get knocked out of the trees.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 17, 2010, 09:15:22 AM The Lord provided us with a beautiful, painted sunrise this morning!! Hope some of you got to see it. Red sky in the morning....... sailors warning.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 17, 2010, 02:19:24 PM Yea, there was a wonderous sunrise this morning here too. Driving through the district, and across the Potomac this morning was really something to see. There were still lots of low-lying clouds after the snow storm, but enough of a break on the horizon for the sun to really light up the bottom of the cloud banks. Wish I would have had my camera with me to take a picture.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on December 18, 2010, 02:29:09 AM Gorgeous sunrises and sunsets over here when the weather's just right.
Now we play the waiting for the aircraft game.......crew rest my ass! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on December 19, 2010, 11:48:50 AM got to move some snow yesterday.
but from the sounds of it, the weather is nicer here than there. for right now at least. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 22, 2010, 11:46:32 PM got to move some snow yesterday. but from the sounds of it, the weather is nicer here than there. for right now at least. Getting close to the big day aren't you ........... a white wedding in more than one way [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 31, 2010, 08:27:37 AM Still looking for some (sort of) discreet leather trousers?
http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=45352.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=45352.0) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on January 04, 2011, 11:39:57 PM things went well. my mother in-law was awesome, as she took care of most of it!
we got back yesterday, only to find that i had turned off the chest freezer when i shut off the circuit breakers. [puke] for the record, here's proof i did go outside and take pics. (http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x218/kahokulani50/134720_1377872145431_1790714103_716398_6347320_o.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 05, 2011, 12:06:31 AM Brave girl!...CONRATULATIONS!... [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 05, 2011, 03:03:26 AM No kidding, CONGRATS!!
Looks a little chilly there. :o Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on January 06, 2011, 01:15:14 PM thx. it's back to the grind today. :-[
btw, u guys don't know how good u got it. this name change thing is royal PITA. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 06, 2011, 02:25:02 PM btw, u guys don't know how good u got it. this name change thing is royal PITA. so do we call you Mrs. Chief now?... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 06, 2011, 02:50:20 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on January 06, 2011, 06:50:40 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on January 13, 2011, 11:27:13 PM anyone know what the labor rate is for our bikes? been a while since i've had work done on my bike.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 14, 2011, 07:28:24 AM anyone know what the labor rate is for our bikes? been a while since i've had work done on my bike. It was $75/hr last June when I did my 7.5k service, but then in July it was $85 for a warranty claim (labor reimbursed by Ducati)... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 14, 2011, 08:49:08 AM anyone know what the labor rate is for our bikes? been a while since i've had work done on my bike. What needs doing? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on January 14, 2011, 12:01:34 PM What needs doing? nothing in particular, this guy is just wondering the pricing compared to other brands that SS services. he's thinking of picking up an 848 evo. i imagine they are they same, it's just that i haven't serviced it in a while. i should tell him to pop in here and ask questions. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 14, 2011, 10:10:17 PM He could always call the service desk at South Seas and ask them directly.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 15, 2011, 05:29:43 AM He could always call the service desk at South Seas and ask them directly. Easy there killer! Take your logic and fancy thinking the hell out of here! ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 15, 2011, 09:31:01 AM Easy there killer! Take your logic and fancy thinking the hell out of here! ;D Well? ? ? ? ? ?......... Just sayin......... Not to be mean, or anything, but that way he gets it from the horses mouth, so to speak. :) I think the hourly rate there is the same for all bikes but I could be wrong. Even at that, the prices for the various services for the Ducati might be different just because different operations are done that take different times from a Honda or Yamaha. I know, I know ....... there I go again being logical and all but questions like that pretty much make up every hour of every working day for me. I can't help it. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on January 15, 2011, 10:33:00 AM Hey DRKWNG, Mac's post about Gene hitting 1000 posts made me curious - turns out you are the 8th most frequent poster on the entire board, you crazy bastard!*
*DRKWNG's sanity is not being officially judged by Jebus, and the DMF and it's associated users are not legally bound in any way to commit him. DRKWNG is probably not actually a bastard, though Jebus has never met DRKWNG's father. DRKWNG may need to spend a little more time away from the computer. You may experience mild crotch rot after using DRKWNG. Consult a physician before beginning any DRKWNG regimen. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 15, 2011, 01:29:14 PM You've obviously forgotten what winter is like. [cheeky]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 21, 2011, 11:00:45 PM I likes the new alter identities.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 21, 2011, 11:11:29 PM you're my inspiration... ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 22, 2011, 06:03:48 AM you're my inspiration... ;) Channeling Peter Cetera are you? ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 25, 2011, 11:18:46 PM Two and a half years of waiting. Helped a good friend install these a while back. Now, they are finally coming for me........... I've been bad. [evil]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 25, 2011, 11:57:30 PM Two and a half years of waiting. Helped a good friend install these a while back. Now, they are finally coming for me........... I've been bad. [evil] ???? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 26, 2011, 02:44:14 AM Rick decided to keep the 848 and bought some new hoops for it. This of course is all speculation, and I cannot confirm nor deny that either Rick or or his 848 actually exist.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 26, 2011, 07:31:26 AM BSTs?...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 26, 2011, 08:42:06 AM Rick decided to keep the 848 and bought some new hoops for it. This of course is all speculation, and I cannot confirm nor deny that either Rick or or his 848 actually exist. Rick pretty much did decide to keep the 848 but is not getting wheels for it. As for actual existence, or not, that's all speculation. Look for a package in the mail soon and you can decide for yourself. [drool] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 26, 2011, 11:55:16 AM Then it's master cylinders then. ;)
So when should I start looking? I don't check the box all that frequently, but I guess it's time to change that. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 26, 2011, 12:04:21 PM Then it's master cylinders then. ;) I thought it was pull back handle bars... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 26, 2011, 05:12:00 PM Lots of snow up here tonight...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 26, 2011, 10:52:42 PM Then it's master cylinders then. ;) So when should I start looking? I don't check the box all that frequently, but I guess it's time to change that. Yep. RCSx2. Check mail middle of next week I reckon. Should go out Friday sometime. On a separate note, the guy that called up Sunday night about the 848 texted me today and wants to look at it this weekend. He actually wanted to look at it today but with my work schedule I told him Saturday if the weather is nice enough to ride into town. Now I am super conflicted, but nothing is really happening yet except a show of interest so we'll see......... however, the price is definitely firm at this point considering the recent add ons. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 27, 2011, 04:59:28 AM I don't know man, I'd hate to see you let that bike go. I can fully relate to the issues you're having with it, but DAMN that thing turned into such a well rounded package with the stuff you threw on it. More than anything though, I am looking forward to hearing your reaction to the first time you give that right lever a good solid squeeze. [evil]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 27, 2011, 08:26:48 AM I don't know man, I'd hate to see you let that bike go. I can fully relate to the issues you're having with it, but DAMN that thing turned into such a well rounded package with the stuff you threw on it. More than anything though, I am looking forward to hearing your reaction to the first time you give that right lever a good solid squeeze. [evil] Hey! I know about that right lever. Remember who first had a racing radial on his bike over here. ;D But seriously I expect it to be friggen awesome. I'll post with pics at some point. I am 99% sure that I am keeping it. The prospective buyer would have to freak out and throw big money at me to sell it now. [roll] The one ride home last Sat. wasn't enough of a good test on the damper but you could tell a difference, and a good difference at that. Every time I ride it I'm impressed. When it's all done I'll swap with Brandon and see what he says. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 27, 2011, 08:36:02 AM Yea, you had the radial on the monster, but not paired with the calipers you have now. I know I can easily get the rear tire up with the set up that I have, and your calipers will just make it that much easier. You'll see. [evil]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 27, 2011, 08:41:21 AM Holy shit!!! :o :o :o :o :o
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12283833 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12283833) Taken from the dog thread in NMC Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 27, 2011, 10:05:58 PM Yea, you had the radial on the monster, but not paired with the calipers you have now. I know I can easily get the rear tire up with the set up that I have, and your calipers will just make it that much easier. You'll see. [evil] I know. I know. Why do you think I did it? Well, besides the fact that they look cool too. Just chillin' here. Got lots to keep me busy. In fact the main project Sat will be to get Frederick's Monster back together & running. PM sent. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on February 02, 2011, 03:06:29 AM Sooo.....don't take infant children to Ross. My wife emailed me to tell me that a rogue child approached my son in his stroller, looked at him for a second, then proceeded to punch him in the face. That's right, you didn't misread that. Right in the face. The the little brat reared back to do it again, and wifey caught her arm. She took the child back to her mother and explained what her kid had done. The assaulting child's mother told my wife that she was a child abuser because she "grabbed her daughter's arm too hard". Then she got threatened with getting slapped and called a pregnant dog. WOW. I can't wait to get off this goddam island.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 02, 2011, 08:28:48 AM Sooo.....don't take infant children to Ross. My wife emailed me to tell me that a rogue child approached my son in his stroller, looked at him for a second, then proceeded to punch him in the face. That's right, you didn't misread that. Right in the face. The the little brat reared back to do it again, and wifey caught her arm. She took the child back to her mother and explained what her kid had done. The assaulting child's mother told my wife that she was a child abuser because she "grabbed her daughter's arm too hard". Then she got threatened with getting slapped and called a pregnant dog. WOW. I can't wait to get off this goddam island. I can completely understand wanting to leave the islands for lots of reasons. What happened with your wife could have happened anywhere though. PC is everywhere and we are not better off with it no matter what. If I had ever done that when I was a kid, or if any other kid did it, we would have been paddled right then & there. I think most of us turned out OK. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on February 04, 2011, 12:50:23 AM Sooo.....don't take infant children to Ross. My wife emailed me to tell me that a rogue child approached my son in his stroller, looked at him for a second, then proceeded to punch him in the face. That's right, you didn't misread that. Right in the face. The the little brat reared back to do it again, and wifey caught her arm. She took the child back to her mother and explained what her kid had done. The assaulting child's mother told my wife that she was a child abuser because she "grabbed her daughter's arm too hard". Then she got threatened with getting slapped and called a pregnant dog. WOW. I can't wait to get off this goddam island. :o what is with parents these days? mac is right though, u see it no matter what culture. it's the way kids are being raised. that's what happens when we said good bye to the days of getting dirty lickings. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on February 07, 2011, 09:32:14 PM :o what is with parents these days? mac is right though, u see it no matter what culture. it's the way kids are being raised. that's what happens when we said good bye to the days of getting dirty lickings. Sorry, I was having a shitty day on top of all that. I konw that could have happened anywhere, but my current employers are ruining what is an excellent place to live. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 16, 2011, 11:02:57 PM Gloria got me a couple pairs of Levi 505 straight cut jeans for Valentine's Day. The Levi's they are replacing have to be at least 25 to 30 years old, minimum. It's funny to think that a new pair of pants has the potential to outlast me now. Oh, I still fit in the same size, so there.......
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 16, 2011, 11:53:18 PM Gloria got me a couple pairs of Levi 505 straight cut jeans for Valentine's Day. The Levi's they are replacing have to be at least 25 to 30 years old, minimum. It's funny to think that a new pair of pants has the potential to outlast me now. Oh, I still fit in the same size, so there....... I'm still wearing the 501s but will go with 505s next time around, my fingers are having a hard time with the buttoms these days...in a public restroom I must look like some kind of old perv standing there fumbling with my fly for what seems like forever...btw, the longest I could make a pair of Levis last is about 5 years... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 17, 2011, 03:44:03 AM btw, the longest I could make a pair of Levis last is about 5 years... That's just because you keep following all the latest fashion trends. Kinda hard to keep a pair of jeans looking good when you've got them hanging with the waist around your knees like all the hip kids of the day. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 17, 2011, 08:37:39 AM I'm still wearing the 501s but will go with 505s next time around, my fingers are having a hard time with the buttoms these days...in a public restroom, I must look like some kind of old perv standing there fumbling with my fly for what seems like forever...btw, the longest I could make a pair of Levis last is about 5 years... Yeah, I gave up on the 501's for the same reason. Plus there's that unique feeling when you have to pull on a pair of 501's that come right out of the dryer. :o Now, I don't live & play in jeans 24/7 like I did in the first third of my life so they last longer. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 04, 2011, 08:50:41 AM The drive into work this morning was interesting. Norfolk looks like a bomb went off with all the storming going on. It was hard to see the road in places for all the leaves & branches. All the garbage containers set out last night for this mornings pick up had been knocked over by the wind.
Tree branches down on Kalanianaole leading to Castle Hospital. Three cop cars on the side with lights on and a police pick up truck with a ramp. The star of the show..... police BMW facing the wrong way looking like it was going to loaded into the truck. Solo rider fall down & go boom?? No lights working at the Castle Hospital junction, no lights on the Pali all the way up & through the tunnels. Branches and leaves all over the Pali Hwy and trees fallen over on the Pali down at the bottom of 13 turns. Trees, as in the whole tree and plural as in more than one. :o Pretty wicked over on my side last night and this morning.......... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 04, 2011, 11:48:41 AM Damn! Sounds like you guys are taking a bit of a beating down there.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 04, 2011, 02:08:22 PM The drive into work this morning was interesting. Norfolk looks like a bomb went off with all the storming going on. It was hard to see the road in places for all the leaves & branches. All the garbage containers set out last night for this mornings pick up had been knocked over by the wind. Hope you can get that cleaned up before Sunday's ride... ;DTree branches down on Kalanianaole leading to Castle Hospital. Three cop cars on the side with lights on and a police pick up truck with a ramp. The star of the show..... police BMW facing the wrong way looking like it was going to loaded into the truck. Solo rider fall down & go boom?? No lights working at the Castle Hospital junction, no lights on the Pali all the way up & through the tunnels. Branches and leaves all over the Pali Hwy and trees fallen over on the Pali down at the bottom of 13 turns. Trees, as in the whole tree and plural as in more than one. :o Pretty wicked over on my side last night and this morning.......... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on March 04, 2011, 04:37:42 PM Hope you can get that cleaned up before Sunday's ride... ;D so mac is responsible for norfolk, n jing is taking care of 13 turns? LOL last night was no joke though. the branches of the trees next to our house broke off. woke us up. HFD came around 5ish and cleared the road, so ppl could go to work. for sure there's damage to one car's roof. i found roofing shingles in the drive way this morning. it was pretty nuts watching the storm going full blast at 3am, with no lights. palm trees were pretty funny, they looked like someone was pulling all their leaves together. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 10, 2011, 08:34:39 AM Looks like it may be drying out some. The roads were still wet on our side this morning but at least you could see stars.
On another note for possible upcoming rides this weekend the Pali Hwy is closed townbound from 8pm (?) Friday night until 3am Monday morning. That means all return traffic goes around Makapuu or over Likelike or H3 ......... there will likely be an increased presence of po-po on H3. My bet anyway. Weather permitting I'll be riding the 848 into work on Sat and I'll take H3. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 10, 2011, 08:36:14 AM Oh ---- the folks at Capitol Area Monsters made Ben a moderator. How about that? That'll keep Betty busy. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on March 10, 2011, 03:49:45 PM On another note for possible upcoming rides this weekend the Pali Hwy is closed townbound from 8pm (?) Friday night until 3am Monday morning. at least there's warning. i'm hearing the info on the radio all day long. btw anyone have state farm insurance. we're trying to get all our vehicles on one policy. supposedly state farm doesn't offer under insured or uninsured on their motorcycle policies. just wanted to confirm that it's true. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 11, 2011, 03:01:33 AM Hubbie should get some pretty good rates through GEICO while on the island.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on March 12, 2011, 02:55:26 AM Hubbie should get some pretty good rates through GEICO while on the island. my insurance is w/ geico, so i called and asked if there was a military discount. there isn't for hawaii. maybe there's a different # i'm supposed to call. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 12, 2011, 03:43:01 AM Interesting. GEICO was quite a bit cheaper for me while I was there.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 13, 2011, 05:40:04 AM Anyone heard from Emile lately?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 13, 2011, 09:01:40 AM He might be back here for a visit next week.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 13, 2011, 09:06:25 AM Cool. Hope he's not losing his mind out there.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 01, 2011, 11:25:45 AM http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/Global/story.asp?S=14363217 (http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/Global/story.asp?S=14363217)
I knew the Harley rider. Can't even imagine what his wife is going through right now. jeezus. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on April 01, 2011, 07:00:25 PM http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/Global/story.asp?S=14363217 (http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/Global/story.asp?S=14363217) I knew the Harley rider. Can't even imagine what his wife is going through right now. jeezus. my condolences. in one of the articles, it said he was a cmc. what a tragedy, makes me so mad. i hope this kid really gets it. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 01, 2011, 07:05:58 PM Just saw it on the news, a real bummer...49 is way too young to die...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on April 01, 2011, 10:08:38 PM my condolences. in one of the articles, it said he was a cmc. what a tragedy, makes me so mad. i hope this kid really gets it. He was... my former CMC, retired. A hardcore pain in the ass, but I certainly wouldn't wish this on him. Or his wife, who is a heck of a gal. Shitty shitty day. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 03, 2011, 12:04:53 PM SD is sorted. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 03, 2011, 04:17:43 PM SD is sorted. [thumbsup] Care to expand on that a bit? I mean that's great and all but is there more of a story or is it just enough to say that it works better. [moto] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 03, 2011, 07:59:42 PM I loaded a different map onto the ecu using TuneECU. About 98% of the on/off throttle snatch and low engine speed hunting is gone now.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 03, 2011, 10:01:12 PM I loaded a different map onto the ecu using TuneECU. About 98% of the on/off throttle snatch and low engine speed hunting is gone now. Fan f'ing tastic! That throttle snatch was really getting to me. Sounds like the bike may actually be rideable now. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 10, 2011, 04:35:58 PM One of the CAM guys picked up a Daytona the other day. Did some work setting up his suspension on it and got to take it for a spin on one of the favorite roads today. I had forgotten how planted that bike can be.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 10, 2011, 06:00:51 PM I had forgotten how planted that bike can be. I was going to ask you how that suspension tuning went. You can always get one of the new ones with the good Ohlins stuff right from the factory. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 10, 2011, 06:04:14 PM You can always get one of the new ones with the good Ohlins stuff right from the factory. Don't really need any additional temptation thank you very much. [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 18, 2011, 11:54:44 AM Good price on tires if anyone is looking.
http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=7780 (http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=7780) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on April 25, 2011, 03:35:23 PM we moved into our house last weekend. thanks to some friends and family ALL of our junk was moved in 2 days.
the husband painted the downstairs n 1 room. i hung the curtain rods. the downstairs is clean, but there's still a lot of boxes stuffed in other rooms. by saturday we were both pooped, i had to ask him if he was still happy being a home owner. lol. (http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll290/judaspriess/House%20finished/DSC_1018.jpg) (http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll290/judaspriess/House%20finished/DSC_1014.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 25, 2011, 07:22:15 PM Nice!...[thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 30, 2011, 04:45:19 PM You can always get one of the new ones with the good Ohlins stuff right from the factory. Went and talked to the local Triumph dealer about a 675R today... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 30, 2011, 05:16:31 PM Went and talked to the local Triumph dealer about a 675R today... so the third bike is the charm?... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 30, 2011, 05:31:54 PM so the third bike is the charm?... ;D Nah. One would go to make room. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 30, 2011, 08:20:54 PM Went and talked to the local Triumph dealer about a 675R today... [popcorn] [popcorn] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 02, 2011, 10:34:45 PM In over 40 years of living here tonight has to be a record for lightning flashes!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on May 03, 2011, 03:46:37 PM In over 40 years of living here tonight has to be a record for lightning flashes! at 10pm it was still going strong on kapolei side. when i had to go into work at 2am, you could still it going but it was farther out at sea. quite the show, lots of ppl have pics on facebook. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 03, 2011, 03:59:52 PM see post #4...
http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1646997 (http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1646997) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 04, 2011, 11:53:49 PM Wow, is this place dead or what?...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 05, 2011, 08:32:29 AM A little slow to be sure. Nothing serious.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 05, 2011, 11:48:40 AM I guess everyone is on Facebook and Twitter... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 05, 2011, 07:07:07 PM Wow, is this place dead or what?... I've been working late. And obviously, I am the lifeblood of the entire DMF. [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 05, 2011, 07:56:51 PM I've been working late. And obviously, I am the lifeblood of the entire DMF. [cheeky] don't you have one of those fancy phones that you can use to post up while you're at work?... ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on May 05, 2011, 11:48:06 PM Happy Cinco de Mayo! Below is a minor piece of trivia to help educate the masses [beer]
Not to be confused with Mexican Independence Day, which occurs on September 16. Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") is a holiday held on May 5. It is celebrated nationwide in the United States and regionally in Mexico, primarily in the state of Puebla. The date is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride,[5] and to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War.[6] In the state of Puebla, the date is observed to commemorate the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín. Contrary to widespread popular belief, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day, the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico, which occurs on September 16th. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 06, 2011, 08:49:27 AM Happy Cinco de Mayo! Below is a minor piece of trivia to help educate the masses [beer] Not to be confused with Mexican Independence Day, which occurs on September 16. Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") is a holiday held on May 5. It is celebrated nationwide in the United States and regionally in Mexico, primarily in the state of Puebla. The date is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride,[5] and to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War.[6] In the state of Puebla, the date is observed to commemorate the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín. Contrary to widespread popular belief, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day, the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico, which occurs on September 16th. It has always cracked me up that it is a bigger holiday in the U.S. than it is in Mexico. Those crazy Americans need their drinking holidays! [beer] [drink] [drink] [wine] [beer] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 06, 2011, 04:29:46 PM don't you have one of those fancy phones that you can use to post up while you're at work?... ;) Fancy phone, yes, but no can take it in to work. Not that I actually work, of course. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on May 06, 2011, 10:12:56 PM Fancy phone, yes, but no can take it in to work. Sounds like you work at Camp Smith! [coffee] [bang]Not that I actually work, of course. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 07, 2011, 01:38:54 AM Sounds like you work at Camp Smith! [coffee] [bang] Nah. Jebus is more smarter than that. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 08, 2011, 06:25:01 PM Nah. Jebus is more smarter than that. ;D Only smart enough to fool you. [evil]Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 09, 2011, 01:14:01 AM Only smart enough to fool you. [evil] So when did you move up there, eh? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 09, 2011, 10:45:12 AM Up where? Smiff? Not gonna happen.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 10, 2011, 02:53:21 PM (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z53/b_upton/Moto/attachment.jpg)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 10, 2011, 02:59:00 PM (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z53/b_upton/Moto/attachment.jpg) and?... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 10, 2011, 03:02:03 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 10, 2011, 10:34:08 PM I'll ask a stupid question. Apart from the beautiful paint scheme what's so different about this version from the stock version?? [popcorn] [popcorn]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 10, 2011, 10:49:58 PM After a little research...... voila'
http://www.motorcycledaily.com/2011/05/new-mv-agusta-f4-rr-revealed-pictures-and-specs/ (http://www.motorcycledaily.com/2011/05/new-mv-agusta-f4-rr-revealed-pictures-and-specs/) $33K.......... go for it dude!! ;D ;D That 1198SP looks dynamite at those kind of numbers Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 11, 2011, 02:22:34 AM That estimated price was based purely on a straight currency conversion, and we all know that's not the way things really work. I talked to the guys at Ferrachi (MV's distributor in the states) and they said their expecting it to be priced about the same as the SP.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 11, 2011, 08:39:33 AM I liked this part too:
You can make your F4 RR even more unique with the original MV special parts that have been developed to provide you with additional performance using the very latest technical advancements in materials and design. MV special parts are an absolute guarantee of quality for the customer as they have been subject to the same high standards of quality that have been applied to the original masterpiece using the most advanced materials such as aerospace alloy, titanium and carbon fiber. Special exhausts systems and racing engine ECU’s have also been developed that can increase even further the record power level of the 4 cylinder engine. Ask Obie about that stuff! [cheeky] $$$ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 11, 2011, 01:31:34 PM You can make your F4 RR even more unique with the original MV special parts that have been developed to provide you with additional performance using the very latest technical advancements in materials and design. MV special parts are an absolute guarantee of quality for the customer as they have been subject to the same high standards of quality that have been applied to the original masterpiece using the most advanced materials such as aerospace alloy, titanium and carbon fiber. Special exhausts systems and racing engine ECU’s have also been developed that can increase even further the record power level of the 4 cylinder engine. Yea, that was all written after Castiglioni just snorted a particularly heavy line. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 11, 2011, 10:19:20 PM That estimated price was based purely on a straight currency conversion, and we all know that's not the way things really work. I talked to the guys at Ferrachi (MV's distributor in the states) and they said their expecting it to be priced about the same as the SP. If that bike comes out priced anywhere the same as a SP then run, fly, streak down to the store and get it before someone comes to their senses and realizes an error was made. I am not kidding. Do it even before you have one of the other bikes sold. There are serious parts on that RR that should price it far above the SP. Logically, to me, the SP would still be the better choice but I understand the passion behind the MV attraction. [moto] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 12, 2011, 02:30:25 AM If that bike comes out priced anywhere the same as a SP then run, fly, streak down to the store and get it before someone comes to their senses and realizes an error was made. I am not kidding. Do it even before you have one of the other bikes sold. There are serious parts on that RR that should price it far above the SP. Logically, to me, the SP would still be the better choice but I understand the passion behind the MV attraction. [moto] It sure is purdy, isn't it? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 14, 2011, 09:35:03 PM So Squirrel Killer.......... 675R, F4, or F3? My pre-game prediction is that when it is finally released the F3 will become some magazines Bike of the Year. It is every bit as gorgeous as the F4. Just read the Sport Rider article tonight.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 15, 2011, 02:42:22 AM Haven't read that article yet, what does it say?
For some reason, I don't find myself all that fired up about the F3, and keep telling myself I'd get another Triumph if I had another bike that size. The F4 on the other hand? Well, I basically need a few minutes alone every time I cast my eyes on that white RR. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 15, 2011, 07:06:48 PM The article was mostly background stuff on the designer of the bike and the MV/Harley deal.
Motorcyclist ran a short article on the 675R. Great stuff except for the front brakes for some reason. Killer fantastic suspension. The F3 is beautiful but an unknown. The Daytona basically has it's bugs worked out and has a bigger support network. The Daytona and the MV RR are both talking about special Ohlins front forks where one side handles the compression and the other side handles the rebound. So far as I can find out these aren't on the market yet unless you want to buy the uber Superbike shocks with the separate gas cartridges at about $10K for the pair. Supposedly they are also using the same TTX rear shocks that you would buy and not some shock that looks like a TTX on the outside but has different internals for the factory bikes ( kind of like the Ohlins on the front of the Ducati S bikes that really aren't Road & Track forks but something in between ). The Daytona looks pretty good if you like that type of engine. I3-I4. Me, I like the twins. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on May 16, 2011, 12:55:39 AM Where's my damn helicopter.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 16, 2011, 02:23:02 AM I think they deal with the Daytona's brakes might be the same as the base F4's: matching the monobloc calipers with a master cylinder that don't compliment each other. I know the base F4 uses a Nissin master. Can't quite figure out why the guys at MV did that...
And yes, they are using the real deal Öhlins bouncy bits. The Daytona is supposed to sell for something like $11.5K, which is a pretty good deal, but I wish they had done something to the motor instead of just slapping on a quick-shifter. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 16, 2011, 08:42:41 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 16, 2011, 10:34:21 PM I think they deal with the Daytona's brakes might be the same as the base F4's: matching the monobloc calipers with a master cylinder that don't compliment each other. I know the base F4 uses a Nissin master. Can't quite figure out why the guys at MV did that... And yes, they are using the real deal Öhlins bouncy bits. The Daytona is supposed to sell for something like $11.5K, which is a pretty good deal, but I wish they had done something to the motor instead of just slapping on a quick-shifter. Let's see if I have this timeline right. Sold the 800 Monster to get the Daytona. The SC was already a done deal and wasn't contingent on the Monster. Daytona sold to get the Super Duke. Now selling the Super Duke to get a Daytona? ? ? As for that 675 engine......... whatcha need is a used 848 or a 999. [evil] That way you can have leftover money to put on the suspension that you want and have the engine you want. [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 16, 2011, 10:39:06 PM Or was it, in fact, the other way around and the Daytona was first and then the Monster sold to get the SC? That might have been the way it went down. Obviously, I forget.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 17, 2011, 12:26:20 AM I forget. [laugh] Had the monster first, then picked up the Daytona (mostly your fault). Sold the monster for the SC, and later sold the Daytona for the SD. Ideally, I'll wait another year until I start the civi job before doing anything. That way I can have three. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 04, 2011, 11:26:02 AM Rain.......rain........rain.........crap. It looks clear over the top of the Pali but everywhere else over here looks something like Mordor. Out over the water, upwind from here, it's just a solid mass of gray yuck. Looks like it's headed our way. I've already been up & clearing grapefruit sized rocks off the road. :o Tantalus might be hopeless for a few days even if it clears. [roll]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 04, 2011, 03:45:27 PM Just got back from a 150 mile ride through the mountains.
Just saying... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 04, 2011, 04:10:07 PM Just got back from a 150 mile ride through the mountains. Just saying... ;D video or it didn't happen...just sayin'...;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: canes on June 04, 2011, 10:37:24 PM IM TIRED IF MY STUFF GETTING STOLEN FROM MY CAR PORT ! IM TIRED OF MY NEIGHBORS (DRUG ADDICTS) STEELING MY WIFE'S BIRTHDAY PRESENT! IM TIRED OF MY FRIENDS BIKES GETTING STOLEN FROM MY CAR PORT. IM SICK OF THE NEW ARMY WAY (WHERE EVERY ONE LOOKS OUT FOR THEM SELF) IM SICK IF NCO'S NOT GIVING A DAM ABOUT THERE SOLDIERS.
IF THINGS KEEP GOING LIKE THIS IM GONNA GET OUT AND GO HOME WHERE MY WIFE AND I ARE APPRECIATED AND PEOPLE TALK TO US WITH RESPECT. Sure there is a few of you (you know who u are) who with out you I would of already gone insane and told the ARMY to stick it where the sun don't shine. thank you to my friends out there. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 07, 2011, 07:53:43 PM work
is busy sleep soon. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on June 08, 2011, 11:04:58 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 09, 2011, 08:42:38 PM sleep is a crutch and my Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on June 10, 2011, 11:20:37 AM Wish Canes hadn't gotten in an imaginary pissing contest on the forum. Not a bad dude, but he did carry 2 5 inch KABARs on a shoulder holster rig when I went for a ride with him yesterday. He's really prepared for the zombie apocalyple ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 10, 2011, 11:58:17 AM Well, he sure came off as a douche. It'll be interesting when HPD pulls him over for something (like a bike that isn't legal) and catches a glimpse of those knives. Bet he'll have a grand ol' time getting poked in the pokey.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on June 10, 2011, 07:40:46 PM Well, he sure came off as a douche. It'll be interesting when HPD pulls him over for something (like a bike that isn't legal) and catches a glimpse of those knives. Bet he'll have a grand ol' time getting poked in the pokey. He does have a habit of crossing the double yellow to pass on Kam hwy east of Haleiwa, and exceeding the posted speed limits Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 10, 2011, 09:24:51 PM and exceeding the posted speed limits and the rest of us adhere to the posted limits... [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on June 10, 2011, 10:51:51 PM and the rest of us adhere to the posted limits... [roll] well, we try our best Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 10, 2011, 11:16:37 PM Wish Canes hadn't gotten in an imaginary pissing contest on the forum. Not a bad dude, but he did carry 2 5 inch KABARs on a shoulder holster rig when I went for a ride with him yesterday. He's really prepared for the zombie apocalyple ;D HPD got all over him for showing up with those knife rigs at Starbucks one Sunday morning. You might think that would be enough to not head out like that again. Then again............... or am I guilty of assumption once more ?....................... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 11, 2011, 06:19:02 AM HPD got all over him for showing up with those knife rigs at Starbucks one Sunday morning. You might think that would be enough to not head out like that again. Then again............... or am I guilty of assumption once more ?....................... Some people only learn their lesson once it's been taught with the big hammer. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 11, 2011, 09:26:08 AM Like Trey said, he's not a bad guy. Just a little more different than we are used to. He knows bikes. I guess we're all acting a bit like kids, just grown up kids. Someone is a bit different than we are and we pick on them a bit. And, of course, just like kids, the one being picked on kind of brings it on themselves also. All sides are guilty. Let's just stop with the Canes bashing and let it go.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on June 11, 2011, 10:42:05 AM (http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/memes-other-headphone-y-u-no-wanna-make-sound.jpg)
Need to buy new earbuds. [bang] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 11, 2011, 07:22:06 PM To avoid all the rain in the highlands and valleys I rode home this afternoon by way of Sandy Beach. In retrospect I think I would have been better off getting wet. [bang] Traffic [bang]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 11, 2011, 11:02:21 PM That really is a shame, as the section just past KoKo Head can be so nice when clear.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 12, 2011, 11:46:19 AM That really is a shame, as the section just past KoKo Head can be so nice when clear. It gets clear there? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 12, 2011, 11:48:51 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 14, 2011, 04:37:16 PM Closing on Monday.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 14, 2011, 05:06:41 PM That was fast, so when can we come and visit?... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 14, 2011, 05:08:58 PM Soon. It'll take me a few weeks to get sorted, and my second bedroom furniture won't be there for a while yet. But, you guys are quite welcome. All you need to do is bring your riding gear, as there'll be a bike here for you to ride.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 14, 2011, 06:26:25 PM Thanks for the invite, unfortunately the closest I'll get to your local will be Houston when I visit my brother late in the summer...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on June 14, 2011, 06:44:16 PM Closing on Monday. grats!!! [thumbsup] what rate did you get? i hear it's been going down. hopefully you don't have to do much work to the place. latest for us: brian is thinking of doing a LDO package. the guys in his command think he has a good chance of getting selected this year. guess it helps he's the CCC. his first underway for me is in early july, [popcorn] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 14, 2011, 07:48:19 PM his first underway for me is in early july, [popcorn] time to dust off the 848... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 14, 2011, 10:30:11 PM grats!!! [thumbsup] what rate did you get? i hear it's been going down. hopefully you don't have to do much work to the place. latest for us: brian is thinking of doing a LDO package. the guys in his command think he has a good chance of getting selected this year. guess it helps he's the CCC. his first underway for me is in early july, [popcorn] It helps us civilian dolts if you translate the mil spec jargon, LDO.... CCC.....WTF. [laugh] ;D and +2 on dusting off the 848. I captained a ride the other day where I held back to show some lines on unfamiliar roads to others whilst Gene & Jing disappeared in front. Wait a minute now.......... ? ? ? So I know you'll be fine....... [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 14, 2011, 11:22:05 PM It helps us civilian dolts if you translate the mil spec jargon, LDO.... CCC.....WTF. [laugh] ;D and +2 on dusting off the 848. I captained a ride the other day where I held back to show some lines on unfamiliar roads to others whilst Gene & Jing disappeared in front. Wait a minute now.......... ? ? ? So I know you'll be fine....... [laugh] [laugh] I'll jump in: LDO = Limited Duty Officer. It's a commissioning step open to enlisted personnel (Navy) from E-6 to E-7 with 8 to 14 years of service. My package is already in for this year ;D CCC = Command Career Counselor. It's important and, if done well, will reflect very well on the member's future possibilities. Sadly, as of today, there is a very real chance that I will no longer be in the Navy come September. There are god nd bad aspects to this, but right now all I can see is the bad. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 15, 2011, 12:04:46 AM Thanks Anne. I locked in at 4.15, so I'm pretty happy. Figured they couldn't really get much lower, so... Funny thing is, we had been waiting on the appraisal to come back, and it was taking a rather long time to do so. Well, it came back yesterday, with an appraised value $13 grand less than the agreed upon contract price. That got me a bit stressed, as I knew the seller was a bit strapped for cash. Didn't know if he'd accept my post appraisal counter, but he did and is still throwing in five grand for closing. Me = happy!
Sadly, as of today, there is a very real chance that I will no longer be in the Navy come September. There are god and bad aspects to this, but right now all I can see is the bad. So what's up with this? Are you looking at a med board or something? I was kind of under the impression that you were getting out on your choice, not theirs. I'm also looking at a possible med board as well, due to my back. I had already figured om getting out, but if I can get a med retirement from them deeming me I'm past my prime to serve... Well, [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 15, 2011, 07:50:11 AM I had decided to stay in, at least for one more round. The Navy and I seemed to have come to an understanding: I'll do good work for them for more pay than I probably deserve, and I'll put up with some of their snippy BS. However, sub orders are being tossed around again, and I don't know that a good enough guarantee can be made that my future will not be under water. I have tickets to go to Middlebury college for 2 months starting tomorrow, but I may not be using them. All decisions will be made in the next few hours.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 15, 2011, 02:29:04 PM What would you be doing at Middlebury?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 15, 2011, 03:24:11 PM What would you be doing at Middlebury? I was going to be attending the summer intensive language program - possibly the best language program in the world. Instead, I'll be processing my separation. Oh, and looking for a job :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 15, 2011, 03:59:22 PM There are a few in DC...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on June 15, 2011, 04:04:54 PM time to dust off the 848... ;D yep, i'm working on finishing some house stuff before i can play though. It helps us civilian dolts if you translate the mil spec jargon, LDO.... CCC.....WTF. [laugh] ;D sorry, i always forget. i had to get used to it too. the thing about being the career counselor is you have to go to a month long school, but your job is to place ppl and make sure their paperwork is the right order or else they don't get promoted and possibly don't get their bonuses. he's been doing all of subpac's CCC for the last couple of years. seems stressful and down right irritating at some points, but it reflects well since he's taking on a lot more responsibility. Thanks Anne. I locked in at 4.15, so I'm pretty happy. Figured they couldn't really get much lower, so... Funny thing is, we had been waiting on the appraisal to come back, and it was taking a rather long time to do so. Well, it came back yesterday, with an appraised value $13 grand less than the agreed upon contract price. That got me a bit stressed, as I knew the seller was a bit strapped for cash. Didn't know if he'd accept my post appraisal counter, but he did and is still throwing in five grand for closing. Me = happy! wow, what a steal. that's an awesome rate and you probably got a really good deal considering the appraiser situation. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 15, 2011, 05:36:40 PM There are a few in DC... Yup. We'll probably be there by late fall. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 15, 2011, 07:34:30 PM Yup. We'll probably be there by late fall. Was the potential submarine duty the sticking point? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 15, 2011, 09:09:31 PM A fly in the ointment of life...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 15, 2011, 09:36:06 PM Was the potential submarine duty the sticking point? Indeed it was. I've done my glub-glub time, and I just can't do it again. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on June 15, 2011, 10:43:19 PM Indeed it was. I've done my glub-glub time, and I just can't do it again. ok, this officially make me wonder about my husband... last year when we talked about LDO package, he said that he liked going to sea and would miss it if he couldn't go. but i've always found sub guys very weird. i hear there are more and more jobs getting converted to civilian, as they're trying to down size the navy. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 16, 2011, 08:14:55 PM ok, this officially make me wonder about my husband... last year when we talked about LDO package, he said that he liked going to sea and would miss it if he couldn't go. but i've always found sub guys very weird. i hear there are more and more jobs getting converted to civilian, as they're trying to down size the navy. Well, as an LDO, he wouldn't be underwater, but he would certainly get the chance to go to sea. What's his rate? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 17, 2011, 02:32:20 AM Really? They don't have sea-going sub billets for LDOs?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on June 17, 2011, 10:52:09 AM Well, as an LDO, he wouldn't be underwater, but he would certainly get the chance to go to sea. What's his rate? he's an ET-Comm. my understanding is there's a shortage of them. he was trying to get into a computer network rate, but couldn't because the shortage. that's also why we couldn't get transferred to the new North Dakota sub. but i'm just the wife, so all i see is the pissed off sailor complaining. Really? They don't have sea-going sub billets for LDOs? that's what he said last year, as his reason to not put in his package. that if he did do LDO, he wouldn't be able to go to sea on subs. he said that again this year. he's a bubble head through and through. he honestly loves his job, even though he complains about it. i think he's excited to go back to a boat. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 17, 2011, 01:15:43 PM i think he's excited to go back to a boat. Guess he just likes hot-bunking with that other guy... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 17, 2011, 02:47:58 PM but i'm just the wife, so all i see is the pissed off sailor complaining. a pregnant doging sailor is a happy sailor... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 17, 2011, 07:04:35 PM I don't like to exaggerate or generalize, but subs are the worst thing ever, and all sub riders are crazy.
;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on June 18, 2011, 02:30:09 AM Guess he just likes hot-bunking with that other guy... like they say, it's not gay underway! ;D all sub riders are crazy. [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 18, 2011, 03:17:13 AM like they say, it's not gay underway! ;D It's only queer at the pier. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 24, 2011, 08:55:43 AM I just read through the R1100S Owner's Service & Technical booklet last night. They tell you how to get the front & rear wheels off & on, how to change brake pads & how to change light bulbs.
They don't discuss how to change oil. [roll] I guess that's in another book. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 24, 2011, 09:03:31 AM It's a BMW!! You're not supposed to sully yourself by doing such trivial things. There are lesser people to do that for you.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 24, 2011, 10:10:05 PM It's a BMW!! You're not supposed to sully yourself by doing such trivial things. There are lesser people to do that for you. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 28, 2011, 02:11:24 AM F3 anyone?
http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=50270.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=50270.0) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 28, 2011, 07:31:28 PM F3 anyone? http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=50270.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=50270.0) If anyone would be the one to stand up and get that then you'd be that person. [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 29, 2011, 05:17:57 PM If anyone would be the one to stand up and get that then you'd be that person. [Dolph] And then I could test it. Perfect! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 02, 2011, 02:19:44 PM After having such nice weather over the last two days, and from reading the forecasts, I thought we'd have some nice riding weather this weekend. What's with all the rain this morning? ? Sheeiit! >:( >:(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 04, 2011, 05:03:18 PM After having such nice weather over the last two days, and from reading the forecasts, I thought we'd have some nice riding weather this weekend. What's with all the rain this morning? ? Sheeiit! >:( >:( Well, we had a great day yesterday...hope next weekend is the same. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 04, 2011, 07:18:57 PM Just found out about Dolph's (Double Eagle) passing a couple months ago. RIP. Carry on in spirit! [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 05, 2011, 06:16:10 PM AMA is trying to get support rallying behind a bill prohibiting the Administrator of the EPA from authorizing the use of gasoline containing greater than 10 percent ethanol in certain vehicles. Please go through this site and show your support.
http://capwiz.com/amacycle/issues/alert/?alertid=51059636&queueid= (http://capwiz.com/amacycle/issues/alert/?alertid=51059636&queueid=)[capwiz:queue_id] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 05, 2011, 07:02:04 PM AMA is trying to get support rallying behind a bill prohibiting the Administrator of the EPA from authorizing the use of gasoline containing greater than 10 percent ethanol in certain vehicles. Please go through this site and show your support. http://capwiz.com/amacycle/issues/alert/?alertid=51059636&queueid= (http://capwiz.com/amacycle/issues/alert/?alertid=51059636&queueid=)[capwiz:queue_id] Done... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 05, 2011, 11:02:08 PM Riding? Yes. In so far as I can help you avoid all the digging this is the short story, so far as I have been able to piece it together. He was riding solo, as usual, and while trying to make a right hand turn he went off the road on the left side and went down into some sort of ditch or small embankment/small ravine. They didn't find him for a least a day. At the time he was on the BMW S1000RR. Had full gear on and although there wasn't a listed actual cause of death it may have been due to suffocation from mud crammed into the helmet. No actual telling there, but one report said he got his gloves off and may have been trying to get the helmet off. If I am reading too much into this story then please correct me. The guy called it like he saw it and rode as a free spirit. Works for me. [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on July 06, 2011, 01:58:17 AM The guy called it like he saw it and rode as a free spirit. Works for me. [Dolph] My condolences to his family and loved ones. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 06, 2011, 02:26:21 AM You pretty much nailed it Rick. Nate reached out to Randolf's brother, and we heard back from him on here.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on July 12, 2011, 10:31:17 PM If I fall in the fires of combat, don't let them make everyone stand in the damn sun and listen to inflated speeches. Let everyone off work at 9am. This is my wish.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 12, 2011, 11:02:32 PM Der you go. From the working soldier. No truer or more apt words. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 14, 2011, 04:52:49 PM If I fall in the fires of combat, don't let them make everyone stand in the damn sun and listen to inflated speeches. Let everyone off work at 9am. This is my wish. No doubt. I try to take it a step farther: if you feel the need to award me something, please just hand it to me with a hand shake, then move on. Nobody wants to attend another award ceremony. Hell, just leave the paperwork on my desk. This rarely works. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on July 15, 2011, 03:14:50 PM went riding w/ my thurs night group of hooligans. i think my tire didn't have enough air, but i couldn't find the air compressor attachment last night.
had a lot of cops out on the pali. it was rainy, so we went through 13 turns and chilled at norfolk by the c/c yard. really miss just bullshitting w/ the guys. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 18, 2011, 10:25:02 PM My three blocks away neighbor picked up his SF at the docks today and brought it over for me to check out...it's red, my favorite color on a Duc, with bar end mirrors, aftermarket clutch cover, and new Q2s...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 19, 2011, 08:36:26 AM [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 19, 2011, 08:49:07 AM I thinks he's going to need an assist with suspension set up... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on July 22, 2011, 10:41:44 PM VICTORVILLE, Calif. (AP) — A motorcyclist who plowed into a minivan landed unscathed in the back seat, and the driver didn't realize it until he turned into his nearby driveway, authorities said.
"We're calling this one a non-injury collision with a twist," Karen Hunt, spokeswoman for the San Bernardino County sheriff's Victorville station, told the Victorville Daily Press. The van was slowing to make a left turn when the motorcycle rear-ended it Thursday. Callers reporting the accident told authorities: "We don't know where the rider is," and there was concern he might have slid under the van, Hunt said. "That's when it started to sound ominous," she said. In reality, the rider had flown through the van's back window and landed in the backseat. The van driver continued to his home less than a half-block away, where he called out to his wife that he'd been rear-ended and needed to return to the accident scene. As he turned around to back out of the driveway, he saw the dazed biker. The rider's helmet absorbed most of the impact, and he only asked for an ice pack for his hand, Hunt said. He did not receive further medical treatment. Neither man was cited for the accident. Their names were not immediately released. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 22, 2011, 11:31:49 PM :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 11, 2011, 01:58:01 AM couple more days until the hubby comes home. very excited, but at the same time i'm going to rip him a new one.... so conflicted.
[roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 11, 2011, 02:13:40 AM Uh oh.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 11, 2011, 08:32:56 AM couple more days until the hubby comes home. very excited, but at the same time i'm going to rip him a new one.... so conflicted. [roll] The hot kiss followed by the iron fist. [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 11, 2011, 02:18:28 PM :o :o
eHarmony Video Bio (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mTTwcCVajAc#) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on August 11, 2011, 02:37:32 PM :o :o eHarmony Video Bio (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mTTwcCVajAc#) What a catch! She should rather post this on meow-Harmony, or here. http://www.meowcatrescue.org/ (http://www.meowcatrescue.org/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 11, 2011, 03:25:56 PM :o :o eHarmony Video Bio (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mTTwcCVajAc#) Your new S/O?... ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 11, 2011, 03:36:21 PM Nope. I've got a dog. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 11, 2011, 03:52:14 PM Nope. I've got a dog. ;D Your new S/O is a dog?... :o Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 11, 2011, 03:53:12 PM Well... We do generally sleep in the same bed...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 11, 2011, 04:48:01 PM erm....
[leo] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 11, 2011, 06:45:14 PM The hot kiss followed by the iron fist. [laugh] lol, that's exactly what my chinese blood is telling me. Your new S/O is a dog?... :o i think dogs make good s/o. they listen pretty well, can tell ur moods, don't talk back, and term pregnant dog isn't offensive to them. [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 11, 2011, 07:04:18 PM couple more days until the hubby comes home. very excited, but at the same time i'm going to rip him a new one.... so conflicted. [roll] The mariner's age old dilemma, is he gonna get laid or laid-out when he gets home... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 11, 2011, 10:09:14 PM The mariner's age old dilemma, is he gonna get laid or laid-out when he gets home... ;D lol, i've never heard that one before. i should go easy on him, there's plenty of time for him to pay me back... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 11, 2011, 11:18:06 PM :o :o eHarmony Video Bio (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mTTwcCVajAc#) I had to bail fast at the 1:10 mark :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on August 15, 2011, 11:49:47 PM I was just checking the ducati website and found this item to be part of the closing out sale.
http://store.ducatiusa.com/product/365411/986960020/_/Jupiter_Oakley_Sunglasses_%26%238211%3B_Save_15%25 (http://store.ducatiusa.com/product/365411/986960020/_/Jupiter_Oakley_Sunglasses_%26%238211%3B_Save_15%25) Hmmm... 15% discount? (see the original price) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 25, 2011, 02:06:05 AM :o [drool] [bow_down]
(http://i470.photobucket.com/albums/rr62/porsche40/Ducati%20S4RS/DSC01047.jpg) http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=51759.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=51759.0) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 25, 2011, 07:11:48 AM :o [drool] [bow_down] (http://i470.photobucket.com/albums/rr62/porsche40/Ducati%20S4RS/DSC01047.jpg) http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=51759.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=51759.0) Sweet!... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 25, 2011, 08:27:48 AM Beautiful! Fantastic welding. Truly a labor of love though.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 25, 2011, 12:53:20 PM Truly a labor of love though. Mostly. He plans to sell them in time though. I wonder how light I could get the SC with a frame like this, and an alloy swing-arm... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 25, 2011, 12:58:11 PM I wonder how light I could get the SC with a frame like this not as light as your wallet would be after paying for it... ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 25, 2011, 06:08:28 PM As if that's stopped me before...
;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: whackie on August 26, 2011, 03:31:09 AM saw our PV system at work today! [thumbsup]
(http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x218/kahokulani50/aug25.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 26, 2011, 07:38:05 AM That's cool!... [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 26, 2011, 08:29:10 AM Mostly. He plans to sell them in time though. I wonder how light I could get the SC with a frame like this, and an alloy swing-arm... Speaking of lightness, have you put a Nichols flywheel in that bike yet? You'd love it. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 26, 2011, 12:43:27 PM No, sure haven't. It something on the "think about it" list though...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 27, 2011, 10:02:27 AM (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z53/b_upton/Moto/SDrearsetbox.jpg)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 27, 2011, 11:29:21 AM ^^ Hurricane Emergency Life Support Kit?? (Just kidding, sort of. I know what's in the box.) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 27, 2011, 11:43:45 AM ^^ Hurricane Emergency Life Support Kit?? No. That's what the extra ammo I ordered was for. [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 27, 2011, 08:52:39 PM hope you've got your hatches battened down...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 28, 2011, 09:21:10 AM Ben, you should change your name to "Got a box" ;D
On second thought, maybe not .... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on August 29, 2011, 06:02:19 PM I guess this can go here...
(http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/292007_2306485471830_1540095450_2490316_1536912_n.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 29, 2011, 06:38:17 PM Good choice on the Dark.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on August 29, 2011, 06:45:54 PM Good choice on the Dark. it's what was left of the 11s lol I like the dark plastics, but dig on the red frame... oh well. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 29, 2011, 06:48:14 PM Nothing that can't be fixed with a bit of time and money. I've been wanting to do much the same thing (but with an orange frame) to the SD since I've had it.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on August 29, 2011, 08:44:27 PM frame powdercoating is waaaayyyy down the list of potential mods
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 29, 2011, 09:27:14 PM I guess this can go here... (http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/292007_2306485471830_1540095450_2490316_1536912_n.jpg) [thumbsup] I predict you'll like that bike a whole lot more than a Monster before long. When you're all done with break-in and you want to zoom-zoom Tantalus let me know. I'll see if I can steal Dave's HM. [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on August 29, 2011, 10:12:21 PM [thumbsup] I predict you'll like that bike a whole lot more than a Monster before long. When you're all done with break-in and you want to zoom-zoom Tantalus let me know. I'll see if I can steal Dave's HM. [Dolph] idk, I do still love the monster... my back loves the HM's ergos, though. *le sigh* c'est la vie. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on August 31, 2011, 01:04:42 PM off island again. back before Halloween
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 31, 2011, 01:09:59 PM Enjoy Benning. Sucka! ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: zzilla on August 31, 2011, 03:19:14 PM Master Stryker Trainer Course torment me.
(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/51/Stryker_ICV_front_q.jpg/300px-Stryker_ICV_front_q.jpg) Edit: When I graduate, I will be referred to as : El Rey de los Strykers. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 02, 2011, 03:10:58 PM Giving up your current title? What will we do without La Reina de las Hadas?
:-* Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 09, 2011, 04:02:15 PM (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z53/b_upton/Moto/image.jpg)
[thumbsdown] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 10, 2011, 02:28:51 AM Just needs a small ramp on each side. Then [thumbsup] That is the effect of the rains we got this last week, AFTER getting hit by Irene the week before. Several other roads in that area (our normal Sunday morning ride) are in the exact same condition. Feel bad for the people that actually live down there. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 17, 2011, 10:38:54 AM The new issue of MCN that is on the mag stands ( the issue with Mcguinness winning the Isle of Man on the cover ) just absolutely rocks. Fantastic photos and articles including the most in depth analysis I've read yet about the Desmocedici GP10 & GP11.1 (?). Too bad it costs so much.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 18, 2011, 10:21:10 PM Well kids, it's been a fun ride. I really thought I was going to stop into the shop at some point, and I thought I was going to show up at JJ this morning, but moving prep has proven far too excessive for me. We have been at the hotel for 4.5 days now, and I have spent more time at my house doing last minute renovation than here. This afternoon was the first time I even saw the pool.
Anyway, it would have been nice to have been able to give you folk a 'good game' on my way out. Please smack yourselves appropriately, and come see the 'WNG and me on the far side if you get the chance. AlooooooooooooooooooooooooooHA! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on September 19, 2011, 08:12:17 AM :(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 19, 2011, 12:58:48 PM come see the 'WNG and me on the far side if you get the chance. Here here!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 19, 2011, 10:42:34 PM There, there. A big ALOHA to you too Tristan. I'll remember all the good times that were had. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 20, 2011, 02:40:50 AM I'll remember all the good times that were had. [thumbsup] For a while. The mind is the first thing to go you know. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 21, 2011, 08:33:30 AM For a while. The mind is the first thing to go you know. ;D Hah! What do you know kid? I can tell you that various body parts go first. I think. What were we talking about? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on September 21, 2011, 09:19:33 AM What were we talking about? Bingo. it's time for Bingo. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 21, 2011, 01:48:34 PM Oh. And here I was hoping for Jeopardy...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 21, 2011, 03:32:49 PM Oh. And here I was hoping for Jeopardy... Or hungry hungry hippos. Maryland is drab and gray, in case anyone didn't already know that. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on September 21, 2011, 04:29:31 PM Maryland is drab and gray, in case anyone didn't already know that. I did not... at least there's crabs, right? that's gotta be good for something Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 21, 2011, 05:22:09 PM Crabs, and... TONS of good beer!!
And miles and miles of twisty roads as well. Speaking of... Off to the what did you do today thread... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on October 30, 2011, 04:55:04 AM Something seems wrong here
(http://i43.tinypic.com/919jzn.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 30, 2011, 05:56:37 AM Yea, you only scraped part of it.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on October 30, 2011, 09:01:48 AM Yea, you only scraped part of it. That's what the wife scraped out of the goodness of her heart; I finished it (after taking the pic, of course). I then went inside, not realizing she had left the car running, to take a shower. My fuel economy reading this morning was...unimpressive. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 30, 2011, 09:06:51 AM HA!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 30, 2011, 10:32:05 PM And there are those who insist that climate change due to man's influence is junk science. Hah! Let's see what the score is by Spring of 2012.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 21, 2011, 08:35:28 AM This rain, rain, rain stuff is starting to bug me. Not that there is anything I can do about it. :(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on December 21, 2011, 11:43:34 AM +1
lack of rain gear makes the commute kind of.... shit. :( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on December 21, 2011, 02:25:39 PM This rain, rain, rain stuff is starting to bug me. Not that there is anything I can do about it. :( Ditto! I'm finally back on the island for a while and have off until Tuesday AM...this rain needs to go away so I can go play! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 21, 2011, 03:36:14 PM This rain, rain, rain stuff is starting to bug me. Not that there is anything I can do about it. :( +2 Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 21, 2011, 05:17:06 PM Might be putting in for a couple of jobs back down there.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 21, 2011, 07:46:30 PM Might be putting in for a couple of jobs back down there. Seriously? ? You'd give up all of those good roads, a house & all those good beers for this place? [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 21, 2011, 08:01:42 PM Seriously? ? You'd give up all of those good roads, a house & all those good beers for this place? [roll] They're all three year rotations. I'd be looking at the GS-14 equivalent pay band, so it would all be good. Also putting in for a spot in Darmstadt and another in Stuttgart as well. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on December 22, 2011, 12:02:21 AM They're all three year rotations. I'd be looking at the GS-14 equivalent pay band, so it would all be good. Also putting in for a spot in Darmstadt and another in Stuttgart as well. Good luck in the job hunt. Germany is one of Teresa's options after I retire in 2014, but I'm already dreading the winters. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 22, 2011, 03:21:19 PM Good luck in the job hunt. Germany is one of Teresa's options after I retire in 2014, but I'm already dreading the winters. The winters over there really aren't that bad. I lived in der Faterland for four years before moving to Hawaii, and I'd almost say DC winters tend to be colder. Well, all depending on where in Germany you are. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on December 22, 2011, 10:41:41 PM I'd almost say DC winters tend to be colder. You're right, but I've become weak! I have to pack a fleece when it drops to the 70's at night. My neighbors are retired from Canada and live here during the winter...we amuse one another for us being in a warm fleece while they are in comfortable in shorts/t-shirts by the pool! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 23, 2011, 08:47:55 AM It was clear, stars everywhere, & windy cold this morning at 0400 when the dog & I went outside.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 04, 2012, 10:59:51 PM We're watching Kill Bill 2 ( 1 & 2 are among my most favorite movies ever, don't ask me why ) and it is just raining like holy shit outside. Dang. G is going on her annual Vegas trek next week so it will be at least six weeks off the 848 by the time I ride it again.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 04, 2012, 11:15:45 PM G is going on her annual Vegas trek next week so it will be at least six weeks off the 848 by the time I ride it again. She doesn't let you ride while she's gone?... [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 05, 2012, 06:13:44 AM We're watching Kill Bill 2 ( 1 & 2 are among my most favorite movies ever, don't ask me why ) and it is just raining like holy shit outside. Dang. G is going on her annual Vegas trek next week so it will be at least six weeks off the 848 by the time I ride it again. She doesn't let you ride while she's gone?... [roll] [popcorn] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 05, 2012, 06:41:02 AM She doesn't let you ride while she's gone?... [roll] Sure, I can. Just can't be gone too long. Might or might not be worth it. We'll see how things go.Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 05, 2012, 08:33:46 AM Sure, I can. Just can't be gone too long. Might or might not be worth it. We'll see how things go. Hopefully you can get out for a run around the block next Sunday... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 06, 2012, 07:10:11 PM Looking at suitable for summer leather pants again...any comments/experience with these?...
http://www.beachmoto.com/revit/pants/gear.php (http://www.beachmoto.com/revit/pants/gear.php) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 06, 2012, 10:22:12 PM Looking at suitable for summer leather pants again...any comments/experience with these?... http://www.beachmoto.com/revit/pants/gear.php (http://www.beachmoto.com/revit/pants/gear.php) They look pretty good and I might even be interested but why, oh why, do they always have someone model these things that are way too big for the guy? Sure, I want to ride and walk around wearing my big brother's pants, or my Dad's pants. C'mon, for cryin' out loud. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 06, 2012, 10:51:39 PM Sure, I want to ride and walk around wearing my big brother's pants, or my Dad's pants. C'mon, for cryin' out loud. [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on March 07, 2012, 07:53:07 AM They look pretty good and I might even be interested but why, oh why, do they always have someone model these things that are way too big for the guy? Sure, I want to ride and walk around wearing my big brother's pants, or my Dad's pants. C'mon, for cryin' out loud. They certainly aren't fitted, and I'm sure that since they aren't race-oriented the company wants to veer your thoughts away from that style, but it looks like his calves take up the majority of the space in the lower pant legs. Maybe it's the smallest he could comfortably fit? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on March 07, 2012, 08:24:38 AM wearing them over-boot looks a lil funky, but otherwise I don't see the problem with them.
TIL, mac wants to see guys in skinny leather pants :o Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 07, 2012, 08:40:29 AM TIL, mac wants to see guys in skinny leather pants :o [laugh] [laugh] Don't worry, I'd still rather see girls in tight leather pants. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 07, 2012, 08:47:25 AM wearing them over-boot looks a lil funky, but otherwise I don't see the problem with them. They're made to wear over the boot and as such I don't think you can wear them in the boots....was looking at these also, but figured I'm a little old to be projecting the "racer" look... http://www.motorcyclegear.com/street/pants/all_types/fieldsheer/ (http://www.motorcyclegear.com/street/pants/all_types/fieldsheer/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on March 07, 2012, 01:02:04 PM They're made to wear over the boot... I know, but just the way they fit over the dude's boots tighter than his legs is what I thought looked funky. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 07, 2012, 01:37:21 PM ...I'm a little old to be projecting the "racer" look... Why limit yourself? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 09, 2012, 11:49:34 PM Hope no one here suffered any major damage from all this nasty weather we've been having...that said, I witnessed an awesome display of lightning this morning about 5:30...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on March 10, 2012, 12:52:02 AM We had an amazing lightening show as it lit up the Waikiki skyline the other night...unfortunately, the Hilton and a couple of buildings around us were also struck. Of course it stopped as soon as I set up my camera and tripod. I hope everyone is safe & well...hopefully Sunday will clear up for a few hours so we can have a little fun!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 24, 2012, 12:11:29 AM Pretty quiet around here lately. Just sayin'
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on March 24, 2012, 02:12:07 AM sorry... I've been busy.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 24, 2012, 07:51:22 AM Yup, it has...wife's brother and sister are in town...hoping to get away tomorrow for the JJ ride if the weather's decent ...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 24, 2012, 11:55:44 PM Having the proper tools....... priceless.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 25, 2012, 03:04:25 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on March 25, 2012, 09:49:09 AM Having the proper tools....... priceless. DRKWNG is a proper tool, is that what you're getting at? ;D But then, I've never hadhim ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 25, 2012, 10:30:30 AM DRKWNG is a proper tool, is that what you're getting at? ;D But then, I've never hadhim ;) Once a Navy guy, always a Navy guy. No wonder those subs always made you a bit edgy. [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 25, 2012, 10:33:37 AM For? Just about anything, actually, but in this instance I was thinking about getting a clutch hub off which looked pretty nasty at first. With some heat and the proper tool for the job it turned out just fine. Yay! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on March 28, 2012, 12:06:30 AM Just about anything, actually, but in this instance I was thinking about getting a clutch hub off which looked pretty nasty at first. With some heat and the proper tool for the job it turned out just fine. Yay! [thumbsup] I am seeing a pattern here....anything stuck you throw some heat on it. You just like that little torch of yours! [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 28, 2012, 06:40:35 AM [thumbsup] I am seeing a pattern here....anything stuck you throw some heat on it. You just like that little torch of yours! [laugh] I do but for that one I dragged out the big acetylene torch setup. Which reminds me, I have to drag that sucker out of the back again this morning so that Gaspro/Airgas can change the tanks. I didn't want to mess around with that clutch. I remembered Will having a real bad go of it removing the clutch on Majdi's bike. I decided to nuke it from the get go. [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on March 31, 2012, 11:08:59 AM I remembered Will having a real bad go of it removing the clutch on Majdi's bike. I decided to nuke it from the get go. [thumbsup] He probably cursed at my bike under his breath. Will & Shawn were nice enough to charge the extra labor time it took as a warranty issue. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: WillS on March 31, 2012, 10:06:27 PM yours was the only one i ever had stuck like that, it was silly
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 31, 2012, 11:47:55 PM yours was the only one i ever had stuck like that, it was silly I have another engine that I'm playing around with that has two corroded castle nuts on the cams. Even with heat and penetrating oil the nut castle slots are rounding off. I'll probably end up chisel cutting them out. No biggie but still ............ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 09, 2012, 09:24:25 PM how 'bout ol' Bubba winning that green jacket this past weekend?... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 09, 2012, 09:38:55 PM I don't follow golf at all like I used to but that was pretty cool.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 09, 2012, 10:43:24 PM how 'bout ol' Bubba winning that green jacket this past weekend?... ;D He's my fav US golfer And Osthesian ( butchered his name)!! Has the best swing.... If I could choose a swing it be his Really enjoyed watching all the golf!!! I even got to play Honolulu CC on sat...& played well! It was a great weekend! [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 11, 2012, 08:32:43 AM A week, or so, ago I called Summer being here. Boy, was I wrong!! [laugh]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 11, 2012, 11:32:38 AM You too? Last week it was sunny and in the 70s here. Today it's windy as all hell, and in the low 50s.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 17, 2012, 10:19:56 PM from another forum...
http://www.ducati.ms/forums/attachments/ducati-motorcycle-chat/108989d1334689298-how-true-img0045sq.png (http://www.ducati.ms/forums/attachments/ducati-motorcycle-chat/108989d1334689298-how-true-img0045sq.png) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 17, 2012, 11:03:58 PM 2 out of 6 isn't too bad is it? ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on April 18, 2012, 12:14:10 AM 2 out of 6 isn't too bad is it? ;D [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] +1 except I hope mom can wait! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 18, 2012, 02:40:57 AM 2 out of 6 isn't too bad is it? ;D Crash and repair? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 18, 2012, 08:35:19 AM Crash and repair? The wine, cheese & bread you. [wine] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on May 15, 2012, 11:01:27 PM It's official, audi owns Ducati, http://ducati.com/news/acquisition_of_Ducati_Motor_Holding_by_audi_group/index.do (http://ducati.com/news/acquisition_of_Ducati_Motor_Holding_by_audi_group/index.do)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 15, 2012, 11:35:12 PM Ducaudi... [roll]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on May 16, 2012, 08:06:04 AM Ducaudi... [roll] (http://www.awesomenessinabox.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/wambulance1.gif) please, it's not like audi make the beast with two backsed up lambo... it'll be good for ducati. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on May 17, 2012, 11:09:56 AM I'll say potentially good for Ducati. I'm not concerned - Ducati has good sales and a good following, Audi/VW likes to make money. Should'nt be an issue.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 23, 2012, 03:13:52 PM (http://www.awesomenessinabox.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/wambulance1.gif) please, it's not like audi make the beast with two backsed up lambo... it'll be good for ducati. Hmmmm... Interesting speculation. http://www.motorsportmagazine.com/race/motogp/ducati-out-of-motogp-its-not-impossible/ (http://www.motorsportmagazine.com/race/motogp/ducati-out-of-motogp-its-not-impossible/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 23, 2012, 10:23:25 PM That would pretty much be the death knell of MotoGP as we know it.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 23, 2012, 10:24:45 PM I need a set of spare hands on Saturday, only for about a half hour or 45 minutes. Anyone?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on May 23, 2012, 10:42:24 PM I need a set of spare hands on Saturday, only for about a half hour or 45 minutes. Anyone? To.......take down a military armory in the hopes of taking over the world? I'm flying out to CA early Sunday so I have a busy day Saturday. I can help out early Sat morning if you don't get another offer. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on May 23, 2012, 10:49:14 PM I need a set of spare hands on Saturday, only for about a half hour or 45 minutes. Anyone? Have early tee time Sat. I am free 8-1130 Sun If needed [thumbsup] Did you call about cover ? Raymond came by yesterday...he has 17 left Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 23, 2012, 11:13:39 PM Thanks guys but this would be in the 11:30 to 12:30 range on Sat only. If no one can then no one can and no worries.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on May 24, 2012, 07:52:46 AM Hmmmm... Interesting speculation. http://www.motorsportmagazine.com/race/motogp/ducati-out-of-motogp-its-not-impossible/ (http://www.motorsportmagazine.com/race/motogp/ducati-out-of-motogp-its-not-impossible/) even the article mentions how ducati pulled out of WSBK... that was well before any VAG speculation Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on May 24, 2012, 07:54:41 AM Thanks guys but this would be in the 11:30 to 12:30 range on Sat only. If no one can then no one can and no worries. if I'm not working I could prolly lend a hand Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 24, 2012, 02:24:20 PM if I'm not working I could prolly lend a hand That would be cool. If you have to work I understand. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on May 24, 2012, 03:22:42 PM Thanks guys but this would be in the 11:30 to 12:30 range on Sat only. If no one can then no one can and no worries. Sorry Rick, I won't be back on the island until later that night. If your schedule changes, I'm any time on Sunday. From the looks of it, I won't be riding until I'm able to replace my front tire on Mon/Tues. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 24, 2012, 07:26:00 PM Sorry Rick, I won't be back on the island until later that night. If your schedule changes, I'm any time on Sunday. From the looks of it, I won't be riding until I'm able to replace my front tire on Mon/Tues. Thanks. We'll see how things go on Sat. What's with the front tire? On either bike? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on May 24, 2012, 09:07:38 PM I think I ran over broken glass during my last run through Tant w/ Gene & Jing. The front tire on the BMW was flat the following morning w/ ~800 miles on it! I purchased a set of Q2's for $219 while at Thunderbolt...since I was quoted $270 at South Seas for the front OEM Metzler tire!
I'm sorry I just realized I never told you...I sold my 1198 prior to my trip to the Philippines...otherwise, you would have the cans I promised you. Which reminds me to update my profile. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 24, 2012, 09:45:32 PM I think I ran over broken glass during my last run through Tant w/ Gene & Jing. The front tire on the BMW was flat the following morning w/ ~800 miles on it! I purchased a set of Q2's for $219 while at Thunderbolt...since I was quoted $270 at South Seas for the front OEM Metzler tire! I'm sorry I just realized I never told you...I sold my 1198 prior to my trip to the Philippines...otherwise, you would have the cans I promised you. Which reminds me to update my profile. No worries. [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on May 25, 2012, 03:30:57 PM bah, sorry mac...
I wonder which of todays five jobs is the one I get to deal with first tomorrow [roll] baby threat level is well into yellow. I must seek out a pint or two [drink] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 25, 2012, 10:23:13 PM baby threat level is well into yellow. I must seek out a pint or two [drink] Already found my pints! [drink] No worries. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 31, 2012, 07:45:20 PM One fast Duc... :o
http://now.msn.com/now/0531-ny-biker-speed.aspx (http://now.msn.com/now/0531-ny-biker-speed.aspx) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 31, 2012, 10:46:14 PM One fast Duc... :o http://now.msn.com/now/0531-ny-biker-speed.aspx (http://now.msn.com/now/0531-ny-biker-speed.aspx) Well.......... none of the articles, so far, mention what type of motorcycle he was on. The picture shown is just a press file pic and most likely is not our man. Plus, no 748 would hit that speed unless maybe you dropped it out of a plane. You'd have to have a pretty specially set up bike to get that speed. Not even the Panigale or the new S1000RR will reach that number running stock. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 31, 2012, 10:57:47 PM Well.......... none of the articles, so far, mention what type of motorcycle he was on. The picture shown is just a press file pic and most likely is not our man. Plus, no 748 would hit that speed unless maybe you dropped it out of a plane. You'd have to have a pretty specially set up bike to get that speed. Not even the Panigale or the new S1000RR will reach that number running stock. Yeah, I figured maybe he found himself an old 990 MotoGP bike laying around and was out for a test ride... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 01, 2012, 01:02:36 AM Most likely either a 1098R, DD16 or the press lying. 8)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on June 01, 2012, 08:08:38 AM it's gotta be a 'busa...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 01, 2012, 08:38:06 AM Most likely either a 1098R, DD16 or the press lying. 8) The press, or the cops, lying? Y'thnk? [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 01, 2012, 08:38:43 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 01, 2012, 01:37:03 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 01, 2012, 02:48:56 PM Extended and chromed. Like the guy who lived across the street from me on red hill. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on June 01, 2012, 05:27:29 PM Hotrod 'Busa. [Dolph] I wonder if he had a set of the Pirelli Diablo Rains. I hear they stick like glue in the wet...especially when trying to get 200mph trap speeds through town! [thumbsdown] (http://www.pirelli.com/mediaObject/pirellityre/ww/en/catalogue/motorcycle/diablo_rain/moto_alt_img_diablo_rain_set/original/moto_alt_img_diablo_rain_set.png) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 15, 2012, 12:50:59 PM Women just don't get it...
http://postimage.org/image/e7expgajn/ (http://postimage.org/image/e7expgajn/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on June 15, 2012, 07:01:59 PM [laugh]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 26, 2012, 11:11:59 PM I think my sister and brother in law lost their house in the Waldo Canyon Fire at Colorado Springs. I'll know more tomorrow. I hope they are blessed but it doesn't look good as of tonight.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 26, 2012, 11:47:37 PM I think my sister and brother in law lost their house in the Waldo Canyon Fire at Colorado Springs. I'll know more tomorrow. I hope they are blessed but it doesn't look good as of tonight. Damn!... [thumbsdown] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on June 26, 2012, 11:53:00 PM Sorry to hear that Mac....thoughts and prayer's are with your sister & brother-in-law.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 27, 2012, 01:14:57 AM Bad news indeed if they did lose it. Positive thoughts go your and their way.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on June 27, 2012, 02:45:14 PM Damn is right. Any update?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 27, 2012, 10:33:51 PM Thanks for all the kind words. The news has actually been spotty since yesterday. Apart from what my sister tells me the actual press hasn't really updated much since yesterday. No one is really saying what sections of homes have burned. It is burning at the top of the Blodgett Peak above her place. The question is will it, or did it, come down the side of the mountain to the houses on Peregrine? There were some horrific photos on the news websites very early this morning but I can't find them anymore. It's like some censure thing may be going on.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 29, 2012, 10:08:49 PM Here is an aerial photo -- googleearth or something like that. Not a fire damage photos but there are orange lines where the fire line was. My sister's house is two houses to the left of the red X house and across the street. Close, very close.
(http://i738.photobucket.com/albums/xx24/rickmch/bethfire.png) The house is still standing as verified through binoculars but they haven't been allowed to go back yet. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 29, 2012, 10:58:39 PM Wow!...hope things continue to go their way...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 14, 2012, 06:40:58 PM Tomorrow is the second Lahaina Noon day of our year. 12:37 pm the sun will be directly overhead and no shadows will be cast unless you are looking straight down. I keep missing this and will try like all get out to be watching for it.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on July 15, 2012, 07:54:11 AM I caught that last year and took some pictures of the flagpole on base. It was neat, but not photographically interesting.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 22, 2012, 11:59:57 PM saw this on the tube last night...
New Jack in the Box® Commercial - Swavory - Waffle Breakfast Sandwich (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF4CyF5BbqE#) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 24, 2012, 10:19:57 AM saw this on the tube last night... New Jack in the Box® Commercial - Swavory - Waffle Breakfast Sandwich (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF4CyF5BbqE#) I can't believe that no one here found that to be funny... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on August 24, 2012, 12:00:39 PM I can't believe that no one here found that to be funny... I 'm with you FP.... [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] Kinda surprised JIB would go there though... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 24, 2012, 03:04:12 PM I 'm with you FP.... [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] Kinda surprised JIB would go there though... Maybe it was too risque for the forum... [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 24, 2012, 03:15:44 PM No
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 24, 2012, 04:34:30 PM No maybe the word "nonookie" needs and explanation... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on August 24, 2012, 07:49:19 PM There's just nothing funny about nonookie!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 25, 2012, 05:26:50 AM There's just nothing funny about nonookie! Eggzactly! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 20, 2012, 08:49:06 AM Rain......rain.....rain....... & SOUEST is predicting more this weekend, esp. Sat night and possibly Sunday as the remnants of Tropical Storm Lane moves through. :P
Stay tuned ........ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 02, 2012, 03:14:44 PM 848 with an alloy tank. That is all...
(http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z53/b_upton/Moto/SBK-848evo-Corse-SE_2013_Studio_C01_1920x1080mediagallery_output_image_1920x1080.png) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 02, 2012, 03:57:46 PM 848 with an alloy tank. That is all... and this is replacing.....? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 02, 2012, 04:00:24 PM Doubt anything. Just stating that they're now available from the factory.
(http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z53/b_upton/Moto/SBK-848evo-Corse-SE_2013_Studio_C01_1920x1080mediagallery_output_image_1920x1080.png) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 02, 2012, 06:07:52 PM Nice...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 02, 2012, 10:27:28 PM Doubt anything. Just stating that they're now available from the factory. (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z53/b_upton/Moto/SBK-848evo-Corse-SE_2013_Studio_C01_1920x1080mediagallery_output_image_1920x1080.png) While I can't say that I've ever been a fan of any of the Dark or Stealth versions of any of the various models offered I have to say that this one has some very nice touches. Yes. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on October 03, 2012, 08:21:30 AM +1
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 11, 2012, 08:34:50 AM I'll have somewhat limited internet contact for a bit. There is some sort of connection problem at home. I tried re-booting the modem several times. Tried a new coax cable. No luck. Got Oceanic to give me a new modem and a new splitter. No luck. The modem doesn't want to boot up to allow the internet connection. HD TV works just fine. Oceanic can't see me until the 20th as that's the first day where my schedule works with theirs. >:(
Good thing I have a wireless laptop. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on October 12, 2012, 12:53:05 AM That sucks. :-\
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 12, 2012, 08:22:32 AM During the week not so bad. We have a guest wireless connection here at work for our customers that I can tap into. On the weekend I'll have to stop in a Starbucks or Whole Foods. Guess I'll have to take one of the Ducati's down with the laptop in a shoulder bag. [puke]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on October 12, 2012, 09:02:23 AM During the week not so bad. We have a guest wireless connection here at work for our customers that I can tap into. On the weekend I'll have to stop in a Starbucks or Whole Foods. Guess I'll have to take one of the Ducati's down with the laptop in a shoulder bag. [puke] Ducatis....as in plural!! What you got other than the 848? ??? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 12, 2012, 12:15:18 PM Hyper, or Tori's monster.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on October 12, 2012, 12:28:38 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on October 12, 2012, 10:08:01 PM No not Ducatis as in plural. Ducati's as in they own you.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on October 13, 2012, 01:06:09 AM No not Ducatis as in plural. Ducati's as in they own you. [evil] [evil] [bow_down] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 13, 2012, 07:04:19 PM KTM 1290 Superduke R...
http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/667/14888/Motorcycle-Article/KTM-1290-Super-Duke-R-Prototype-First-Look.aspx (http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/667/14888/Motorcycle-Article/KTM-1290-Super-Duke-R-Prototype-First-Look.aspx) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on November 14, 2012, 07:11:56 AM Oh hell yeah!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 14, 2012, 08:06:47 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 14, 2012, 12:15:37 PM more... [evil]
KTM 1290 Super Duke R Prototype (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h1e9oulMd8&feature=player_embedded#) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 15, 2012, 06:25:29 AM more... [evil] KTM 1290 Super Duke R Prototype (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h1e9oulMd8&feature=player_embedded#) What? ? Is that Streetfighter of yours getting a little long in the tooth? Got used to the power? Feeling the need for something more? [evil] ;D [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on November 15, 2012, 06:57:39 AM "If enough is good, more has got to be better" - Peter D. Jones
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on November 15, 2012, 09:43:45 AM Whoa...... [evil] [evil] [evil] [evil] [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 15, 2012, 10:11:31 AM What? ? Is that Streetfighter of yours getting a little long in the tooth? Got used to the power? Feeling the need for something more? [evil] ;D [evil] Not really, just think that the KTM is peachy keen, that's all... :-* Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on November 15, 2012, 11:06:09 AM Not really, just think that the KTM is peachy keen, that's all... :-* Yes...that SD is peachy! Oh, to have that kind of power on tap [evil] [evil]....and a suitable place to unleash it [thumbsup] How does that 1290 stack up to the Duc 1098 SF....power, weight & price? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 15, 2012, 01:14:08 PM How does that 1290 stack up to the Duc 1098 SF....power, weight & price? The KTM that is pictured is a prototype...I'm guessing that a production model would weigh about the same as the SF, cost a bit less and pack a bigger punch... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 15, 2012, 09:00:05 PM This looks interesting for those Tantalus runs... [evil]
http://blogs.motorcyclistonline.com/2013-ducati-hypermotard-and-hyperstrada-news-from-eicma-30041.html (http://blogs.motorcyclistonline.com/2013-ducati-hypermotard-and-hyperstrada-news-from-eicma-30041.html) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 15, 2012, 09:26:22 PM This looks interesting for those Tantalus runs... [evil] http://blogs.motorcyclistonline.com/2013-ducati-hypermotard-and-hyperstrada-news-from-eicma-30041.html (http://blogs.motorcyclistonline.com/2013-ducati-hypermotard-and-hyperstrada-news-from-eicma-30041.html) I don't think they went in the right direction. Have to check the specs but there might not be much horsepower diff and might be less torque. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 15, 2012, 09:29:04 PM more... [evil] KTM 1290 Super Duke R Prototype (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h1e9oulMd8&feature=player_embedded#) I bet KTM will have a hit here and this bike will put them on the street bike map. I'll wager that the entire US allotment will be sold out before the bike lands here. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on November 15, 2012, 09:53:34 PM I bet KTM will have a hit here and this bike will put them on the street bike map. I'll wager that the entire US allotment will be sold out before the bike lands here. The commercial is enticing....... that said a Professional rider can make any/most bikes look like a bat out of hell....but I think that bike is!! [evil] [evil] [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on November 16, 2012, 12:28:54 AM It appears Ducati decided to release the 1199R. According to a British journal "expect it to cost £30,000. And probably, ultimately, half of everything you own." Only a current or previous Ducati owner would appreciate their humor! [evil]
http://www.ducati.com/bikes/superbike/1199_panigale_r/index.do (http://www.ducati.com/bikes/superbike/1199_panigale_r/index.do) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 16, 2012, 08:43:09 AM The commercial is enticing....... that said a Professional rider can make any/most bikes look like a bat out of hell....but I think that bike is!! [evil] [evil] [evil] That commercial works for me! It was a big hit here in the shop last night & Chris is already hooked and trying to figure out how he can get one when they come out. [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 16, 2012, 08:47:47 AM I bet KTM will have a hit here and this bike will put them on the street bike map. I'll wager that the entire US allotment will be sold out before the bike lands here. The new bike gains 10 extra horsepower at the crank but gives up 10 ft lbs of torque. So go figure. The new bike is also listed at 385 lbs dry weight as opposed to 394 dry for the current Hyper. Well that's dry so you have to add in coolant. Big deal. It'd be pretty much of a wash. They claim longer service intervals but then you are servicing a Testastetta engine as opposed to a Desmodue. There, I did some homework. [roll] All in all, I think I'd prefer the current model just for simplicity. [Dolph] Damn! Grabbed the wrong quote.... [laugh]....but you know what I'm refering to. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on November 16, 2012, 03:52:02 PM The new bike gains 10 extra horsepower at the crank but gives up 10 ft lbs of torque. So go figure. The new bike is also listed at 385 lbs dry weight as opposed to 394 dry for the current Hyper. Well that's dry so you have to add in coolant. Big deal. It'd be pretty much of a wash. They claim longer service intervals but then you are servicing a Testastetta engine as opposed to a Desmodue. There, I did some homework. [roll] All in all, I think I'd prefer the current model just for simplicity. [Dolph] Damn! Grabbed the wrong quote.... [laugh]....but you know what I'm refering to. ??? ??? ??? [laugh] I was wondering So, Chris wants a 1290SD Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on December 03, 2012, 02:08:18 AM Do you think its too late to email Santa's workshop in the North Pole?!
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PEGRAM-RACING-BMW-S1000RR-AMA-SUPERBIKE-RACE-BIKE-TRACK-/200855205830?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item2ec3e737c6#ht_1449wt_1165 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PEGRAM-RACING-BMW-S1000RR-AMA-SUPERBIKE-RACE-BIKE-TRACK-/200855205830?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item2ec3e737c6#ht_1449wt_1165) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on December 03, 2012, 09:32:14 AM Do you think its too late to email Santa's workshop in the North Pole?! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PEGRAM-RACING-BMW-S1000RR-AMA-SUPERBIKE-RACE-BIKE-TRACK-/200855205830?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item2ec3e737c6#ht_1449wt_1165 (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PEGRAM-RACING-BMW-S1000RR-AMA-SUPERBIKE-RACE-BIKE-TRACK-/200855205830?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item2ec3e737c6#ht_1449wt_1165) Whoa.....that's a nice bike! [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 03, 2012, 07:07:11 PM Who wants to go down to South Seas and Montgomery Cycles to see what, if any, current sport bikes (other than the R1 and the Panigale/848SE) have metal tanks?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: rz3r0 on December 03, 2012, 07:21:14 PM Who wants to go down to South Seas and Montgomery Cycles to see what, if any, current sport bikes (other than the R1 and the Panigale/848SE) have metal tanks? Doesn't the CBR 600/1000RR have metal tanks? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 03, 2012, 07:23:38 PM I put a magnet against the tank of a CBR1K at last year's IMS, and it slid right off. Don't see a chance in hell that they're using aluminum tanks on those bikes with the price they sell them at either.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on December 03, 2012, 07:52:04 PM I put a magnet against the tank of a CBR1K at last year's IMS, and it slid right off. Don't see a chance in hell that they're using aluminum tanks on those bikes with the price they sell them at either. Huh.... Never heard of the CBR tanks swelling tho After more thought don't they a steel tank with plastic fairing cover over them? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 03, 2012, 09:32:50 PM Who wants to go down to South Seas and Montgomery Cycles to see what, if any, current sport bikes (other than the R1 and the Panigale/848SE) have metal tanks? Unless there have been big changes the gixxers should have metal tanks. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 04, 2012, 08:24:44 PM Test ride gone bad...
http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog/43989/motorcycle+journalist+crashes+on+dock+falls+10-plus+feet+into+sailboat/ (http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog/43989/motorcycle+journalist+crashes+on+dock+falls+10-plus+feet+into+sailboat/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 18, 2012, 04:11:05 PM http://www.bikeradar.com/news/article/cardboard-helmet-passes-safety-tests-35999/ (http://www.bikeradar.com/news/article/cardboard-helmet-passes-safety-tests-35999/)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 20, 2012, 02:34:43 PM OK, it's been different, and the rain has been needed, but I'm ready for a break in this Winter weather.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 20, 2012, 03:10:46 PM I'm ready for a break in this Winter weather. Shut it! ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 20, 2012, 09:59:28 PM OK, it's been different, and the rain has been needed, but I'm ready for a break in this Winter weather. Supposed to be nice on Sunday... [Dolph]...but if it's not, I'm going out to the carport in the morning, start the SF, and then sit and listen & smell it for 10 minutes or so... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on December 20, 2012, 10:04:48 PM Supposed to be nice on Sunday... [Dolph]...but if it's not, I'm going out to the carport in the morning, start the SF, and then sit and listen & smell it for 10 minutes or so... ah FP....even if the weather is a little sketchy..start up the SF and take a cruise around the neighborhood it will still be 80*.. ;D ;D ;D ;D [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 21, 2012, 06:02:15 PM hopin' for a Christmas eve day delivery... [evil]
https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input?qtc_tLabels1=03102640000091126498&qtc_senddate1=&qtc_zipcode1= Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on December 21, 2012, 09:18:19 PM Hmmmm.....what's in the box?! [popcorn]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 21, 2012, 09:27:49 PM Hmmmm.....what's in the box?! [popcorn] I'll post a pic when it gets here... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on December 21, 2012, 10:10:14 PM [popcorn] [popcorn] [popcorn]
[Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on December 22, 2012, 04:39:25 AM OK, it's been different, and the rain has been needed, but I'm ready for a break in this Winter weather. Me, I'm ready for winter weather to start! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: rz3r0 on December 24, 2012, 09:04:39 PM Wishing a safe and fun Christmas for everyone! ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 24, 2012, 10:36:09 PM +1... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 25, 2012, 09:17:20 AM +2
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 25, 2012, 01:12:34 PM So much for the somewhat well laid plan of taking the R1100S into town today so that I could have a nice cold bike to start working on over the weekend. Rain....rain....rain..... I guess I'll have to settle for good company, good food, good music and old, classic movies.
Merry Christmas again all! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on December 25, 2012, 01:14:05 PM Happy Festivus, merry Christmas and a belated happy Hanukkah to all. [drink]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 25, 2012, 01:57:32 PM I guess I'll have to settle for good company, good food, good music and old, classic movies. Way better than a rainy bike ride anyday... [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 04, 2013, 02:29:50 PM Hmmmm.....what's in the box?! [popcorn] A pair of these... ;D (http://i46.tinypic.com/6sfdkw.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on January 04, 2013, 02:47:06 PM Ooh la la..... [thumbsup]
Very nice FP!! are those lighter than the stock? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 04, 2013, 02:54:44 PM Ooh la la..... [thumbsup] Very nice FP!! are those lighter than the stock? About 3lbs combined...stock are Enkeis, while these are forged aluminum Marchesinis off of the Streetfighter S... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on January 04, 2013, 04:44:28 PM Wow, someone must have been nice in 2012, but will be naughty(on the road) in 2013?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 04, 2013, 07:08:04 PM Wow, someone must have been nice in 2012, but will be naughty(on the road) in 2013? [evil]...won't have them mounted up for a week though...autocrossing this Sunday anyways. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 04, 2013, 10:41:31 PM A pair of these... ;D (http://i46.tinypic.com/6sfdkw.jpg) BTW...... nice goin' ...... [thumbsup] Gene ups the mod ante. [beer] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 05, 2013, 05:43:46 PM Gene ups the mod ante. [beer] Wanted to add some functional bling... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 06, 2013, 12:38:21 PM Testing
(http://i738.photobucket.com/albums/xx24/rickmch/Stuff%20for%20Sale/IMG_1153_zpscd8253c4.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 06, 2013, 12:39:21 PM It worked. Photo file transfer on my Mac that is.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 06, 2013, 06:58:29 PM It worked. Photo file transfer on my Mac that is. Cool... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 15, 2013, 10:55:57 AM It sure looks nice out there this morning. I just about can't stand it that it looks so good. Hard to believe that the weather people are calling for big rain later.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on March 15, 2013, 11:31:24 AM It sure looks nice out there this morning. I just about can't stand it that it looks so good. Hard to believe that the weather people are calling for big rain later. Yes, gorgeous right now at 930am Im thinking quick Tantalus run ....before the showers [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 25, 2013, 11:13:02 AM Another beautiful day on the Town side of the island this morning. When I left Kailua it still looked like yesterday. [thumbsdown] Sometimes I can't believe it's the same island. [roll]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 25, 2013, 11:34:42 AM For the record... Rick, you shouldn't have any issues getting glasses to fit under a Bell Star if you're still riding with those Oakleys that I scored you.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on March 25, 2013, 12:26:16 PM Another beautiful day on the Town side of the island this morning. When I left Kailua it still looked like yesterday. [thumbsdown] Sometimes I can't believe it's the same island. [roll] Yes sir....gorgeous day here @ DH [clap] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 25, 2013, 07:25:28 PM For the record... Rick, you shouldn't have any issues getting glasses to fit under a Bell Star if you're still riding with those Oakleys that I scored you. I don't think so either. But where did this come from? ? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 25, 2013, 07:28:20 PM Just saying... You said something about being interested in that bucket, right?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on March 26, 2013, 01:40:45 PM Hi Guy's
I need some advice or direction..... Where I rent I have digital cable, including Speed TV....& Road Runner. Right now I am using an Apple ipad exclusively for online. I want to catch all the racing that wont be covered by Speed....that being BeIN Network. What would the best way to go about this? Pay the additional $10 to Oceanic....BTW I dont have DVR or I understand that I can subscribe to BeIN online & maybe download the races and play them back thru my TV at my leisure....is that possible? Thanks Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 26, 2013, 07:04:21 PM I think the only racing beIN covers is WSBK and if the rest of the programs are anything like Phillips Island then they run 5 to 5 1/2 hours long. You almost need a DVR for that unless you watch it live. I know the last races were eventually shown on YouTube. Not sure how the beIN download works.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 26, 2013, 07:05:32 PM BTW -- who do you have doing your front forks for you?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on March 26, 2013, 08:11:45 PM BTW -- who do you have doing your front forks for you? S Sea's Ducati Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 26, 2013, 10:16:12 PM S Sea's Ducati Should be a fast turn around then. [thumbsup] You could be ready to go by the weekend after yes/no? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on March 26, 2013, 11:53:48 PM The service guy said would be ready after lunch....I am dropping forks off at 10am
Yeah I should be up and going that afternoon; without any unforeseen issues!!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 30, 2013, 05:09:58 PM Jing, talk to me about your tankless water heater. What are your thoughts about it now that it's been installed for a bit?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on March 30, 2013, 11:45:14 PM We definitely like our new tankless water heater. The one we got was Jacuzzi 7.5 GPM 180000 BTU Indoor Gas Tankless Water Heater from Lowes ($650 on sale) plus a separate exhaust pipe ($100) for the venting. Since my exiting water heater was a propane one, so it was just replacing and connecting to existing pipes with mounting on the wall.
We have three bathrooms total. My wife and I can take shower at the same time in different bathrooms and the flow and temp remains constant and hot. You do need to run the water for a bit before you get the hot water or let them go through the pipes. Tankless water heater should work well in Hawaii since our normal water temperature is not too low. I think natural or propane is def more efficient as compare to electric. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 31, 2013, 08:34:03 AM I so wish I had natural gas service to my place. I'm stuck with all electric, and it sucks!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on April 01, 2013, 04:04:14 AM I so wish I had natural gas service to my place. I'm stuck with all electric, and it sucks! I am not certain, but if you use 220V for the water heater, that may work well, just not sure how much labor will cost you. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 01, 2013, 04:22:05 AM I am not certain, but if you use 220V for the water heater, that may work well, just not sure how much labor will cost you. They've got electric versions available, and I figured that's what you had gotten. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 01, 2013, 11:43:09 AM Happy Birthday MD, hope you have a great day!... [beer]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 01, 2013, 11:59:47 AM Happy Birthday MD, hope you have a great day!... [beer] Thanks for the thought. It's a fake birthday though, one that I created somewhere just because I had to fill out a data field. The real birthday is hidden. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 01, 2013, 12:49:27 PM I shoulda known...have a great day aways... [roll]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on April 03, 2013, 02:39:31 AM HA! :-)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 17, 2013, 03:40:12 PM from another forum...
http://www.superhawkforum.com/forums/everything-else-31/your-brain-motorcycle-30185/ (http://www.superhawkforum.com/forums/everything-else-31/your-brain-motorcycle-30185/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on May 21, 2013, 06:49:14 PM +1
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on May 26, 2013, 02:25:29 AM A motorcycle racing arm/leg amputee...the video is both, humbling and inspiring! I thought you'd enjoy seeing the video.
http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/halloffame/alan-kempster-mehrfach-amputierter-racer-left-side-story-gaensehaut-hut-ab.htm (http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/halloffame/alan-kempster-mehrfach-amputierter-racer-left-side-story-gaensehaut-hut-ab.htm) Cheers, Majdi Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on May 30, 2013, 05:01:43 PM Anne and Brian had little baby AnneBrian.
https://m.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=4208535910256&id=1790714103&set=a.1154603323850.18544.1790714103&__user=654426213 Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 30, 2013, 10:52:08 PM Anne and Brian had little baby AnneBrian. https://m.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=4208535910256&id=1790714103&set=a.1154603323850.18544.1790714103&__user=654426213 [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 30, 2013, 11:45:35 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 16, 2013, 11:16:32 AM Happy Father's Day to those of you out there that have sired an offspring... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 26, 2013, 09:06:46 AM News from the Windward Side this morning:
You would sure have a hard time convincing me that summer is here. We spent last night under water. Honolulu doesn't look so bad and at least the streets are dry compared to the last two mornings. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 04, 2013, 12:16:43 PM Happy 4th of July to all of you!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 04, 2013, 12:30:41 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 04, 2013, 08:10:11 PM The stuff that helps make up celebrations:
(http://i738.photobucket.com/albums/xx24/rickmch/beer/IMG_1158_zps567aa118.jpg) (http://s738.photobucket.com/user/rickmch/media/beer/IMG_1158_zps567aa118.jpg.html) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on July 04, 2013, 08:12:58 PM [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on August 02, 2013, 02:00:22 PM I have been watching many of the video's from here http://www.petrolicious.com (http://www.petrolicious.com), some of the cars are just so mesmerizing, especially on the E30 M3. FP, if your son ever need to sell his, please consider me. ;-)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 02, 2013, 03:07:45 PM I have been watching many of the video's from here http://www.petrolicious.com (http://www.petrolicious.com), some of the cars are just so mesmerizing, especially on the E30 M3. FP, if your son ever need to sell his, please consider me. ;-) I'll let you know if he ever comes to that decision...however, as I mentioned on another forum, I believe that he would give up a testicle before letting the car go... ;D My favorite E30M3 video...I play it for my grandson, breaking him in early... Rally: Patrick Snijers - Forceful Driving (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJB8BtkSEHM#) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 02, 2013, 05:15:25 PM That is badass! The E30 is still my favorite of all M3s. I'd LOVE to have one of those.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 03, 2013, 12:05:33 AM That is badass! The E30 is still my favorite of all M3s. I'd LOVE to have one of those. I have lots of time in the E30 M3 and even did a Skip Barber driving school in them. As cool as they are they take a lot of love and are super hard to find in any kind of good shape. I think the E46 M3 with a stick is still the one. Actually, the one is an M Roadster with the S54 engine. [thumbsup] [thumbsup] If I had one of those I'd loose my license fast. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 03, 2013, 09:00:38 AM Actually, the one is an M Roadster with the S54 engine. Fun car, but twitchy rear end...at an autocross we had one come across the finish line assbackwards...;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 03, 2013, 08:35:56 PM Fun car, but twitchy rear end...at an autocross we one come across the finish line assbackwards...;D My kind of car! ;D ;D What kind of time? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on August 06, 2013, 11:16:13 PM This is really cool, makes me want to buy a 2002 and restore it, especially after him talking about how much it cost at the end of the video. :o BMW M2: Bavarian Wonder (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE5jJSWi1jo#) There is one on the big island for sale, $2500. hmmm...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 20, 2013, 04:27:32 PM http://www.youtube.com/embed/iKqpvriKZuA (http://www.youtube.com/embed/iKqpvriKZuA)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 20, 2013, 11:58:43 PM http://www.youtube.com/embed/iKqpvriKZuA (http://www.youtube.com/embed/iKqpvriKZuA) Yay! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on August 21, 2013, 08:15:02 AM [clap]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 28, 2013, 02:18:31 PM oddest thing...for the two tanks of fuel prior to my recent TPS reset I averaged 30 mpg, for the three tanks after the reset I'm averaging 35 mpg, which is pretty much what I generally get...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on August 28, 2013, 07:00:01 PM Maybe it has to do with the way you are riding? Less [evil] since the [leo] incident?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 28, 2013, 07:05:18 PM Maybe it has to do with the way you are riding? Less [evil] since the [leo] incident? possible...except for the fact that 30 mpg was not standard fare, I've averaged about 35-36 for the life of the bike... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on September 22, 2013, 12:02:16 PM Thought you guys might enjoy this.
http://www.petrolicious.com/airhead-revival (http://www.petrolicious.com/airhead-revival) (video) http://www.petrolicious.com/this-bmw-build-project-spanned-six-states-and-1-200-miles (http://www.petrolicious.com/this-bmw-build-project-spanned-six-states-and-1-200-miles) (pics) and his 356 build up. http://sharoncol.balkowitsch.com/porsche356.htm (http://sharoncol.balkowitsch.com/porsche356.htm) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 09, 2013, 08:44:35 AM I'm beginning to think that we are going to be in for a pretty wet winter this year. :(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 09, 2013, 12:04:30 PM I'm beginning to think that we are going to be in for a pretty wet winter this year. :( Please don't say that... :( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 10, 2013, 09:42:20 AM I'm beginning to think that we are going to be in for a pretty wet winter this year. :( After contemplating your thought for a bit I'd say I'm okay with that...as long as most Sundays are relatively dry... :) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 10, 2013, 10:12:58 PM After contemplating your thought for a bit I'd say I'm okay with that...as long as most Sundays are relatively dry... :) During dinner tonight Gloria asked me if Winter was coming and if it was going to get cold & rainy. I told her that over here cold is a relative term. [roll] ( She sleeps with a blanket on her side of the bed even in Summer [laugh] ) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 11, 2013, 02:39:01 AM Take her to Colorado. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 11, 2013, 08:29:39 AM Take her to Colorado. ;) I did already. Two or three years ago almost to the day. It was snowing in October in Colorado Springs. ;D I keep threatening her that we are going to move there. She says I can go and the dog and her will come visit in the summer. [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 11, 2013, 08:31:55 AM On that note when we left for work this morning it was clear sky & stars overhead but lots of lightning flashes to the north of us. Got the flash flood warning on the radio while driving into town.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 11, 2013, 10:13:18 AM On that note when we left for work this morning it was clear sky & stars overhead but lots of lightning flashes to the north of us. Saw that too, lighting things up a bit early in the morning... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: freeflydive on October 11, 2013, 05:44:01 PM I saw this photo and made me think of someone...just can't place his name! [beer]
(http://www.motorcycle.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Top-10-Motorcycles-for-Wheelies.jpg) http://www.motorcycle.com/top10/top-10-motorcycles-wheelies.html (http://www.motorcycle.com/top10/top-10-motorcycles-wheelies.html) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 11, 2013, 07:55:46 PM I saw this photo and made me think of someone...just can't place his name! [beer] (http://www.motorcycle.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Top-10-Motorcycles-for-Wheelies.jpg) http://www.motorcycle.com/top10/top-10-motorcycles-wheelies.html (http://www.motorcycle.com/top10/top-10-motorcycles-wheelies.html) [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 12, 2013, 08:06:04 AM Wrong duck. [cheeky]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 12, 2013, 08:35:32 AM Wrong duck. [cheeky] There's a side of me that is quietly looking for one those! [beer] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 12, 2013, 10:58:21 AM They're always popping up around here.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on October 14, 2013, 12:30:33 AM There's a side of me that is quietly looking for one those! [beer] 900 SS? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 14, 2013, 07:19:03 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 14, 2013, 08:29:02 AM Duck costume... ;) Halloween is coming. [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 14, 2013, 10:34:48 AM Halloween is coming. [laugh] Considering your current ride, wouldn't this be more appropriate... ;D http://www.amazon.com/WonderCostumes-Lederhosen-Costume-Adult/dp/B000I3I4UM (http://www.amazon.com/WonderCostumes-Lederhosen-Costume-Adult/dp/B000I3I4UM) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on October 14, 2013, 11:34:03 AM Lol,
Costume ok!!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 14, 2013, 10:50:12 PM Considering your current ride, wouldn't this be more appropriate... ;D http://www.amazon.com/WonderCostumes-Lederhosen-Costume-Adult/dp/B000I3I4UM (http://www.amazon.com/WonderCostumes-Lederhosen-Costume-Adult/dp/B000I3I4UM) Very funny. Very funny. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on October 15, 2013, 12:10:54 AM +1
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 15, 2013, 08:38:04 AM 900 SS? That was actually the very first Ducati that I bought before I got the Monster. Only owned it about an hour before I made TC over at Domenico's unwind the deal. Too many problems with it from the get go. Wouldn't mind the right one if one came along. There was a beauty silver '98 down on the Big Island a couple years ago. Something like that. We'll see. Not until next year anyway unless something exceptional shows up. I'm still partial to Streetfighters too. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on October 15, 2013, 11:53:59 AM My ZZR 600 is actually very good at performing my commuting needs & still somewhat thrilling to ride. [Dolph]
That said, I do miss the throaty tone & torque of a Ducati...along with the exotic good looks! I think a modestly modded 900SS would be a perfect bike for my needs [wine] Yeah I TOO REALLY LIKE SF's!! Their initial cost and maintenance just to much for my budget [thumbsdown] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 17, 2013, 11:12:41 PM Post #5,000 on this board. Havin' some fun. [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on October 18, 2013, 12:11:01 AM [clap]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 18, 2013, 07:22:38 AM Post #5,000 on this board. Havin' some fun. [Dolph] good show RB... [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 18, 2013, 12:16:06 PM (http://www.bike.se/sites/default/files/imagecache/nodeimage_maincontent_full/bike/ktm_superduke1290_2013_koncept.jpg)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 18, 2013, 12:42:44 PM (http://www.bike.se/sites/default/files/imagecache/nodeimage_maincontent_full/bike/ktm_superduke1290_2013_koncept.jpg) Seems a bit thick in the middle, and what's with the swayback frame look?... :o http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/667/17131/Motorcycle-Article/2014-KTM-1290-Super-Duke-R-First-Look.aspx (http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/667/17131/Motorcycle-Article/2014-KTM-1290-Super-Duke-R-First-Look.aspx) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 18, 2013, 02:34:16 PM (http://www.bike.se/sites/default/files/imagecache/nodeimage_maincontent_full/bike/ktm_superduke1290_2013_koncept.jpg) I want one. 'Nuff said. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 18, 2013, 02:58:56 PM That boxer sapped the hooligan right out of you.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 18, 2013, 03:05:28 PM That boxer sapped the hooligan right out of you. [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 18, 2013, 11:14:19 PM That boxer sapped the hooligan right out of you. You might not say that if you were over here riding with us. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 19, 2013, 02:30:20 AM You might not say that if you were over here riding with us. [roll] You might realize it was true if I was still there to "motivate" you. [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 19, 2013, 08:30:13 AM You might realize it was true if I was still there to "motivate" you. [evil] Are you saying that I couldn't hang with you on that SuperDuke or that I couldn't push you a bit with the R12S? Huh? Thems there darn near fightin' words. ;D Of course it'd be way more fun with a SF or that new KTM [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 19, 2013, 10:03:07 AM I can vouch for the fact that dRB can hustle the beemer... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 19, 2013, 10:28:12 AM Are you saying that I couldn't hang with you on that SuperDuke or that I couldn't push you a bit with the R12S? Huh? Thems there darn near fightin' words. ;D Of course it'd be way more fun with a SF or that new KTM [evil] I'm saying that you haven't had the same "influence" pushing you to push yourself. [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 19, 2013, 11:43:56 AM I'm saying that you haven't had the same "influence" pushing you to push yourself. [evil] True that, but the beast still lurks within. [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 20, 2013, 10:40:09 AM I can vouch for the fact that dRB can hustle the beemer... ;D Thank you for the vote! [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 30, 2013, 10:33:22 PM speaking of beemers...
http://www.cycleworld.com/2013/10/17/2014-bmw-r-ninet-first-look-review-photos/ (http://www.cycleworld.com/2013/10/17/2014-bmw-r-ninet-first-look-review-photos/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 31, 2013, 03:09:41 AM http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=65564.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=65564.0)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 31, 2013, 07:27:16 AM http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=65564.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=65564.0) I guess I need to check out more of the forum than just DesmoTropic... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 10, 2013, 05:33:48 PM KTM 1290 SUPER DUKE R Action video - Redux (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nMqbKkwiK6Y#) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 11, 2013, 11:35:47 AM (http://www.motorrad-bilder.at/slideshows/291/010470/ktm-690-smcr-2014-1.jpg)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 11, 2013, 10:13:23 PM (http://www.motorrad-bilder.at/slideshows/291/010470/ktm-690-smcr-2014-1.jpg) I like it! ............ Especially the orange wheels and the 300 lbs dry. But, I like the 690 Duke a bit better. Either one would do me fine on Tantalus! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 12, 2013, 01:57:30 PM HOORAY!!!
I'm invited to buy one of the first 899s in the country. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 12, 2013, 02:01:38 PM HOORAY!!! I'm invited to buy one of the first 899s in the country. Lucky you... :-* Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 12, 2013, 02:08:39 PM I laughed, as there's no chance in hell that I'd buy one.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 12, 2013, 10:12:40 PM I laughed, as there's no chance in hell that I'd buy one. They do have metal tanks don't they? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 13, 2013, 02:30:09 AM Yes, but that's the only good aspect about it in my eyes.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 13, 2013, 08:53:03 AM Yes, but that's the only good aspect about it in my eyes. Really? What's got you in a snit about it? It's a bit pricey I'll grant you but if they have the formerly oversprung suspension worked out it's be all right IMO. I can even live with the dual sided swing arm but I would really like to see one in person before rendering a final judgement. All that said I'm still leaning towards the big SF or a KTM if I do anything else. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 13, 2013, 01:19:31 PM Really? What's got you in a snit about it? Price is one aspect, but the biggest kill joy in my eyes is the fact that it's heavier than the 1199. The 848/1?98 equation wasn't quite as cut and dry seeing how the smaller model weighed less, but now? I just don't see the point in buying a bike with less power AND more weight to fight. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 14, 2013, 10:59:44 PM Price is one aspect, but the biggest kill joy in my eyes is the fact that it's heavier than the 1199. The 848/1?98 equation wasn't quite as cut and dry seeing how the smaller model weighed less, but now? I just don't see the point in buying a bike with less power AND more weight to fight. Steady now. I've done a bunch of homework. Yes, the 899 is slightly heavier than the 1199. Only slightly and that would be due to the double swing arm and the fact that there is more engine metal because the cooling jackets haven't been cut back to allow for the larger bore size. Same thing happened with the 848. The engine was slightly heavier than the 1098 and the 1198 engines because metal weighs more than air. ;D Now I can go into detail but the wine makes me want to go to sleep. Point being that, while I may not want to go out and get one, the 899 is no slouch. Want a heavy, under powered sled that still doesn't handle? Then go for a 748. Oh, it looks good but all that it's good for is showing up at Starbucks. [laugh] The 996 isn't much better either. More later......... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 15, 2013, 09:15:46 AM That SMC-R is growing on me..........
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 15, 2013, 01:04:09 PM Don't forget, 1199 tank is alloy where the 899 tank is steel. That's going to be a fair amount of difference right there, and just about as high as you can get in relation to the COG. Basically ruins the concept of mass centralization.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 15, 2013, 10:36:54 PM Don't forget, 1199 tank is alloy where the 899 tank is steel. That's going to be a fair amount of difference right there, and just about as high as you can get in relation to the COG. Basically ruins the concept of mass centralization. Give me a F'n break. ;D That's so weak.......... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 16, 2013, 03:01:34 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 16, 2013, 01:38:13 PM Nope No quarter given, none taken ..................................................... [popcorn] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on November 19, 2013, 10:32:28 PM Steady now. I've done a bunch of homework. Yes, the 899 is slightly heavier than the 1199. Only slightly and that would be due to the double swing arm and the fact that there is more engine metal because the cooling jackets haven't been cut back to allow for the larger bore size. Same thing happened with the 848. The engine was slightly heavier than the 1098 and the 1198 engines because metal weighs more than air. ;D You forgot to add the weight of the cash still in you wallet after the insurance man gets done with you. That's fairly high on the COG too. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 20, 2013, 08:52:07 AM You forgot to add the weight of the cash still in you wallet after the insurance man gets done with you. That's fairly high on the COG too. True that, do tell. Although, actually, there wasn't much difference insurance wise between the 999 & the 848. The big difference was dropping the 848 policy and just going with the R12S. Cut things in half. :o [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on November 20, 2013, 09:28:05 PM 999 & 848 both under a liter. Conversation with my agent is that's a big trip point. 1199 vs. 899 I think would net some $avings. It might take some time to get used to the two-banana swing arm though. [thumbsdown]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 21, 2013, 02:29:42 PM New RCV...
http://www.cycleworld.com/2013/11/21/2014-honda-rcv1000r-first-look-review-photos/ (http://www.cycleworld.com/2013/11/21/2014-honda-rcv1000r-first-look-review-photos/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on November 21, 2013, 07:42:01 PM New RCV... http://www.cycleworld.com/2013/11/21/2014-honda-rcv1000r-first-look-review-photos/ (http://www.cycleworld.com/2013/11/21/2014-honda-rcv1000r-first-look-review-photos/) I'll take two.... 8) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 22, 2013, 05:43:53 AM Has anyone heard anything about/from Emile "lately"?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 22, 2013, 08:26:28 AM Has anyone heard anything about/from Emile "lately"? I had a brief email or two with him about 6 months ago. He's still on Guam. Still has the 1198 and rides it plus I think he has some sort of supermoto. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 22, 2013, 08:38:35 AM Stole this from another thread....... [Dolph]
http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/videos/2013/November/nov1613-video-mcwill-superduke/ (http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/videos/2013/November/nov1613-video-mcwill-superduke/) Hoo Taa!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 23, 2013, 04:22:46 PM January auction in Vegas for those with a love of Ducatis and some spare cash...
http://www.visordown.com/motorcycle-news--general-news/ultra-rare-ducati-collection-up-for-auction/24024.html (http://www.visordown.com/motorcycle-news--general-news/ultra-rare-ducati-collection-up-for-auction/24024.html) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 02, 2013, 05:00:04 PM interesting...
Audi Supersport 10R Concept (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBSXsWWT9F0#) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on December 02, 2013, 06:29:56 PM Been talking about that thing on the main board for a while now. Good find on the video though. And yes, I'm stealing it.
http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=65926.0 (http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=65926.0) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 02, 2013, 08:47:24 PM Been talking about that thing on the main board for a while now. I guess I should visit the main board once in awhile... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 15, 2013, 10:48:54 PM Outstanding sunset from our side of the island tonight. Really clear & crisp. You'd never believe that it was thundering & lightning earlier.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: teddy037.3 on December 23, 2013, 10:43:04 PM vespers are delicious
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 29, 2014, 07:37:58 PM It can stop raining anytime. OK?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 30, 2014, 03:34:37 PM Hey, just be glad it wasn't 9° when you woke up.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 31, 2014, 10:01:39 AM I see at the bottom of the document that this is for information purposes only, but sooner or later someone will act on it...hope there is a grandfather clause when and if it passes...
http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2014/Bills/HB2209_.HTM (http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2014/Bills/HB2209_.HTM) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 31, 2014, 03:59:29 PM I was going to say "It was nice for what, a day? Now here comes the frontal rain clouds" -- That was 10 minutes ago and now it's raining. But it's not 9*. ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 31, 2014, 04:03:45 PM I see at the bottom of the document that this is for information purposes only, but sooner or later someone will act on it...hope there is a grandfather clause when and if it passes... http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2014/Bills/HB2209_.HTM (http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2014/Bills/HB2209_.HTM) There has always been a law like that on the books. Just not quite so tight. Almost all of the Harley folks have been in outright violation of the law that currently exists for years. So have all the police officers that have stopped almost any Harley and so on for the safety inspection stations. They wouldn't be talking about this again if not for all those straight pipe folk. >:( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 31, 2014, 04:20:00 PM They wouldn't be talking about this again if not for all those straight pipe folk. >:( and the mopeds... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on January 31, 2014, 10:13:36 PM Loud pipes save lives.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 02, 2014, 07:04:23 PM In football, a great defense trumps a great offense...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on February 02, 2014, 08:44:12 PM In football, a great defense trumps a great offense... Wow, how prophetic was that! T Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 24, 2014, 07:06:10 PM Back was hurting from helping my son last week Monday, rode for several hours yesterday and the back feels better. Moral...a good motorbike ride can cure your ills.. [Dolph] [thumbsup].
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 01, 2014, 12:50:36 PM Happy Birthday derRoteBaron!... [beer]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 01, 2014, 01:03:52 PM Happy Birthday derRoteBaron!... [beer] Happy B Day!! MD..., DRB...aka R__K!! [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 01, 2014, 01:09:25 PM On another note...
my buddies 2005 S4R wont start... Last week it started & ran fine he stopped for gas and it would not restart..acted as if was fllooded. Finally started after 40 mins. He says it spins (starter) but wont fire up. Q...starter or fuel pump or...? He plans to take it to the Dealer on Friday He wanted me to ask you guy's for your opinions!! Thanks Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 01, 2014, 01:43:09 PM Happy April Fool's Day!... [beer] Fixed it for you. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 01, 2014, 07:50:48 PM Fixed it for you. I think I fell for this ruse last year also... [bang] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 01, 2014, 08:18:06 PM I think I fell for this ruse last year also... [bang] Me, this year!! ??? [thumbsdown] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on April 01, 2014, 08:24:32 PM On another note... my buddies 2005 S4R wont start... Last week it started & ran fine he stopped for gas and it would not restart..acted as if was fllooded. Finally started after 40 mins. He says it spins (starter) but wont fire up. Q...starter or fuel pump or...? He plans to take it to the Dealer on Friday He wanted me to ask you guy's for your opinions!! Thanks Or immobilizer. T Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 02, 2014, 06:38:23 AM Or immobilizer. T If it cranks over it is not the immobilized or the starter. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 02, 2014, 06:41:58 AM Me, this year!! ??? [thumbsdown] Thanks anyway guys! Just early that's all. See ya when I get back. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 02, 2014, 10:01:38 AM Thanks for the opinions...guys!
So most likely the fuel pump. Any guess's on the cost installed by dealer? Sta...just did this repair right? Pricy if I remember :-[ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on April 02, 2014, 11:55:08 PM If it cranks over it is not the immobilized or the starter. Mine cranked when I had Immo problems. YMMV. After it did start did it have any issues or ran fine? You said he had stopped for gas. One trend I did notice when my Immo went south was if I went to a gas station with a bunch of fluorescent lights the chances my bike wouldn't start was much higher. I did a re-flash so I never knew if it was antenna, gauges, ECU or other wiring problems but based on the fluorescent light factor I always thought it was antenna. Another thing I noticed was although it cranked but didn't start there wasn't any significant gas fumes. That threw me off-track for a while thinking it was fuel system problems. T Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 03, 2014, 11:33:43 AM update....
I misunderstood my friend. His S4R does NOT crank over, now. When he presses the starter button...it just whirls/spins. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 03, 2014, 12:37:15 PM Starter sprague clutch.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 03, 2014, 01:06:54 PM Starter sprague clutch. Thanks DRB, any idea on cost of repair at the Dealer? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 03, 2014, 01:50:50 PM Absolutely no idea. Plus it is only a guess based on what you have said. It could all be different when the bike is in front of the tech.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on April 05, 2014, 05:00:44 PM In case it is the fuel pump...For my fuel pump issue, when you turn on the key, you don't hear the fuel pump working at all. Normally you can. I bought a used fuel pump assembly from ebay for 500, deal cost ~1k. SSD's labor was ~$200.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 05, 2014, 11:53:41 PM The S4R actually started on Friday so he drove it down to the Dealer.....they were suppose to start looking at it this morning....but, he heard nothing back from them.
I hope it doesnt turn into a intermittent issue!! [thumbsdown] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 06, 2014, 07:42:34 AM The S4R actually started on Friday so he drove it down to the Dealer.....they were suppose to start looking at it this morning....but, he heard nothing back from them. I hope it doesnt turn into a intermittent issue!! [thumbsdown] Once again the reports are all over the place. [laugh]. This might even be only an old, weak battery that's right on the edge. Doesn't sound like a hard mechanical fault. Enough guessing! :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 09, 2014, 11:03:46 PM Starter sprague clutch. Right you are DRB! [thumbsup] $800-$1000 quoted by dealer....2 week wait for part :-\ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 10, 2014, 08:23:33 AM Right you are DRB! [thumbsup] $800-$1000 quoted by dealer....2 week wait for part :-\ Always interesting to get these quotes. Catalog away for future reference. It is a bit of work to get to that. Harder on a liquid cooled engine than the air cooled. If he ever thought about putting on a lightweight flywheel now's the time! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 10, 2014, 11:47:27 PM well, SSD called my buddy regarding the sprague clutch..it's on back order.
Dealer said it could be 1-18 month's!!!!!! :o :o :o Any idea's on other source's? DRB....my buddy says thanks for the suggestion on the flywheel...hes gonna get the Nichol's one. [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 11, 2014, 07:17:41 AM Any idea's on other source's? Try other dealers?...I hear good things about Ducati of Seattle and Ducati of Omaha... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on April 11, 2014, 07:28:49 AM Try other dealers?...I hear good things about Ducati of Seattle and Ducati of Omaha... Ducati Omaha has all of the parts breakdowns available online. Commonwealth Motorcycles and Pro Italia have also been good to me for parts. Gotham Cycles is a good source for used parts. It may not be listed on their website so he has to call or email. All he has to do is find the part numbers needed and then just start shopping them online. More than likely immediately available somewhere. T Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 11, 2014, 08:26:01 AM Ducati Omaha has all of the parts breakdowns available online. Commonwealth Motorcycles and Pro Italia have also been good to me for parts. Gotham Cycles is a good source for used parts. It may not be listed on their website so he has to call or email. All he has to do is find the part numbers needed and then just start shopping them online. More than likely immediately available somewhere. T These are good suggestions. [thumbsup] This is not the kind of part that fails often and would not usually show up as an "in stock on the shelf" item. Like T said though, find and verify the part number and where else it shows up. ( I bet it is the same part over lots of engines ). Used or part outs may be a very good option. Of course there is still the basic question of why did it fail in the first place? Frederick, as I recall ( old man mind here ) that sprague bolts into the back of the flywheel so it was still going strong on your old Monster that had 30,000+ miles on it. ( which begs the question what caused the failure ). If it's the same part I might still have it.............. someplace .............. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 11, 2014, 05:31:17 PM $800-$1000 quoted by dealer....2 week wait for part :-\ You wonder about owning one of them there Dew-cat-tees if you don't do you own work... ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on April 11, 2014, 08:02:01 PM You wonder about owning one of them there Dew-cat-tees if you don't do you own work... ;) And even ifyou still sometimes must wonder... 118811, I feel the same as DRB, that should about be a "lifetime" part. When I posted Gotham Cycles I was thinking I'd have no fear of installing a used part at a reduced cost. T Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 11, 2014, 09:03:53 PM You wonder about owning one of them there Dew-cat-tees if you don't do you own work... ;) Yes sir [evil] [roll] ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on April 12, 2014, 09:34:28 AM Curiosity got me.
http://www.gothamcycles.com/Engine/Ducati-Sprag-Clutch-Ring-3-Phase-Small-Type.html (http://www.gothamcycles.com/Engine/Ducati-Sprag-Clutch-Ring-3-Phase-Small-Type.html) $60 out of Gotham Cycles. $90 form Ducati Omaha BNIB. I couldn't check availability though. It's amazing how many things I find more enjoyable than laundry. T Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on April 12, 2014, 11:42:01 PM Thermite,
I will forward to my buddy, THANKS!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 27, 2014, 05:09:25 PM Headed home this morning... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 03, 2014, 01:06:41 PM Heading into town to work but there is a huge cluster f*ck accident on the Pali somewhere. Pali backed up down to Kailua High School a half hour ago & backed up Kalanianaole to the Fire Station. :( I'll see how it goes. There were lots of bikes pulled over to the side of the road when we were coming home from breakfast.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 31, 2014, 08:53:30 PM According to a six bike shootout in the latest Motorcyclist magazine, my new ride is long of tooth and overweight, which led to a 5th place finish...kinda like it's owner, except for the overweight part that is... ;D
I guess the lack of technological sophistication didn't help either when compared to the other bikes...fits me and my flip phone just fine though... ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 31, 2014, 09:37:12 PM According to a six bike shootout in the latest Motorcyclist magazine, my new ride is long of tooth and overweight, which led to a 5th place finish...kinda like it's owner, except for the overweight part that is... ;D I guess the lack of technological sophistication didn't help either when compared to the other bikes...fits me and my flip phone just fine though... ;) I read that article tonight & thought by all standards and the "gauge" setting displays that it should have come in fourth, ahead of the Ducati Monster. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 31, 2014, 11:23:31 PM I read that article tonight & thought by all standards and the "gauge" setting displays that it should have come in fourth, ahead of the Ducati Monster. Was thinkin' the same thing... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 07, 2014, 12:00:59 PM Just finished talking with Mike, the guy that bought my SF, the bike quit on him at 1:00am last night on H3. He said it started acting like it was running on one cylinder then quit altogether and wouldn't restart...he checked the fuses and said they looked good, but one of the relays was clicking when he thumbed the starter button. I reminded him he still has warranty on it until the 23rd, so he'll get it down to SSD and let them work it out.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 07, 2014, 09:11:40 PM Just finished talking with Mike, the guy that bought my SF, the bike quit on him at 1:00am last night on H3. He said it started acting like it was running on one cylinder then quit altogether and wouldn't restart...he checked the fuses and said they looked good, but one of the relays was clicking when he thumbed the starter button. I reminded him he still has warranty on it until the 23rd, so he'll get it down to SSD and let them work it out. Dodged that bullet didn't you. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 07, 2014, 09:59:15 PM Dodged that bullet didn't you. ;D Tryin' not to think like that, but yeah I did...pretty much why I wanted a new motorbike... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on June 08, 2014, 10:51:39 AM Tryin' not to think like that, but yeah I did...pretty much why I wanted a new motorbike... Good timing.... ;D When financially possible; selling a moto or car just before warranty expires is advisable & buying new accompanied by a new service agreement[thumbsup] [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 11, 2014, 07:45:11 PM Just finished talking with Mike, the guy that bought my SF, the bike quit on him at 1:00am last night on H3. He said it started acting like it was running on one cylinder then quit altogether and wouldn't restart...he checked the fuses and said they looked good, but one of the relays was clicking when he thumbed the starter button. I reminded him he still has warranty on it until the 23rd, so he'll get it down to SSD and let them work it out. Bike is at SSD, diagnosis is regulator/rectifier (last replaced by SSD in Feb last year)...should be covered by warranty... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 12, 2014, 02:13:00 AM I think California Cycleworks sells units that are a bit more reliable, just in case the new owner wanted to go that route.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 15, 2014, 04:33:20 PM Mike picked up the bike in his truck yesterday and took it home...went to ride it this morning and didn't get down the block, same symptoms as before...come on SSD you can do better than that... [thumbsdown]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 15, 2014, 05:40:31 PM Mike picked up the bike in his truck yesterday and took it home...went to ride it this morning and didn't get down the block, same symptoms as before...come on SSD you can do better than that... [thumbsdown] Ooooops. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 16, 2014, 07:15:08 PM Shawn is going to have the bike picked up and they will give it another go...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 16, 2014, 07:16:49 PM Shawn is going to have the bike picked up and they will give it another go... Alternator this time? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 19, 2014, 10:42:57 AM Was going to go for a ride this morning, screw in tire... [bang]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 19, 2014, 02:18:38 PM Was going to go for a ride this morning, screw in tire... [bang] So.......... you're screwed. You just knew I couldn't just let that go by. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 19, 2014, 02:39:34 PM (http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/500x/43046686.jpg)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 19, 2014, 02:40:31 PM So.......... you're screwed. You just knew I couldn't just let that go by. Yeah, pretty much for today, I'm screwed... [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on June 20, 2014, 10:56:34 AM Was going to go for a ride this morning, screw in tire... [bang] I have had 3 screws lodge in my last 3 rear tires. Gotta be all the road construction going on!!? Is it patchable...or is it new tire time? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 20, 2014, 01:23:27 PM Tire is not safely patchable, which is what I was thinkin'...screw went in at angle about one inch in from the edge of the tire tread... :'(
Ran down to Andy's this morning and picked up a new tire for $418, that's with $50 off because he's not doing the m&b...SSD had none in stock nor did Cycle City, who btw wanted $495 plus tax for the tire... :o I did find the tire cheaper on Amazon, but then I wouldn't have it in time for the JJ Ride this Sunday...the sacrifices I make... ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 20, 2014, 02:30:36 PM Tire is not safely patchable, which is what I was thinkin'...screw went in at angle about one inch in from the edge of the tire tread... :'( Ran down to Andy's this morning and picked up a new tire for $418, that's with $50 off because he's not doing the m&b...SSD had none in stock nor did Cycle City, who btw wanted $495 plus tax for the tire... :o I did find the tire cheaper on Amazon, but then I wouldn't have it in time for the JJ Ride this Sunday...the sacrifices I make... ;) I was also wondering if it could have been patched, ....... so much for that hope... [roll] So who did the mount & balance? CC? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 20, 2014, 03:15:45 PM So who did the mount & balance? CC? SSD, they picked up the bike yesterday from my house...it's ready now, so maybe I can get a few miles on it before Sunday... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 20, 2014, 07:22:53 PM Picked up the Speedy today, couldn't help but see the large sign with SSD's new labor rates...$99 per hour, up from $85...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 20, 2014, 08:03:34 PM Picked up the Speedy today, couldn't help but see the large sign with SSD's new labor rates...$99 per hour, up from $85... Gee, we should raise our shop rate then. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 20, 2014, 08:47:53 PM Gee, we should raise our shop rate then. You could...and then ask for a raise... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on June 20, 2014, 11:59:39 PM WHAT!!!? :o
$418 for just the rear tire? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on June 21, 2014, 03:11:00 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 21, 2014, 08:56:48 AM WHAT!!!? :o $418 for just the rear tire? Fancy Italian rear tire, and that's with discount, remember. [cheeky] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on June 22, 2014, 12:57:37 AM Fancy Italian rear tire, and that's with discount, remember. [cheeky] [/quot What, no english rubber's for a Union Jack 2 wheeler? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 25, 2014, 05:57:43 PM South Seas has got one of these on their showroom floor, one of the homeliest motorbikes I've ever seen...
http://powersports.honda.com/2014/cb1000r/colors.aspx (http://powersports.honda.com/2014/cb1000r/colors.aspx) p.s. it's uglier in person... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 11, 2014, 02:57:15 PM My old Streetfighter is in the shop for the 3rd time since I sold it.
First repair was for the regulator/rectifier, second fix was a fuel regulator and now the TPS is suspect. It looks like SSD released the bike prematurely after the fuel regulator replacement as the bike was running shitty and wouldn't take the throttle properly upon startup after it was picked up...it was in the same condition when it was returned...the tech, not Eddy, is the same guy who took 11.5 hours to do my 22.5k mi service and left such a mess behind that I thought the cam cover was leaking when I got home... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 11, 2014, 09:56:17 PM What more can one say? I hope it's not the same guy who worked on my bike!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 11, 2014, 11:20:17 PM I hope it's not the same guy who worked on my bike! Don't think he works on beemers... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on July 12, 2014, 12:59:25 AM Gene....
In Life timing is everything....you had good timing!! [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 12, 2014, 07:40:12 AM Gene.... In Life timing is everything....you had good timing!! [thumbsup] A little voice kept telling me over and over, "it's time, it's time."... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 16, 2014, 08:40:16 PM My tail tidy order arrived from the UK this afternoon... ;D
They sent the wrong item... >:( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 17, 2014, 08:19:10 AM My tail tidy order arrived from the UK this afternoon... ;D They sent the wrong item... >:( Evotech? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 17, 2014, 09:23:22 AM Evotech? Ordered an R&G Racing from Conquest Carbon and they sent the Evotech...we've come to an agreement where I'll keep the Evotech and they'll give me a good discount on it... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 03, 2014, 08:34:44 AM What is it with the weekend timing of these storms? ?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 06, 2014, 09:36:09 AM So Iselle is still a hurricane but is weakening to a tropical storm. Right now has dropped to 75 knot winds steady. Meanwhile tropical storm Julio has been upgraded to hurricane status. A one-two punch. Yabba dabba do. Lucky you live Hawaii... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 06, 2014, 02:08:39 PM Not so fast ..... Iselle has regained strength & has re-developed the "eye" that it lost last night. NWS has altered the Big Island forecast back to Hurricane Watch instead of the previous Tropical Storm Watch. Julio is out there swirling as an even bigger, more widespread system. :o
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 06, 2014, 05:30:02 PM Batten the hatches, prepare for heavy weather...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 08, 2014, 05:31:51 PM Dodged a bullet...Julio up next...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 09, 2014, 09:14:56 AM Coming to us shortly --- tomorrow, Monday?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 12, 2014, 10:20:53 PM The Tradewind showers are back. That didn't take long.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 13, 2014, 08:41:41 AM Karina ---- Karina ------ Karina --------- Are you coming for us?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 15, 2014, 01:55:48 PM Looks like Suzuki is joining the big bore naked bike game...too bad it's over styled like the Kawasaki Z1000...
http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/suzuki/2015-suzuki-gsx-s1000-spied.html (http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/suzuki/2015-suzuki-gsx-s1000-spied.html) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 15, 2014, 02:35:43 PM Looks like Suzuki is joining the big bore naked bike game...too bad it's over styled like the Kawasaki Z1000... http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/suzuki/2015-suzuki-gsx-s1000-spied.html (http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/suzuki/2015-suzuki-gsx-s1000-spied.html) I already added to this over on the S1000R board. It's still better looking than that f'd up B-King they had a few years ago. :P [thumbsdown] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 15, 2014, 02:58:31 PM It's still better looking than that f'd up B-King they had a few years ago. :P [thumbsdown] Doesn't take much of an effort to look better than a B-King... ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 15, 2014, 09:10:57 PM Got a text from Mike, he picked up the SF from SSD this afternoon and reports that it is running great!...I spoke with Shawn yesterday and he told me that they would eat the cost of parts & labor on the job... [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 19, 2014, 09:28:32 PM Got a text from Mike, he picked up the SF from SSD this afternoon and reports that it is running great!...I spoke with Shawn yesterday and he told me that they would eat the cost of parts & labor on the job... [thumbsup] Spoke too soon, he's now experiencing high idle at startup (3-4k rpm) and throttle weirdness...I feel for the guy... :( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 19, 2014, 10:08:10 PM Sad.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 19, 2014, 10:59:23 PM Sad that SSD can't seem to find a fix...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 20, 2014, 08:31:16 AM My lips are sealed.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 20, 2014, 09:54:18 AM My lips are sealed. I realize these things are often not easily diagnosed, but it seems that with Wil's departure SSD is lacking when it comes to Ducati knowledge...btw, my least favorite SSD tech is now the BMW guy... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 20, 2014, 10:07:03 PM Are you trying to make me feel better, or something?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 20, 2014, 11:33:10 PM Are you trying to make me feel better, or something? Shawn has confidence in him, just want you to be aware...;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Thermite on August 21, 2014, 08:00:26 AM Spoke too soon, he's now experiencing high idle at startup (3-4k rpm) and throttle weirdness...I feel for the guy... :( He should give that machine back. It hasn't been happy since he took it from you. T Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 21, 2014, 10:11:14 AM He should give that machine back. It hasn't been happy since he took it from you. T I don't know if he's ready to "give" it back, but I could probably get it for considerably less than he paid for it...but then, do I want it... :P Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 30, 2014, 10:13:38 PM MD, how did your procedure go?...was it something you could have done at home?... ;)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 31, 2014, 11:02:14 AM All is well. No, I don't think I would've done this at home.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 02, 2014, 01:14:37 PM Like him or not, he's got skills...
http://www.sportrider.com/sportbike-news/video-marc-marquez-near-crash (http://www.sportrider.com/sportbike-news/video-marc-marquez-near-crash) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 02, 2014, 10:14:17 PM Like him or not, he's got skills... http://www.sportrider.com/sportbike-news/video-marc-marquez-near-crash (http://www.sportrider.com/sportbike-news/video-marc-marquez-near-crash) Why wouldn't you like him? This sequence first showed up as a few stills over on Racing & Trackdays in the "Easy as 1-2-3" thread. People asked if there was a video but none surfaced until now that I know of. The little shit adds gas to plant the rear end so as to re-plant the front. How's that for feel? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 02, 2014, 10:41:31 PM Why wouldn't you like him? This sequence first showed up as a few stills over on Racing & Trackdays in the "Easy as 1-2-3" thread. People asked if there was a video but none surfaced until now that I know of. The little shit adds gas to plant the rear end so as to re-plant the front. How's that for feel? I like him, just hate to see one guy win every time out...his new tact of laying back and then pouncing makes things more interesting though... ;D I love the way he lets the bike dance around under him, it's like watching a graceful ballet of sorts... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 03, 2014, 08:41:06 AM He's just willing to go fast enough that the bike is just that loose, or unstable, underneath him. If the other blokes were willing to do that then they'd win more often. Loose, unstable --- that's another term for right on the edge of crashing.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 04, 2014, 08:30:31 AM Getting the stitches out today.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 04, 2014, 09:50:04 AM Getting the stitches out today. You'll good to go on Sunday then?... ;D [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 04, 2014, 09:00:15 PM You'll good to go on Sunday then?... ;D [Dolph] I expect so. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 16, 2014, 04:15:37 PM I usually buy Top Tier gas (mostly Chevron) for my vehicles, wife purchases gas on base for her car.
On a whim this morning I filled up the WRX with 92 octane at the main NEX gas station, cost was $3.86.9/gal. Later in the morning I filled the Speedy with 92 at the Chevron station across from the Stadium Mall, cost was $4.19.9/gal. I was shocked at the 33 cents per gallon difference. In the past buying gas on base would save you about 10 cents/gal...so are we being gouged by Chevron, or is the NEX gas from the ex-Tesoro refinery lacking in some of the premium additives used by the Top Tier guys. I realize that the origin of the crude oil used to refine the gas comes into play here, but that's a big difference in price/gal...years ago Chevron locally mostly used crude from the Alaska North Slope, whereas the Tesoro (then HIRI) refinery used crude from Indonesia. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 16, 2014, 07:27:02 PM http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/bikes/ducati-1299-tiptronic/ (http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/bikes/ducati-1299-tiptronic/)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 17, 2014, 02:20:26 AM NEWS FLASH: ducati 1399 featuring CVT!!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 17, 2014, 07:20:48 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 27, 2014, 09:44:27 PM Decided on how I will determine who to vote for next Tuesday...which ever candidate sends me the least number of flyers from now until the election will get my vote...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 31, 2014, 01:29:13 PM Found out yesterday that Revzilla will ship up to two tires to Hawaii for $25, you just have to make it a phone order instead of online... [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 05, 2014, 10:28:05 PM Any Honda fans here...personally I like cool motorbikes regardless of who the manufacturer is... ;D
http://www.bikesportnews.com/news-detail.cfm?newstitle=Honda-unwrap-RC213V-S-roadbike-prototype&newsid=13417 (http://www.bikesportnews.com/news-detail.cfm?newstitle=Honda-unwrap-RC213V-S-roadbike-prototype&newsid=13417) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 06, 2014, 03:29:34 AM Can't wait to be sad over how much it's going to cost.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 06, 2014, 07:15:47 AM Can't wait to be sad over how much it's going to cost. [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 06, 2014, 08:23:14 AM Any Honda fans here...personally I like cool motorbikes regardless of who the manufacturer is... ;D http://www.bikesportnews.com/news-detail.cfm?newstitle=Honda-unwrap-RC213V-S-roadbike-prototype&newsid=13417 (http://www.bikesportnews.com/news-detail.cfm?newstitle=Honda-unwrap-RC213V-S-roadbike-prototype&newsid=13417) I'm liking this much, much better ............... in fact......... [roll] http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/the-yamaha-yzf-r1-m-is-the-closest-youll-get-to-rossis-1654296587 (http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/the-yamaha-yzf-r1-m-is-the-closest-youll-get-to-rossis-1654296587) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 06, 2014, 07:55:19 PM I'm liking this much, much better ............... in fact......... [roll] http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/the-yamaha-yzf-r1-m-is-the-closest-youll-get-to-rossis-1654296587 (http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/the-yamaha-yzf-r1-m-is-the-closest-youll-get-to-rossis-1654296587) Pretty trick, hope I'll be around for the naked version... [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 07, 2014, 02:11:31 PM Pretty trick, hope I'll be around for the naked version... [evil] Why? You aren't happy with the Trumpet? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 07, 2014, 03:28:26 PM Why? You aren't happy with the Trumpet? Of course I'm happy with the Trumpet, I just figure that in two to three years I'll be ready to try something different while I'm still able...variety is the spice of life ya know... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 07, 2014, 04:01:20 PM Of course I'm happy with the Trumpet, I just figure that in two to three years I'll be ready to try something different while I'm still able...variety is the spice of life ya know... Well said. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on November 19, 2014, 04:40:07 PM Came across this article today, wondering what's MD's take on this or anyone...
http://carbuying.jalopnik.com/four-reasons-why-you-need-to-buy-a-bmw-e39-540i-right-n-1659284463 (http://carbuying.jalopnik.com/four-reasons-why-you-need-to-buy-a-bmw-e39-540i-right-n-1659284463) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 20, 2014, 08:52:44 AM Came across this article today, wondering what's MD's take on this or anyone... http://carbuying.jalopnik.com/four-reasons-why-you-need-to-buy-a-bmw-e39-540i-right-n-1659284463 (http://carbuying.jalopnik.com/four-reasons-why-you-need-to-buy-a-bmw-e39-540i-right-n-1659284463) That article is a bit sugar coated if you ask me. The standard trans 540i is a bit rare and quite a fine car but it takes a bit more maintenance to keep it up than the six cylinder E39's. Consider that the newest E39 is still 12 years old at this time. I can get into more later. Off to work now. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 16, 2014, 10:21:48 AM Looks like winter is here...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 16, 2014, 02:20:41 PM Looks like winter is here... You just noticed that? What tipped you off? [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 16, 2014, 04:45:32 PM You just noticed that? What tipped you off? [laugh] the trip to San Diego threw me off a bit... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 26, 2014, 09:55:58 PM Q3s arrived this afternoon... [evil]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 27, 2014, 08:26:11 AM How soon are they going on?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 27, 2014, 09:47:53 AM How soon are they going on? I'm going to try for sometime next week, but may not be able to because of the holiday...I've got autocross on the 4th so there's really no rush, though I won't be riding on wet roads with the SuperCorsas in the meantime as the front is almost like a slick... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 28, 2014, 07:37:11 AM I guess by the time I get back you'll have a pretty good idea about how you like them.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 01, 2015, 08:58:51 AM 62 degrees in my carport this morning...brrrrrrr...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 01, 2015, 11:56:03 AM 62 degrees in my carport this morning...brrrrrrr... About that over here too. Nevermind all that. How are those new tires? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 01, 2015, 12:25:15 PM About that over here too. Nevermind all that. How are those new tires? Won't have them on the bike until tomorrow... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 02, 2015, 12:45:51 PM Had the Q3s mounted up at SS this morning. Initial impressions on the short ride home...bike tips in more readily than with the SPs. This could be the new tires, or the result of slightly squared stockers, or about 5 psi of air more from the shop than I usually run, or a combination of all three...we shall see...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 02, 2015, 01:10:32 PM Had the Q3s mounted up at SS this morning. Initial impressions on the short ride home...bike tips in more readily than with the SPs. This could be the new tires, or the result of slightly squared stockers, or about 5 psi of air more from the shop than I usually run, or a combination of all three...we shall see... They do turn in pretty good. You should go get some more miles on them before the rains come. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 02, 2015, 02:32:52 PM They do turn in pretty good. You should go get some more miles on them before the rains come. Too late today...got to do some shopping, stove acting up... >:( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 02, 2015, 02:48:57 PM Yepper, and besides, the rain is here, off & on, already...........
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 03, 2015, 08:54:24 AM While I was waiting for the Q3s to be mounted yesterday I asked Bill about the 1290SD R, he said it was an allocation bike and that they had not received an allocation yet...he had no clue as to when they may get one...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 06, 2015, 02:25:04 PM You got those tires scrubbed in yet?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 06, 2015, 05:09:54 PM You got those tires scrubbed in yet? Put an easy 65 miles on them today and I'm really liking them. Dropped the cold air pressures down some and returned the fork preload to where it was when we measured the sag...turn in is better than with the stockers and they just feel good, so far... Also tried out my new helmet, a bit less noise than the Signet Q, but still noisy. I didn't find out until after I bought it, but the Sig Q was designed for a more upright riding position. The more you lean forward the noisier it is...the new helmet doesn't do this and it is less affected by the wind when you turn your head to look behind you. The Arai is a bit more comfortable, but I think I prefer the new one...Scorpion EXO R2000. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 08, 2015, 06:30:16 PM Finished up the Q3 break in with a casual run up Tantalus this afternoon...Porky, er, ah, Speedy feels more "flickable" with the Q3s than the SC SPs... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 08, 2015, 10:37:19 PM interesting...........
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 09, 2015, 08:55:29 AM Do you find them harsh? Others are bit critical of them in that regard although I can not recall feeling that in the two sets I've run.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 09, 2015, 09:53:12 AM Do you find them harsh? Others are bit critical of them in that regard although I can not recall feeling that in the two sets I've run. I did notice what I perceived as a bit more firmness than the OE rubber, but I wrote that off as a of a result of the cooler weather we've been having...don't have enough miles on them as of yet to say for sure. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 05, 2015, 10:44:49 AM Tire shootout...
http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/545/21916/Motorcycle-Article/2015-Sport-Motorcycle-Tire-Shootout.aspx (http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/545/21916/Motorcycle-Article/2015-Sport-Motorcycle-Tire-Shootout.aspx) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 05, 2015, 02:33:51 PM The Q3 is still doing pretty good!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 05, 2015, 03:23:27 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 23, 2015, 01:23:22 PM Breaking news...someone broke into the SS showroom over the weekend and made off with four dirt bikes... :o
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 24, 2015, 02:33:00 PM Breaking news...someone broke into the SS showroom over the weekend and made off with four dirt bikes... :o Happens all too often over here. Montgomery Motors was hit like that last year. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 26, 2015, 09:18:21 PM If all goes well I'll be repurchasing my old M3 in the morning... [evil]
(http://i57.tinypic.com/69euxt.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 26, 2015, 10:36:18 PM Does that mean the Subaru is going bye-bye?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 26, 2015, 10:58:23 PM Nice. Always did love that car. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 26, 2015, 11:06:46 PM Does that mean the Subaru is going bye-bye? No, not for awhile at least...2013 was the last year for the hatch and they don't seem to be depreciating that much... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 26, 2015, 11:07:22 PM Nice. Always did love that car. [thumbsup] Me too!... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 26, 2015, 11:11:04 PM It's hard to get in the groove with anything else after you've owned german cars for a while, or at least it always has been for me. I was always surprised that I liked my old S2K as much as I did, even though it was an asian car.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on March 26, 2015, 11:26:41 PM Nice color combo on that M3...S3P!!
On another note...wheres a good local shop to get front & rear stands for the CBR? Thanks Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 27, 2015, 02:31:34 PM Possibly Montgomery Motors Power Sports. They used to have a pretty good selection of Pit Bulls for front & rear. That's where I bought my front stand.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 28, 2015, 01:59:21 PM Breaking news...someone broke into the SS showroom over the weekend and made off with four dirt bikes... :o Looks like they lost a least another two dirt bikes to burglars early Friday morning... :o Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 28, 2015, 07:58:58 PM I was talking to Ron in Parts today. On the job last week they pried the doors open. When they came back they found chains around the doors so they backed into one of the glass window panels.
I was also checking out that KTM 1290R Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 28, 2015, 08:05:16 PM I was also checking out that KTM 1290R Trading in the S1000R?... [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on March 29, 2015, 09:05:03 AM (http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/wp-content/gallery/ktm-super-duke-1290-r-release/2014-ktm-super-duke-1290-r-12.jpg)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 29, 2015, 11:15:56 AM Trading in the S1000R?... [evil] There are a lot of factors in play here. Not likely, but not out of the realm of possibility either. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 09, 2015, 08:48:43 PM Q3 with approx 1k miles, never seen this with any other tires...comments?...
(http://i57.tinypic.com/mai2pd.jpg) (http://i58.tinypic.com/2iixxxd.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 09, 2015, 09:00:29 PM Gene got the blues!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 09, 2015, 09:01:42 PM Give me that thing & I'll see if I can cure the blues. [evil]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 09, 2015, 09:43:38 PM From what I've read this is caused by oils coming to the surface after a heat cycle (outgassing), which is common with race tires...problem is, the tire gets a little harder after these heat cycles.... :(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 09, 2015, 11:42:42 PM From a UK track day site...
Tyre Discolouration – Blue Tyres Motorcycle Blue Tyres You often see the question come up ‘why are my tyres blue’ or ‘what’s this blue stuff on my tyres’ with people suggesting that when you see it the tyres are done. This isn’t completely true. What makes it blue? – Motorcycle tyres actually contain oils that keep the tyre soft and the blue/green tint you can see on your tyres is just the oils coming to the surface. Why are they on the surface? – After the tyres have been used to the point where they gain significant heat, when they cool down again (this is one heat cycle) the oils in the tyre will often come to the surface. When you go back out and ride the bike these surface oils are scrubbed off and it’s only when you come back in and let the tyres cool down again that you’ll see more oils coming to the surface. Each time you take a tyre through a heat cycle you are losing the oils that keep the tyre soft, so the more heat cycles a tyre has been through the less effective the rubber is going to be for you. As a side note, heat cycles will affect track tyres a lot worse than road biased tyres, as road tyres are expected to go through these cycles Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 20, 2015, 09:33:23 PM From what I've read this is caused by oils coming to the surface after a heat cycle (outgassing), which is common with race tires...problem is, the tire gets a little harder after these heat cycles.... :( Did you get that bluing off of the tire? Where did you get those Q3's from anyway? Locally? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 20, 2015, 10:53:14 PM Did you get that bluing off of the tire? Where did you get those Q3's from anyway? Locally? The bluing goes away when I go for a ride, and then gradually comes back after I park the bike...that rear tire came from SS, the front from Revzilla... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 21, 2015, 08:48:00 AM The bluing goes away when I go for a ride, and then gradually comes back after I park the bike...that rear tire came from SS, the front from Revzilla... How did you get Revzilla to ship you a front tire? They say clearly that they only ship tires to the 48 contiguous states. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 21, 2015, 09:56:50 AM How did you get Revzilla to ship you a front tire? They say clearly that they only ship tires to the 48 contiguous states. You do a phone order, they will charge you an extra $25 shipping for up to two tires to Hawaii...I originally ordered the set from Revzilla then picked up a nail in the rear, hence the locally procured rear tire...;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on May 21, 2015, 11:37:50 PM G
Is it worth the extra legwork...taking bike & tires to a shop for install? May I ask what approximate savings are? I have contemplated doing this ! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 22, 2015, 10:43:58 AM G Is it worth the extra legwork...taking bike & tires to a shop for install? May I ask what approximate savings are? I have contemplated doing this ! Whether you save or not is going to depend a lot on how much the shop charges for the mount & balance. The last tires I ordered were Q3s from Revzilla, cost was $285 with m & b at SS coming in at $136 for a total of $421 for the set, I think the quote from SS was $510. I picked up a nail in the rear early on which couldn't be repaired. I paid SS $299 for a new rear mounted & balanced, according to the repair order this included a $91 part discount. Note that SS did pick up the bike from my house and offered to deliver it back to me after they were pau, no charge for this. Prior to the Q3s, I picked up a nail on H3 in the rear OE Pirelli Supercorsa SP at about 600 miles, SS picked me up and took the bike to their shop. Andy's was the only shop that had the tire in stock, I sweet talked him into selling me the tire less the m&b charge for only $420 and paid SS $75 for the m&b...Andy wanted to do the m&b and I had to beg him to sell me just the tire. Check Amazon as well as Revzilla, I ordered a set of 2CTs for the Duc from them sometime back and had free shipping. Before you order, to determine whether you can save $$$ or not call your favorite local shop for the m&b pricing as they can be all over the place...SS has at various times quoted me $100, $50, & $75 per tire. Good luck with your next tire purchase... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on May 23, 2015, 12:07:17 AM Thanks for the reply Gene
Funny how SS's tire mounting quotes are all over the place!! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 23, 2015, 07:16:40 AM Funny how SS's tire mounting quotes are all over the place!! I think it depends on who you deal with and whether or not you're a regular customer... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: 118811 on May 25, 2015, 08:42:27 PM Anyone have opinion or knowledge on Battery Tender Lithium Batteries?
http://www.amazon.com/Battery-Tender-BTL14A240C-Lithium-Phosphate/dp/B00F9LPJ8S (http://www.amazon.com/Battery-Tender-BTL14A240C-Lithium-Phosphate/dp/B00F9LPJ8S) I have that stinking feeling the CBR is gonna need one soon😣 Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on May 26, 2015, 06:38:37 AM Anyone have opinion or knowledge on Battery Tender Lithium Batteries? http://www.amazon.com/Battery-Tender-BTL14A240C-Lithium-Phosphate/dp/B00F9LPJ8S (http://www.amazon.com/Battery-Tender-BTL14A240C-Lithium-Phosphate/dp/B00F9LPJ8S) I have that stinking feeling the CBR is gonna need one soon😣 Folks that I know have always installed Shorai batteries. You can get them from Amazon too. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 02, 2015, 03:22:31 PM Quarter mile shootout...
http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/2015-superbike-test-comparison-shootout-drag-race-bmw-s1000rr-vs-ducati-1299-panigale-s-vs-yamaha?cmpid=enews060215&spPodID=030&spMailingID=22761200&spUserID=NjMxMTY5MjE1NDYS1&spJobID=580182499&spReportId=NTgwMTgyNDk5S0 (http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/2015-superbike-test-comparison-shootout-drag-race-bmw-s1000rr-vs-ducati-1299-panigale-s-vs-yamaha?cmpid=enews060215&spPodID=030&spMailingID=22761200&spUserID=NjMxMTY5MjE1NDYS1&spJobID=580182499&spReportId=NTgwMTgyNDk5S0) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on June 03, 2015, 08:35:23 AM Quarter mile shootout... http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/2015-superbike-test-comparison-shootout-drag-race-bmw-s1000rr-vs-ducati-1299-panigale-s-vs-yamaha?cmpid=enews060215&spPodID=030&spMailingID=22761200&spUserID=NjMxMTY5MjE1NDYS1&spJobID=580182499&spReportId=NTgwMTgyNDk5S0 (http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/2015-superbike-test-comparison-shootout-drag-race-bmw-s1000rr-vs-ducati-1299-panigale-s-vs-yamaha?cmpid=enews060215&spPodID=030&spMailingID=22761200&spUserID=NjMxMTY5MjE1NDYS1&spJobID=580182499&spReportId=NTgwMTgyNDk5S0) Looks like we have to wait until the end of summer for the entire test. Good thing that I've retired from superbikes. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on June 03, 2015, 06:28:39 PM Looks like we have to wait until the end of summer for the entire test. Good thing that I've retired from superbikes. [roll] oh yeah?... ;) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 06, 2015, 05:04:26 PM 99* in Las Cruces today ----- hoo ya!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 07, 2015, 01:09:07 AM 99* in Las Cruces today ----- hoo ya! It was 104 on Wednesday. Didn't feel that bad at 12% humidity. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 07, 2015, 08:50:00 AM It was 104 on Wednesday. Didn't feel that bad at 12% humidity. To quote Eddie Murphy from a show in Vegas. They say it's not bad because it's a dry heat. You can kiss my sweaty dry heat ass! [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 07, 2015, 09:19:35 AM To quote Eddie Murphy from a show in Vegas. They say it's not bad because it's a dry heat. You can kiss my sweaty dry heat ass! [laugh] [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 07, 2015, 02:00:25 PM Placed an offer on a house.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 07, 2015, 02:05:35 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 07, 2015, 04:58:56 PM To quote Eddie Murphy from a show in Vegas. They say it's not bad because it's a dry heat. You can kiss my sweaty dry heat ass! [laugh] I tell you, 98 feels better here than 85 does back in Virginia. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 08, 2015, 12:52:40 AM I tell you, 98 feels better here than 85 does back in Virginia. You're buying down there already? Wow! Not even renting a bit? Guess not....... Tell you what...... 85* pfffftt...... Try 90* & 80% humidity like we have here right now........ today I think it was closer to 90% humidity. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: ducpainter on August 08, 2015, 03:52:37 AM Placed an offer on a house. You outta the capitol area?Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 08, 2015, 06:39:27 AM You're buying down there already? Wow! Not even renting a bit? Guess not....... Tell you what...... 85* pfffftt...... Try 90* & 80% humidity like we have here right now........ today I think it was closer to 90% humidity. It makes more sense to buy down here right away. Work pays my closing costs and will also cover the management fees from when I put the place in VA up for rent. So, I'll just let someone else pay my mortgage on that on, and start building equity on a new place. You outta the capitol area? Not quite yet Nate. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 23, 2015, 05:29:38 PM Just have to say that no matter what the S1000R is an absolute hoot!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 25, 2015, 02:32:30 PM 29 posts to go and we make 22,000 posts total for the Desmotropic board. [thumbsup] [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on September 06, 2015, 10:24:40 PM Finally got the sealed tank back on the monster yesterday. Did a quick spin in the early morning today to check for leaks. All clear. Definitely feeling the effects of not riding for more than 5 month. It will be a slow recovery.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 06, 2015, 11:49:27 PM Finally got the sealed tank back on the monster yesterday. Did a quick spin in the early morning today to check for leaks. All clear. Definitely feeling the effects of not riding for more than 5 month. It will be a slow recovery. Good to hear...hopefully it won't be another 5 months before you can do a Sunday ride with us... ;D p.s. how's little Owen doing? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on September 09, 2015, 12:10:23 AM Little Owen is doing great, over 15lbs and growing fast. I hope I can ride with you guys soon enough. Earlier rides are definitely easier to manage.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on September 11, 2015, 06:07:39 PM Why we ride?
http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/this-little-girl-reminds-us-why-we-ride-motorcycles-1730172351 (http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/this-little-girl-reminds-us-why-we-ride-motorcycles-1730172351) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 13, 2015, 09:26:32 PM It was a lousy, crappy day for riding anything on two wheels. So I fixed the garage door.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 13, 2015, 09:31:20 PM Why we ride? http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/this-little-girl-reminds-us-why-we-ride-motorcycles-1730172351 (http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/this-little-girl-reminds-us-why-we-ride-motorcycles-1730172351) Great find! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 18, 2015, 05:28:59 PM Read somewhere once that the Brits are obsessed with fasteners...
(http://i58.tinypic.com/qsw1fp.jpg) (http://i58.tinypic.com/2mo9rvm.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 18, 2015, 05:40:51 PM I'd say it's on there.
:D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 18, 2015, 11:20:50 PM Maybe that's how they fixed the old bikes tendency to leak oil!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 19, 2015, 01:13:39 PM Had an informative conversation with Joey the Aprilia brand specialist at Cycle City this morning. According to him the Tuono comes in three flavors for 2016, APRC, RR, & Factory. The APRC & RR are available at this time, just need to put your order in. Factory will be available in November...they are not ordering bikes at this time as they are overstocked, he says he can make killer deals on the leftover '15s.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 19, 2015, 01:31:13 PM They still have '14 RSV4R Factories?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 19, 2015, 02:08:38 PM They still have '14 RSV4R Factories? Not sure, we were discussing Tuonos... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 19, 2015, 02:11:42 PM I saw that. My question was based on the fact their website shows Factory Superbikes. Bet they'd let those go for a song.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 19, 2015, 02:33:46 PM They still have '14 RSV4R Factories? They have one of those. Saw it a couple of weeks ago and saw it this morning when I popped in to see if a 2016 Tuono Factory was in. That RSV4R had an initial tag price of $22,995 ( I believe ) and has been marked down to $18,995, or $19,995. Something like that. Yep, they have two 2015 Tuono's sitting there that they would make deals on but, hey, why? Just like the Ducati dealer has two 1199 Panigale's on the floor. They also have a 1299 Panigale S but it has a big price. They will deal on the 1199's for sure and they won't even talk about whether or not there are base 1299's sitting in boxes in the warehouse. Turns out that a girl/woman who used to ride a 796 Monster ( I think Shawn said a 796 ) bought that orange 1290 SD. Said her husband has a Streetfighter. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 28, 2015, 06:24:23 PM for those interested...nekkid comparo...
http://magazine.cyclenews.com/i/577750-cycle-news-2015-issue-39-september-29 (http://magazine.cyclenews.com/i/577750-cycle-news-2015-issue-39-september-29) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 29, 2015, 08:46:28 AM for those interested...nekkid comparo... http://magazine.cyclenews.com/i/577750-cycle-news-2015-issue-39-september-29 (http://magazine.cyclenews.com/i/577750-cycle-news-2015-issue-39-september-29) All good if you've got any of the top three. Seems like they are splitting some hairs. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 29, 2015, 07:54:32 PM Steroid injections to the vicinity of L1, L2, & L4 this morning...hopefully this will help with the lower back discomfort that I have been experiencing for awhile now...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 30, 2015, 08:26:04 AM Steroid injections to the vicinity of L1, L2, & L4 this morning...hopefully this will help with the lower back discomfort that I have been experiencing for awhile now... Hope so too! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 30, 2015, 12:05:37 PM Hope so too! Feelin' better already and it's supposed to take 3-5 days to kick in with max relief at 10-12 days, so things are looking up...fingers crossed... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 30, 2015, 03:07:31 PM so things are looking up Glad to hear it. Back issues can be a real drag. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 04, 2015, 07:39:44 PM Sure made the right call by not going out riding today. Windward side has been under water off & on all day and under water for the last three hours and still going.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 04, 2015, 11:27:38 PM Sure made the right call by not going out riding today. Windward side has been under water off & on all day and under water for the last three hours and still going. Crazy!...nary a drop over here... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 05, 2015, 08:33:45 AM Crazy!...nary a drop over here... I know! I had to go over the Pali into town twice yesterday. :( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 29, 2015, 03:34:45 PM An opinion of the 1290SDR from another forum...
There are many like myself that cannot stand the way the bike runs. I rode the bike in several different variations of levels on both traction and wheelie control, rode with one or the other off, then with both off. With both of them off it felt better but compared to all the bikes I've ridden (R1, R6, ZX10R, 848, SF848, SF1098, 899 Pani, 1299S Pani, S1000RR, 675R, maybe more??) this bike was garbage. Does it have power? Hell yeah. Usable to me? Not really. Nothing about the bike was comfortable and it wanted to tell me how to ride the bike not the other way around. If I wanted to just pull up wheelies all day and see what happens then absolutely this is the bike for you. I have never been so disappointed in riding a bike. Even after riding a powerful cruiser at least gives me a smile when I get off even though i don't like the looks of it. I know it's just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt. At least I'm not talking shit on a bike I didn't ride or give a chance(and I had bikes to compare it to). I was actually thinking that the KTM was going to blow me away but it was exactly the opposite. Can't see how they are justifying a near $18K price tag for it. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 10, 2015, 10:00:55 PM Been thinking about the new for '16 Tuono as of late, looks to be an entertaining motorbike...unfortunately a new roof and a paint job for the house will relegate me to just thinking about it...:'(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 11, 2015, 03:27:51 AM Been thinking about the new for '16 Tuono as of late, looks to be an entertaining motorbike...unfortunately a new roof and a paint job for the house will relegate me to just thinking about it...:'( Burn down the house and use the insurance money for the new bike? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 11, 2015, 07:11:54 AM Burn down the house and use the insurance money for the new bike? A man with his priorities in order... [laugh] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 11, 2015, 09:03:03 AM Been thinking about the new for '16 Tuono as of late, looks to be an entertaining motorbike...unfortunately a new roof and a paint job for the house will relegate me to just thinking about it...:'( As of last Saturday CC still doesn't have ( or isn't showing ) any 2016's. They still have that sweet deal of a 2014 RSVR4 Factory though..... [roll] [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 21, 2015, 08:51:24 PM They called and said a Factory Tuono is due soon.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 21, 2015, 08:52:03 PM Bonding with the 325i this weekend.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 21, 2015, 11:13:39 PM Bonding with the 325i this weekend. Cool!...hopefully I'll be bonding with a new roof before Thanksgiving... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 22, 2015, 06:02:21 AM Bonding with the 325i this weekend. How's it turning out so far? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 22, 2015, 12:16:41 PM It's taking a little longer than I originally anticipated but will be very nice when done. I reckon I'm about a third of the way through.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 22, 2015, 01:06:24 PM It's taking a little longer than I originally anticipated... Doesn't it always... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 23, 2015, 09:11:44 AM Cool!...hopefully I'll be bonding with a new roof before Thanksgiving... ;D Great weather for working on a roof I might add................ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 24, 2015, 10:38:43 AM Roofers are here!... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 25, 2015, 11:55:28 AM Roof pau!...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 25, 2015, 02:12:41 PM Roof pau!... Was that a complete new roof? Waterproofing & tiles, shingles, etc.? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 25, 2015, 03:10:03 PM Was that a complete new roof? Waterproofing & tiles, shingles, etc.? Complete new torch down roof on main house & carport, may go for one of those cool roof coatings later on... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 25, 2015, 05:37:25 PM Solar panels?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 25, 2015, 07:45:04 PM Solar panels? Nah, don't really have the coin for that...fixed income ya know... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 25, 2015, 08:47:03 PM Nah, don't really have the coin for that...fixed income ya know... Actually I'm thinking about solar for the water heater, but not the full on pv panel setup... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 25, 2015, 10:21:07 PM I'd like to put up solar panels on my roof here in the desert. It would be interesting to see how much energy they would develop.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 24, 2015, 08:20:02 AM Merry Christmas to any, and all, who may still be reading this board from time to time!!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 24, 2015, 10:52:57 AM Merry Christmas to any, and all, who may still be reading this board from time to time!! +1...:) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 24, 2015, 04:07:22 PM to any, and all, who may still be reading this board from time to time!! that would be you, me, and DRKWNG... ??? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 24, 2015, 04:35:55 PM Christmas present from me...:)
https://www.facebook.com/WRC.News.1/videos/967666819920920/ (https://www.facebook.com/WRC.News.1/videos/967666819920920/) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 24, 2015, 06:19:19 PM Christmas present from me...:) https://www.facebook.com/WRC.News.1/videos/967666819920920/ (https://www.facebook.com/WRC.News.1/videos/967666819920920/) I've been informed that this is from a video game... ??? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 24, 2015, 06:27:53 PM that would be you, me, and DRKWNG... ??? Some of us have to keep it alive! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 25, 2015, 01:44:14 PM My Christmas wish came true, a dry sunny morning...which made possible an enjoyable quick ride to the snake and back...:)
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 31, 2015, 05:33:05 PM Happy New Year guys, hope 2016 brings good health to you and yours...;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 31, 2015, 05:39:06 PM Ditto y'all!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 01, 2016, 07:53:57 PM I just wiped out a huge wasp nest under the corner eve of the garage. Unfortunately I also inadvertently shorted the outside Christmas lights as well. :o >:( :o
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 10, 2016, 10:52:23 PM Autocrossed the M today...drove like an old man... :(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 12, 2016, 08:36:35 AM Autocrossed the M today...drove like an old man... :( Some days you still got it. Some days you don't. The only problem is if the later outnumbers the former. [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 12, 2016, 12:02:02 PM Some days you still got it. Some days you don't. The only problem is if the later outnumbers the former. [Dolph] I could chalk it up to a tight course and the M's longish wheelbase, but I won't...:) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 10, 2016, 10:44:29 PM From my Facebook page:
I mowed the lawn today, and after doing so I sat down and had a cold beer. The day was really quite beautiful, and the drink facilitated some deep thinking. My wife walked by and asked me what I was doing, and I said 'nothing'. The reason I said 'nothing' instead of saying 'just thinking' is because she then would have asked 'about what?' At that point I would have had to explain that men are deep thinkers about various topics, which would lead to other questions. Finally I pondered an age old question: Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts? Women always maintain that giving birth is way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the nuts, but how could they "know"? Well, after another beer, and some more heavy deductive thinking, I have come up with an answer to that question. Getting kicked in the nuts is more painful than having a baby, and even though I obviously couldn't really "know", here is the reason for my conclusion. A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, "It might be nice to have another child." On the other hand, you never hear a guy say, "You know, I think I would like another kick in the nuts." Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 18, 2016, 02:49:33 PM Praying for dry weather for this Saturday & next Saturday. It doesn't even have to be sunny, just dry. Gotta rack up another 100 + miles & get ready for project work on Sunday. Of course, next Sunday could also be dry & that would be nice too. [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 18, 2016, 05:54:12 PM I'm freeing up time on Sat, if you need a partner lmk... [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 18, 2016, 10:39:36 PM Will do.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 19, 2016, 08:09:44 AM Won't be able to get out until about Noon, is that OK?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 19, 2016, 10:36:50 AM Won't be able to get out until about Noon, is that OK? That's good, or even a skosh after if need be... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 22, 2016, 08:34:56 AM No more sounding like a pussy cat. [evil]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 22, 2016, 08:41:21 PM No more sounding like a pussy cat. [evil] [thumbsup] Baffle in or out, and how does it sound? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 22, 2016, 09:47:32 PM Either way. One is as loud as all hell and the other is louder.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 22, 2016, 10:29:05 PM One is as loud as all hell and the other is louder. :D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 23, 2016, 07:21:21 AM Either way. One is as loud as all hell and the other is louder. Oh my!... [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 23, 2016, 08:20:58 AM Plus it has a very crisp, very responsive throttle bark. I mean instant and it doesn't even have the Akro remap yet. [evil] [evil]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 23, 2016, 03:11:25 PM Mine always felt as if it had a SUPER LIGHT flywheel from the factory. They wind up FAST!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 23, 2016, 10:54:09 PM Mine always felt as if it had a SUPER LIGHT flywheel from the factory. They wind up FAST! ^ This. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 27, 2016, 08:03:24 PM Remap done. [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] OK, maybe not as loud as I previously stated but still loud. I stuck the baffle in & still terrorized Tantalus. [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on February 27, 2016, 08:13:35 PM And?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 28, 2016, 01:00:49 AM And what? ? ? ;D There's a real good chance I may pull the baffle back out. The throttling is way better after the remap and actually makes it a bit easier to ride even though the throttle is much more sensitive. I know that seems like an oxymoron but it's tricky to explain. I also cranked in one more notch of rebound stiffness on the front & the rear and that helped the suspension noticeably. The little shake and roll when hitting bumps in high speed corners may be gone and that may have helped some of the tight low speed hairpins too. It might also be due to the fact the I'm learning more / adapting quicker to the changes too.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 28, 2016, 07:25:22 AM Remap done. [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] OK, maybe not as loud as I previously stated but still loud. I stuck the baffle & still terrorized Tantalus. [Dolph] KTM = King of Tantalus Mountain?... [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 28, 2016, 08:06:00 AM Fail. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 28, 2016, 08:46:27 PM When I say "terrorize" I just mean that I'm a noise nuisance up there. I'm still working on getting sort of fast with the bike but the road keeps getting worse and there has been lots & lots of traffic up there lately.
Since there is only a 2dB difference with the baffle in or out and no difference in the noise level at high rpms I will likely take the baffle out the next time the opportunity comes along. [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 03, 2016, 02:27:14 PM I'm still working on getting sort of fast with the bike but the road keeps getting worse[Dolph] Took a ride up Tantalus this morning, not fun at all with the road surface as bad as it is. Looks like the pot hole patrol was up there very recently as evidenced by the gravely loose packed patches all over the place...these, with unrepaired deteriorating portions of the road and the lumpy, poorly repaved sections make it a big time obstacle course... >:( [thumbsdown] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 04, 2016, 09:11:26 AM Soon we will be riding 690 SuperMotos up there. [Dolph] For sure the road is going away. It's been very interesting over the past few weeks learning new lines due to the handling & power changes of the new bike plus mix all the bad road in. Woo Hoo! Wait until some good rain comes along and drops all kinds of leaves & branches and then even washes the road out even more. Someone has painted yellow circles around all the bad holes but the paint is fading.
One of the things that gets me is how the bike "clubs" hang out in their certain spots and run the same corners over & over. Then when the 4 wheel drifters show up they cheer them on too! None of them seem to get, seem to understand that all of that just chews up and ruins the road they love even faster. :P I'll ride that road until it just can't be ridden any longer. Was it ten years ago that the 40 day / 40 night rain came & destroyed it? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 04, 2016, 10:43:04 AM Soon we will be riding 690 SuperMotos up there. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 06, 2016, 08:24:59 PM Went up & down Tantalus this morning. Rougher than a cob but still fun.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 10, 2016, 07:09:32 PM Headed out to visit the snake this morning, but it was blocked off for repaving...should be nice when they get it done... [evil]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 10, 2016, 09:12:05 PM Geez, that means they've been working on it for over a month now............. [roll]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 10, 2016, 11:46:04 PM Geez, that means they've been working on it for over a month now............. [roll] Have some patience, maybe they'll do a bang up job and it will last more than two years... :-* Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 11, 2016, 08:43:01 AM Have some patience, maybe they'll do a bang up job and it will last more than two years... :-* Where have you been living for the last umpteen years? ;D [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 03, 2016, 08:05:33 PM Where have you been living for the last umpteen years? ;D [roll] Speaking of crap roads...... I found a big dent on the right side of my front wheel today & I know right where it happened. >:( >:( Going after City/County - State as soon as I find out whose road it is. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 03, 2016, 09:41:10 PM Bummer...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 24, 2016, 11:12:38 AM I was going to go out & look for trouble this morning but low, dark clouds have rolled in & light showers have been forming all around. I guess I'll have to wait and see how it goes later. :(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 24, 2016, 02:54:38 PM me likey... ;D
http://www.ducati.com/bikes/hypermotard/hypermotard_939_sp/index.do (http://www.ducati.com/bikes/hypermotard/hypermotard_939_sp/index.do) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 24, 2016, 05:28:36 PM me likey... ;D http://www.ducati.com/bikes/hypermotard/hypermotard_939_sp/index.do (http://www.ducati.com/bikes/hypermotard/hypermotard_939_sp/index.do) Wouldn't you be going backwards? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on April 24, 2016, 05:36:01 PM Wouldn't you be going backwards? Well I guess I would in cylinder count, but that hyper sure looks like fun!... :-* Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on April 24, 2016, 05:42:38 PM Bet my SD would stomp on it. Plus, I know where you can find one at a good price. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 24, 2016, 09:12:44 PM Bet my SD would stomp on it. Plus, I know where you can find one at a good price. ;D Bet it would too! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 19, 2016, 04:56:47 PM Did an autocross Test N Tune at the Stadium on Sunday, four runs in the morning and four runs in the afternoon. Total bust for me as I really couldn't improve that much on my time through the eight runs, even though I had one of our hotshoes ride along on the fifth run and give me a critique after. He pointed out a couple of things I could improve on, but I just couldn't execute...I was like the crazy guy doing the same thing, the same way, over and over expecting a different result... :(
I had been experiencing the same thing on the tighter track set ups last season, but was okay on the more open tracks, and yesterday was pretty open...I would have eaten that track up a couple of years ago. No real changes to the car, pretty much the same suspension and shock settings and beginning tire pressures that I have always run, just couldn't get the car to rotate. I think the driver has seen better days and needs to retire the M3 from autox duty because it's not fun anymore. Looking on the bright side, that leaves more Sundays open for motorbike rides, where the roads are familiar and I have an ace leading the way... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DarkMonster620 on July 19, 2016, 05:05:27 PM Hey !!!
Nice to know you all enjoying the Islands .. . Any of you know something about teddy? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 21, 2016, 09:19:32 PM Hey !!! Nice to know you all enjoying the Islands .. . Any of you know something about teddy? Haven't heard from him in years on this forum. He doesn't post on Facebook any longer either. That or he has unfriended all of us....... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 01, 2016, 06:26:10 PM Hope today's surgery was a complete success MD... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DarkMonster620 on August 01, 2016, 06:44:13 PM Haven't heard from him in years on this forum. He doesn't post on Facebook any longer either. That or he has unfriended all of us....... This is what I got on his FB accnt"Account Inactive Close This account has been deactivated. Only you can see Teddy on your friends list. You have the option to unfriend Teddy." Can someone drive his place? His addy: Teddy Estrella 95-1021 Kaapeha St. #83 Mililani, HI 96789 His lasts posts either here or FB were worrisome . . . He was way too depressed. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 01, 2016, 11:37:19 PM Hope today's surgery was a complete success MD... ;D I'm alive but with some strange extreme muscle soreness in the base of my neck & shoulders. Where they went in feels fine. So far. Thanks for asking & I'll check in again later. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 02, 2016, 07:29:52 AM Good to hear... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 03, 2016, 07:38:31 AM Good to hear... ;D Are you having the cataract done? I highly recommend that one! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 03, 2016, 07:44:58 AM This is what I got on his FB accnt "Account Inactive Close This account has been deactivated. Only you can see Teddy on your friends list. You have the option to unfriend Teddy." Can someone drive his place? His addy: Teddy Estrella 95-1021 Kaapeha St. #83 Mililani, HI 96789 His lasts posts either here or FB were worrisome . . . He was way too depressed. This may sound mean but I don't intend it that way. As far as I know Teddy had supportive friends around him until he drove them off. Some people get depressed and don't want to be saved. That's part of clinical depression and that's how he was acting. I really hope that he is better off now ........ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DarkMonster620 on August 03, 2016, 02:55:58 PM Dont worry . . . To each its own . . . I was just worried ...
Now back to bikes and cars and guns . . . Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 04, 2016, 02:46:06 PM Are you having the cataract done? I highly recommend that one! Gonna check with my eye doc when I get home, no rush though... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 08, 2016, 01:52:26 PM I'm alive but with some strange extreme muscle soreness in the base of my neck & shoulders. Where they went in feels fine. So far. Thanks for asking & I'll check in again later. How goes the rehab? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 10, 2016, 09:00:53 PM How goes the rehab? Slow but I am back at work. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 12, 2016, 02:59:46 AM Slow but I am back at work. Just keep thinkin' about that monster you've created and its' need to be flogged now and again. [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 13, 2016, 09:00:16 PM Just keep thinkin' about that monster you've created and its' need to be flogged now and again. [evil] That bike will get exercised in due time. Time will fly by. I am "Jonesing" a bit now though. Good thing no fast bike parades have gone by on the road today. Crap, no motorcycling, no bicycling & no cigar smoking for about 3 months. End of October / first part of November is my goal. Good thing I can still drink ........ [drink] [drink] [beer] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 13, 2016, 10:47:32 PM End of October / first part of November is my goal. Looking forward to it... [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 21, 2016, 01:39:32 PM No riding motorcycles....... no smoking cigars........... and definitely no riding bicycles ( body position & no suspension so out of the question ) ........... this is far worse than I thought it would be >:( :( >:( :( I might sneak in a small cigar two weeks from now ------- next check up is in the middle of Sept. so we get to see how the bone healing process is going then ( I think ) ---------- maybe a short ride in the end of Sept. [roll] dunno
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 21, 2016, 03:48:27 PM What does no smoking cigars have to do with anything?... ???
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 21, 2016, 07:12:56 PM What does no smoking cigars have to do with anything?... ??? Nicotine hinders bone healing. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 21, 2016, 08:38:04 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 28, 2016, 11:00:50 AM It's been a month since the SDR was out. I might just fire it up today just to hear it run...............
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 28, 2016, 06:32:55 PM It's been a month since the SDR was out. I might just fire it up today just to hear it run............... [evil] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 03, 2016, 07:30:32 PM Had a chance meeting with Lester this afternoon...turns out he lives across and two houses up the street from my son... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 04, 2016, 12:54:46 PM Had a chance meeting with Lester this afternoon...turns out he lives across and two houses up the street from my son... ;D Has he been out lately? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 04, 2016, 03:19:11 PM No, says lousy weather and too much traffic have kept him off the bike...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 05, 2016, 05:57:56 PM No, says lousy weather and too much traffic have kept him off the bike... That downside is way old............... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 05, 2016, 06:01:19 PM It's been a month since the SDR was out. I might just fire it up today just to hear it run............... So I didn't do that last week but did it this last Sat. instead. Dang! I can't believe that bike is mine. [Dolph] Didn't ride it and since no one else qualified enough was around I just let it warm up to operating temp. Still........... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 05, 2016, 10:04:28 PM ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 15, 2016, 09:23:01 PM I might jump on the KTM at the end of the month. Dunno just yet but the exercises are doing good. I just have to be careful about certain neck bends & sudden jarring. I'll try some short scoots first. And, of course, no crashing. [roll] :o
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 16, 2016, 06:22:09 PM I might jump on the KTM at the end of the month. Dunno just yet but the exercises are doing good. I just have to be careful about certain neck bends & sudden jarring. I'll try some short scoots first. And, of course, no crashing. [roll] :o Let us know when you're ready for a Sunday ride...it can be a mellow one if need be... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on September 19, 2016, 02:56:56 PM [thumbsup]
I might jump on the KTM at the end of the month. Dunno just yet but the exercises are doing good. I just have to be careful about certain neck bends & sudden jarring. I'll try some short scoots first. And, of course, no crashing. [roll] :o Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on October 02, 2016, 07:55:04 AM Dont worry . . . To each its own . . . I was just worried ... Now back to bikes and cars and guns . . . I tried texting him on his birthday, but no response. We had, admittedly, lost touch after I left the island. BTW, I just opened an old computer and it had DMF as a favorite. I clicked it and saw activity. Howdy! [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 02, 2016, 06:51:49 PM I tried texting him on his birthday, but no response. We had, admittedly, lost touch after I left the island. BTW, I just opened an old computer and it had DMF as a favorite. I clicked it and saw activity. Howdy! [thumbsup] Howdy to you too!!!! ------- You were one of the last to have contact with him. I think it was through all those tequilas / margaritas and tacos up there in Mililani. But sadly, yes, I think he cut off everyone. Hopefully he has a new & better life but then again, the way he was headed..... [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 03, 2016, 12:57:57 PM Since I'm off for a week again ( use it or lose it vacation ), and am interested in getting a little more out & about on the KTM, what is the weather outlook? Rain, of course, is what the weather people are saying. Maybe towards the end of the week......... [roll]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 03, 2016, 09:06:51 PM Since I'm off for a week again ( use it or lose it vacation ), and am interested in getting a little more out & about on the KTM, what is the weather outlook? Rain, of course, is what the weather people are saying. Maybe towards the end of the week......... [roll] If you decide to go and need some company, I'm free Thursday and Friday... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 04, 2016, 10:16:18 AM You betcha...... we just might do that [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on October 04, 2016, 03:55:20 PM I haven't had a bike since I left Hawaii. Oddly, I don't have a garage here, and I do have winter. But, Jen is due to transfer next September, and Hawaii is on the very short list of options, so I may have to dive back in [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 04, 2016, 08:59:03 PM Of course you folks would be more than welcome!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 05, 2016, 07:02:03 AM Of course you folks would be more than welcome! [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 05, 2016, 09:39:29 AM I haven't had a bike since I left Hawaii. Oddly, I don't have a garage here, and I do have winter. But, Jen is due to transfer next September, and Hawaii is on the very short list of options, so I may have to dive back in [thumbsup] So, we know that Jen is still "in". What are you doing these days besides pursuing culinary excellence? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 05, 2016, 10:53:58 AM So, we know that Jen is still "in". What are you doing these days besides pursuing culinary excellence? He was getting all shaggy the last time I saw him. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on October 05, 2016, 04:37:14 PM Shaggy indeed! I am a filthy government contractor who somehow keeps getting moved into harder jobs. These days I'm responsible for a team of cybersecurity analysts, which probably sounds niftier than reality.
For the record, I have had NO BACON today. Multiple hams, yes, but no bacon. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 11, 2016, 07:57:54 PM Call from Shawn at SS this afternoon, my old Street Fighter is for sale...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 12, 2016, 01:44:52 PM Call from Shawn at SS this afternoon, my old Streetfighter is for sale... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 12, 2016, 09:42:04 PM Sale by private owner?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 12, 2016, 10:00:15 PM Sale by private owner? Yup, third owner who is a buddy of the guy I sold it to, he's talking about trading it in on a new bike...it was in for service (TPS) a couple of weeks ago, still looks good... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on May 22, 2017, 05:41:28 PM Bad news today, Nicky Hayden passed away. RIP.
http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/motorsports/motogp-champion-hayden-dies-after-bicycle-crash/ar-BBBorkz?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=mailsignout Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on May 22, 2017, 06:57:47 PM Bad news today, Nicky Hayden passed away. RIP. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/motorsports/motogp-champion-hayden-dies-after-bicycle-crash/ar-BBBorkz?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=mailsignout Yeah, saw that...RIP Nicky, an all around good guy. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 23, 2017, 09:25:38 PM it might be a tad late but nevertheless HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!! folks
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 24, 2017, 10:14:24 AM it might be a tad late but nevertheless HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!! folks ditto... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on December 03, 2017, 11:43:44 PM Happy Holidays!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 04, 2017, 10:14:24 AM Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays to you and yours! How's your little man doing? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 25, 2017, 07:19:27 AM Merry Christmas everyone, have a great holiday!...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 25, 2017, 07:55:35 AM Merry Christmas to you too Gene!! ----- Merry Christmas Ben!! --------- Merry Christmas Jing !! --------- Merry Christmas to whomever else might be reading this ------------- Wow Gene, up a bit early on Christmas aren't you? LOL. If you are like myself then the early rise time is just automatic.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 25, 2017, 10:44:35 AM Wow Gene, up a bit early on Christmas aren't you? LOL. If you are like myself then the early rise time is just automatic. You can only spend so much time laying down... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on December 31, 2017, 10:15:38 AM Happy almost-new-year, you crazy so-and-sos!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 01, 2018, 11:19:53 AM The happiest of New years to all...hoping for a good 2018!... ;D [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on February 18, 2018, 04:09:33 PM So here's what is going on with me. The biggest change is that we had a small shakeup in the workforce at BME. Brandon left us last fall and with Chris gone to Virginia to cross train into computer science it came down to me to officially have the shop open on Saturdays. Even though we close at 2 on that day it doesn't leave me much time to work on my cars and Gloria's cars. That means car work now gets done on Sundays and there has been a bit of car work needed lately with more still to come. The black car is nearly done and almost ready to sell, that is, if I want to sell it. The cylinder head needs to come back off the white '87 and get resealed again. If that works out like it should ( and should have worked out in the first place >:( ) then I will keep the white car. If that cylinder head / block has a problem where the oil leak keeps coming back then I may sell that car for a loss and keep the black car.
I swapped out the stock front fork cartridges in the KTM for some Mupo cartridges and the initial ride shows an improvement but there is still a bit of fine tuning to go. Hard when, if I ride, it's just a short ride into town on Sunday to work on a car and then back home again. This last year's riding has been the fewest miles I've put on a bike since 2005 and I'm not all that happy about that. Hopefully the car projects will get all settled and we can return to our regularly scheduled show. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on February 19, 2018, 10:50:29 AM Hopefully the car projects will get all settled and we can return to our regularly scheduled show. Would be nice if that happens before I get too old to ride...;) Last autocross of the season is April 8, then we have a 3 month break... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 17, 2018, 11:44:02 AM Car projects on hold for this weekend, March 17-18. Next weekend scheduled to take the cylinder head off the '87 325i. If luck is with me ( [roll] ) I will get the head back on the same weekend ( [roll] What could possibly cause me to even begin to think that? ).
That said the front fork cartridge replacement on the Superduke has gone very well and the front suspension tuning is almost set. Just have to do the final rebound damping adjustment. If I may so bold as to say this has made a huge transformation to the bike. Equally as effective as the suspension work done to the 848 and maybe even more so. The bike is more settled than it has ever been and in some unexpected ways. The big torque acceleration and engine braking effects on the handling have been tamed and it is much easier to ride faster now. All I was initially trying to do was to control the bobble in turns as the bike tracked over irregularities in the road. Got that handled and more like cherries on top of the frosting on the cake. [Dolph] [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 17, 2018, 04:30:38 PM [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 23, 2018, 10:42:10 AM I see that Cycle World is going to a quarterly, upscale, coffee table type of magazine, similar to what Motorcyclist has done.
While this is going to provide some good reads, where in the print world do I go for road tests, comparisons, letters to the editor, long term tests and the like? I'm going to miss these two magazines, in the format that I've enjoyed them in for the last 50 years, as well as the defunct Sport rider, Cycle, and Cycle Guide. :( https://www.cycleworld.com/cycle-world-magazine-gets-full-rebuild?CMPID=ene032218 Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 25, 2018, 11:34:04 AM I see that Cycle World is going to a quarterly, upscale, coffee table type of magazine, similar to what Motorcyclist has done. While this is going to provide some good reads, where in the print world do I go for road tests, comparisons, letters to the editor, long term tests and the like? I'm going to miss these two magazines, in the format that I've enjoyed them in for the last 50 years, as well as the defunct Sport rider, Cycle, and Cycle Guide. :( https://www.cycleworld.com/cycle-world-magazine-gets-full-rebuild?CMPID=ene032218 YouTube of course. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 25, 2018, 12:38:30 PM Not a great substitute for printed matter for this old guy... [roll]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 25, 2018, 09:36:28 PM Car projects on hold for this weekend, March 17-18. Next weekend scheduled to take the cylinder head off the '87 325i. If luck is with me ( [roll] ) I will get the head back on the same weekend ( [roll] What could possibly cause me to even begin to think that? ). OK, so I managed to only get the head off the engine this weekend. The good news is that everything is perfectly flat in every direction on both the cylinder head and the block. The old head gasket never sealed properly & the main worry was that there was some previously undetected warpage that was setting up the oil leak. It is now known positively that is not the case so without any crazy extra expense and needed time everything can go back together. Hopefully next weekend. What a year............ [bang] [bang] [bang] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 04, 2018, 10:43:58 PM Trying a little different riding style plus a little less power & weight.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 05, 2018, 09:31:18 AM Trying a little different riding style plus a little less power & weight. A little bird told me that you got a new motorbike...pictures would be nice.... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 05, 2018, 09:33:53 AM She’s a husky girl.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 05, 2018, 09:06:55 PM A little bird told me that you got a new motorbike...pictures would be nice.... ;D Photobucket wants $100.00 per year now ------ I'm grappling with that. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 05, 2018, 09:07:35 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 05, 2018, 09:12:33 PM Photobucket wants $100.00 per year now ------ I'm grappling with that. There are other sites. Imgur or something? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 06, 2018, 10:24:55 AM Photobucket wants $100.00 per year now ------ I'm grappling with that. free... ;D tinypic.com/ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 06, 2018, 11:07:46 PM In the meantime look up 701 SuperMoto
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 07, 2018, 10:11:25 AM In the meantime look up 701 SuperMoto [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 08, 2018, 08:30:15 AM I'd say let's go ride, and I'm totally good with that, except I am still breaking things in and don't want to go on any extended freeway rides. It's the opposite now. I can make multiple trips over Tantalus & love it. [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 08, 2018, 08:42:36 AM SD’s days are numbered?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on September 08, 2018, 10:18:58 AM I'd say let's go ride, and I'm totally good with that, except I am still breaking things in and don't want to go on any extended freeway rides. It's the opposite now. I can make multiple trips over Tantalus & love it. [Dolph] When she's all broke in... ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 09, 2018, 11:07:22 AM SD’s days are numbered? Possible but not sure just yet. This may take a couple three or four months to figure out. In the short long run I can only keep one. The 701 needs a few performance mods to boost it's presence. The SD is not happy on Tantalus or even 13 Turns. It's OK through Norfolk but the 701 is hands down better through all three, by a long, long shot. At issue will be the trade off on all other places so I expect it will be a close comparison and a hard decision. Our general traffic and road conditions are steadily worsening and making it less fun. The first rule of motorcyling is that it has to be fun. [Dolph] [Dolph] [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 09, 2018, 11:58:01 AM Come to England
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: sta on September 12, 2018, 05:09:06 PM This may take all the fun away :P
https://www.engadget.com/2018/09/12/bmw-self-driving-motorcycle-safety-efforts/ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 12, 2018, 08:06:06 PM This may take all the fun away :P https://www.engadget.com/2018/09/12/bmw-self-driving-motorcycle-safety-efforts/ Version 2.1 (https://allisjustadream.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/terminator-3-salvation-moto.jpg) Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 12, 2018, 10:43:53 PM This may take all the fun away :P https://www.engadget.com/2018/09/12/bmw-self-driving-motorcycle-safety-efforts/ There's a distinct difference between bikers and motorcycle riders. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 30, 2018, 07:54:08 PM I took the Superduke out today for the 1st time in two months. Whoa! Serious machine and a whole lot harder to ride than the supermoto. Up the Pali into town & out H1 to Pearl City. Turned around and came back over on H3, out to the Marine base, back to Enchanted Lakes for gas and home. It literally took the whole ride distance for me to start getting used to it and comfortable with it.
Dang! [Dolph] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 30, 2018, 07:59:20 PM Want to trade SDs?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 30, 2018, 09:58:24 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 30, 2018, 10:29:06 PM Well, seeing how you can’t handle the power...
:-* Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 01, 2018, 10:10:32 AM Well, seeing how you can’t handle the power... :-* [popcorn] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 01, 2018, 09:22:32 PM Well, seeing how you can’t handle the power... :-* Did you read the part where I said I got used to it & comfortable with it? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: ducpainter on October 02, 2018, 01:17:30 PM Did you read the part where I said I got used to it & comfortable with it? Sure he did...he just ignored it. ;DTitle: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 02, 2018, 03:39:41 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 02, 2018, 11:30:34 PM Sure he did...he just ignored it. ;D He's just curious about the world of Supermotos too. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 13, 2018, 11:19:33 AM For the near foreseeable future it looks like anything moto related will be limited to watching videos. L5-S1 vertebra has a collapsed disc. Degenerative disc disease. Most pain that I've ever been in my entire life and have been reduced to hobbling about with a cane. Hopefully MRI soon and surgery shortly after. I now have a handicap hanger for my car mirror. Unbelieveable. [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 13, 2018, 01:48:28 PM Yikes!! Sorry to hear that Rick.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 13, 2018, 04:12:46 PM Now, since at times I may appear to be somewhat normal but usually have some odd twist going on, there is more to the story but not what doctors really want to deal with. That funky disc problem has been there for some time, possibly years. It gets a bit complicated ( for me that's normal ) in that I think I may have had a mild case of shingles going on and since that virus likes to hang out in the nervous system around the temporal region in the skull and in nerve openings in the sacroiliac that may have inflamed which is setting all this off. Especially since I had the first stage shingles vaccine last Sunday and within hours what was some mild discomfort in the sciatica turned into a raging disability. So the collapsed disc is definitely there and has to be dealt with but there is this other thing too. Whatever, I just want to be able to walk again and, by extension, be able to get back on a bike. Shit...............
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 13, 2018, 04:13:59 PM Yikes!! Sorry to hear that Rick. Thanks Ben. [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 15, 2018, 09:59:44 AM Damn Rick, that's truly a bummer!... :(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 17, 2018, 07:30:19 AM Today is an especially bad day for moving around. MRI this afternoon.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 21, 2018, 02:06:46 PM MRI definitely showing bad disc in L5-S1 along with a synovial cyst applying pressure against the spinal cord. Getting the meeting on Tues afternoon where we discuss surgery.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 21, 2018, 10:55:10 PM MRI definitely showing bad disc in L5-S1 along with a synovial cyst applying pressure against the spinal cord. Getting the meeting on Tues afternoon where we discuss surgery. Hope they get that fixed...related to your previous neck problem?Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 22, 2018, 06:34:06 AM Hope they get that fixed...related to your previous neck problem? The fix is on the horizon. Not related to the previous stuff. Gettin' old ain't for wimps.......... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 22, 2018, 09:34:55 AM Gettin' old ain't for wimps.......... You got that right. I have either a partially torn rotator cuff, partially torn bicep tendon, or combination of the two...been rehabbing it since mid September with minimal results, MRI scheduled for the 30th... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 24, 2018, 09:45:16 PM Surgery for me this coming Friday morning. Then we see............................
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 24, 2018, 11:19:31 PM Surgery for me this coming Friday morning. Then we see............................ Hoping for a positive outcome... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 25, 2018, 12:38:59 AM Fingers crossed Rick. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 26, 2018, 05:29:53 PM Surgery went well and already showing good results but by no means out of the woods. Working on that recovery part................
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 26, 2018, 09:26:49 PM [thumbsup] Great news. Glad to hear it.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 26, 2018, 09:49:34 PM Surgery went well and already showing good results but by no means out of the woods. Working on that recovery part................ ;D [thumbsup] [popcorn] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on October 28, 2018, 03:20:44 PM Geez, I step out for one minute and this happens!?!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 31, 2018, 06:24:22 AM Geez, I step out for one minute and this happens!?! I know. A couple guys leave and it all goes to hell. I'm getting some strength back in my legs, some. Also, perhaps, some insight as to why John Wayne, The Duke, may have walked the way he did. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on October 31, 2018, 02:27:59 PM You just keep making it sound better and better, Mac. Sign me up!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 31, 2018, 10:00:23 PM You just keep making it sound better and better, Mac. Sign me up! Believe me that you don't want to be a member of this particular club. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on October 31, 2018, 10:39:17 PM Believe me that you don't want to be a member of this particular club. Yet membership comes all the same... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 03, 2018, 06:34:56 AM Yet membership comes all the same... It sure seems that way. Membership in the "old guy*" club beats membership in the "didn't make it to old guy" club, and since I've been a dues-paying member of the "rando injuries" club for years, chances are the "injured old guy" card will be in the mail sooner than I expect. Caveats: old is a relative term. guy is admittedly presumed. mac is more of a bad ass than i have ever been or will ever be, regardless of injuries/surgeries/age. a taco would be really nice right now. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 03, 2018, 11:12:32 AM You’re back in Mililani?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 03, 2018, 12:22:14 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 04, 2018, 01:23:25 AM Who, me? Nosir. Ah. I seem to remember you saying that a move back might have been in the future, and was just wondering. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 04, 2018, 07:05:39 AM 'tis true - a little over a year ago we were assuming Jen's next orders would be back to HI. Instead, she has the privilege of driving to Suitland every day. Joy of joys.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 04, 2018, 01:19:13 PM a taco would be really nice right now.
I fondly remember some very nice steak & wine dinners with you guys. Those were some great times! Of course I missed the Tequila / Tacos / Teddy thing going on up in Mililani. [roll] ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 04, 2018, 08:24:49 PM 'tis true - a little over a year ago we were assuming Jen's next orders would be back to HI. Instead, she has the privilege of driving to Suitland every day. Joy of joys. At least the two of you avoided a big move. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 07, 2018, 11:43:43 AM I fondly remember some very nice steak & wine dinners with you guys. Those were some great times! Of course I missed the Tequila / Tacos / Teddy thing going on up in Mililani. [roll] ;D Good times and fond memories indeed. If only we had thought to do steak, wine, and tacos together... At least the two of you avoided a big move. Annapolis is fine for the area, but I like moving. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 07, 2018, 01:19:12 PM Annapolis is fine for the area, but I like moving. I used to enjoy moving, but it’s gotten old now. I almost wish I hadn’t have packed up again over the summer. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 08, 2018, 02:11:36 PM I used to enjoy moving, but it’s gotten old now. I almost wish I hadn’t have packed up again over the summer. I think the almost indicates that you don't regret the move, so that's something. Any idea how long you'll be in that area? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: ducpainter on November 09, 2018, 03:47:36 PM I'll jump in.
I hate moving. I've lived in the same spot for the last 30+ years. I'll die here. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 10, 2018, 02:57:08 AM I think the almost indicates that you don't regret the move, so that's something. Don't get me wrong; I'm happy to be back in the UK. This move has caused too much upheaval in all aspects of life though, and I'm not enjoying that aspect. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 10, 2018, 04:18:00 AM ... I hate moving. I've lived in the same spot for the last 30+ years. ... Wow. I've been in this house for over 6 years, making it the longest I have ever lived in one spot. Probably be here for another 2 at least. I do see some of the benefits - getting to know the town and the people around here. We enjoy being friendly with servers and business owners. But the wanderlust, it is strong. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 11, 2018, 08:41:50 PM OK, 7 weeks ago the pain started & 5 weeks ago, on a Sunday, it got so bad that I couldn't finish a project on the supermoto. I could barely park the bike in its spot in the garage. Today I finished the project but ran out of time to go ride. Weather permitting and God willing I aim to get a ride next weekend. I could swing a leg over the seat & get on / off the thing. I'm ready no matter what the doc says. [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on November 11, 2018, 10:21:12 PM Glad you’re on the mend Rick, and feeling much better. Go easy though; make sure you don’t jump in too quickly and tweak that back again.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 12, 2018, 06:21:33 AM Glad you’re on the mend Rick, and feeling much better. Go easy though; make sure you don’t jump in too quickly and tweak that back again. Roger that! However the thing about the back is just to heal the wound from the surgery done to remove the bad boy synovial cyst that was jamming into the spinal cord at L4-L5. Apart from the standard wear & tear of disc degeneration by virtue of age there was nothing, per se, wrong with the back. That said, yes, I'll start a exercise old age management program to protect what's still there. ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 12, 2018, 10:45:47 AM Roger that! However the thing about the back is just to heal the wound from the surgery done to remove the bad boy synovial cyst that was jamming into the spinal cord at L4-L5. Apart from the standard wear & tear of disc degeneration by virtue of age there was nothing, per se, wrong with the back. That said, yes, I'll start a exercise old age management program to protect what's still there. ;D [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on November 13, 2018, 03:06:31 PM OK, 7 weeks ago the pain started & 5 weeks ago, on a Sunday, it got so bad that I couldn't finish a project on the supermoto. I could barely park the bike in its spot in the garage. Today I finished the project but ran out of time to go ride. Weather permitting and God willing I aim to get a ride next weekend. I could swing a leg over the seat & get on / off the thing. I'm ready no matter what the doc says. [Dolph] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 18, 2018, 05:57:22 PM Got my two laps over Tantalus today pn the SM. Had to get used to everything after being off for so long. The bike is the beans over that hill but had to fight the headwind going back over the Pali. KTM is no fight, just blast through. One of these days I'll do a back to back with the two. Feeling a little stiff right now.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 19, 2018, 10:56:43 AM [thumbsup] [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 22, 2018, 09:55:46 AM Happy Thanksgiving folks ! !
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on November 22, 2018, 11:47:04 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on November 22, 2018, 02:41:40 PM Got my two laps over Tantalus today pn the SM. Had to get used to everything after being off for so long. The bike is the beans over that hill but had to fight the headwind going back over the Pali. KTM is no fight, just blast through. One of these days I'll do a back to back with the two. Feeling a little stiff right now. I did my back to back this morning while dodging rain showers. Limited rides but still. The Husky isn't slow but it's not going to win any drag races. The KTM is a full on hot rod out of control beast that is just civilized enough to be on the road. It just doesn't like anything slow, in sport mode anyway. Both handle very well but just differently. Both on the borderline of being obnoxiously loud. Hmmmmm................ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on December 12, 2018, 03:33:08 PM I did my back to back this morning while dodging rain showers. Limited rides but still. The Husky isn't slow but it's not going to win any drag races. The KTM is a full on hot rod out of control beast that is just civilized enough to be on the road. It just doesn't like anything slow, in sport mode anyway. Both handle very well but just differently. Both on the borderline of being obnoxiously loud. Hmmmmm................ Is that "Hmmmmm" the thought of going over the line into obnoxious territory? ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 13, 2018, 10:58:44 PM Is that "Hmmmmm" the thought of going over the line into obnoxious territory? ;D Every now & then I forget how loud, how really crazy earsplitting loud, they are with the baffles out. Lasts only one ride and the baffles go back in. Remember that the internal packing keeps going away over time so that every time the baffle comes out it is louder than before. Take my word for it that with the open intakes and the aftermarket exhausts neither of these bikes is anything close to unobtrusive. Both are louder than the old 900 Monster or the 848. ............. OK, maybe not louder than the Monster but not any less loud either ;D Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 24, 2018, 10:51:54 PM Merry Christmas Ya'll
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on December 25, 2018, 07:27:12 AM Merry Christmas indeed [beer]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 04, 2019, 10:20:13 AM RIP Carlin Dunne...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 04, 2019, 10:29:55 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on July 13, 2019, 06:57:15 PM Dang! Got the very last issue of Motorcyclist today. :(
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on July 14, 2019, 10:21:12 AM Dang! Got the very last issue of Motorcyclist today. :( So sad...Motorcyclist, Sport Bike, Cycle, Cycle Guide they're all gone... :'( With, I predict, Cycle World soon to follow... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 11, 2019, 07:16:17 PM The new Cycle World ......... a mix of the old and Motorcyclist ...... nothing like it ever from the American press ...... awesome ! ! Count me in as a subscriber ! ! [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on August 12, 2019, 10:01:44 AM The new Cycle World ......... a mix of the old and Motorcyclist ...... nothing like it ever from the American press ...... awesome ! ! Count me in as a subscriber ! ! [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Probably the best issue since they went to the new format... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 01, 2019, 11:36:46 PM The 701 is almost ready to go again, with luck. [roll] [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 02, 2019, 09:16:33 AM The 701 is almost ready to go again, with luck. [roll] [thumbsup] What was it down for? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 02, 2019, 10:21:20 PM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 03, 2019, 10:17:13 AM Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 05, 2019, 12:29:32 AM Already? :o It's a thing. Clutch slave, chain tensioner...... I expect the countershaft sprocket seal oil leak next.................. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 05, 2019, 10:04:42 AM It's a thing. Clutch slave, chain tensioner...... I expect the countershaft sprocket seal oil leak next.................. :o Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 06, 2019, 12:30:17 PM :o It's a fun bike. No one ever said trouble free. [roll] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 06, 2019, 05:16:43 PM It's a fun bike. No one ever said trouble free. [roll] That said it is all back together & running. No more tensioner rattle! [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Now, it just needs a new safety check and all good! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 07, 2019, 10:53:58 AM That said it is all back together & running. No more tensioner rattle! [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Now, it just needs a new safety check and all good! [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on October 20, 2019, 04:08:26 PM The Superduke usually gets an oil change in June. This year a bit later as I haven't been riding as much as before & have been putting some miles on the 701. Went to do the oil & filter on the Duke today and good thing I checked the maintenance log before I did anything. Yes, the last change was June 2018 but only 1,200 miles ago. :o :o [roll]. Soooooo........ despite having everything ready to go I think I'll wait a bit. Put the lower temp coolant fan switch in the 701 instead. Both bikes totally set right now. [Dolph] [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on October 21, 2019, 10:30:07 AM [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 25, 2019, 10:24:53 AM Merry Christmas to one and all... ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 25, 2019, 01:19:33 PM Merry Christmas back to you one and all too ! !
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on January 01, 2020, 11:14:30 AM Happy New Year all...looking forward to a good 2020. ;D [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on January 01, 2020, 01:16:23 PM Happy New Year all...looking forward to a good 2020. ;D [Dolph] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 22, 2020, 04:18:29 AM Howdy Desmotropes!
The Jen and I are moving back to Hawaii - should be there in late November. Don't have a bike currently, but I'll be scouring the Craigslists once we're settled. Looking forward to some coffee and a putter about the island! Tristan Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 22, 2020, 04:48:22 AM Look at that. Congrats on heading back down there. I can't remember, did you rent out or sell your old place?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 23, 2020, 12:31:04 PM Howdy Desmotropes! The Jen and I are moving back to Hawaii - should be there in late November. Don't have a bike currently, but I'll be scouring the Craigslists once we're settled. Looking forward to some coffee and a putter about the island! Tristan Hotdamn! [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 23, 2020, 09:36:37 PM You should also know that the local craigslist is very slim pickings these days. Just sayin'...............
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 28, 2020, 09:41:36 AM Look at that. Congrats on heading back down there. I can't remember, did you rent out or sell your old place? The joint in Mililani is long gone, and I think that's ok. You should also know that the local craigslist is very slim pickings these days. Just sayin'............... Good to know. If I see something fun for a good price here I can have it shipped with household goods, but knowing our living scenario out there will certainly help with the bike argument. The Mililani joint did at least have a garage, which was nice... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 29, 2020, 10:48:48 AM Garages are good. Motorcycle theft hasn't slowed one bit here.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 30, 2020, 06:13:07 AM Ahh, right. Nor, I imagine, has bicycle theft. I still harbor some unpleasant feelings from my attempt to reclaim a stolen bike - my own custom build - from Craigslist after going to the police with my pictures of the bike, the complete build list, serial numbers, and receipts and being told there was nothing they could do.
Now I'm thinking about my biciclettes. I don't want to get rid of any of them, but if we don't end up with a garage, there's no way Jen will let them all stay in the living room! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 30, 2020, 09:28:58 AM How many pedal pushers do you have now?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 30, 2020, 09:47:13 AM I have a perfectly reasonable stable. 1 road, 1 town, 1 rigid mountain, and 1 FS mountain. Jen also has 2, but she's willing to let one go. So, probably 5?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 30, 2020, 06:34:05 PM Nice. Still have the Cielo?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 31, 2020, 03:42:44 AM Yup. It's gone though a few incarnations, but it's back to simple road cruiser form now.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 31, 2020, 06:22:40 AM Cool. I've still got the Seven myself, but would like to sell/trade it for something more comfy...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 31, 2020, 07:33:27 AM Totally understandable. The Cielo has some concessions now - wider bars with less reach, a 90 degree stem, and the fattest tires I could fit. I've thought about selling it to get a better fit frame, but the moneys are already invested in this one, and I'm not likely to find a better fit outside of unaffordable custom.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 31, 2020, 08:15:57 AM That’s exactly where I’m at. I could get the features I want, but would have to go carbon, and I’m spoiled with the longevity of the (no longer ideal) Ti frame I have.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 05, 2020, 12:49:03 PM That’s exactly where I’m at. I could get the features I want, but would have to go carbon, and I’m spoiled with the longevity of the (no longer ideal) Ti frame I have. Would / could Seven rework the frame for you? How much tweaking would it need? It may not be possible but I can't imagine you are too far away from what you would like? Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 05, 2020, 01:10:40 PM I have a fine assortment of hammers and a can-do attitude....I'm sure we can figure something out [thumbsup]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on September 05, 2020, 09:27:52 PM Would / could Seven rework the frame for you? I’m sure they could adjust a few things, but I’m also wanting the ability to run wider tires (there’s not much room around the 25s that are on it now) and disc brakes. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 06, 2020, 12:48:58 PM OK. Bigger tires & disc brakes. That changes everything!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 10, 2020, 11:47:49 AM Total topic change - Mac, can I ask what the labor rate is at BME? Curious to see how island labor compares to where I am now. IIRC, our local German independent is ~$145/hour. The average indy shop is closer to $115.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 12, 2020, 10:22:55 PM 139 low to average by island standards. Labor rates around the country are highly geo responsive.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 16, 2020, 05:27:07 AM Okeedokee, that's about where we are for a similar shop. One thing won't get dramatically more expensive when we move!
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on September 16, 2020, 10:14:15 PM Did Jen have a choice in the PCS? I think things have gotten worse over here since you left. Don't get me wrong now, it would be nice to see your smiling faces again but the island has been going downhill, like most places I suppose though.........
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on September 21, 2020, 04:22:02 AM Not really a choice, no. I was hopeful for Monterey, but it wasn't on the table. She applied for two places - Hawaii and Whidbey Island, WA - and obviously got Hawaii.
What's been getting worse (or is it everything [cheeky]?) I certainly had some reservations about going back. It's a big move. We don't know exactly where she'll be working, so we can't begin to estimate where to try to live. Cost of living is, obviously, atrocious, and salaries aren't really commensurate. Jen is cushioned somewhat by her military-ness, but only relative to her current pay. I'm a bit up in the air for work still. Other than that, it all sounds perfect! Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 20, 2020, 01:52:16 PM So sad...Motorcyclist, Sport Bike, Cycle, Cycle Guide they're all gone... :'( With, I predict, Cycle World soon to follow... Uh oh................ Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 20, 2020, 01:59:17 PM The new Cycle World ......... a mix of the old and Motorcyclist ...... nothing like it ever from the American press ...... awesome ! ! Count me in as a subscriber ! ! [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Got the December issue of Cycle World recently and sat down last night to read it. You know, the Sat. eve, beer, smoke, blues-rock & motorcycle race / movie night in the garage. Have been meaning to send my check and the business reply mail subscription renewal thing into Cycle World. DAMN ! ! ! >:( :( >:( :( Wouldn't you know it ? ? Now they are gone from print too. Read that mag from cover to cover like the precious thing that it is. Such an old time luddite I am. I think it is a seminal moment in motorcycle publishing. Digital will never be the same. :'( :'( Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on December 21, 2020, 10:23:15 AM Got the December issue of Cycle World recently and sat down last night to read it. You know, the Sat. eve, beer, smoke, blues-rock & motorcycle race / movie night in the garage. Have been meaning to send my check and the business reply mail subscription renewal thing into Cycle World. DAMN ! ! ! >:( :( >:( :( Wouldn't you know it ? ? Now they are gone from print too. Read that mag from cover to cover like the precious thing that it is. Such an old time luddite I am. I think it is a seminal moment in motorcycle publishing. Digital will never be the same. :'( :'( Mutual feelings here...at one time I was subscribing to CW, Motorcyclist, Cycle, Cycle Guide and Dirt Bike... Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on December 21, 2020, 10:06:30 PM Mutual feelings here...at one time I was subscribing to CW, Motorcyclist, Cycle, Cycle Guide and Dirt Bike... [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 20, 2021, 10:27:04 AM Anyone know if WSBK is going to be broadcast on TV this season? I see that MotoGP will be on NBCSN...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on March 27, 2021, 10:38:18 AM Google it, I guess. Other than subscription I have no idea. Never occurred to me to search.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: Speed 3 Pilot on March 28, 2021, 04:40:24 PM I've searched and all indicators pointed towards NBCSN but I can't find any listings on that channel for WSBK, MotoGP yes, but not WSBK...
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: ducpainter on April 12, 2021, 04:31:18 AM http://www.ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=78626.msg1448621#msg1448621
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 12, 2021, 10:13:04 PM YouTube is good and all that but I think Gene is missing being able to watch/record the whole race like we used to do when it was on BeIN. I subscribe but the features aren't nearly as good as the MotoGP subscription.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: ducpainter on April 13, 2021, 05:53:43 AM The motogp subscription is worth every penny.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on April 18, 2021, 12:14:15 PM The motogp subscription is worth every penny. [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] [thumbsup] Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 10, 2021, 07:21:09 PM You getting any riding in these days MD? Oh, and how's the new place treating you?
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 15, 2021, 11:44:38 AM The new place is just fine. I get my rides in but not like before. The 701SM has been with me almost exactly 3 years, 3 years next week I believe and somewhere around 2500 / 2600 miles on it. Those have been good miles though. [thumbsup] [Dolph]
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 15, 2021, 12:17:11 PM New place? Looks like I missed the word on that.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 15, 2021, 07:16:47 PM New place? Looks like I missed the word on that. I think Tristan is referring to Bavarian Motor Experts but I can't say for sure. Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 20, 2021, 01:31:43 PM Oh, I thought you (personally) moved down the street, but I guess I misunderstood.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: MadDuck on August 22, 2021, 03:47:35 PM Oh, just one side of the property to the other. Maybe 40 yards but it was a long 40. Took days as the property owner was doing various home improvement projects. ;D
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: eltristo on August 23, 2021, 10:28:18 AM Yeah, when it comes down to it, moving is moving. Still gotta pick shit up and put it down somewhere else.
Title: Re: DT "say anything" thread Post by: DRKWNG on August 26, 2021, 01:19:23 PM Yeah, when it comes down to it, moving is moving. Still gotta pick shit up and put it down somewhere else. True story |